Example #1
    def to_transfer_repo(self):
        Converts the given database representation of a repository into a plugin repository transfer
        object, including any other fields that need to be included.

        Note: In the transfer unit, the repo_id is accessed with obj.id for backwards compatability.

        :return: transfer object used in many plugin API calls
        :rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.Repository}
        r = plugin_repo(self.repo_id, self.display_name, self.description, self.notes,
                        last_unit_removed=self.last_unit_removed, repo_obj=self)
        return r
Example #2
    def to_transfer_repo(self):
        Converts the given database representation of a repository into a plugin repository transfer
        object, including any other fields that need to be included.

        Note: In the transfer unit, the repo_id is accessed with obj.id for backwards compatability.

        :return: transfer object used in many plugin API calls
        :rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.Repository}
        r = plugin_repo(self.repo_id, self.display_name, self.description, self.notes,
                        last_unit_removed=self.last_unit_removed, repo_obj=self)
        return r