Example #1
def importer_config_to_nectar_config(importer_config,
    DEPRECATED. Use importer_to_nectar_config instead.

    Translates the Pulp standard importer configuration into a DownloaderConfig instance.

    :param importer_config:        use the PluginCallConfiguration.flatten method to retrieve a
                                   single dict view on the configuration
    :type  importer_config:        dict
    :param working_dir:            Allow the caller to override the working directory used
    :type  working_dir:            str
    :param download_config_kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments you would like to include in the
                                   download config.
    :type  download_config_kwargs: dict

    :rtype: nectar.config.DownloaderConfig
    if download_config_kwargs is None:
        download_config_kwargs = {}

    if working_dir is None:
        working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

    download_config_kwargs['working_dir'] = working_dir
    adder = partial(_safe_add_arg, importer_config, download_config_kwargs)

    download_config = DownloaderConfig(**download_config_kwargs)
    return download_config
Example #2
def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
    Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository and triggers publishs for distributors
    with autopublish enabled.

    The given repo must have an importer configured. This method is intentionally limited to
    synchronizing a single repo. Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a
    more global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this class.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this sync only
    :type  sync_config_override: dict

    :return: TaskResult containing sync results and a list of spawned tasks
    :rtype:  pulp.server.async.tasks.TaskResult

    :raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if specified repo does not exist, or it does not have
                                            an importer and associated plugin
    :raise pulp_exceptions.PulpExecutionException: if the task fails.

    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

    importer_collection = RepoImporter.get_collection()
    repo_importer = importer_collection.find_one({'repo_id': repo_obj.repo_id})
    if repo_importer is None:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        importer, imp_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
    except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(imp_config, repo_importer['config'], sync_config_override)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
    conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])
    sync_result_collection = RepoSyncResult.get_collection()

    # Fire an events around the call
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()

    # Perform the sync
    sync_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
    sync_result = None

        # Replace the Importer's sync_repo() method with our register_sigterm_handler decorator,
        # which will set up cancel_sync_repo() as the target for the signal handler
        sync_repo = register_sigterm_handler(importer.sync_repo, importer.cancel_sync_repo)
        sync_report = sync_repo(transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

    except Exception, e:
        sync_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
        sync_result = RepoSyncResult.error_result(
            repo_obj.repo_id, repo_importer['id'], repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
            sync_start_timestamp, sync_end_timestamp, e, sys.exc_info()[2])
Example #3
    def __init__(self, sync_conduit, config):
        Initialize an ISOSyncRun.

        :param sync_conduit: the sync conduit to use for this sync run.
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config:       plugin configuration
        :type  config:       pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        self.sync_conduit = sync_conduit
        self.config = config
        self._remove_missing_units = config.get(
        self._validate_downloads = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE,
        self._repo_url = encode_unicode(config.get(importer_constants.KEY_FEED))
        # The _repo_url must end in a trailing slash, because we will use urljoin to determine
        # the path to
        # PULP_MANIFEST later
        if self._repo_url[-1] != '/':
            self._repo_url = self._repo_url + '/'

        # Cast our config parameters to the correct types and use them to build a Downloader
        max_speed = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED)
        if max_speed is not None:
            max_speed = float(max_speed)
        max_downloads = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS)
        if max_downloads is not None:
            max_downloads = int(max_downloads)
            max_downloads = constants.CONFIG_MAX_DOWNLOADS_DEFAULT
        ssl_validation = config.get_boolean(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION)
        ssl_validation = ssl_validation if ssl_validation is not None else \
        downloader_config = {
            'max_speed': max_speed,
            'max_concurrent': max_downloads,
            'ssl_client_cert': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT),
            'ssl_client_key': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY),
            'ssl_ca_cert': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT),
            'ssl_validation': ssl_validation,
            'proxy_url': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST),
            'proxy_port': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT),
            'proxy_username': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER),
            'proxy_password': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS),
            'basic_auth_username': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_BASIC_AUTH_USER),
            'basic_auth_password': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_BASIC_AUTH_PASS),
            'working_dir': common_utils.get_working_directory()}
        downloader_config = DownloaderConfig(**downloader_config)

        # We will pass self as the event_listener, so that we can receive the callbacks in this
        # class
        if self._repo_url.lower().startswith('file'):
            self.downloader = LocalFileDownloader(downloader_config, self)
            self.downloader = HTTPThreadedDownloader(downloader_config, self)
        self.progress_report = SyncProgressReport(sync_conduit)

        self.repo_units = []
Example #4
    def _download_isos(self, manifest):
        Makes the calls to retrieve the ISOs from the manifest, storing them on disk and
        recording them in the Pulp database.

