Example #1
    def K_dominance_check(self, _V_best_d, Q_d):
        :param _V_best_d: a list of d-dimension
        :param Q_d: a list of d-dimension
        :return: True if _V_best_d is prefered to Q_d regarding self.Lambda_inequalities and using Kdominance
         other wise it returns False
        _d = len(_V_best_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Ldominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in self.Lambda_ineqalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (_V_best_d[i]-Q_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()
        result = value(prob.objective)

        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Example #2
def get_optimal_allocations(domain, criterion, batch_size, method):
    candidates = get_candidates(domain, criterion, method, limit=1000)
    n = len(candidates)
    ilp_vars = [pulp.LpVariable('x%s' % x, 0, batch_size, pulp.LpInteger) \
                  for x in range(n)]
    prices = [candidates[i]['price'] for i in range(n)]
    confs = [candidates[i]['conf'] for i in range(n)]
    dists = [candidates[i]['dist'] for i in range(n)]
    histo = get_availability_histo(domain)
    ilp = None
    if method == 'min_price':
        ilp = pulp.LpProblem('minprice', pulp.LpMinimize)
        ilp += pulp.lpDot(prices, ilp_vars)
        ilp += pulp.lpDot(confs, ilp_vars) >= decimal.Decimal(batch_size * criterion)
    elif method == 'max_conf':
        ilp = pulp.LpProblem('maxconf', pulp.LpMaximize)
        ilp += pulp.lpDot(confs, ilp_vars)
        ilp += pulp.lpDot(prices, ilp_vars) <= decimal.Decimal(criterion)
    ilp += pulp.lpSum(ilp_vars) == batch_size
    for level in histo:
        ilp += pulp.lpDot([dists[i][level - 1] for i in range(n)], \
                          ilp_vars) <= histo[level]
    status = ilp.solve(pulp.GLPK(msg=0))
    allocs = []
    if pulp.LpStatus[status] == 'Optimal':
        for i in range(n):
            x = ilp_vars[i]
            if pulp.value(x) > 0:
                allocs.append((pulp.value(x), candidates[i]))
    return allocs
Example #3
 def FindMDF(self):
         Find the MDF (Optimized Bottleneck Driving-Force)
             A pair of the resulting MDF (in units of RT)
             and a dictionary of all the
             parameters and the resulting MDF value
     lp_primal, lnC = self._MakeMDFProblem()
     if lp_primal.status != pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
         raise pulp.solvers.PulpSolverError("cannot solve MDF primal")
     mdf = pulp.value(lnC[-1])
     lnC = np.matrix(map(pulp.value, lnC[0:self.Nc])).T
     lp_dual, w, z, u = self._MakeMDFProblemDual()
     if lp_dual.status != pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
         raise pulp.solvers.PulpSolverError("cannot solve MDF dual")
     reaction_prices = np.matrix([pulp.value(w["%d" % i]) for i in xrange(self.Nr)]).T
     compound_prices = np.matrix([pulp.value(z["%d" % j]) for j in xrange(self.Nc)]).T - \
                       np.matrix([pulp.value(u["%d" % j]) for j in xrange(self.Nc)]).T
     params = {'MDF': mdf,
               'ln concentrations' : lnC,
               'reaction prices' : reaction_prices,
               'compound prices' : compound_prices}
     return mdf, params
 def knapsack(self, f, d, b, quantities):
     max z: f1X1 + ... + frXr
            d1X1 + ... + frXr <= b
            X1 .. Xr >=0, integer
     @param f, list of parameters to be maximized
     @param d, list of objective parameters
     @param b, int boundary of the objective
     @return (x, z)
              x list of values
              z, the maximized value
     problem = pulp.LpProblem("Knapsakc", pulp.LpMaximize)
     nrCols = len(f)       
     x = []
     for r in range(nrCols):
         # Create variables Xi, int, >=0
         x.append(pulp.LpVariable("x%d"%r , 0, quantities[r], pulp.LpInteger))
     problem += sum( d[r] * x[r] for r in range(nrCols)) <= b
     problem += sum( f[r] * x[r] for r in range(nrCols))
     #status = problem.solve(pulp.GLPK(msg = 0))
     status = problem.solve()
     if self.LOG:
         print problem
     return ([pulp.value(a) for a in x], pulp.value(problem.objective))
def solveProblemWithRestr(weigthLimit):
	prob = pulp.LpProblem("myProblem", pulp.LpMaximize)
	# Only one of each piece
	prob += sum([a.var for a in arms]) <= 1.0
	prob += sum([a.var for a in chests]) <= 1.0
	prob += sum([a.var for a in heads]) <= 1.0
	prob += sum([a.var for a in legs]) <= 1.0

	# Maximum Weigth
	restr = sum(getRestr(armors))
	prob += restr <= weigthLimit

	obj = sum(getObj(armors))
	prob += obj

	status = prob.solve()
	print("| Name | Armor Rating |  Weigth |")
	for a in armors:
		if pulp.value(a.var) > 0:
			print("|", a.name, "|", a.ar, "|", a.w, "|")

	print("| Total | ", pulp.value(obj), "|", pulp.value(restr), "|")
def vector_solver():
    d = pp.LpVariable.dicts("x", range(2), 0, 1)
    prob = pp.LpProblem("myV", pp.LpMinimize)
    prob += d[0] + d[1] == 1
    print pp.LpStatus[prob.solve()]
    print pp.value(d[0])
    print pp.value(d[1])
def LPboost_solver():
    d = pp.LpVariable.dicts("d", range(3), 0, 1)
    prob = pp.LpProblem("LPboost", pp.LpMinimize)
    prob += pp.lpSum(d) == 1
    print pp.LpStatus[prob.solve()]
    for i in range(3):
        print pp.value(d[i])
Example #8
def print_model(model):
    print "STATUS: ", LpStatus[model.status]
    print "TOTAL COST: ", value(model.total_cost)
    print "FUEL COSTS: ", value(model.fuel_costs)
    print "STOP COSTS: ", value(model.stop_costs)
    print "CONTRACT COSTS: ", value(model.contract_costs)

    for yard in model.d.YARDS:
        print "Yard ", yard, value(model.v_contract[yard])
def basic_pulp_solver():
    x = pp.LpVariable("x", 0, 3)
    y = pp.LpVariable("y", 0, 1)
    prob = pp.LpProblem("myP", pp.LpMinimize)
    prob += x + y <= 2
    prob += -4*x + y
    status = prob.solve()
    print pp.LpStatus[status]
    print pp.value(x), pp.value(y)
Example #10
 def get_true_false_classes():
     true_set  = set()
     false_set = set()
     for rep, size in classes.items():
         if value(get_var(rep)) == 0:
         elif value(get_var(rep)) == size:
     return true_set, false_set
Example #11
def main():
    x = LpVariable("x", 0, 3)
    y = LpVariable("y", 0, 1)
    prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize)
    prob += x + y <= 2
    prob += -4*x + y
    status = prob.solve(COIN(msg = 0))
    print LpStatus[status]
    print value(x)
    print value(y)
Example #12
    def print_results (self):
        print '<score>%s</score>' % (pulp.value(self.score),)
        print '<total>%s</total>' % fmt_stats(map (lambda x: pulp.value(x), self.total_stats))
        print '<base>%s</base>' % fmt_stats(self.base_stats)

        print '<items>'
        for item_list in self.items.values():
            for item in item_list:
                if pulp.value(self.used[item]) == 1:
        print '</items>'
Example #13
    def test_expanded_ToyMMB(self):

        model = cno.milp.model.MILPTrain(self.pkn, self.midas)

        eps = 1e-12
        model_error = pulp.value(model.error_objective_expression())
        model_size = pulp.value(model.size_objective_expression())

        assert abs(model_error-10.02) < eps
        assert abs(model_size-9) < eps
Example #14
 def report_copy_map(self):
     Reports the raw counts seen at each variable. This is normalized by the number of variables in the block.
     copy_map = defaultdict(list)
     for para in self.block_map:
         for i in xrange(len(self.block_map[para])):
             start, stop, var, block = self.block_map[para][i]
             if var is not None:
                 copy_map[para].append([start, stop, pulp.value(var)])
                 prev_var = pulp.value(var)
                 copy_map[para].append([start, stop, prev_var])
     return copy_map
Example #15
    def pulp_solve(self):
        problem = pulp.LpProblem(pulp.LpMinimize)

        vs = self.get_vars()
        our_vars = dict()
        v = []
        for i in range(len(vs)):
            v.append(pulp.LpVariable('%d' %vs[i][0], vs[i][1], vs[i][2]))
            our_vars[vs[i][0]] = v[i]

        ob = self.get_objective()
        problem.objective = pulp.LpAffineExpression([(our_vars[ob[i][0]], ob[i][1]) for i in range(len(ob))])

        css = self.get_linear_cons()
        for i in range(len(css)):
            ids, coefs, cnst = css[i]
            c = pulp.LpConstraint(
                pulp.LpAffineExpression([(our_vars[ids[j]], coefs[j]) for j in range(len(coefs))], 
                , sense=-1)
            problem.constraints[i] = c
        for variable in problem.variables():
            self.solutions[int(variable.name)] = variable.varValue
        self.obj_val = pulp.value(problem.objective)
Example #16
 def GetOptimalWinners(self):
     By default, find the set of candidates that maximize total bids.
     prob = pp.LpProblem('KNAPSACK', pp.LpMaximize)
     x = pp.LpVariable.dict('x', range(len(self.candidates)), 0, 1.5, pp.LpInteger)
     prob += (sum(x) <= self.n_winners)
     prob += (sum([x[k] * candidate['duration'] for k, candidate in enumerate(self.candidates)]) \
             <= self.max_duration)
     prob += sum([x[k] * candidate['bid'] for k, candidate in enumerate(self.candidates)] + [0])
     for i in range(len(self.candidates)):
         if pp.value(x[i]) == 1:
     return self.winners, pp.value(prob.objective)
Example #17
def solve(definition):
    print >> sys.stderr, '-'*20, 'problem'
    print >> sys.stderr, definition

    if debug > 1: print >> sys.stderr, '-'*20, 'parse'
    exs, vars_, target, cat, mm = parse(definition)

    if debug > 1: print >> sys.stderr, '-'*20, 'setup'
    prob, target2, lpvar = setup(exs, vars_, target, cat, mm)

    if debug > 1: print >> sys.stderr, '-'*20, 'solve'
    status = prob.solve(pulp.GLPK(msg=0))

    print >> sys.stderr, '-'*20, 'result'
    print pulp.LpStatus[status]

    if pulp.LpStatus[status] == 'Optimal':
        def sort_var_name(x, y):
            t = cmp(len(x), len(y))
            return t if t != 0 else cmp(x, y)

        res = {}
        for n in sorted(vars_, sort_var_name):
            v = pulp.value(lpvar[n])
            res[n] = v
            print n, ':', v
        print 'target:', eval(target, res), '=', target2
Example #18
    def export_res(self,queue_b):
        n = self.n
        tn = self.tn

        for i in xrange(n):
            for t in xrange(tn):
                queue_b[i].b[t] = int(math.ceil(pulp.value(self.varb[str(i)][str(t)])))
Example #19
	def calculate_V(self, s, agent_name):
		""" Calculate V for state s by maximizing it while minimizing opponents actions. Returns the maximium value of V
		max_v = pulp.LpProblem("Maximize V",  pulp.LpMaximize)

