Example #1
    def update_distributor_config(self, repo_group_id, distributor_id,
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given distributor.
        The distributor will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If
        not, this method will raise an error and the existing configuration
        will remain unchanged.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor on the group
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @param distributor_config: new configuration values to use
        @type  distributor_config: dict

        @return: the updated distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given group or distributor do not exist
        @raise PulpDataException: if the plugin indicates the new configuration
               is invalid

        # Validation - calls will raise MissingResource
        group_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()
        group = group_manager.get_group(repo_group_id)
        distributor = self.get_distributor(repo_group_id, distributor_id)

        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        # Resolve the requested changes into the existing config
        merged_config = process_update_config(distributor['config'],

        # Request the distributor validate the new configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)
        transfer_group.working_dir = common_utils.group_distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_group_id)
        transfer_related_groups = related_groups(distributor_type_id,

        # Request the plugin validate the configuration
            is_valid, message = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_group, call_config, transfer_related_groups)

            if not is_valid:
                raise PulpDataException(message)
        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from distributor [%s] while validating config'
                % distributor_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #2
    def update_distributor_config(repo_group_id, distributor_id,
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given distributor.
        The distributor will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If
        not, this method will raise an error and the existing configuration
        will remain unchanged.

        :param repo_group_id:      identifies the group
        :type  repo_group_id:      str
        :param distributor_id:     identifies the distributor on the group
        :type  distributor_id:     str
        :param distributor_config: new configuration values to use
        :type  distributor_config: dict
        :return:                   the updated distributor
        :rtype:                    dict
        :raise MissingResource:    if the given group or distributor do not exist
        :raise PulpDataException:  if the plugin indicates the new configuration is invalid

        # Validation - calls will raise MissingResource
        group_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()
        group = group_manager.get_group(repo_group_id)
        distributor = RepoGroupDistributorManager.get_distributor(
            repo_group_id, distributor_id)

        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        # Resolve the requested changes into the existing config
        merged_config = process_update_config(distributor['config'],

        # Request the distributor validate the new configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        # Request the plugin validate the configuration
            is_valid, message = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_group, call_config, config_conduit)

            if not is_valid:
                raise PulpDataException(message)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception received from distributor [%(d)s] while validating config'
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #3
    def is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id):
        Checks that the repository is configured to handle an upload request
        for the given unit type ID. This should be called prior to beginning
        the upload to prevent a wasted effort in the bits uploading.

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repo into which the unit is being uploaded
        :param unit_type_id:    type of unit being uploaded
        :return:                true if the repository can attempt to handle the unit
        :rtype:                 bool
        :raise MissingResource: if the repository or its importer do not exist

        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        # Will raise an appropriate exception if it cannot be found
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

        # Make sure the importer on the repo can support the indicated type
        importer_types = plugin_api.list_importer_types(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])['types']

        if unit_type_id not in importer_types:
            raise PulpDataException('Invalid unit type for repository')

        return True
Example #4
    def is_last_super_user(self, login):
        Check to see if a user is the last super user

        @type user: str
        @param user: login of user to check

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the user is the last super user, False otherwise

        @raise PulpDataException: if no super users are found
        user = User.get_collection().find_one({'login': login})
        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        if SUPER_USER_ROLE not in user['roles']:
            return False

        users = self.find_users_belonging_to_role(SUPER_USER_ROLE)
        if not users:
            raise PulpDataException(_('no super users defined'))

        if len(users) >= 2:
            return False

        return users[0]['_id'] == user['_id']  # this should be True
Example #5
    def update_permission(resource_uri, delta):
        Updates a permission object.

        :param resource_uri: identifies the resource URI of the permission being deleted
        :type resource_uri: str
        :param delta: A dict containing update keywords.
        :type delta: dict

        :raises MissingResource: if the permission does not exist
        :raises PulpDataException: if some usupported keys were specified

        # Check whether the permission exists
        found = Permission.get_collection().find_one({'resource': resource_uri})
        if found is None:
            raise MissingResource(resource_uri)

        for key, value in delta.items():
            # simple changes
            if key in ('users',):
                found[key] = value

            # unsupported
            raise PulpDataException(_("Update Keyword [%s] is not supported" % key))

        Permission.get_collection().save(found, safe=True)
Example #6
    def add_permissions_to_role(self, role_id, resource, operations):
        Add permissions to a role. 