        :param manifest: The manifest containing a list of ISOs we want to download.
        :type  manifest: pulp_rpm.plugins.db.models.ISOManifest
        self.progress_report.total_bytes = 0
        self.progress_report.num_isos = len(manifest)
        # For each ISO in the manifest, we need to determine a relative path where we want
        # it to be stored, and initialize the Unit that will represent it
        for iso in manifest:
            iso.bytes_downloaded = 0
            # Set the total bytes onto the report
            self.progress_report.total_bytes += iso.size
        # We need to build a list of DownloadRequests
        download_directory = common_utils.get_working_directory()
        download_requests = []
        for iso in manifest:
            iso_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=download_directory)
            iso_name = os.path.basename(iso.url)
            iso_download_path = os.path.join(iso_tmp_dir, iso_name)
                request.DownloadRequest(iso.url, iso_download_path, iso))
Example #5
    def _download_isos(self, manifest):
        Makes the calls to retrieve the ISOs from the manifest, storing them on disk and
        recording them in the Pulp database.

        :param manifest: The manifest containing a list of ISOs we want to download.
        :type  manifest: pulp_rpm.plugins.db.models.ISOManifest
        self.progress_report.total_bytes = 0
        self.progress_report.num_isos = len(manifest)
        # For each ISO in the manifest, we need to determine a relative path where we want
        # it to be stored, and initialize the Unit that will represent it
        for iso in manifest:
            iso.bytes_downloaded = 0
            # Set the total bytes onto the report
            self.progress_report.total_bytes += iso.size
        # We need to build a list of DownloadRequests
        download_directory = common_utils.get_working_directory()
        download_requests = []
        for iso in manifest:
            iso_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=download_directory)
            iso_name = os.path.basename(iso.url)
            iso_download_path = os.path.join(iso_tmp_dir, iso_name)
            download_requests.append(request.DownloadRequest(iso.url, iso_download_path, iso))
Example #6
    def publish_repo(self, repo, publish_conduit, config):
        Publish the repository.

        :param repo:            metadata describing the repo
        :type  repo:            pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param publish_conduit: The conduit for publishing a repo
        :type  publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoPublishConduit
        :param config:          plugin configuration
        :type  config:          pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration
        :param config_conduit: Configuration Conduit;
        :type config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_validate.RepoConfigConduit
        :return:                report describing the publish operation
        :rtype:                 pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport
        progress_report = FilePublishProgressReport(publish_conduit)
        _logger.info(_('Beginning publish for repository <%(repo)s>') % {'repo': repo.id})

            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_IN_PROGRESS
            repo_model = repo.repo_obj
            units = repo_controller.find_repo_content_units(repo_model, yield_content_unit=True)

            # Set up an empty build_dir
            working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
            build_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, BUILD_DIRNAME)


                # process each unit
                for unit in units:
                    links_to_create = self.get_paths_for_unit(unit)
                    self._symlink_unit(build_dir, unit, links_to_create)
                # Finalize the processing

            # Let's unpublish, and then republish
            self.unpublish_repo(repo, config)

            hosting_locations = self.get_hosting_locations(repo_model, config)
            for location in hosting_locations:
                shutil.copytree(build_dir, location, symlinks=True)

            self.post_repo_publish(repo_model, config)

            # Report that we are done
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_COMPLETE
            return progress_report.build_final_report()
        except Exception, e:
            # Something failed. Let's put an error message on the report
            progress_report.error_message = str(e)
            progress_report.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_FAILED
            report = progress_report.build_final_report()
            return report
Example #7
def importer_config_to_nectar_config(importer_config, working_dir=None, download_config_kwargs=None):
    DEPRECATED. Use importer_to_nectar_config instead.

    Translates the Pulp standard importer configuration into a DownloaderConfig instance.

