Example #1
    def test_last_scheduled_run_no_first_run(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        last_scheduled_run_s = call._calculate_times()[4]
        first_run_s = call._calculate_times()[1]

        self.assertEqual(last_scheduled_run_s, first_run_s)
Example #2
    def test_run_every(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-03T10:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        run_every_s = call._calculate_times()[3]

        # 1 hour, as specified in the ISO8601 string above
        self.assertEqual(run_every_s, 3600)
Example #3
    def test_since_first(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-03T10:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        since_first = call._calculate_times()[2]
        now = time.time()

        self.assertTrue(since_first + 1388744100 - now < 1)
Example #4
    def test_first_run_now(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1M', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        first_run_s = call._calculate_times()[1]

        # make sure this gives us a timestamp that reasonably represents "now"
        self.assertTrue(time.time() - first_run_s < 1)
Example #5
    def test_last_scheduled_run_with_first_run(self, mock_time):
        # specify a start time and current time such that we know the difference
        mock_time.return_value = 1389307330.966561
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-09T17:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        last_scheduled_run_s = call._calculate_times()[4]

        self.assertEqual(last_scheduled_run_s, 1389305700)
Example #6
    def test_first_run_scheduled(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-03T10:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        first_run_s = call._calculate_times()[1]

        # make sure this gives us a timestamp for the date and time
        # specified above
        self.assertEqual(first_run_s, 1388744100)
Example #7
    def test_expected_runs_positive(self, mock_time):
        # specify a start time and current time such that we know the difference
        mock_time.return_value = 1389307330.966561
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-09T17:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        expected_runs = call._calculate_times()[5]

        # we know that it's been more than 5 hours since the first scheduled run
        self.assertEqual(expected_runs, 5)
Example #8
    def test_expected_runs_future(self, mock_time):
        # specify a start time and current time such that the start appears to
        # be in the future
        mock_time.return_value = 1389307330.966561
        call = ScheduledCall('2014-01-19T17:15Z/PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        expected_runs = call._calculate_times()[5]

        # the first run is scheduled in the future (relative to the mock time),
        # so there should not be any runs.
        self.assertEqual(expected_runs, 0)
Example #9
    def test_first_run_saved(self):
        Test that when the first run is passed in from historical data.
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething', first_run='2014-01-03T10:15Z')

        first_run_s = call._calculate_times()[1]

        # make sure this gives us a timestamp for the date and time
        # specified above
        self.assertEqual(first_run_s, 1388744100)
Example #10
    def test_expected_runs_zero(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1H', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        expected_runs = call._calculate_times()[5]

        self.assertEqual(expected_runs, 0)