		# Set V as variable to maximize
		v  = pulp.LpVariable("v", 0.0, cat="Continuous")
		max_v += v
		actions = ['West', 'East','North', 'South','Wait']
		# Create policy var for actions
		action_policy_vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("A",actions,lowBound =0.0, upBound = 1.0, cat="Continuous")

		# Probabilities sum to 1
		max_v += sum([action_policy_vars[a] for a in actions]) == 1
		for a in actions:
			max_v += action_policy_vars[a] >= 0.000000001 

		# add constraints as summation of actions given an opponent action are bigger than 0
		for o in actions:
			max_v += sum([self.get_qvalue_minimax(s, agent_name, a, o) * action_policy_vars[a] for a in actions]) >= v

		# Solve maximization
		#for i in actions:
		#	if action_policy_vars[i].value() == 1.0:
		#		print i

		return pulp.value(max_v.objective)
Example #20
def solve(g):
    el = g.get_edge_list()
    nl = g.get_node_list()
    p = LpProblem('min_cost', LpMinimize)
    capacity = {}
    cost = {}
    demand = {}
    x = {}
    for e in el:
        capacity[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity')
        cost[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost')
    for i in nl:
        demand[i] = g.get_node_attr(i, 'demand')
    for e in el:
        x[e] = LpVariable("x"+str(e), 0, capacity[e])
    # add obj
    objective = lpSum (cost[e]*x[e] for e in el)
    p += objective
    # add constraints
    for i in nl:
        out_neig = g.get_out_neighbors(i)
        in_neig = g.get_in_neighbors(i)
        p += lpSum(x[(i,j)] for j in out_neig) -\
             lpSum(x[(j,i)] for j in in_neig)==demand[i]
    return x, value(objective)
Example #21
    def K_dominnace_check_2(self, u_d, v_d, _inequalities):

        :param u_d: a d-dimensional vector(list) like [ 8.53149891  3.36436796]
        :param v_d: tha same list like u_d
        :param _inequalities: list of constraints on d-dimensional Lambda Polytope like
         [[0, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [0.0, 1.4770889, -3.1250839]]
        :return: True if u is Kdominance to v regarding given _inequalities otherwise False
        _d = len(u_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Kdominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in _inequalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (u_d[i]-v_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()

        result = value(prob.objective)
        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Example #22
def _solve_mip(mip,kind='CBC',params=dict(),msg=0) :

	start_time = time.time()
	# select solver for pl
	if kind == 'CPLEX' :
		if 'time_limit' in params :
			# pulp does currently not support a timelimit in 1.5.9
		else :
	elif kind == 'GLPK' :
	elif kind == 'CBC' :
		options = []			
		for key in params :
			if key == 'time_limit' :
			else :
	else :
		raise Exception('ERROR: solver '+kind+' not known')

	if msg :
		print('INFO: execution time for solving mip (sec) = '+str(time.time()-start_time))
	if mip.status == 1 and msg :		
		print('INFO: objective = '+str(pl.value(mip.objective)))
    def _fill_solution(self, dmu_code, model_solution):
        ''' Fills given solution with data calculated for one DMU.

                dmu_code (str): DMU code for which the LP was solved.
                model_solution (Solution): object where solution for one DMU
                    will be written.
        model_solution.orientation = self._concrete_model.get_orientation()
        model_solution.add_lp_status(dmu_code, self.lp_model.status)

        if self.lp_model.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
            lambda_variables = dict()
            for dmu in self.input_data.DMU_codes:
                var = self._variables.get(dmu, None)
                if (var is not None and var.varValue is not None and
                        abs(var.varValue) > ZERO_TOLERANCE):
                    lambda_variables[dmu] = var.varValue

            if self._should_add_efficiency:
                    dmu_code, self._concrete_model.process_obj_var
            model_solution.add_lambda_variables(dmu_code, lambda_variables)
            self._process_duals(dmu_code, self.input_data.input_categories,
            self._process_duals(dmu_code, self.input_data.output_categories,
Example #24
    def train(self):
        """Initialize and solve the optimization problem.

        The problem is solved in two steps. First, the algorithm searches for
        a network with the best possible fit. Second, the algorithm searches
        for the smallest possible network that returns the best fit found.
        # reset constraint set

        # add problem constraints

        # Optimize for error
        error_obj = self.error_objective_expression()
        self.model += error_obj
        sol = self.model.solve()
        if sol is pulp.LpStatusInfeasible:
            raise Exception("Infeasible model.")

        # Optimize for size
        best_fit_value = pulp.value(self.model.objective)
        self.model += error_obj == best_fit_value, 'fit_constraint'
        size_obj = self.size_objective_expression()
        self.model += size_obj
        sol = self.model.solve()
        if sol is pulp.LpStatusInfeasible:
            raise Exception("Infeasible model.")
Example #25
def opt(C, X):
    orderNum = len(X)
    routeNum = len(C)
    routeIdx = range(routeNum)
    orderIdx = range(orderNum)
    # print routeIdx,orderIdx
    eps = 1.0 / 10 ** 7
    print eps
    var_choice = lp.LpVariable.dicts('route', routeIdx, cat='Binary')
    # var_choice=lp.LpVariable.dicts('route',routeIdx,lowBound=0)#尝试松弛掉01变量
    exceed_labor = lp.LpVariable('Number of routes exceed 1000', 0)
    prob = lp.LpProblem("lastMile", lp.LpMinimize)

    prob += exceed_labor * 100000 + lp.lpSum(var_choice[i] * C[i] for i in routeIdx)

    prob += lp.lpSum(var_choice[i] for i in routeIdx) <= 1000 + exceed_labor + eps
    for i in orderIdx:
        prob += lp.lpSum(var_choice[j] for j in X[i]) >= (1 - eps)

    print "\n\nstatus:", lp.LpStatus[prob.status]
    if lp.LpStatus[prob.status] != 'Infeasible':
        obj = lp.value(prob.objective)
        print "\n\nobjective:", obj
        sol_list = [var_choice[i].varValue for i in routeIdx]
        print "\n\nroutes:", (sum(sol_list))
        # print "\n\noriginal problem:\n",prob
        return obj, sol_list, lp.LpStatus[prob.status]
        return None, None, lp.LpStatus[prob.status]
	def __init__(self,Distribution_2,Distribution_1):
		# Make the distributions condensed to make the LP problem easier to solve if possible

		self.left_margin = len(Distribution_1)
		self.right_margin = len(Distribution_2)
		# Formulated the Wasserstein Trasportation problem the two distribution
		# Flow variables from this will be used for the points on the geodesic
			print "Formulating LP..."
			tempLP = Wasserstein_Transportation(Distribution_1,Distribution_2)
		except Exception as e:
			print e
			raise ValueError('Cannot formulate LP')
		# Solve the returned transportation problem
			print "Solving LP..."
		except Exception as e:
			print e
			raise ValueError('Cannot solve LP')

		self.supply_coordinates = [np.array(point[1]) for point in Distribution_1] # Get the coordinates of the final distribution
		self.demand_coordinates = [np.array(point[1]) for point in Distribution_2] # Get the coordinates of the starting distribution

		self.wasserstein_distance = pulp.value(tempLP.objective)
		# Save Wasserstein distance so the weighted sum of distance from the geodesic points to starting/ending distributions can be returned 

		self.flow_matrix = Read_Wasserstein_Flow(tempLP, self.left_margin , self.right_margin) # Read flow variables to formulate geodesic coefficents
Example #27
 def path(self):
     if self._status != pulp.LpStatusOptimal:
         raise Exception("No optimal solution.")
         path_edges = [edge
                       for edge in self.hypergraph.edges
                       if pulp.value(self.edge_vars[edge.id]) == 1.0]
         return ph.Path(self.hypergraph, path_edges)
Example #28
 def solution(self):
     '''return set of variables that are True in solution'''
     sol = set()
     for name, var in self._vars.iteritems():
         if var.aux:
         if pulp.value(self._mipvars[name]) > 0.5:
     return sol
Example #29
def _solve_balancing_ilp_pulp(A):
    import pulp
    x = [pulp.LpVariable('x%d' % i, lowBound=1, cat='Integer') for i in range(A.shape[1])]
    prob = pulp.LpProblem("chempy balancing problem", pulp.LpMinimize)
    prob += reduce(add, x)
    for expr in [pulp.lpSum([x[i]*e for i, e in enumerate(row)]) for row in A.tolist()]:
        prob += expr == 0
    return [pulp.value(_) for _ in x]
Example #30
def optimize(prob, choices, period, attract_start, attract_end, select_attract):
    optimized_schedule = []
    if prob.status==1:
        for p in period:
            for a1 in attract_start:
                for a2 in attract_end:
                    if pulp.value(choices[p][a1][a2])>0:
                        optimized_schedule.append([int(p), select_attract[int(a1)], select_attract[int(a2)]])
    return optimized_schedule
Example #31
def score_range_image_level(p_fov,
    Score range reconstruction at the image level
        p_fov (int): number of positives under the FoV
        n_fov (int): number of negatives under the FoV
        p_diff (int): number of positives outside the FoV
        n_diff (int): number of negatives outside the FoV
        acc_all (float): accuracy in the entire image
        sens_all (float): sensitivity in the entire image
        spec_all (float): specificity in the entire image
        eps (float): numerical uncertainty
        n_diff_lower (int): the minimum number of negatives outside the FoV
        score (str): score to compute: 'acc'/'sens'/'spec'
        float, float, float: the mid-score, the worst case minimum and best case maximum values
    prob = pl.LpProblem("maximum", pl.LpMaximize)

    tp_fov = pl.LpVariable("tp_fov", 0, p_fov, pl.LpInteger)
    tn_fov = pl.LpVariable("tn_fov", 0, n_fov, pl.LpInteger)
    tp_diff = pl.LpVariable("tp_diff", 0, p_diff, pl.LpInteger)
    tn_diff = pl.LpVariable("tn_diff", n_diff_lower, n_diff, pl.LpInteger)

    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff) * (1.0 / (p_fov + p_diff)) <= sens_all + eps
    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff) * (-1.0 / (p_fov + p_diff)) <= -(sens_all - eps)

    prob += (tn_fov + tn_diff) * (1.0 / (n_fov + n_diff)) <= spec_all + eps
    prob += (tn_fov + tn_diff) * (-1.0 / (n_fov + n_diff)) <= -(spec_all - eps)