        @type role_id: str
        @param role_id: role identifier
        @type resource: str
        @param resource: resource path to grant permissions to
        @type operations: list of allowed operations being granted
        @param operations: list or tuple

        @raise MissingResource: if the given role does not exist
        if role_id == self.super_user_role:
            raise PulpDataException(_('super-users role cannot be changed'))

        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        current_ops = role['permissions'].setdefault(resource, [])
        for o in operations:
            if o in current_ops:

        users = factory.user_query_manager().find_users_belonging_to_role(
        for user in users:
            factory.permission_manager().grant(resource, user['login'],

        Role.get_collection().save(role, safe=True)
Example #7
    def delete_user(login):
        Deletes the given user. Deletion of last superuser is not permitted.

        @param login: identifies the user being deleted
        @type  login: str

        @raise MissingResource: if the given user does not exist
        @raise InvalidValue: if login value is invalid

        # Raise exception if login is invalid
        if login is None or invalid_type(login, basestring):
            raise InvalidValue(['login'])

        # Check whether user exists
        found = User.get_collection().find_one({'login': login})
        if found is None:
            raise MissingResource(login)

        # Make sure user is not the last super user
        if factory.user_query_manager().is_last_super_user(login):
            raise PulpDataException(_("The last superuser [%s] cannot be deleted" % login))

        # Revoke all permissions from the user
        permission_manager = factory.permission_manager()

        User.get_collection().remove({'login': login})
Example #8
    def update_permission(self, resource_uri, delta):
        Updates a permission object.

        @param resource_uri: identifies the resource URI of the permission being deleted
        @type resource_uri: str

        @param delta: A dict containing update keywords.
        @type delta: dict

        @return: The updated object
        @rtype: dict

        # Check whether the permission exists
        found = Permission.get_collection().find_one(
            {'resource': resource_uri})
        if found is None:
            raise MissingResource(resource_uri)

        for key, value in delta.items():
            # simple changes
            if key in ('users', ):
                found[key] = value

            # unsupported
            raise PulpDataException(
                _("Update Keyword [%s] is not supported" % key))

        Permission.get_collection().save(found, safe=True)
Example #9
    def publish_repo(self, transfer_repo, publish_conduit, config):
        Export a yum repository to a given directory, or to ISO

        :param transfer_repo: metadata describing the repository
        :type  transfer_repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param publish_conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type  publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoPublishConduit
        :param config:          plugin configuration
        :type  config:          pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration

        :return: report describing the publish run
        :rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport
        # First, validate the configuration because there may be override config options, and
        # currently, validate_config is not called prior to publishing by the manager.
        valid_config, msg = export_utils.validate_export_config(config)
        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(msg)

        _logger.info('Starting export of [%s]' % transfer_repo.id)
        self._publisher = ExportRepoPublisher(transfer_repo, publish_conduit,
        return self._publisher.process_lifecycle()
Example #10
    def publish_group(self, repo_group, publish_conduit, config):
        Publishes the given repository group.

        :param repo_group:      metadata describing the repository group
        :type  repo_group:      pulp.plugins.model.RepositoryGroup
        :param publish_conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type  publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoGroupPublishConduit
        :param config:          plugin configuration
        :type  config:          pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration
        :return:                report describing the publish run
        :rtype:                 pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport
        # First, validate the configuration because there may be override config options,
        # and currently,
        # validate_config is not called prior to publishing by the manager.
        valid_config, msg = export_utils.validate_export_config(config)
        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(msg)

        # raises a PulpCodedException if all units are not downloaded

            'Beginning export of the following repository group: [%s]' %
        self._publisher = ExportRepoGroupPublisher(
            repo_group, publish_conduit, config,
        return self._publisher.process_lifecycle()
Example #11
    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id' : repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['importer_type_id'])

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result

        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config' % importer_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #12
File: cud.py Project: zjhuntin/pulp
    def remove_permissions_from_role(role_id, resource, operations):
        Remove permissions from a role.

