Example #1
class AiPlayer(Player):
  def __init__(self, position, team, number):
    super(AiPlayer, self).__init__(position, team, number)
    del self.keys # part of Player, but AiPlayer doesn't need this
    self.statemachine = Statemachine(self, {'move': MoveState(),
     'jump': JumpState(), 'prone': ProneState()})
  def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifier):
    pass # don't respond to key presses
  def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifier):
    pass # don't respond to key presses
  def tick(self):
    super(AiPlayer, self).tick()
  def collided_with(self, other, description=None, details=None):
    super(AiPlayer, self).collided_with(other, description, details)
    self.statemachine.state.on_collided_with(other, description, details)
  def is_enemy_bullet_approaching(self):
    """still a rather simplistic approach ...
    if not hasattr(self, 'gamestate'): # can't take existence of gamestate for granted!
      return False
    bullets = self.gamestate.get_all(Bullet)
    x_pos = self.boundingbox.center_x
    for b in bullets:
      if b.owner.team == self.team:
        continue # not an enemy bullet
      distance = abs(x_pos - b.boundingbox.center_x)
      if distance > 24:
        continue # not dangerous yet
      fly_left = b.velocity < 0
      to_right = b.boundingbox.center_x > x_pos
      if (fly_left and to_right) or ((not fly_left) and (not to_right)):
        return b # OMG a bullet is closing in!
    return False # when we end up here, no dangerous bullets were found
  def is_goodie_present(self):
    if not hasattr(self, 'gamestate'):
      return False
    goodies = self.gamestate.get_all(Itemcrate)
    return len(goodies) > 0
  def is_nearest_goodie_to_the_left(self):
    if not hasattr(self, 'gamestate'):
      return None
    goodies = self.gamestate.get_all(Itemcrate)
    min_distance = -1
    ret_val = None
    x_pos = self.boundingbox.center_x
    for g in goodies:
      distance = abs(x_pos - g.boundingbox.center_x)
      if (min_distance < 0) or (distance < min_distance):
        min_distance = distance
        ret_val = g.boundingbox.center_x < x_pos
    return ret_val
Example #2
 def __init__(self, position, team, number):
   super(AiPlayer, self).__init__(position, team, number)
   del self.keys # part of Player, but AiPlayer doesn't need this
   self.statemachine = Statemachine(self, {'move': MoveState(),
    'jump': JumpState(), 'prone': ProneState()})