    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff + tn_fov +
             tn_diff) * (1.0 /
                         (p_fov + p_diff + n_fov + n_diff)) <= acc_all + eps
    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff + tn_fov +
             tn_diff) * (-1.0 /
                         (p_fov + p_diff + n_fov + n_diff)) <= -(acc_all - eps)

    if score == 'acc':
        prob += (tp_fov + tn_fov) * (1.0 / (p_fov + n_fov))
    elif score == 'spec':
        prob += (tn_fov) * (1.0 / n_fov)
    elif score == 'sens':
        prob += (tp_fov) * (1.0 / p_fov)


    score_max = pl.value(prob.objective)

    prob = pl.LpProblem("minimum", pl.LpMinimize)

    tp_fov = pl.LpVariable("tp_fov", 0, p_fov, pl.LpInteger)
    tn_fov = pl.LpVariable("tn_fov", 0, n_fov, pl.LpInteger)
    tp_diff = pl.LpVariable("tp_diff", 0, p_diff, pl.LpInteger)
    tn_diff = pl.LpVariable("tn_diff", n_diff_lower, n_diff, pl.LpInteger)

    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff) * (1.0 / (p_fov + p_diff)) <= sens_all + eps
    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff) * (-1.0 / (p_fov + p_diff)) <= -(sens_all - eps)

    prob += (tn_fov + tn_diff) * (1.0 / (n_fov + n_diff)) <= spec_all + eps
    prob += (tn_fov + tn_diff) * (-1.0 / (n_fov + n_diff)) <= -(spec_all - eps)

    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff + tn_fov +
             tn_diff) * (1.0 /
                         (p_fov + p_diff + n_fov + n_diff)) <= acc_all + eps
    prob += (tp_fov + tp_diff + tn_fov +
             tn_diff) * (-1.0 /
                         (p_fov + p_diff + n_fov + n_diff)) <= -(acc_all - eps)

    if score == 'acc':
        prob += (tp_fov + tn_fov) * (1.0 / (p_fov + n_fov))
    elif score == 'spec':
        prob += (tn_fov) * (1.0 / n_fov)
    elif score == 'sens':
        prob += (tp_fov) * (1.0 / p_fov)


    score_min = pl.value(prob.objective)

    return (score_max + score_min) / 2.0, (score_max - score_min) / 2.0
Example #32
from pulp import LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpVariable, LpStatus, value

prob = LpProblem('Example', LpMaximize)
x1 = LpVariable('x1', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x2 = LpVariable('x2', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x3 = LpVariable('x3', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x4 = LpVariable('x4', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x5 = LpVariable('x5', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x6 = LpVariable('x6', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x7 = LpVariable('x7', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
prob += 2 * x1 + 5 * x2 + 1 * x3 + 4 * x4 + 3 * x5 + 6 * x6 + 7 * x7
prob += x1 + x2 + 2 * x3 + 2 * x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 <= 1000
prob += 2 * x1 + 4 * x2 + 1 * x3 + 1 * x4 + 1 * x5 + 3 * x6 + 2 * x7 <= 2000
prob += 5000000 * x1 + 4000000 * x2 + 4000000 * x3 + 1500000 * x4 + 5000000 * x5 + 3500000 * x6 + 4500000 * x7 <= 3500000000
prob += 4 * x2 + 2 * x5 + 3 * x7 >= 1000
# Define the problem
prob = pulp.LpProblem("The Brewery Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Define the variables, MINIMUM ZERO
x1 = pulp.LpVariable("Beer", 0)
x2 = pulp.LpVariable("Ale", 0, cat="Continuous")

# Objective function (NEGATIVE PRODUCTS)
prob += -(23 * x1 + 13 * x2)

# Constraints
prob += 15 * x1 + 5 * x2 <= 480, "Corn availability"
prob += 4 * x1 + 4 * x2 <= 160, "Hops availability"
prob += 20 * x1 + 35 * x2 <= 1190, "Malt availability"

# Write the problem on an .lp file

# Solve --> prob.solve() AUTOMATIC SOLVER, or instead
prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(fracGap=1e-5, maxSeconds=500, threads=None))

# Status of the solution
print("Status: ", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

# Optimal value of objective function
print("Total revenue = ", -1 * pulp.value(prob.objective))

# Optimal value of variables
for v in prob.variables():
    print(v.name, " = ", v.varValue)
Example #34
def main():

    matriz_dado = Open('Dados')

    #Dados de entrada
    F = int(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Número de fabricas
    C = int(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Número de cidades
    CD = int(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Número de centros de distribuicao
    p = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Preço do cimento
    cc = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Custo de transporte por caminhão
    cf = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))  #Custo de transporte por ferrovia

    #Cria os vetores de matrizes
    y = Matriz(CD, 0)
    z = Matriz(F, 0)
    x = Matriz(F, C)
    g = Matriz(F, CD)
    q = Matriz(CD, C)
    c = Matriz(F, 0)
    d = Matriz(C, 0)
    f = Matriz(CD, 0)
    cap = Matriz(F, 0)

    distij = Matriz(F, C)
    distkj = Matriz(CD, C)
    distik = Matriz(F, CD)

    #Capacidade da fabrica i
    for i in range(F):
        cap[i] = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))

    #Custo da fabrica i
    for i in range(F):
        c[i] = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))

    #Taxa anual
    for k in range(CD):
        f[k] = float(matriz_dado.pop(0))

    matriz_demanda = Open('Demandas_cidades')

    #Demanda da cidade
    for j in range(C):
        d[j] = float(matriz_demanda.pop(0))

    matriz_f_c = Open('Distancias_Fabricas_Cidades')
    matriz_f_cd = Open('Distancias_Fabricas_Centros')
    matriz_c_cd = Open('Distancias_Centro_Cidades')

    #Distancias das fabricas para as cidades
    for i in range(F):
        for j in range(C):
            distij[i][j] = float(matriz_f_c.pop(0))

    #Distancias dos centros de distribuição para as cidades
    for k in range(CD):
        for j in range(C):
            distkj[k][j] = float(matriz_c_cd.pop(0))

    #Distancias das dabricas para os centros de distribuição
    for i in range(F):
        for k in range(CD):
            distik[i][k] = float(matriz_f_cd.pop(0))

    #Cria um problema de maximazação
    opt_model = pulp.LpProblem("Cadeia de Suprimento", pulp.LpMaximize)


    for k in range(CD):
        y[k] = pulp.LpVariable('y' + str(k),

    for i in range(F):
        z[i] = pulp.LpVariable('z' + str(i),

    for i in range(F):
        for j in range(C):
            x[i][j] = pulp.LpVariable('x' + str(i) + str(j),

    for i in range(F):
        for k in range(CD):
            g[i][k] = pulp.LpVariable('g' + str(i) + str(k),

    for k in range(CD):
        for j in range(C):
            q[k][j] = pulp.LpVariable('q' + str(k) + str(j),


    opt_model += p * (pulp.lpSum(
        x[i][j] for i in range(F) for j in range(C))) + p * (pulp.lpSum(
            g[i][k] for i in range(F) for k in range(CD))) - (pulp.lpSum(
                c[i] * z[i] for i in range(F))) - (pulp.lpSum(
                    f[k] * y[k] for k in range(CD))) - cc * (pulp.lpSum(
                        x[i][j] * distij[i][j] for i in range(F)
                        for j in range(C))) - cf * (pulp.lpSum([
                            g[i][k] * distik[i][k] for i in range(F)
                            for k in range(CD)
                        ])) - cc * (pulp.lpSum(q[k][j] * distkj[k][j]
                                               for k in range(CD)
                                               for j in range(C)))


    #Restricao 1
    for j in range(C):
        opt_model += (pulp.lpSum(x[i][j] for i in range(F)
                                 for j in range(C))) + (pulp.lpSum(
                                     q[k][j] for k in range(CD)
                                     for j in range(C))) <= d[j]

    #Restricao 2
    for k in range(CD):
        opt_model += (pulp.lpSum(
            for j in range(C))) <= (pulp.lpSum(cap[i]
                                               for i in range(F))) * y[k]

    #Restricao 3
    for i in range(F):
        opt_model += (pulp.lpSum(g[i][k] for k in range(CD))) + (pulp.lpSum(
            x[i][j] for j in range(C))) <= cap[i] * z[i]

    #Escreve o modelo na pasta raiz

    while True:


        if (pulp.LpStatus[opt_model.status] == "Optimal"):

            print("\nSOLUCAO OTIMA ENCONTRADA ########\n")

            print('Lucro Total = ' + str(pulp.value(opt_model.objective)))


Example #35
def BranchAndBound(T,

    if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
        cluster_attrs = {
            'name': 'Key',
            'label': r'\text{Key}',
            'fontsize': '12'
                   label=r'\text{Pruned}$\\ $\text{Candidate}',
        cluster_attrs = {'name': 'Key', 'label': 'Key', 'fontsize': '12'}
                   label='Pruned \n Candidate',
    T.add_edge('C', 'I', style='invisible', arrowhead='none')
    T.add_edge('I', 'S', style='invisible', arrowhead='none')
    T.add_edge('S', 'P', style='invisible', arrowhead='none')
    T.add_edge('P', 'PC', style='invisible', arrowhead='none')
    T.create_cluster(['C', 'I', 'S', 'P', 'PC'], cluster_attrs)
    # The initial lower bound
    # The number of LP's solved, and the number of nodes solved
    node_count = 1
    iter_count = 0
    lp_count = 0

    if binary_vars:
        var = LpVariable.dicts("", VARIABLES, 0, 1)
        var = LpVariable.dicts("", VARIABLES)