        :param role_id:         role identifier
        :type  role_id:         str
        :param resource:        resource path to revoke permissions from
        :type  resource:        str
        :param operations:      list or tuple
        :type  operations:      list of allowed operations being revoked
        :raise InvalidValue: if some params are invalid
        :raise PulpDataException: if role is a superuser role
        if role_id == SUPER_USER_ROLE:
            raise PulpDataException(_('super-users role cannot be changed'))

        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise InvalidValue(['role_id'])

        resource_permission = {}
        current_ops = []
        for item in role['permissions']:
            if item['resource'] == resource:
                resource_permission = item
                current_ops = resource_permission['permission']

        if not current_ops:
        for o in operations:
            if o not in current_ops:

        users = factory.user_query_manager().find_users_belonging_to_role(
        for user in users:
            other_roles = factory.role_query_manager().get_other_roles(
                role, user['roles'])
            user_ops = _operations_not_granted_by_roles(
                resource, operations, other_roles)
            factory.permission_manager().revoke(resource, user['login'],

        # in no more allowed operations, remove the resource
        if not current_ops:

        Role.get_collection().save(role, safe=True)
Example #13
File: cud.py Project: zjhuntin/pulp
    def add_permissions_to_role(role_id, resource, operations):
        Add permissions to a role.

        :param role_id:         role identifier
        :type  role_id:         str
        :param resource:        resource path to grant permissions to
        :type  resource:        str
        :param operations:      list or tuple
        :type  operations:      list of allowed operations being granted
        :raise InvalidValue: if some params are invalid
        :raise PulpDataException: if role is a superuser role
        if role_id == SUPER_USER_ROLE:
            raise PulpDataException(_('super-users role cannot be changed'))

        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise InvalidValue(['role_id'])
        if not role['permissions']:
            role['permissions'] = []

        resource_permission = {}
        current_ops = []
        for item in role['permissions']:
            if item['resource'] == resource:
                resource_permission = item
                current_ops = resource_permission['permission']

        if not resource_permission:
            resource_permission = dict(resource=resource,

        for o in operations:
            if o in current_ops:

        users = factory.user_query_manager().find_users_belonging_to_role(
        for user in users:
            factory.permission_manager().grant(resource, user['login'],

        Role.get_collection().save(role, safe=True)
Example #14
    def remove_permissions_from_role(self, role_id, resource, operations):
        Remove permissions from a role. 
        @type role_id: str
        @param role_id: role identifier
        @type resource: str
        @param resource: resource path to revoke permissions from
        @type operations: list of allowed operations being revoked
        @param operations: list or tuple
        @raise MissingResource: if the given role does not exist
        if role_id == self.super_user_role:
            raise PulpDataException(_('super-users role cannot be changed'))

        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        current_ops = role['permissions'].get(resource, [])
        if not current_ops:
        for o in operations:
            if o not in current_ops:

        users = factory.user_query_manager().find_users_belonging_to_role(
        for user in users:
            other_roles = factory.role_query_manager().get_other_roles(
                role, user['roles'])
            user_ops = _operations_not_granted_by_roles(
                resource, operations, other_roles)
            factory.permission_manager().revoke(resource, user['login'],

        # in no more allowed operations, remove the resource
        if not current_ops:
            del role['permissions'][resource]

        Role.get_collection().save(role, safe=True)
Example #15
File: cud.py Project: zjhuntin/pulp
    def delete_role(role_id):
        Deletes the given role. This has the side-effect of revoking any permissions granted
        to the role from the users in the role, unless those permissions are also granted
        through another role the user is a memeber of.

        :param role_id:         identifies the role being deleted
        :type  role_id:         str
        :raise InvalidValue:    if any of the fields are unacceptable
        :raise MissingResource: if the given role does not exist
        :raise PulpDataException: if role is a superuser role
        # Raise exception if role id is invalid
        if role_id is None or not isinstance(role_id, basestring):
            raise InvalidValue(['role_id'])

        # Check whether role exists
        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        # Make sure role is not a superuser role
        if role_id == SUPER_USER_ROLE:
            raise PulpDataException(_('Role %s cannot be changed') % role_id)

        # Remove respective roles from users
        users = factory.user_query_manager().find_users_belonging_to_role(

        for item in role['permissions']:
            for user in users:
                other_roles = factory.role_query_manager().get_other_roles(
                    role, user['roles'])
                user_ops = _operations_not_granted_by_roles(
                    item['resource'], item['permission'], other_roles)
                                                    user['login'], user_ops)

        for user in users:
                                               Delta(user, 'roles'))