    :param importer_config:        use the PluginCallConfiguration.flatten method to retrieve a
                                   single dict view on the configuration
    :type  importer_config:        dict
    :param working_dir:            Allow the caller to override the working directory used
    :type  working_dir:            str
    :param download_config_kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments you would like to include in the
                                   download config.
    :type  download_config_kwargs: dict

    :rtype: nectar.config.DownloaderConfig
    if download_config_kwargs is None:
        download_config_kwargs = {}

    if working_dir is None:
        working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

    download_config_kwargs["working_dir"] = working_dir
    adder = partial(_safe_add_arg, importer_config, download_config_kwargs)

    download_config = DownloaderConfig(**download_config_kwargs)
    return download_config
Example #8
    def publish(repo_id, distributor_id, publish_config_override=None):
        Requests the given distributor publish the repository it is configured

        The publish operation is executed synchronously in the caller's thread
        and will block until it is completed. The caller must take the necessary
        steps to address the fact that a publish call may be time intensive.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo being published
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the repo's distributor to publish
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @param publish_config_override: optional config values to use for this
                                        publish call only
        @type  publish_config_override: dict, None

        :return: report of the details of the publish
        :rtype: pulp.server.db.model.repository.RepoPublishResult
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({
            'repo_id': repo_id,
            'id': distributor_id
        if repo_distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id,

        distributor_instance, distributor_config = RepoPublishManager.\
            _get_distributor_instance_and_config(repo_id, distributor_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the publish
        conduit = RepoPublishConduit(repo_id, distributor_id)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(distributor_config,
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # Fire events describing the publish state
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        fire_manager.fire_repo_publish_started(repo_id, distributor_id)
        result = RepoPublishManager._do_publish(repo, distributor_id,
                                                transfer_repo, conduit,

        return result
Example #9
 def test_get_working_directory_new(self, mock_pulp_config_get, mock_mkdir, mock_path_exists,
     mock_pulp_config_get.return_value = '/var/cache/pulp'
     mock_celery_current_task.request = mock.Mock(id='mock-task-id', hostname='mock-host')
     working_directory_path = get_working_directory()
     mock_pulp_config_get.assert_called_with('server', 'working_directory')
     self.assertEqual(working_directory_path, '/var/cache/pulp/mock-host/mock-task-id')
Example #10
def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None, scheduled_call_id=None):
    Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository and triggers publishes for
    distributors with auto-publish enabled.

    The given repo must have an importer configured. This method is intentionally limited to
    synchronizing a single repo. Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a
    more global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this class.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this sync only
    :type  sync_config_override: dict
    :param scheduled_call_id: id of scheduled call that dispatched this task
    :type  scheduled_call_id: str

    :return: TaskResult containing sync results and a list of spawned tasks
    :rtype:  pulp.server.async.tasks.TaskResult

    :raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if specified repo does not exist, or it does not have
                                            an importer and associated plugin
    :raise pulp_exceptions.PulpExecutionException: if the task fails.

    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)
        importer, imp_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)
    except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(imp_config, repo_importer.config, sync_config_override)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
    conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer.importer_type_id, repo_importer.id)
    sync_result_collection = RepoSyncResult.get_collection()

    # Fire an events around the call
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()

    # Perform the sync
    sync_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
    sync_result = None

        # Replace the Importer's sync_repo() method with our register_sigterm_handler decorator,
        # which will set up cancel_sync_repo() as the target for the signal handler
        sync_repo = register_sigterm_handler(importer.sync_repo, importer.cancel_sync_repo)
        sync_report = sync_repo(transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

    except Exception, e:
        sync_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
        sync_result = RepoSyncResult.error_result(
            repo_obj.repo_id, repo_importer['id'], repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
            sync_start_timestamp, sync_end_timestamp, e, sys.exc_info()[2])
Example #11
    def __init__(self, sync_conduit, config):
        Initialize an ISOSyncRun.

        :param sync_conduit: the sync conduit to use for this sync run.
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config:       plugin configuration
        :type  config:       pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        self.sync_conduit = sync_conduit
        self.config = config
        self._remove_missing_units = config.get(
        self._validate_downloads = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_VALIDATE,
        self._repo_url = encode_unicode(config.get(importer_constants.KEY_FEED))
        # The _repo_url must end in a trailing slash, because we will use urljoin to determine
        # the path to
        # PULP_MANIFEST later
        if self._repo_url[-1] != '/':
            self._repo_url = self._repo_url + '/'