    numCons = len(CONSTRAINTS)
    numVars = len(VARIABLES)
    # List of incumbent solution variable values
    opt = dict([(i, 0) for i in VARIABLES])
    pseudo_u = dict((i, (OBJ[i], 0)) for i in VARIABLES)
    pseudo_d = dict((i, (OBJ[i], 0)) for i in VARIABLES)
    print("Starting Branch and Bound")
    if branch_strategy == MOST_FRACTIONAL:
        print("Most fractional variable")
    elif branch_strategy == FIXED_BRANCHING:
        print("Fixed order")
    elif branch_strategy == PSEUDOCOST_BRANCHING:
        print("Pseudocost brancing")
        print("Unknown branching strategy %s" % branch_strategy)
    if search_strategy == DEPTH_FIRST:
        print("Depth first search strategy")
    elif search_strategy == BEST_FIRST:
        print("Best first search strategy")
        print("Unknown search strategy %s" % search_strategy)
    # List of candidate nodes
    Q = PriorityQueue()
    # The current tree depth
    cur_depth = 0
    cur_index = 0
    # Timer
    timer = time.time()
    Q.push(0, -INFINITY, (0, None, None, None, None, None, None))
    # Branch and Bound Loop
    while not Q.isEmpty():
        infeasible = False
        integer_solution = False
        (cur_index, parent, relax, branch_var, branch_var_value, sense,
         rhs) = Q.pop()
        if cur_index is not 0:
            cur_depth = T.get_node_attr(parent, 'level') + 1
            cur_depth = 0
        if LB > -INFINITY:
            print("Node: %s, Depth: %s, LB: %s" % (cur_index, cur_depth, LB))
            print("Node: %s, Depth: %s, LB: %s" %
                  (cur_index, cur_depth, "None"))
        if relax is not None and relax <= LB:
            print("Node pruned immediately by bound")
            T.set_node_attr(parent, 'color', 'red')
        #    LP Relaxation
        # Compute lower bound by LP relaxation
        prob = LpProblem("relax", LpMaximize)
        prob += lpSum([OBJ[i] * var[i] for i in VARIABLES]), "Objective"
        for j in range(numCons):
            prob += (lpSum([MAT[i][j]*var[i] for i in VARIABLES])<=RHS[j],\
        # Fix all prescribed variables
        branch_vars = []
        if cur_index is not 0:
            sys.stdout.write("Branching variables: ")
            if sense == '>=':
                prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) >= rhs)
                prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) <= rhs)
            print(branch_var, end=' ')
            pred = parent
            while not str(pred) == '0':
                pred_branch_var = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'branch_var')
                pred_rhs = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'rhs')
                pred_sense = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'sense')
                if pred_sense == '<=':
                    prob += LpConstraint(
                        lpSum(var[pred_branch_var]) <= pred_rhs)
                    prob += LpConstraint(
                        lpSum(var[pred_branch_var]) >= pred_rhs)
                print(pred_branch_var, end=' ')
                pred = T.get_node_attr(pred, 'parent')
        # Solve the LP relaxation
        lp_count = lp_count + 1
        # Check infeasibility
        infeasible = LpStatus[prob.status] == "Infeasible" or \
            LpStatus[prob.status] == "Undefined"
        # Print status
        if infeasible:
            print("LP Solved, status: Infeasible")
            print("LP Solved, status: %s, obj: %s" %
                  (LpStatus[prob.status], value(prob.objective)))
        if (LpStatus[prob.status] == "Optimal"):
            relax = value(prob.objective)
            # Update pseudocost
            if branch_var != None:
                if sense == '<=':
                    pseudo_d[branch_var] = (old_div(
                        (pseudo_d[branch_var][0] * pseudo_d[branch_var][1] +
                         old_div((T.get_node_attr(parent, 'obj') - relax),
                                 (branch_var_value - rhs))),
                        (pseudo_d[branch_var][1] + 1)),
                                            pseudo_d[branch_var][1] + 1)
                    pseudo_u[branch_var] = (old_div(
                        (pseudo_u[branch_var][0] * pseudo_d[branch_var][1] +
                         old_div((T.get_node_attr(parent, 'obj') - relax),
                                 (rhs - branch_var_value))),
                        (pseudo_u[branch_var][1] + 1)),
                                            pseudo_u[branch_var][1] + 1)
            var_values = dict([(i, var[i].varValue) for i in VARIABLES])
            integer_solution = 1
            for i in VARIABLES:
                if (abs(round(var_values[i]) - var_values[i]) > .001):
                    integer_solution = 0
            # Determine integer_infeasibility_count and
            # Integer_infeasibility_sum for scatterplot and such
            integer_infeasibility_count = 0
            integer_infeasibility_sum = 0.0
            for i in VARIABLES:
                if (var_values[i] not in set([0, 1])):
                    integer_infeasibility_count += 1
                    integer_infeasibility_sum += min(
                        [var_values[i], 1.0 - var_values[i]])
            if (integer_solution and relax > LB):
                LB = relax
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    # These two have different data structures first one
                    #list, second one dictionary
                    opt[i] = var_values[i]
                print("New best solution found, objective: %s" % relax)
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" % (i, var_values[i]))
            elif (integer_solution and relax <= LB):
                print("New integer solution found, objective: %s" % relax)
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" % (i, var_values[i]))
                print("Fractional solution:")
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    if var_values[i] > 0:
                        print("%s = %s" % (i, var_values[i]))
            #For complete enumeration
            if complete_enumeration:
                relax = LB - 1
            relax = INFINITY
        if integer_solution:
            print("Integer solution")
            BBstatus = 'S'
            status = 'integer'
            color = 'lightblue'
        elif infeasible:
            print("Infeasible node")
            BBstatus = 'I'
            status = 'infeasible'
            color = 'orange'
        elif not complete_enumeration and relax <= LB:
            print("Node pruned by bound (obj: %s, UB: %s)" % (relax, LB))
            BBstatus = 'P'
            status = 'fathomed'
            color = 'red'
        elif cur_depth >= numVars:
            print("Reached a leaf")
            BBstatus = 'fathomed'
            status = 'L'
            BBstatus = 'C'
            status = 'candidate'
            color = 'yellow'
        if BBstatus is 'I':
            if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
                label = '\text{I}'
                label = 'I'
            label = "%.1f" % relax
        if iter_count == 0:
            if status is not 'candidate':
                integer_infeasibility_count = None
                integer_infeasibility_sum = None
            if status is 'fathomed':
                if T._incumbent_value is None:
                    print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before '+\
                        'first incumbent.')
            if status is 'integer':
                T._previous_incumbent_value = T._incumbent_value
                T._incumbent_value = relax
                T._incumbent_parent = -1
                T._new_integer_solution = True
#           #Currently broken
#           if ETREE_INSTALLED and T.attr['display'] == 'svg':
#               T.write_as_svg(filename = "node%d" % iter_count,
#                                 nextfile = "node%d" % (iter_count + 1),
#                                 highlight = cur_index)
            _direction = {'<=': 'L', '>=': 'R'}
            if status is 'infeasible':
                integer_infeasibility_count = T.get_node_attr(
                    parent, 'integer_infeasibility_count')
                integer_infeasibility_sum = T.get_node_attr(
                    parent, 'integer_infeasibility_sum')
                relax = T.get_node_attr(parent, 'lp_bound')
            elif status is 'fathomed':
                if T._incumbent_value is None:
                    print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before'+\
                        ' first incumbent.')
                    print('  This may indicate an error in the input file.')
            elif status is 'integer':
                integer_infeasibility_count = None
                integer_infeasibility_sum = None
            if status is 'integer':
                T._previous_incumbent_value = T._incumbent_value
                T._incumbent_value = relax
                T._incumbent_parent = parent
                T._new_integer_solution = True
            # Currently Broken

#           if ETREE_INSTALLED and T.attr['display'] == 'svg':
#               T.write_as_svg(filename = "node%d" % iter_count,
#                                 prevfile = "node%d" % (iter_count - 1),
#                                 nextfile = "node%d" % (iter_count + 1),
#                                 highlight = cur_index)
            if T.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
                _dot2tex_label = {'>=': ' \geq ', '<=': ' \leq '}
                    parent, cur_index, 'label',
                    str(branch_var) + _dot2tex_label[sense] + str(rhs))
                T.set_edge_attr(parent, cur_index, 'label',
                                str(branch_var) + sense + str(rhs))
        iter_count += 1
        if BBstatus == 'C':
            # Branching:
            # Choose a variable for branching
            branching_var = None
            if branch_strategy == FIXED_BRANCHING:
                #fixed order
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    frac = min(var[i].varValue - math.floor(var[i].varValue),
                               math.ceil(var[i].varValue) - var[i].varValue)
                    if (frac > 0):
                        min_frac = frac
                        branching_var = i
                        # TODO(aykut): understand this break
            elif branch_strategy == MOST_FRACTIONAL:
                #most fractional variable
                min_frac = -1
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    frac = min(var[i].varValue - math.floor(var[i].varValue),
                               math.ceil(var[i].varValue) - var[i].varValue)
                    if (frac > min_frac):
                        min_frac = frac
                        branching_var = i
            elif branch_strategy == PSEUDOCOST_BRANCHING:
                scores = {}
                for i in VARIABLES:
                    # find the fractional solutions
                    if (var[i].varValue - math.floor(var[i].varValue)) != 0:
                        scores[i] = min(pseudo_u[i][0] * (1 - var[i].varValue),
                                        pseudo_d[i][0] * var[i].varValue)
                    # sort the dictionary by value
                branching_var = sorted(list(scores.items()),
                                       key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]
                print("Unknown branching strategy %s" % branch_strategy)
            if branching_var is not None:
                print("Branching on variable %s" % branching_var)
            #Create new nodes
            if search_strategy == DEPTH_FIRST:
                priority = (-cur_depth - 1, -cur_depth - 1)
            elif search_strategy == BEST_FIRST:
                priority = (-relax, -relax)
            elif search_strategy == BEST_ESTIMATE:
                priority = (-relax - pseudo_d[branching_var][0]*\
                                 (math.floor(var[branching_var].varValue) -\
                            -relax + pseudo_u[branching_var][0]*\
                                 (math.ceil(var[branching_var].varValue) -\
            node_count += 1
            Q.push(node_count, priority[0],
                   (node_count, cur_index, relax, branching_var,
                    var_values[branching_var], '<=',
            node_count += 1
            Q.push(node_count, priority[1],
                   (node_count, cur_index, relax, branching_var,
                    var_values[branching_var], '>=',
            T.set_node_attr(cur_index, color, 'green')
        if T.root is not None and display_interval is not None and\
                iter_count%display_interval == 0:

    timer = int(math.ceil((time.time() - timer) * 1000))
    print("Branch and bound completed in %sms" % timer)
    print("Strategy: %s" % branch_strategy)
    if complete_enumeration:
        print("Complete enumeration")
    print("%s nodes visited " % node_count)
    print("%s LP's solved" % lp_count)
    print("Optimal solution")
    #print optimal solution
    for i in sorted(VARIABLES):
        if opt[i] > 0:
            print("%s = %s" % (i, opt[i]))
    print("Objective function value")
    if T.attr['display'] is not 'off':
    T._lp_count = lp_count
    return opt, LB
Example #36
def maximum_traded_volume(bids, *args, reservation_prices={}):

    bids : pd.DataFrame
       Collections of bids

    reservation_prices : dict of floats or None, (Default value = None)
        A maping from user ids to reservation prices. If no reservation
        price for a user is given, his bid will be assumed to be his
        true value.

    status : str
        Status of the optimization problem. Desired output is 'Optimal'
    objective: float
        Maximum tradable volume that can be obtained
    variables: dict
        A set of values achieving the objective. Maps a pair of bids
        to the quantity traded by them.