        Role.get_collection().remove({'id': role_id}, safe=True)
Example #16
    def remove_user_from_role(self, role_id, login):
        Remove a user from a role. This has the side-effect of revoking all the
        permissions granted to the role from the user, unless the permissions are
        also granted by another role.
        @type role_id: str
        @param role_id: role identifier
        @type login: str
        @param login: name of user
        @rtype: bool
        @return: True on success
        @raise MissingResource: if the given role or user does not exist
        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        user = User.get_collection().find_one({'login': login})
        if user is None:
            raise MissingResource(login)

        if role_id == self.super_user_role and factory.user_query_manager(
            raise PulpDataException(
                _('%s cannot be empty, and %s is the last member') %
                (self.super_user_role, login))

        if role_id not in user['roles']:

        User.get_collection().save(user, safe=True)

        for resource, operations in role['permissions'].items():
            other_roles = factory.role_query_manager().get_other_roles(
                role, user['roles'])
            user_ops = _operations_not_granted_by_roles(
                resource, operations, other_roles)
            factory.permission_manager().revoke(resource, login, user_ops)
Example #17
File: cud.py Project: zjhuntin/pulp
    def remove_user_from_role(role_id, login):
        Remove a user from a role. This has the side-effect of revoking all the
        permissions granted to the role from the user, unless the permissions are
        also granted by another role.

        :param role_id:         role identifier
        :type  role_id:         str
        :param login:           name of user
        :type  login:           str
        :raise MissingResource: if the given role or user does not exist
        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        user = User.get_collection().find_one({'login': login})
        if user is None:
            raise MissingResource(login)

        if role_id == SUPER_USER_ROLE and factory.user_query_manager(
            raise PulpDataException(
                _('%(role)s cannot be empty, and %(login)s is the last member')
                % {
                    'role': SUPER_USER_ROLE,
                    'login': login

        if role_id not in user['roles']:

        User.get_collection().save(user, safe=True)

        for item in role['permissions']:
            other_roles = factory.role_query_manager().get_other_roles(
                role, user['roles'])
            user_ops = _operations_not_granted_by_roles(
                item['resource'], item['permission'], other_roles)
            factory.permission_manager().revoke(item['resource'], login,
Example #18
    def update_role(self, role_id, delta):
        Updates a role object.

        @param role_id: The role identifier.
        @type role_id: str

        @param delta: A dict containing update keywords.
        @type delta: dict

        @return: The updated object
        @rtype: dict
        @raise MissingResource: if the given role does not exist
        @raise PulpDataException: if update keyword  is not supported

        delta.pop('id', None)

        role = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        if role is None:
            raise MissingResource(role_id)

        for key, value in delta.items():
            # simple changes
            if key in (
                role[key] = value

            # unsupported
            raise PulpDataException(
                _("Update Keyword [%s] is not supported" % key))

        Role.get_collection().save(role, safe=True)

        # Retrieve the user to return the SON object
        updated = Role.get_collection().find_one({'id': role_id})
        return updated
Example #19
    def add_distributor(repo_group_id,
        Adds an association from the given repository group to a distributor.
        The assocation will be tracked through the distributor_id; each
        distributor on a given group must have a unique ID. If this is not
        specified, one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the
        group with a given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced
        with the newly configured one.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the repo group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @param distributor_type_id: type of distributor being added; must reference
               one of the installed group distributors
        @type  distributor_type_id: str

        @param group_plugin_config: config to use for the distributor for this group alone
        @type  group_plugin_config: dict

        @param distributor_id: if specified, the newly added distributor will be
               referenced by this value and the group id; if omitted one will
               be generated
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @return: database representation of the added distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the group doesn't exist
        @raise InvalidValue: if a distributor ID is provided and is not valid
        @raise PulpDataException: if the plugin indicates the config is invalid
        @raise PulpExecutionException: if the plugin raises an exception while
               initializing the newly added distributor
        distributor_coll = RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection()

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()

        # Validation
        group = query_manager.get_group(
            repo_group_id)  # will raise MissingResource

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_group_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for the distributor on this repo
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        clean_config = None
        if group_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v)
                                 for k, v in group_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])