        # Cast our config parameters to the correct types and use them to build a Downloader
        max_speed = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_SPEED)
        if max_speed is not None:
            max_speed = float(max_speed)
        max_downloads = config.get(importer_constants.KEY_MAX_DOWNLOADS)
        if max_downloads is not None:
            max_downloads = int(max_downloads)
            max_downloads = constants.CONFIG_MAX_DOWNLOADS_DEFAULT
        ssl_validation = config.get_boolean(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_VALIDATION)
        ssl_validation = ssl_validation if ssl_validation is not None else \
        downloader_config = {
            'max_speed': max_speed,
            'max_concurrent': max_downloads,
            'ssl_client_cert': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT),
            'ssl_client_key': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY),
            'ssl_ca_cert': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT),
            'ssl_validation': ssl_validation,
            'proxy_url': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_HOST),
            'proxy_port': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PORT),
            'proxy_username': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_USER),
            'proxy_password': config.get(importer_constants.KEY_PROXY_PASS),
            'working_dir': common_utils.get_working_directory()}
        downloader_config = DownloaderConfig(**downloader_config)

        # We will pass self as the event_listener, so that we can receive the callbacks in this
        # class
        if self._repo_url.lower().startswith('file'):
            self.downloader = LocalFileDownloader(downloader_config, self)
            self.downloader = HTTPThreadedDownloader(downloader_config, self)
        self.progress_report = SyncProgressReport(sync_conduit)
Example #12
    def __init__(self, repo, conduit, config):
        :param repo: the repository to sync
        :type repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository
        :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config: plugin configuration
        :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        self.cancelled = False
        self.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
        self.content_report = ContentReport()
        self.distribution_report = DistributionReport()
        self.progress_report = {
            'metadata': {
                'state': 'NOT_STARTED'
            'content': self.content_report,
            'distribution': self.distribution_report,
            'errata': {
                'state': 'NOT_STARTED'
            'comps': {
                'state': 'NOT_STARTED'
            'purge_duplicates': {
                'state': 'NOT_STARTED'
        self.conduit = conduit
        self.repo = repo
        self.config = config
        self.nectar_config = nectar_utils.importer_config_to_nectar_config(
        self.skip_repomd_steps = False
        self.current_revision = 0
        self.downloader = None
        self.tmp_dir = None

        url_modify_config = {}
        if config.get('query_auth_token'):
            url_modify_config['query_auth_token'] = config.get(
            skip_config = self.config.get(constants.CONFIG_SKIP, [])

            for type_id in ids.QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED:
                if type_id not in skip_config:
            self.config.override_config[constants.CONFIG_SKIP] = skip_config
                _('The following unit types do not support query auth tokens and will be skipped:'
                  ' {skipped_types}').format(
        self._url_modify = RepoURLModifier(**url_modify_config)
Example #13
def _create_download_requests(content_units):
    Make a list of Nectar DownloadRequests for the given content units using
    the lazy catalog.

    :param content_units: The content units to build a list of DownloadRequests for.
    :type  content_units: list of pulp.server.db.model.FileContentUnit

    :return: A list of DownloadRequests; each request includes a ``data``
             instance variable which is a dict containing the FileContentUnit,
             the list of files in the unit, and the downloaded file's storage
    :rtype:  list of nectar.request.DownloadRequest
    requests = []
    working_dir = get_working_directory()
    signing_key = Key.load(pulp_conf.get('authentication', 'rsa_key'))

    for content_unit in content_units:
        # All files in the unit; every request for a unit has a reference to this dict.
        unit_files = {}
        unit_working_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, content_unit.id)
        for file_path in content_unit.list_files():
            qs = LazyCatalogEntry.objects.filter(
            catalog_entry = qs.order_by('revision').first()
            if catalog_entry is None:
            signed_url = _get_streamer_url(catalog_entry, signing_key)

            temporary_destination = os.path.join(
            unit_files[temporary_destination] = {
                CATALOG_ENTRY: catalog_entry,
                PATH_DOWNLOADED: None,

            request = DownloadRequest(signed_url, temporary_destination)
            # For memory reasons, only hold onto the id and type_id so we can reload the unit
            # once it's successfully downloaded.
            request.data = {
                TYPE_ID: content_unit.type_id,
                UNIT_ID: content_unit.id,
                UNIT_FILES: unit_files,

    return requests
Example #14
    def publish(repo_id, distributor_id, publish_config_override=None):
        Requests the given distributor publish the repository it is configured

        The publish operation is executed synchronously in the caller's thread
        and will block until it is completed. The caller must take the necessary
        steps to address the fact that a publish call may be time intensive.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo being published
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the repo's distributor to publish
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @param publish_config_override: optional config values to use for this
                                        publish call only
        @type  publish_config_override: dict, None