    >>> bm = pm.BidManager()
    >>> bm.add_bid(1, 3, 0)
    >>> bm.add_bid(1, 2, 1)
    >>> bm.add_bid(1.5, 1, 2, False)
    >>> s, o, v = maximum_traded_volume(bm.get_df())
    >>> s
    >>> o
    >>> v
    {(0, 2): 0.5, (1, 2): 1.0}


    model = pulp.LpProblem("Max aggregated utility", pulp.LpMaximize)
    buyers = bids.loc[bids['buying']].index.values
    sellers = bids.loc[~bids['buying']].index.values

    index = [(i, j) for i in buyers for j in sellers
             if bids.iloc[i, 1] >= bids.iloc[j, 1]]

    qs = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('q', index, lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')

    model += pulp.lpSum([qs[x[0], x[1]] for x in index])

    for b in buyers:
        model += pulp.lpSum(
            qs[b, j] for j in sellers if (b, j) in index) <= bids.iloc[b, 0]

    for s in sellers:
        model += pulp.lpSum(
            qs[i, s] for i in buyers if (i, s) in index) <= bids.iloc[s, 0]


    status = pulp.LpStatus[model.status]
    objective = pulp.value(model.objective)
    variables = {}
    for q in qs:
        v = qs[q].varValue
        variables[q] = v

    return status, objective, variables
Example #37
def calculate_meal_4(products_json, diet_json, enhance):
    """Calculates meal with given 4 products."""
    products_dictionary = json.loads(products_json)
    diets_dictionary = json.loads(diet_json)

    enhance_int = int(enhance)

    model = LpProblem(name="diet-minimization", sense=LpMinimize)

    product_1_kcal = products_dictionary["product1"]["kcal"]
    product_1_proteins = products_dictionary["product1"]["proteins"]
    product_1_carbs = products_dictionary["product1"]["carbs"]
    product_1_fats = products_dictionary["product1"]["fats"]

    product_2_kcal = products_dictionary["product2"]["kcal"]
    product_2_proteins = products_dictionary["product2"]["proteins"]
    product_2_carbs = products_dictionary["product2"]["carbs"]
    product_2_fats = products_dictionary["product2"]["fats"]

    product_3_kcal = products_dictionary["product3"]["kcal"]
    product_3_proteins = products_dictionary["product3"]["proteins"]
    product_3_carbs = products_dictionary["product3"]["carbs"]
    product_3_fats = products_dictionary["product3"]["fats"]

    product_4_kcal = products_dictionary["product4"]["kcal"]
    product_4_proteins = products_dictionary["product4"]["proteins"]
    product_4_carbs = products_dictionary["product4"]["carbs"]
    product_4_fats = products_dictionary["product4"]["fats"]

    x = LpVariable("prod_1_100g",
    y = LpVariable("prod_2_100g",
    z = LpVariable("prod_3_100g",
    w = LpVariable("prod_4_100g",

    A = (product_1_kcal + (enhance_int * product_1_proteins) +
         (enhance_int * product_1_fats) + (enhance_int * product_1_carbs))
    B = (product_2_kcal + (enhance_int * product_2_proteins) +
         (enhance_int * product_2_fats) + (enhance_int * product_2_carbs))
    C = (product_3_kcal + (enhance_int * product_3_proteins) +
         (enhance_int * product_3_fats) + (enhance_int * product_3_carbs))
    D = (product_4_kcal + (enhance_int * product_4_proteins) +
         (enhance_int * product_4_fats) + (enhance_int * product_4_carbs))
    E = (diets_dictionary["kcal"] +
         (enhance_int * diets_dictionary["proteins"]) +
         (enhance_int * diets_dictionary["carbs"]) +
         (enhance_int * diets_dictionary["fats"]))

    optimization_function = A * x + B * y + C * z + D * w - E

    model += (A * x + B * y + C * z + D * w - E >= 0)

    model += optimization_function

    solved_model = model.solve()

    results = {
        "ingridients": [{
            "id": products_dictionary["product1"]["id"],
            "weight": value(x)
        }, {
            "id": products_dictionary["product2"]["id"],
            "weight": value(y)
        }, {
            "id": products_dictionary["product3"]["id"],
            "weight": value(z)
        }, {
            "id": products_dictionary["product4"]["id"],
            "weight": value(w)
        "fit_function": {
            "score": value(model.objective),
            "fit_func_calories_coeff": 1,
            "fit_func_proteins_coeff": enhance_int,
            "fit_func_carbs_coeff": enhance_int,
            "fit_func_fats_coeff": enhance_int


    return results
Example #38
    def _var_sol(self, var: Union[LpVariable, Var]) -> float:
        """Method to obtain the solution of a decision variable"""

        return value(var) if self.optimizer == 'pulp' else var.x
Example #39
# Define PuLP variables to solve
quantities = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("quantity",
is_orders = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("orders", dealers, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
This is an example of implementing an IP model with binary
variables the correct way.
# Initialize the model with constraints
model = pulp.LpProblem("A cost minimization problem", pulp.LpMinimize)
model += sum([variable_costs[i]*quantities[i] +
              fixed_costs[i]*is_orders[i] for i in dealers]), \
         "Minimize portfolio cost"
model += sum([quantities[i] for i in dealers]) == 150, \
         "Total contracts required"
model += is_orders["X"]*30 <= quantities["X"] <= \
         is_orders["X"]*100, "Boundary of total volume of X"
model += is_orders["Y"]*30 <= quantities["Y"] <= \
         is_orders["Y"]*90, "Boundary of total volume of Y"
model += is_orders["Z"]*30 <= quantities["Z"] <= \
         is_orders["Z"]*70, "Boundary of total volume of Z"

print "Minimization Results:"
for variable in model.variables():
    print variable, "=", variable.varValue

print "Total cost: %s" % pulp.value(model.objective)
                                   ]) <= available_flow[k]

    # upstream cannot exceed downstream
    # need k by i downstream proportions matrix
    for k in basins:
        downstream_basins = list(downstream_connectivity_df.index[
            downstream_connectivity_df[k] == 1])
        for j in downstream_basins:
            Riparian_LP += basin_proportions[j] <= basin_proportions[k]

    print("Status: ", pulp.LpStatus[Riparian_LP.status])
    # for v in Riparian_LP.variables():
    #       print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)
    print("Objective = ", pulp.value(Riparian_LP.objective))

    # basin demand dictionary
    basin_demand = {
        basins[k]: (np.matmul(riparian_basin_user_matrix,
        for k, basin in enumerate(basins)

    # this loop is necessary to turn LP output into values
    basin_allocation = []
    for k, basin in enumerate(basins):
        basin_allocation.append(basin_proportions[basin].value() *
    # print("Basin Total Allocations", basin_allocation)
    # build output table
Example #41
def weak_rev_lin_con(crn, eps, ubound):

    m = crn.n_complexes
    n = crn.n_species

    # Y is n by m
    Y = np.array(crn.complex_matrix).astype(np.float64)

    # Ak is m by m
    Ak = np.array(crn.kinetic_matrix).astype(np.float64)

    # M is n by m
    M = Y.dot(Ak)

    print("Input CRN defined by\nY =\n", Y)
    print("\nM =\n", M)
    print("\nAk =\n", Ak)
        "\nComputing linearly conjugate network with min deficiency ... START\n"

    # Ranges for iteration
    col_range = range(1, m + 1)
    row_range = range(1, n + 1)

    # Set up problem model object
    prob = LpProblem("Weakly Reversible Linearly Conjugate Network",

    # Get a list of all off-diagonal entries to use later to greatly
    # simplify loops
    off_diag = [(i, j) for i, j in product(col_range, repeat=2) if i != j]

    # Decision variables for matrix A, only need off-diagonal since A
    # has zero-sum columns
    A = LpVariable.dicts("A", [(i, j) for i in col_range for j in col_range])
    Ah = LpVariable.dicts("Ah", [(i, j) for i in col_range for j in col_range])

    # Decision variables for the diagonal of T
    T = LpVariable.dicts("T", row_range, eps, ubound)

    # Binary variables for counting partitions used and assigning complexes to linkage classes
    delta = LpVariable.dicts("delta", off_diag, 0, 1, "Integer")

    # Objective
    prob += -lpSum(delta[i, j] for (i, j) in off_diag)

    # Y*A = T*M
    for i in row_range:
        for j in col_range:
            prob += lpSum(Y[i - 1, k - 1] * A[k, j]
                          for k in col_range) == M[i - 1, j - 1] * T[i]

    # A and Ah have zero-sum columns
    for j in col_range:
        prob += lpSum(A[i, j] for i in col_range) == 0
        prob += lpSum(Ah[i, j] for i in col_range) == 0
        prob += lpSum(Ah[j, i] for i in col_range) == 0

    # Off-diagonal entries are nonnegative and are switch on/off by delta[i,j]
    for (i, j) in off_diag:
        # A constraints
        prob += A[i, j] >= 0
        prob += A[i, j] - eps * delta[i, j] >= 0
        prob += A[i, j] - ubound * delta[i, j] <= 0

        # Ah constraints
        prob += Ah[i, j] >= 0
        prob += Ah[i, j] - eps * delta[i, j] >= 0
        prob += Ah[i, j] - ubound * delta[i, j] <= 0

    # Diagonal entries of A, Ah are non-positive
    for j in col_range:
        prob += A[j, j] <= 0
        prob += Ah[j, j] <= 0

    status = prob.solve(solver=CPLEX())

    # Problem successfully solved, report results
    if status == 1:

        # Get solutions to problem
        Tsol = np.zeros((n, n))
        Asol = np.zeros((m, m))

        for i in col_range:
            for j in col_range:
                Asol[i - 1, j - 1] = value(A[i, j])

        for i in row_range:
            Tsol[i - 1, i - 1] = value(T[i])

        print("\nA =\n", Asol)
        print("\nT =\n", Tsol)

        print("No solution found")
Example #42
def get_expected_revenue(revman):
    return pulp.value(revman.objective)
Example #43
    stat = prob.solve(PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0))

    if (stat == 1):
        for v in prob.variables():
            if (v.varValue != 0):
                craftedItems[v.name] += v.varValue
                Materials["Cloth"] -= math.ceil(clothCost[v.name] *
                                                v.varValue * (1 - RRR[Focus]))
                Materials["Metal"] -= math.ceil(metalCost[v.name] *
                                                v.varValue * (1 - RRR[Focus]))
                Materials["Wood"] -= math.ceil(woodCost[v.name] * v.varValue *
                                               (1 - RRR[Focus]))
                Materials["Leather"] -= math.ceil(
                    leatherCost[v.name] * v.varValue * (1 - RRR[Focus]))

        totalFame += value(prob.objective)
        generatedFame = value(prob.objective)

        generatedFame = 0

print("Total fame generated = ", totalFame)
if Type == "A":
    fameTree = {"Imbuer": 0, "Blacksmith": 0, "Fletcher": 0}

    for v in craftedItems:
        if (craftedItems[v] != 0):
            fameTree[itemTree[v]] += craftedItems[v] * FameGenerated[Tier][

    for t in fameTree:
Example #44
s_p = 2
l_p = 7

# contribution of each product
v_s = 2
v_l = 3
m_s = 10
m_l = 50

# target
v_t = 120
m_t = 880

# count variables (solido_count and liquidex_count)
s_c = pulp.LpVariable("s_c", 0, 1000, 'Integer')
l_c = pulp.LpVariable("l_c", 1, 1000, 'Integer')