        # Let the plugin validate the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)

        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        # Request the plugin validate the configuration
            is_valid, message = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_group, call_config, config_conduit)

            if not is_valid:
                raise PulpDataException(message)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception received from distributor [%(d)s] while validating config'
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #20
    def update_distributor_config(repo_id,
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given distributor.
        The distributor will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str

        :param distributor_id: identifies the distributor on the repo
        :type  distributor_id: str

        :param distributor_config: new configuration values to use
        :type  distributor_config: dict

        :param auto_publish: If true, this distributor is used automatically during a sync operation
        :type auto_publish: bool

        :return: the updated distributor
        :rtype:  dict

        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo or distributor doesn't exist
        :raise PulpDataException: if the plugin rejects the given changes

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({
            'repo_id': repo_id,
            'id': distributor_id
        if repo_distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(distributor=distributor_id)

        distributor_type_id = repo_distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_distributor['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [
            k for k in distributor_config if distributor_config[k] is None
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            distributor_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_id)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

            result = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_repo, call_config, config_conduit)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception raised from distributor [%(d)s] while validating config for repo '
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #21
 def _invoke_plugin(call, *args, **kwargs):
         return call(*args, **kwargs)
     except InvalidUnitsRequested, e:
         trace = sys.exc_info()[2]
         raise PulpDataException(e.message), None, trace
Example #22
    def update_importer_config(repo_id, importer_config):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer.
        The importer will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        :param repo_id:              identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:              str
        :param importer_config:      new configuration values to use for this repo
        :type  importer_config:      dict
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not have an importer
        :raise InvalidConfiguration: if the plugin indicates the given configuration is invalid

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_importer['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [
            k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            importer_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo,

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception received from importer [%(i)s] while validating config for repo '
            msg = msg % {'i': importer_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #23
class RepoImporterManager(object):
    def get_importer(self, repo_id):
        Returns metadata about an importer associated with the given repo.

        @return: key-value pairs describing the importer in use
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or has no importer associated

        importer = RepoImporter.get_collection().find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        return importer

    def get_importers(self, repo_id):
        Returns a list of all importers associated with the given repo.

        @return: list of key-value pairs describing the importers in use; empty
                 list if the repo has no importers
        @rtype:  list of dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo doesn't exist

        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importers = RepoImporter.get_collection().find({'repo_id': repo_id})
        return list(importers)

    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all importers for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of importer IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized importers
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        importers = RepoImporter.get_collection().find(spec, projection)
        return list(importers)

    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given
        RepoImporterManager.validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id,
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' %
                (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id,
        importer_coll.save(importer, safe=True)

        return importer

    def validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, importer_config):
        Validate an importer configuration. This validates that the repository and importer type
        exist as these are both required to validate the configuration.

        :param repo_id:             identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:             str
        :param importer_type_id:    identifies the type of importer being added;
                                    must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:    str
        :param importer_config:     configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  importer_config:     dict
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise PulpCodedValidationException(

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if importer_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in importer_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
        if isinstance(result, bool):
            valid_config = result
            message = None
            valid_config, message = result

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpCodedValidationException(validation_errors=message)

    def remove_importer(repo_id):
        Removes an importer from a repository.

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})

        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        # remove schedules
            repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Call the importer's cleanup method
        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,

        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # Update the database to reflect the removal
        importer_coll.remove({'repo_id': repo_id}, safe=True)

    def update_importer_config(repo_id, importer_config):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer.
        The importer will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        :param repo_id:              identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:              str
        :param importer_config:      new configuration values to use for this repo
        :type  importer_config:      dict
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not have an importer
        :raise InvalidConfiguration: if the plugin indicates the given configuration is invalid

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_importer['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [
            k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            importer_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo,

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception received from importer [%(i)s] while validating config for repo '
            msg = msg % {'i': importer_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # If we got this far, the new config is valid, so update the database
        repo_importer['config'] = merged_config
        importer_coll.save(repo_importer, safe=True)

        serializer = serializers.ImporterSerializer(repo_importer)
        return serializer.data
Example #24
class RepoDistributorManager(object):
    def get_distributor(self, repo_id, distributor_id):
        Returns an individual distributor on the given repo.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @return: key-value pairs describing the distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if either the repo doesn't exist or there is no
               distributor with the given ID

        distributor = RepoDistributor.get_collection().find_one({

        if distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(distributor=distributor_id)

        return distributor

    def get_distributors(self, repo_id):
        Returns all distributors on the given repo.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @return: list of key-value pairs describing the distributors; empty list
                 if there are none for the given repo
        @rtype:  list, None