        :return: report of the details of the publish
        :rtype: pulp.server.db.model.repository.RepoPublishResult
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id, 'id': distributor_id})
        if repo_distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id, distributor=distributor_id)

        distributor_instance, distributor_config = RepoPublishManager.\
            _get_distributor_instance_and_config(repo_id, distributor_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the publish
        conduit = RepoPublishConduit(repo_id, distributor_id)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(distributor_config, repo_distributor['config'],
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # Fire events describing the publish state
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        fire_manager.fire_repo_publish_started(repo_id, distributor_id)
        result = RepoPublishManager._do_publish(repo, distributor_id, distributor_instance,
                                                transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

        return result
Example #15
def publish(repo_id,
    Uses the given distributor to publish the repository.

    The publish operation is executed synchronously in the caller's thread and will block until it
    is completed. The caller must take the necessary steps to address the fact that a publish call
    may be time intensive.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo being published
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param dist_id: identifies the repo's distributor to publish
    :type  dist_id: str
    :param publish_config_override: optional config values to use for this publish call only
    :type  publish_config_override: dict, None
    :param scheduled_call_id: id of scheduled call that dispatched this task
    :type  scheduled_call_id: str

    :return: report of the details of the publish
    :rtype:  pulp.server.db.model.repository.RepoPublishResult

    :raises pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if distributor/repo pair does not exist
    distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({
        'repo_id': repo_id,
        'id': dist_id
    if repo_distributor is None:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id,

    dist_inst, dist_conf = _get_distributor_instance_and_config(
        repo_id, dist_id)

    # Assemble the data needed for the publish
    conduit = RepoPublishConduit(repo_id, dist_id)
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(dist_conf,
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

    # Fire events describing the publish state
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
    fire_manager.fire_repo_publish_started(repo_id, dist_id)
    result = _do_publish(repo_obj, dist_id, dist_inst, transfer_repo, conduit,
    return result
Example #16
def _create_download_requests(content_units):
    Make a list of Nectar DownloadRequests for the given content units using
    the lazy catalog.

    :param content_units: The content units to build a list of DownloadRequests for.
    :type  content_units: list of pulp.server.db.model.FileContentUnit

    :return: A list of DownloadRequests; each request includes a ``data``
             instance variable which is a dict containing the FileContentUnit,
             the list of files in the unit, and the downloaded file's storage
    :rtype:  list of nectar.request.DownloadRequest
    requests = []
    working_dir = get_working_directory()
    signing_key = Key.load(pulp_conf.get('authentication', 'rsa_key'))

    for content_unit in content_units:
        # All files in the unit; every request for a unit has a reference to this dict.
        unit_files = {}
        unit_working_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, content_unit.id)
        for file_path in content_unit.list_files():
            qs = LazyCatalogEntry.objects.filter(
            catalog_entry = qs.order_by('revision').first()
            if catalog_entry is None:
            signed_url = _get_streamer_url(catalog_entry, signing_key)

            temporary_destination = os.path.join(
                unit_working_dir, os.path.basename(catalog_entry.path))
            unit_files[temporary_destination] = {
                CATALOG_ENTRY: catalog_entry,
                PATH_DOWNLOADED: None,

            request = DownloadRequest(signed_url, temporary_destination)
            # For memory reasons, only hold onto the id and type_id so we can reload the unit
            # once it's successfully downloaded.
            request.data = {
                TYPE_ID: content_unit.type_id,
                UNIT_ID: content_unit.id,
                UNIT_FILES: unit_files,

    return requests
Example #17
    def __init__(self, repo, conduit, config):
        :param repo: the repository to sync
        :type repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository
        :param conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config: plugin configuration
        :type config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        self.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
        self.content_report = ContentReport()
        self.distribution_report = DistributionReport()
        self.progress_report = {
            'metadata': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
            'content': self.content_report,
            'distribution': self.distribution_report,
            'errata': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
            'comps': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
            'purge_duplicates': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
        self.conduit = conduit
        self.repo = repo
        self.config = config
        self.nectar_config = nectar_utils.importer_config_to_nectar_config(config.flatten())
        self.skip_repomd_steps = False
        self.current_revision = 0
        self.downloader = None
        self.tmp_dir = None
        # Was any repo metadata found? Includes either yum metadata or a treeinfo file. If this is
        # False at the end of the sync, then an error will be presented to the user.
        self.metadata_found = False
        # Store the reason that yum repo metadata was not found. In case a treeinfo file is also
        # not found, this error will be the one presented to the user. That preserves pre-existing
        # behavior that is yum-centric.
        self.repomd_not_found_reason = ''