# Contraints
problem += s_c * v_s + l_c * v_l >= v_t
problem += s_c * m_s + l_c * m_l >= m_t

# Objective (total price)
problem += s_c * s_p + l_c * l_p



print('Solido:  ', pulp.value(s_c))
print('Liquidex:', pulp.value(l_c))
Example #45
'''Defining variables'''
var_name = plp.LpVariable.dicts('Name', ((i) for i in iterator), upBound = None, lowBound = None, cat = plp.LpInteger) #dictionary of variables
var_name = plp.LpVariable('Name', upBound = None, lowBound = None, cat = plp.LpInteger) #single varible
var_name = plp.LpVariable.dicts('Name', ((i) for i in iterator), cat = plp.LpBinary) #dictionary of variables
var_name = plp.LpVariable('Name', cat = plp.LpBiary) #single varible

'''Defining constraints'''
cons = {i: model.addConstraint(plp.LpConstraint(e = var_name, sense = plp.LpConstraintGE. rhs = 0, name = 'Name_'+i)) for i in iterator} #Greater than
cons = {i: model.addConstraint(plp.LpConstraint(e = var_name, sense = plp.LpConstraintLE. rhs = 0, name = 'Name_'+i)) for i in iterator} #Less than

model += plp.lpSum(var_name[i] for i in iterator)

'''Priniting the model'''
print (model)


'''Printing problem status'''
print (plp.LpStatus[model.status])

'''Printing variables'''
for i in model.variables():
    print (str(i.name) + '=' + str(i.varValue))
'''Printing Objective'''
print (plp.value(model.objective))   
Example #46
# 各项用时约束
for i in range(nb_logs):
    problem += day[i] * log_info[i, 0] <= total_time/4 * (1 - sleeping/24/60)
    problem += night[i] * night_info[i, 0] <= total_time/4 * (sleeping/24/60)
    if sleeping > 0:
        problem += day[i] <= np.floor((24 * 60 - sleeping)/log_info[i, 0]) * total_full_day
        problem += night[i] <= total_full_day

if sleeping > 0:
    problem += lp.lpSum(night) >= total_full_day * 4
solved = problem.solve()
if solved != 1:
    print({-1: '目标定的太大啦,臣妾做不到啊', -2: '资源太多啦,这辈子也用不完啊'}[solved])

total = lp.value(total_full_day)
print('天数:%.1f\n' % total)

chosen_list = []
total += 0.001 if total == 0 else 0
for i in range(nb_logs):
    d, n = lp.value(day[i]) / total, lp.value(night[i]) / total
    d = d > 0.01 and d or 0
    n = n > 0.01 and n or 0
    if d > 0 or n > 0:
        # chosen_list.append({'mission': LogInfo[i][0], 'day': d, 'night': n})
        chosen_list.append({'mission': LogInfo[i][0], 'day': d*log_info[i][0]/60, 'night': n*night_info[i][0]/60})

lines = ['关卡', '白天', '晚上']
for i in chosen_list:
    lines[0] += '\t%7s' % i['mission']
Example #47
    def solve(self, **kwargs):

        solver_name = kwargs.get("solver", "cplex").lower()
        timelimit = int(kwargs.get("timelimit", "3600"))
        _log.info(f"called solve with the following parameters: {kwargs}")
        # UB on the number of instances of a certain type
        instances_UB = {
            vm_type: self._get_ub(vm_type)
            for vm_type in self.physical.vm_options
        # instances on which a virtual node u may be placed
        feasible_instances = {
            u: self._get_feasible_instances(u)
            for u in self.virtual.nodes()

        vm_used = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
            ((vm_type, vm_id) for vm_type in self.physical.vm_options
             for vm_id in range(instances_UB[vm_type])),
        node_mapping = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
            ((u, vm_type, vm_id) for u in self.virtual.nodes()
             for vm_type in feasible_instances[u]
             for vm_id in range(instances_UB[vm_type])),
        # problem definition
        mapping_ILP = pulp.LpProblem("Packing ILP", pulp.LpMinimize)

        # objective function
        mapping_ILP += pulp.lpSum(
            (self.physical.hourly_cost(vm_type) * vm_used[(vm_type, vm_id)]
             for (vm_type, vm_id) in vm_used))

        # Assignment of a virtual node to an EC2 instance
        for u in self.virtual.nodes():
            mapping_ILP += (
                pulp.lpSum((node_mapping[(u, vm_type, vm_id)]
                            for vm_type in feasible_instances[u]
                            for vm_id in range(instances_UB[vm_type]))) == 1,
                f"assignment of node {u}",

        for (vm_type, vm_id) in vm_used:
            # CPU cores capacity constraints
            mapping_ILP += (
                pulp.lpSum((self.virtual.req_cores(u) *
                            node_mapping[(u, vm_type, vm_id)]
                            for u in self.virtual.nodes()
                            if vm_type in feasible_instances[u])) <=
                self.physical.cores(vm_type) * vm_used[vm_type, vm_id],
                f"core capacity of instance {vm_type, vm_id}",
            # memory capacity constraints
            mapping_ILP += (
                pulp.lpSum((self.virtual.req_memory(u) *
                            node_mapping[(u, vm_type, vm_id)]
                            for u in self.virtual.nodes()
                            if vm_type in feasible_instances[u])) <=
                self.physical.memory(vm_type) * vm_used[vm_type, vm_id],
                f"memory capacity of instance {vm_type, vm_id}",

        solver = self._get_solver(solver_name, timelimit)

        # solve the ILP
        status = pulp.LpStatus[mapping_ILP.solve()]
        obj_value = pulp.value(mapping_ILP.objective)

        if status == "Infeasible":
            self.status = Infeasible
            return Infeasible
        elif (status == "Not Solved"
              or status == "Undefined") and (not obj_value or sum(
                  round(node_mapping[(u, vm_type, vm_id)].varValue)
                  for (u, vm_type, vm_id) in node_mapping) !=
            self.status = NotSolved
            return NotSolved

        if solver_name == "cplex":
            self.current_val = round(
                solver.solverModel.solution.MIP.get_best_objective(), 2)
        elif solver_name == "gurobi":
            self.current_val = round(mapping_ILP.solverModel.ObjBound, 2)
            self.current_val = 0

        assignment_ec2_instances = self.build_ILP_solution(node_mapping)
        self.solution = Solution.build_solution(self.virtual, self.physical,
        self.status = Solved
        return Solved
Example #48
def V2G_optimization():
    # initiate the problem statement
    model = lp.LpProblem('Minimize_Distribution_level_Peak_Valley_Difference',

    #define optimization variables
    veh_V2G = range(n_V2G_Veh)
    time_Interval = range(24)
    chargeprofiles = lp.LpVariable.dicts('charging_profiles',
                                         ((i, j) for i in veh_V2G
                                          for j in time_Interval),
    chargestates = lp.LpVariable.dicts('charging_states',
                                       ((i, j) for i in veh_V2G
                                        for j in time_Interval),
    dischargeprofiles = lp.LpVariable.dicts('discharging_profiles',
                                            ((i, j) for i in veh_V2G
                                             for j in time_Interval),
    dischargestates = lp.LpVariable.dicts('discharging_states',
                                          ((i, j) for i in veh_V2G
                                           for j in time_Interval),
    total_load = lp.LpVariable.dicts('total_load', time_Interval, lowBound=0)
    max_load = lp.LpVariable('max_load', lowBound=0)
    min_load = lp.LpVariable('min_load', lowBound=0)

    # define objective function
    #model += max_load - min_load
    model += max_load

    # define constraints
    for t in time_Interval:  # constraint 1 & 2: to identify the max and min loads
        model += total_load[t] <= max_load
        #model += total_load[t] >= min_load

    for t in time_Interval:  # constraint 3: calculate the total load at each time interval t
        model += lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, t]] for i in veh_V2G) + lp.lpSum([
            dischargeprofiles[i, t] * discharge_efficiency for i in veh_V2G
        ]) + base_Load[t] + unmanaged_Load[t] == total_load[
            t]  #need to plus base loads

    for i in veh_V2G:  # constraint 4: constraint on charging powers for each EV: only optimize the charge profile between start and end charging time
        temp_start = v2g_startingTime[i]
        temp_end = v2g_endingTime[i]
        if temp_start >= temp_end:
            for t in range(temp_end):
                model += chargestates[i, t] + dischargestates[i, t] <= 1
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Uppper
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Lower
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Upper
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Lower
            for t in range(temp_end, temp_start, 1):
                model += chargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += chargestates[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargestates[i, t] == 0
            for t in range(temp_start, 24, 1):
                model += chargestates[i, t] + dischargestates[i, t] <= 1
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Uppper
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Lower
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Upper
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Lower

        if temp_start < temp_end:
            for t in range(temp_start):
                model += chargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += chargestates[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargestates[i, t] == 0
            for t in range(temp_start, temp_end, 1):
                model += chargestates[i, t] + dischargestates[i, t] <= 1
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Uppper
                model += chargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= chargestates[i, t] * power_managed_Lower
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] <= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Upper
                model += dischargeprofiles[
                    i, t] >= dischargestates[i, t] * power_V2G_Lower
            for t in range(temp_end, 24, 1):
                model += chargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += chargestates[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargeprofiles[i, t] == 0
                model += dischargestates[i, t] == 0

    for i in veh_V2G:  # constraint 5: SOC constraint, cannot be greater than 1, end_SOC must be above certain levels
        temp_start = v2g_startingTime[i]
        temp_end = v2g_endingTime[i]
        temp_startSOC = v2g_startingSOC[i]
        if temp_start >= temp_end:
            for t in range(temp_start + 1, 24, 1):
                temp_timer = range(temp_start, t, 1)
                model += temp_startSOC + lp.lpSum( [chargeprofiles[i,tn] * charge_efficiency/batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer) \
                         + lp.lpSum( [dischargeprofiles[i,tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) <=1 #need to divide 4!
            for t in range(0, temp_end + 1, 1):
                temp_timer = range(0, t, 1)
                model += temp_startSOC + lp.lpSum( [chargeprofiles[i,tn] * charge_efficiency/batteryCapacity] for tn in range(temp_start, 24,1)) + lp.lpSum( [chargeprofiles[i,tn] * charge_efficiency/batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer) \
                         + lp.lpSum( [dischargeprofiles[i,tn] *(1/ batteryCapacity)] for tn in range(temp_start, 24,1)) + lp.lpSum( [dischargeprofiles[i,tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) <=1 #need to divide 4
            #if end_SOC == 1:
            #    incrementSOC=v2g_distance[i]/batteryRange
            #    model += lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in  range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer) \
            #             + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/ batteryCapacity)] for tn in  range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/ batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) >= incrementSOC  # need to divide 4
            if end_SOC == 2:
                model += temp_startSOC + lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer) \
                         + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/ batteryCapacity)] for tn in range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/ batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) ==1

        if temp_start < temp_end:
            for t in range(temp_start + 1, temp_end + 1, 1):
                temp_timer = range(temp_start, t, 1)
                model += temp_startSOC + lp.lpSum( [chargeprofiles[i,tn] * charge_efficiency/batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer) \
                         + lp.lpSum( [dischargeprofiles[i,tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) <=1 #need to divide by 4
            #if end_SOC == 1:
            #   incrementSOC=v2g_distance[i]/batteryRange
            #   model += lp.lpSum( [chargeprofiles[i,tn] * charge_efficiency/batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer)\
            #            +lp.lpSum( [dischargeprofiles[i,tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer) >= incrementSOC  # need to divide 4
            if end_SOC == 2:
                model += temp_startSOC + lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([chargeprofiles[i, tn] * charge_efficiency / batteryCapacity] for tn in temp_timer)\
                         + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in range(temp_start, 24, 1)) + lp.lpSum([dischargeprofiles[i, tn] *(1/batteryCapacity)] for tn in temp_timer)==1


    status = model.solve()

    return chargeprofiles, dischargeprofiles, total_load
Example #49
    def SolveWithReluxation(self,
        This is a function to solve 0-1 integer problem which aim to compute suchedule with minimized distance.