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo doesn't exist

        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        distributors = list(RepoDistributor.get_collection().find(
            {'repo_id': repo_id}))
        return distributors

    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all distributors for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of distributor IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized distributors
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        return list(RepoDistributor.get_collection().find(spec, projection))

    def add_distributor(repo_id,
        Adds an association from the given repository to a distributor. The
        association will be tracked through the distributor_id; each distributor
        on a given repository must have a unique ID. If this is not specified,
        one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the repo for
        the given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced with the
        newly configured one.

        :param repo_id:                         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                         str
        :param distributor_type_id:             identifies the distributor; must correspond to a
                                                distributor loaded at server startup
        :type  distributor_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:              configuration the repo will use with this
                                                distributor; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:              dict
        :param auto_publish:                    if true, this distributor will be invoked at the end
                                                of every sync
        :type  auto_publish:                    bool
        :param distributor_id:                  unique ID to refer to this distributor for this repo
        :type  distributor_id:                  str
        :return:                                ID assigned to the distributor (only valid in
                                                conjunction with the repo)
        :raise MissingResource:                 if the given repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        :raise InvalidValue:                    if the distributor ID is provided and unacceptable
        :raise InvalidDistributorConfiguration: if the distributor plugin does not accept the given

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for this distributor on this repo; will be
        # unique for all distributors on this repository but not globally
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_id)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

            result = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_repo, call_config, config_conduit)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from distributor [%s] while validating config'
                % distributor_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove the old distributor if it exists
            RepoDistributorManager.remove_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # if it didn't exist, no problem

        # Let the distributor plugin initialize the repository
            distributor_instance.distributor_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing distributor [%s] for repo [%s]' %
                (distributor_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        distributor = RepoDistributor(repo_id, distributor_id,
                                      distributor_type_id, clean_config,
        distributor_coll.save(distributor, safe=True)

        return distributor
Example #25
    def update_distributor_config(repo_id, distributor_id, distributor_config, auto_publish=None):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given distributor.
        The distributor will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str

        :param distributor_id: identifies the distributor on the repo
        :type  distributor_id: str

        :param distributor_config: new configuration values to use
        :type  distributor_config: dict

        :param auto_publish: If true, this distributor is used automatically during a sync operation
        :type auto_publish: bool

        :return: the updated distributor
        :rtype:  dict

        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo or distributor doesn't exist
        :raise PulpDataException: if the plugin rejects the given changes

        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
        repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id, 'id': distributor_id})
        if repo_distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(distributor=distributor_id)

        distributor_type_id = repo_distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(distributor_type_id)

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_distributor['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [k for k in distributor_config if distributor_config[k] is None]
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            distributor_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        result = distributor_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config,

        # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
        if isinstance(result, bool):
            valid_config = result
            message = None
            valid_config, message = result

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Confirm that the auto_publish value is sane before updating the value, if it exists
        if auto_publish is not None:
            if isinstance(auto_publish, bool):
                repo_distributor['auto_publish'] = auto_publish
                raise InvalidValue(['auto_publish'])

        # If we got this far, the new config is valid, so update the database
        repo_distributor['config'] = merged_config
        distributor_coll.save(repo_distributor, safe=True)

        return repo_distributor
Example #26
    def add_distributor(repo_id, distributor_type_id, repo_plugin_config,
                        auto_publish, distributor_id=None):
        Adds an association from the given repository to a distributor. The
        association will be tracked through the distributor_id; each distributor
        on a given repository must have a unique ID. If this is not specified,
        one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the repo for
        the given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced with the
        newly configured one.