        url_modify_config = {}
        if config.get('query_auth_token'):
            url_modify_config['query_auth_token'] = config.get('query_auth_token')
            skip_config = self.config.get(constants.CONFIG_SKIP, [])

            for type_id in ids.QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED:
                if type_id not in skip_config:
            self.config.override_config[constants.CONFIG_SKIP] = skip_config
                _('The following unit types do not support query auth tokens and will be skipped:'
                  ' {skipped_types}').format(skipped_types=ids.QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED)
        self._url_modify = RepoURLModifier(**url_modify_config)
Example #18
    def get_working_dir(self):
        Return the working directory. The working dir is checked first, then
        the step's repo, then the parent step's repo's working dir. Note that
        the parent's working dir is not directly checked as part of this process.

        :returns: the working directory
        :rtype: str
        if self.working_dir:
            return self.working_dir
        elif self.parent:
            return self.parent.get_working_dir()
            self.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
            return self.working_dir
Example #19
    def get_working_dir(self):
        Return the working directory. The working dir is checked first, then
        the step's repo, then the parent step's repo's working dir. Note that
        the parent's working dir is not directly checked as part of this process.

        :returns: the working directory
        :rtype: str
        if self.working_dir:
            return self.working_dir
        elif self.parent:
            return self.parent.get_working_dir()
            self.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
            return self.working_dir
Example #20
    def __init__(self, repo, sync_conduit, call_config):
        :param repo: the repository to sync
        :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository

        :param sync_conduit: provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit

        :param call_config: plugin configuration
        :type  call_config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        self.cancelled = False
        self.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
        self.content_report = ContentReport()
        self.distribution_report = DistributionReport()
        self.progress_status = {
            'metadata': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
            'content': self.content_report,
            'distribution': self.distribution_report,
            'errata': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
            'comps': {'state': 'NOT_STARTED'},
        self.sync_conduit = sync_conduit
        self.repo = repo

        self.call_config = call_config

        flat_call_config = call_config.flatten()
        self.nectar_config = nectar_utils.importer_config_to_nectar_config(flat_call_config)
        self.skip_repomd_steps = False
        self.current_revision = 0

        url_modify_config = {}
        if call_config.get('query_auth_token'):
            url_modify_config['query_auth_token'] = call_config.get('query_auth_token')
            skip_config = self.call_config.get(constants.CONFIG_SKIP, [])

            for type_id in ids.QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED:
                if type_id not in skip_config:
            self.call_config.override_config[constants.CONFIG_SKIP] = skip_config
                _('The following unit types do not support query auth tokens and will be skipped:'
                  ' {skipped_types}').format(skipped_types=ids.QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN_UNSUPPORTED)
        self._url_modify = utils.RepoURLModifier(**url_modify_config)
Example #21
def publish(repo_id, dist_id, publish_config_override=None, scheduled_call_id=None):
    Uses the given distributor to publish the repository.

    The publish operation is executed synchronously in the caller's thread and will block until it
    is completed. The caller must take the necessary steps to address the fact that a publish call
    may be time intensive.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo being published
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param dist_id: identifies the repo's distributor to publish
    :type  dist_id: str
    :param publish_config_override: optional config values to use for this publish call only
    :type  publish_config_override: dict, None
    :param scheduled_call_id: id of scheduled call that dispatched this task
    :type  scheduled_call_id: str

    :return: report of the details of the publish
    :rtype:  pulp.server.db.model.repository.RepoPublishResult

    :raises pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if distributor/repo pair does not exist
    distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id, 'id': dist_id})
    if repo_distributor is None:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id, distributor=dist_id)

    dist_inst, dist_conf = _get_distributor_instance_and_config(repo_id, dist_id)

    # Assemble the data needed for the publish
    conduit = RepoPublishConduit(repo_id, dist_id)
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(dist_conf, repo_distributor['config'],
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

    # Fire events describing the publish state
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
    fire_manager.fire_repo_publish_started(repo_id, dist_id)
    result = _do_publish(repo_obj, dist_id, dist_inst, transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)
    return result
Example #22
    def publish(group_id, distributor_id, publish_config_override=None):
        Requests the given distributor publish the repository group.