        game_type  : str
            The type of played game.
            Regular Game before inter game : 'r_pre'
            Regular Game after inter game  : 'r_post'
            Inter league                   : 'i' 
        league     : str
            League name 
            Pacific league : 'p'
            Central league : 's'
        timeLimit  : int
            Time limit for solver in seconds.
        solverName : int
            Solver's name you use
            0 : CBC
            1 : CPLEX
        threads    : int
            Threads for solver(default : 1)
        options    : list
            Options for solver (default : [])
        initialPosition : list
            Initial position of every team (default : None)
        initialSolution : bool
            If true, start with initial value

        status    : int
            Status of solved problem
            1  : Optimal
            0  : Not solved
            -1 : Infeasible
            -2 : Unbounded
            -3 : Undefined
        objective : int
            Objective value of solved problem
        v         : list
            Solution of this problem.
        # 定数
        if game_type == 'i':
            I = self.K
            I = self.Teams[league]

        S = self.S[game_type]
        D = self.D

        total_game = self.total_game[game_type]

        # 問題の宣言
        problem = pulp.LpProblem('scheduling', pulp.LpMinimize)
        # 変数の生成
        v = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('v', (S, I, I), 0, 1, 'Integer')
        e = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('e', (S, I, I, I), 0, 1, 'Integer')
        penal1 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('p1', (I, I), lowBound=0)
        penal2 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('p2', (S, I), lowBound=0)
        penal3 = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('p2', (S, I, I), lowBound=0)

        # 目的関数の設定
        obj = pulp.lpSum([
            D[j][k] * e[s][i][j][k] for i in I for j in I for k in I for s in S
        obj += 100 * (
            pulp.lpSum([penal1[i][j] for i in I for j in I]) +
            pulp.lpSum([penal2[s][i] for s in S for i in I]) +
            pulp.lpSum([penal3[s][i][j] for s in S for i in I for j in I]))
        if initialPosition:
            for i in I:
                obj += pulp.lpSum(
                    [D[initialPosition[i]][j] * v[0][i][j] for j in I])
        problem += obj

        # 制約式を入れる
        for i in I:
            for j in I:
                for k in I:
                    for s in S[1:]:
                        # e[s][i][j][k]が定義を満たすように制約を入れる
                        problem += 1 - v[
                            s - 1][i][j] - v[s][i][k] + e[s][i][j][k] >= 0
                        problem += v[s - 1][i][j] - e[s][i][j][k] >= 0
                        problem += v[s][i][k] - e[s][i][j][k] >= 0
        for s in S:
            for i in I:
                # 垂直に足して見てね!パワポの制約⑦
                problem += pulp.lpSum([v[s][j][i] for j in I]) <= 2

        for i in I:
            J = list(set(I) - {i})
            for s in S:
                # v[s][i][i]の決め方。パワポで言う制約①
                problem += v[s][i][i] - pulp.lpSum([v[s][j][i]
                                                    for j in J]) == 0

        for i in I:
            J = list(set(I) - {i})
            # 総試合数に関する制約。パワポで言う制約②
            problem += pulp.lpSum([v[s][i][j] for j in I
                                   for s in S]) == total_game
            # ホームゲームとビジターゲームの試合数を揃える。パワポで言う制約③
            problem += (pulp.lpSum([v[s][i][j] for s in S for j in J]) -
                        pulp.lpSum([v[s][i][i] for s in S]) == 0)

        for s in S:
            for i in I:
                # 1日必ず1試合する。パワポで言う制約⑤
                problem += pulp.lpSum([v[s][i][j] for j in I]) == 1

        for i in I:
            for j in I:
                # 各対戦カードにおけるホームとビジターの試合数をなるべく揃える。パワポで言う制約④
                if i != j:
                    problem += pulp.lpSum(
                        [v[s][i][j] for s in S]) - pulp.lpSum(
                             for s in S]) + penal1[i][j] + penal1[j][i] <= 1
                    problem += pulp.lpSum(
                        [v[s][i][j] for s in S]) - pulp.lpSum(
                             for s in S]) + penal1[i][j] + penal1[j][i] >= -1
                    problem += pulp.lpSum(
                         for s in S]) + penal1[i][j] <= self.ub[game_type]
                    problem += pulp.lpSum(
                         for s in S]) + penal1[i][j] >= self.lb[game_type]
        for s in S[:-2]:
            for i in I:
                for j in I:
                    # 連戦はしない。パワポで言う制約⑥
                    if i != j:
                        problem += pulp.lpSum(
                            [v[t][i][j] + v[t][j][i]
                             for t in range(s, s + 3)]) + penal3[s][i][j] <= 1
        for s in S[:-2]:
            for i in I:
                # ホームは連続二連ちゃんまで!パワポの制約⑧
                problem += pulp.lpSum([v[t][i][i] for t in range(s, s + 3)
                                       ]) + penal2[s][i] <= 2

        if game_type == 'i':
            L = self.Teams['p']
            J = self.Teams['s']
            for s in S:
                for i in L:
                    # 自分のリーグに属するチームとは試合を行わないと言う制約。パワポの制約⑨
                    for j in L:
                        if i != j:
                            problem += v[s][i][j] == 0
                    # もう一方のリーグのチームと一回ずつ試合をするという制約。パワポの制約11
                    for j in J:
                        problem += v[s][i][j] <= (
                            1 - pulp.lpSum([v[t][j][i] for t in range(s)]))
                for i in J:
                    # 自分のリーグに属するチームとは試合を行わないと言う制約。パワポの制約⑨
                    for j in J:
                        if i != j:
                            problem += v[s][i][j] == 0
                    # もう一方のリーグのチームと一回ずつ試合をするという制約。パワポの制約11
                    for j in L:
                        problem += v[s][i][j] <= (
                            1 - pulp.lpSum([v[t][j][i] for t in range(s)]))

            # ビジターで試合をしている時はホームで試合をしてはいけない。パワポの制約⑩
            # v[s][i][i]=1かv[s][i][j]=1の何か一方が成立する
            for s in S:
                for i in L:
                    problem += v[s][i][i] + pulp.lpSum([v[s][i][j]
                                                        for j in J]) <= 1
                for j in J:
                    problem += v[s][j][j] + pulp.lpSum([v[s][j][i]
                                                        for i in L]) <= 1

        if initialSolution:
            v_initial = utils.Load(game_type + "_" + league + '.pkl')
            for s in S:
                for i in I:
                    for j in I:
        # solverの設定
        # デフォルトは cbc solver
        if solverName == 0:
            solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=1,
        elif solverName == 1:
            solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(msg=1,

        status = problem.solve(solver)

        return status, pulp.value(problem.objective), v
    def result(self):
        Using Word Mover's Distance algorithm and the pre-trained word vector to calculate similarity scores
        :return: the similarity score of target text and comparable texts in text list
        def tokens_to_fracdict(tokens):
            Decompose sentences to tokens
            :param tokens: a list of tokens to handle
            :return: a dictionary of {token: frequency of token}
            cntdict = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            for token in tokens:
                cntdict[token] += 1
            totalcnt = sum(cntdict.values())
            return {
                token: float(cnt) / totalcnt
                for token, cnt in cntdict.items()

        def word_mover_distance_probspec(first_sent_tokens,
            apply Word Mover's Distance algorithm
            :param first_sent_tokens: target text
            :param second_sent_tokens: comparable text (each text in the text list)
            :param wvmodel: the pre-trained word vector model
            :param lpFile: a file to store the result
            :return: a pulp LpProblem (will yield the result in the last part of <result> function)
            all_tokens = list(set(first_sent_tokens + second_sent_tokens))
            wordvecs = {}
            for token in all_tokens:
                    wordvecs[token] = wvmodel[token]
                    wordvecs[token] = 0

            first_sent_buckets = tokens_to_fracdict(first_sent_tokens)
            second_sent_buckets = tokens_to_fracdict(second_sent_tokens)

            T = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('T_matrix',
                                      list(product(all_tokens, all_tokens)),

            prob = pulp.LpProblem('WMD', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
            prob += pulp.lpSum([
                T[token1, token2] *
                euclidean(wordvecs[token1], wordvecs[token2])
                for token1, token2 in product(all_tokens, all_tokens)
            for token2 in second_sent_buckets:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([
                    T[token1, token2] for token1 in first_sent_buckets
                ]) == second_sent_buckets[token2]
            for token1 in first_sent_buckets:
                prob += pulp.lpSum([
                    T[token1, token2] for token2 in second_sent_buckets
                ]) == first_sent_buckets[token1]

            if lpFile != None:

            return prob

        def normalize(text):
            remove punctuation, lowercase, stem
            :param text:
            :return: a list of normalized words
            stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) - set(
                ['no', 'not', 'nor'])  # drop 'no', 'not', and 'nor'
            remove_punctuation_map = dict(
                (ord(char), None) for char in string.punctuation)
            res = nltk.word_tokenize(
            return [w for w in res if w not in stop_words]

        res = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.text_list)):
            prob = word_mover_distance_probspec(normalize(self.target_text),
            res.append(1 - pulp.value(prob.objective) / 5)
        return res  # the similarity score based on Word Mover's Distance algorithm
Example #51
    vs = {}
    for (i, j) in keys:
        name = "W_%d_%d" % (i, j)
        names[i, j] = name
        var = LpVariable(name)
        vs[i, j] = var
        system += var >= 1.0

    for i, row in enumerate(rows):
        expr = 0
        for j, key in enumerate(keys):
            value = row.get(key, 0)
            expr += value * vs[key]
        system += expr == 0.0

    #system += vs[3, 1] >= vs[2, 2] # Infeasible at N=9
    #system += vs[5, 1] >= vs[4, 2] # Infeasible at N=25
    system += vs[4, 2] >= vs[3, 3]  # Infeasible at N=64

    status = system.solve()
    s = LpStatus[status]
    print("pulp:", s)
    if s == "Infeasible":

    if 0:
        for key in keys:
            v = vs[key]
            print(v, "=", value(v))
Example #52
#condition 1
for i in range(0, num_courses):
	for j in range(0, num_classes):
		sum_xi+= x[i][j]
	lp_prob += sum_xi ==1
#condition 2
for j in range(0, num_classes):
	for i in range(0, num_courses):
		sum_xj+= x[i][j]
	lp_prob += sum_xj <=1