        :param repo_id:                         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                         str
        :param distributor_type_id:             identifies the distributor; must correspond to a
                                                distributor loaded at server startup
        :type  distributor_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:              configuration the repo will use with this
                                                distributor; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:              dict
        :param auto_publish:                    if true, this distributor will be invoked at the end
                                                of every sync
        :type  auto_publish:                    bool
        :param distributor_id:                  unique ID to refer to this distributor for this repo
        :type  distributor_id:                  str
        :return:                                ID assigned to the distributor (only valid in
                                                conjunction with the repo)
        :raise MissingResource:                 if the given repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        :raise InvalidValue:                    if the distributor ID is provided and unacceptable
        :raise InvalidDistributorConfiguration: if the distributor plugin does not accept the given

        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for this distributor on this repo; will be
        # unique for all distributors on this repository but not globally
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(distributor_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
        result = distributor_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config, config_conduit)

        # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
        if isinstance(result, bool):
            valid_config = result
            message = None
            valid_config, message = result

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove the old distributor if it exists
            RepoDistributorManager.remove_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # if it didn't exist, no problem

        # Let the distributor plugin initialize the repository
            distributor_instance.distributor_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
            msg = _('Error initializing distributor [%(d)s] for repo [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        distributor = RepoDistributor(repo_id, distributor_id, distributor_type_id, clean_config,
        distributor_coll.save(distributor, safe=True)

        return distributor
Example #27
 def __invoke_plugin(self, call, *args, **kwargs):
         return call(*args, **kwargs)
     except InvalidUnitsRequested, e:
         raise PulpDataException(e.units, e.message)
Example #28
class RepoImporterManager(object):
    def get_importer(self, repo_id):
        Returns metadata about an importer associated with the given repo.

        @return: key-value pairs describing the importer in use
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or has no importer associated

        importer = RepoImporter.get_collection().find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        return importer

    def get_importers(self, repo_id):
        Returns a list of all importers associated with the given repo.

        @return: list of key-value pairs describing the importers in use; empty
                 list if the repo has no importers
        @rtype:  list of dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo doesn't exist

        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importers = list(RepoImporter.get_collection().find(
            {'repo_id': repo_id}))
        return importers

    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all importers for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of importer IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized importers
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        importers = list(RepoImporter.get_collection().find(spec, projection))

        # Process any scheduled syncs and get schedule details using schedule id
        for importer in importers:
            scheduled_sync_ids = importer.get('scheduled_syncs', None)
            if scheduled_sync_ids is not None:
                scheduled_sync_details = list(
                        {"id": {
                            "$in": scheduled_sync_ids
                importer['scheduled_syncs'] = [
                    s["schedule"] for s in scheduled_sync_details

        return importers

    def set_importer(self, repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id; str

        @param importer_type_id: identifies the type of importer being added;
                                 must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        @type  importer_type_id: str

        @param repo_plugin_config: configuration values for the importer; may be None
        @type  repo_plugin_config: dict

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        @raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be
               initialized for the given repo

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['importer_type_id'])

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            importer_type_id, repo_id)

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        related_repos = query_manager.find_with_importer_type(importer_type_id)

        transfer_related_repos = []
        for r in related_repos:
            all_configs = [d['config'] for d in r['importers']]
            trr = common_utils.to_related_repo(r, all_configs)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo,

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result

        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config'
                % importer_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
            _LOG.exception('Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' %
                           (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id,
        importer_coll.save(importer, safe=True)

        return importer
Example #29
    def update_importer_config(self, repo_id, importer_config):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer.
        The importer will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param importer_config: new configuration values to use for this repo
        @type  importer_config: dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer
        @raise InvalidConfiguration: if the plugin indicates the given
                configuration is invalid

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_importer['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [
            k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            importer_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            importer_type_id, repo_id)

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        related_repos = query_manager.find_with_importer_type(importer_type_id)

        transfer_related_repos = []
        for r in related_repos:

            # Don't include the repo being updated in this list
            if r['id'] == repo_id:

            all_configs = [d['config'] for d in r['importers']]
            trr = common_utils.to_related_repo(r, all_configs)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo,

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config for repo [%s]'
                % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Example #30

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config for repo [%s]'
                % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # If we got this far, the new config is valid, so update the database
        repo_importer['config'] = merged_config
        importer_coll.save(repo_importer, safe=True)

        return repo_importer

    def get_importer_scratchpad(self, repo_id):
        Returns the contents of the importer's scratchpad for the given repo.
        If there is no importer or the scratchpad has not been set, None is

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str