        :param group_id:                identifies the repo group
        :type  group_id:                str
        :param distributor_id:          identifies the group's distributor
        :type  distributor_id:          str
        :param publish_config_override: values to pass the plugin for this publish call alone
        :type  publish_config_override: dict
        distributor_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_distributor_manager()
        distributor = distributor_manager.get_distributor(
            group_id, distributor_id)
        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        group_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()

        # Validation
        group = group_query_manager.get_group(group_id)
        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']

        # Assemble the data needed for publish
        conduit = RepoGroupPublishConduit(group_id, distributor)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)
        transfer_group.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # TODO: Add events for group publish start/complete
        RepoGroupPublishManager._do_publish(transfer_group, distributor_id,
                                            distributor_instance, conduit,
Example #23
    def publish(group_id,
        Requests the given distributor publish the repository group.

        :param group_id:                identifies the repo group
        :type  group_id:                str
        :param distributor_id:          identifies the group's distributor
        :type  distributor_id:          str
        :param publish_config_override: values to pass the plugin for this publish call alone
        :type  publish_config_override: dict
        distributor_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_distributor_manager()
        distributor = distributor_manager.get_distributor(group_id, distributor_id)
        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        group_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()

        # Validation
        group = group_query_manager.get_group(group_id)
        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']

        # Assemble the data needed for publish
        conduit = RepoGroupPublishConduit(group_id, distributor)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, distributor['config'],
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)
        transfer_group.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # TODO: Add events for group publish start/complete
        RepoGroupPublishManager._do_publish(transfer_group, distributor_id, distributor_instance,
                                            conduit, call_config)
Example #24
    def publish_repo(self, repo, publish_conduit, config):
        Publish the repository.

        :param repo:            metadata describing the repo
        :type  repo:            pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param publish_conduit: The conduit for publishing a repo
        :type  publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoPublishConduit
        :param config:          plugin configuration
        :type  config:          pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration
        :param config_conduit: Configuration Conduit;
        :type config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_validate.RepoConfigConduit
        :return:                report describing the publish operation
        :rtype:                 pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport
        progress_report = FilePublishProgressReport(publish_conduit)
            _('Beginning publish for repository <%(repo)s>') %
            {'repo': repo.id})

            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_IN_PROGRESS
            units = publish_conduit.get_units()

            # Set up an empty build_dir
            working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
            build_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, BUILD_DIRNAME)


                # process each unit
                for unit in units:
                    links_to_create = self.get_paths_for_unit(unit)
                    self._symlink_unit(build_dir, unit, links_to_create)
                # Finalize the processing

            # Let's unpublish, and then republish
            self.unpublish_repo(repo, config)

            hosting_locations = self.get_hosting_locations(repo, config)
            for location in hosting_locations:
                copytree(build_dir, location, symlinks=True)

            self.post_repo_publish(repo, config)

            # Clean up our build_dir

            # Report that we are done
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_COMPLETE
            return progress_report.build_final_report()
        except Exception, e:
            # Something failed. Let's put an error message on the report
            progress_report.error_message = str(e)
            progress_report.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_FAILED
            report = progress_report.build_final_report()
            return report
Example #25
    def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
        Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository.

        The given repo must have an importer configured. The identity of the
        importer is not a parameter to this call; if multiple importers are
        eventually supported this will have to change to indicate which
        importer to use.

        This method is intentionally limited to synchronizing a single repo.
        Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a more
        global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use
                                     for this sync only
        @type  sync_config_override: dict

        @return: The synchronization report.
        @rtype: L{pulp.server.plugins.model.SyncReport}

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        @raise OperationFailed: if the given repo does not have an importer set

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_instance, importer_config = RepoSyncManager._get_importer_instance_and_config(

        if importer_instance is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the sync
        conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(importer_config,
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # Fire an events around the call
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        sync_result = RepoSyncManager._do_sync(repo, importer_instance,
                                               transfer_repo, conduit,

        if sync_result['result'] == RepoSyncResult.RESULT_FAILED:
            raise PulpExecutionException(
                _('Importer indicated a failed response'))

        repo_publish_manager = manager_factory.repo_publish_manager()
        auto_distributors = repo_publish_manager.auto_distributors(repo_id)

        spawned_tasks = []
        for distributor in auto_distributors:
            distributor_id = distributor['id']

        return TaskResult(sync_result, spawned_tasks=spawned_tasks)
Example #26
    def publish_repo_fast_forward(self, repo, publish_conduit, config):
        Publish the repository.

        :param repo:            metadata describing the repo
        :type  repo:            pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param publish_conduit: The conduit for publishing a repo
        :type  publish_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_publish.RepoPublishConduit
        :param config:          plugin configuration
        :type  config:          pulp.plugins.config.PluginConfiguration
        :return:                report describing the publish operation
        :rtype:                 pulp.plugins.model.PublishReport
        progress_report = FilePublishProgressReport(publish_conduit)

            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_IN_PROGRESS
            units = publish_conduit.get_units()

            # Set up an empty build_dir
            working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
            build_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, BUILD_DIRNAME)


            unit_checksum_set = set()

                # process each unit
                for unit in units:
                # Finalize the processing

            # Just generate increased files and copy them to publishing directories
            hosting_locations = self.get_hosting_locations(repo, config)
            for location in hosting_locations:
                unit_checksum_old_set = set()
                unit_over_path_map = {}
                metadata_filename = os.path.join(location, MANIFEST_FILENAME)
                if os.path.exists(metadata_filename):
                    with open(metadata_filename, 'r') as metadata_file:
                        for line in metadata_file:
                            fields = line.split(',')
                            checksum = fields[1]
                            if checksum not in unit_checksum_set:
                                unit_over_path_map[checksum] = fields[0]
                _logger.debug("%d items were in MANIFEST %s, which exists? %s." % (
                              len(unit_checksum_old_set), metadata_filename,

                # Copy incremental files into publishing directories
                checksum_absent_set = unit_checksum_set - unit_checksum_old_set
                _logger.debug("Increasing %d units" % len(checksum_absent_set))

                # If added too many units, then publish repo with force_full
                max_increase_units = min(50000, len(units) / len(hosting_locations))
                if len(checksum_absent_set) > max_increase_units:
                    raise FastForwardUnavailable

                criteria = UnitAssociationCriteria(
                    unit_filters={'checksum': {"$in": list(checksum_absent_set)}},
                    unit_fields={'name', 'checksum', '_storage_path', 'size'})
                unit_absent_set = publish_conduit.get_units(criteria=criteria)
                for unit in unit_absent_set:
                    links_to_create = self.get_paths_for_unit(unit)
                    self._symlink_unit(build_dir, unit, links_to_create)

                # Remove modified and deleted files from publishing directories
                for checksum, unit_path in unit_over_path_map.items():
                    unit_path = os.path.join(location, unit_path)
                    if os.path.exists(unit_path):
                        dir_name = os.path.dirname(unit_path)
                        if not os.listdir(dir_name):
                    elif os.path.islink(unit_path):

                if len(unit_absent_set) > 0 or len(unit_over_path_map) > 0:
                    if os.path.exists(metadata_filename):
                    copytree(build_dir, location, symlinks=True)

            self.post_repo_publish(repo, config)

            # Clean up our build_dir

            # Report that we are done
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_COMPLETE
            return progress_report.build_final_report()
        except Exception, e:
            # Something failed. Let's put an error message on the report
            progress_report.error_message = str(e)
            progress_report.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            progress_report.state = progress_report.STATE_FAILED
            report = progress_report.build_final_report()
            return report
Example #27
    def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
        Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository.

        The given repo must have an importer configured. The identity of the
        importer is not a parameter to this call; if multiple importers are
        eventually supported this will have to change to indicate which
        importer to use.

        This method is intentionally limited to synchronizing a single repo.
        Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a more
        global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use
                                     for this sync only
        @type  sync_config_override: dict

        @return: The synchronization report.
        @rtype: L{pulp.server.plugins.model.SyncReport}

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        @raise OperationFailed: if the given repo does not have an importer set

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_instance, importer_config = RepoSyncManager._get_importer_instance_and_config(

        if importer_instance is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the sync
        conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'], RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_IMPORTER,

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(importer_config, repo_importer['config'],
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # Fire an events around the call
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        sync_result = RepoSyncManager._do_sync(repo, importer_instance, transfer_repo, conduit,

        if sync_result['result'] == RepoSyncResult.RESULT_FAILED:
            raise PulpExecutionException(_('Importer indicated a failed response'))

        repo_publish_manager = manager_factory.repo_publish_manager()
        auto_distributors = repo_publish_manager.auto_distributors(repo_id)

        spawned_tasks = []
        for distributor in auto_distributors:
            distributor_id = distributor['id']
                repo_publish_manager.queue_publish(repo_id, distributor_id).task_id)

        return TaskResult(sync_result, spawned_tasks=spawned_tasks)