#condition 3
for i in range(0, num_courses):
	for j in range(0, num_classes):
			sum_T += x[i][j]
lp_prob += sum_T ==0

#solve problem

#print resutls
for v in lp_prob.variables():
    print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)
print("Total Cost =", math.ceil(pulp.value(lp_prob.objective)))
Example #53
prob=pulp.LpProblem("The Diet Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

#create a dictionary to store problem variables

#create the objective function
prob += pulp.lpSum([food_dict[key]['Cholesterol']*lp_foods[key] for key in food_dict.keys()]), "Total Cost of Foods per person"

#add constraints to problem
#prob += pulp.lpSum([food_dict[key][]*lp_foods[key] for key in food_dict.keys()])<= , ""
#prob += pulp.lpSum([food_dict[key][]*lp_foods[key] for key in food_dict.keys()]) >= , ""

for (idx, row) in df_constraints_t.iterrows():
  #prob += pulp.lpSum([food_dict[key][idx+1]*lp_foods[key] for key in food_dict.keys()])<= row.loc[1], ""
  #prob += pulp.lpSum([food_dict[key][idx+1]*lp_foods[key] for key in food_dict.keys()]) >=row.loc[0] , ""
#export to lp file

pulp.LpSolverDefault.msg = 1

#print status of the problem, each foods optimum value, and the total cost
print ("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
    if(v.varValue != 0.0):
      print (v.name, "=", v.varValue)

print ("Total Cost of Foods per person = ", pulp.value(prob.objective))
Example #54
def portfolio_byvalue(weights,
    For a long only portfolio, convert the continuous weights to a discrete
    allocation using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. This function assumes
    that we buy some asset based on value instead of shares, and there is a
    limit of minimum value and increasing step.

    :param weights: continuous weights generated from the ``efficient_frontier`` module
    :type weights: dict
    :param min_values: the minimum value for each asset
    :type min_values: int/float or dict
    :param max_values: the maximum value for each asset
    :type max_values: int/float or dict
    :param steps: the minimum value increase for each asset
    :type steps: int/float or dict
    :param total_portfolio_value: the desired total value of the portfolio, defaults to 10000
    :type total_portfolio_value: int/float, optional
    :raises TypeError: if ``weights`` is not a dict
    :return: the number of value of each ticker that should be purchased,
             along with the amount of funds leftover.
    :rtype: (dict, float)
    import pulp

    if not isinstance(weights, dict):
        raise TypeError("weights should be a dictionary of {ticker: weight}")
    if total_portfolio_value <= 0:
        raise ValueError("total_portfolio_value must be greater than zero")

    if isinstance(steps, numbers.Real):
        steps = {k: steps for k in weights}
    if isinstance(min_values, numbers.Real):
        min_values = {k: min_values for k in weights}
    if isinstance(max_values, numbers.Real):
        max_values = {k: max_values for k in weights}

    m = pulp.LpProblem("PfAlloc", pulp.LpMinimize)
    vals = {}
    realvals = {}
    usevals = {}
    etas = {}
    abss = {}
    remaining = pulp.LpVariable("remaining", 0)
    for k, w in weights.items():
        if steps.get(k):
            vals[k] = pulp.LpVariable("x_%s" % k, 0, cat="Integer")
            realvals[k] = steps[k] * vals[k]
            etas[k] = w * total_portfolio_value - realvals[k]
            realvals[k] = vals[k] = pulp.LpVariable("x_%s" % k, 0)
            etas[k] = w * total_portfolio_value - vals[k]
        abss[k] = pulp.LpVariable("u_%s" % k, 0)
        usevals[k] = pulp.LpVariable("b_%s" % k, cat="Binary")
        m += etas[k] <= abss[k]
        m += -etas[k] <= abss[k]
        m += realvals[k] >= usevals[k] * min_values.get(k, steps.get(k, 0))
        m += realvals[k] <= usevals[k] * max_values.get(k, 1e18)
    m += remaining == total_portfolio_value - pulp.lpSum(realvals.values())
    m += pulp.lpSum(abss.values()) + remaining
    results = {k: pulp.value(val) for k, val in realvals.items()}
    return results, remaining.varValue
Example #55
# import the library pulp as p
import pulp as p

# Create a LP Minimization problem
Lp_prob = p.LpProblem('Problem', p.LpMinimize)

# Create problem Variables
x = p.LpVariable("x", lowBound=0)  # Create a variable x >= 0
y = p.LpVariable("y", lowBound=0)  # Create a variable y >= 0

# Objective Function
Lp_prob += 3 * x + 5 * y

# Constraints:
Lp_prob += 2 * x + 3 * y >= 12
Lp_prob += -x + y <= 3
Lp_prob += x >= 4
Lp_prob += y <= 3

# Display the problem

status = Lp_prob.solve()  # Solver
print(p.LpStatus[status])  # The solution status

# Printing the final solution
print(p.value(x), p.value(y), p.value(Lp_prob.objective))
Example #56
def score_range_aggregated_rom(p_fov,
    Score range reconstruction for aggregated figures with the Ratio-of-Means approach
        p_fov (np.array): number of positives under the FoV
        n_fov (np.array): number of negatives under the FoV
        p_diff (np.array): number of positives outside the FoV
        n_diff (np.array): number of negatives outside the FoV
        acc_all (float): accuracy in the entire image
        sens_all (float): sensitivity in the entire image
        spec_all (float): specificity in the entire image
        eps (float): numerical uncertainty
        n_diff_lower (np.array): the minimum number of negatives outside the FoV
        score (str): score to compute: 'acc'/'sens'/'spec'
        float, float, float: the mid-score, the worst case minimum and best case maximum values

    prob = pl.LpProblem("maximum", pl.LpMaximize)

    tp_fovs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tp_fov" + str(i), 0, p_fov[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    tn_fovs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tn_fov" + str(i), 0, n_fov[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(n_fov))
    tp_diffs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tp_diff" + str(i), 0, p_diff[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(p_diff))
    tn_diffs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tn_diff" + str(i), n_diff_lower[i], n_diff[i],
                      pl.LpInteger) for i in range(len(n_diff))

    sens_all_plus = sum([tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                         ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(p_fov + p_diff)))
    spec_all_plus = sum([tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                         ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff)))
    acc_all_plus = sum([
        tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] + tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i]
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff + p_fov + p_diff)))

    sens_all_minus = sum([tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                          ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(p_fov + p_diff)))
    spec_all_minus = sum([tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                          ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff)))
    acc_all_minus = sum([
        tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] + tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i]
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff + p_fov + p_diff)))

    prob += sens_all_plus <= sens_all + eps
    prob += sens_all_minus <= -(sens_all - eps)

    prob += spec_all_plus <= spec_all + eps
    prob += spec_all_minus <= -(spec_all - eps)

    prob += acc_all_plus <= acc_all + eps
    prob += acc_all_minus <= -(acc_all - eps)

    if score == 'acc':
        prob += sum([tp_fovs[i] + tn_fovs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                     ]) * (1.0 / np.sum(p_fov + n_fov))
    elif score == 'spec':
        prob += sum([tn_fovs[i]
                     for i in range(len(p_fov))]) * (1.0 / np.sum(n_fov))
    elif score == 'sens':
        prob += sum([tp_fovs[i]
                     for i in range(len(p_fov))]) * (1.0 / np.sum(p_fov))


    score_max = pl.value(prob.objective)

    prob = pl.LpProblem("minimum", pl.LpMinimize)

    tp_fovs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tp_fov" + str(i), 0, p_fov[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    tn_fovs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tn_fov" + str(i), 0, n_fov[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(n_fov))
    tp_diffs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tp_diff" + str(i), 0, p_diff[i], pl.LpInteger)
        for i in range(len(p_diff))
    tn_diffs = [
        pl.LpVariable("tn_diff" + str(i), n_diff_lower[i], n_diff[i],
                      pl.LpInteger) for i in range(len(n_diff))

    sens_all_plus = sum([tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                         ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(p_fov + p_diff)))
    spec_all_plus = sum([tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                         ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff)))
    acc_all_plus = sum([
        tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] + tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i]
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    ]) * (1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff + p_fov + p_diff)))

    sens_all_minus = sum([tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                          ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(p_fov + p_diff)))
    spec_all_minus = sum([tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                          ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff)))
    acc_all_minus = sum([
        tn_fovs[i] + tn_diffs[i] + tp_fovs[i] + tp_diffs[i]
        for i in range(len(p_fov))
    ]) * (-1.0 / (np.sum(n_fov + n_diff + p_fov + p_diff)))

    prob += sens_all_plus <= sens_all + eps
    prob += sens_all_minus <= -(sens_all - eps)

    prob += spec_all_plus <= spec_all + eps
    prob += spec_all_minus <= -(spec_all - eps)

    prob += acc_all_plus <= acc_all + eps
    prob += acc_all_minus <= -(acc_all - eps)

    if score == 'acc':
        prob += sum([tp_fovs[i] + tn_fovs[i] for i in range(len(p_fov))
                     ]) * (1.0 / np.sum(p_fov + n_fov))
    elif score == 'spec':
        prob += sum([tn_fovs[i]
                     for i in range(len(p_fov))]) * (1.0 / np.sum(n_fov))
    elif score == 'sens':
        prob += sum([tp_fovs[i]
                     for i in range(len(p_fov))]) * (1.0 / np.sum(p_fov))


    score_min = pl.value(prob.objective)

    return (score_min + score_max) / 2.0, score_min, score_max
Example #57
def ilp_redundant_multicast(topology,
    # ENHANCE: use_multicommodity_flow=False,
    """Uses pulp and our ILP formulation to create k redundant
    multicast trees from the source to all the destinations on the given topology.
    NOTE: this assumes nodes in the topology are represented as strings!
    :param get_lower_bound: if True, simply returns the lower bound of the
     overlap for k trees as computed by the relaxation

    relaxed = get_lower_bound
    var_type = pulp.LpContinuous if relaxed else pulp.LpBinary

    # Extract strings to work with pulp more easily
    # edges = [edge_to_str(e) for e in topology.edges()]
    edges = list(topology.edges())
    vertices = [str(v) for v in topology.nodes()]
    multicast_trees = ["T%d" % i for i in range(k)]

    # First, convert topology and parameters into variables
    # To construct the multicast trees, we need TE variables that determine
    # if edge e is used for tree t
    edge_selection = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Edge", (edges, multicast_trees), 0,
                                           1, var_type)

    # OBJECTIVE FUNTION: sums # shared edges pair-wise betweend all redundant trees
    # That is, the total cost is sum_{links}{shared^2} where shared = # trees sharing this link
    # To linearize the objective function, we need to generate ET^2 variables
    # that count the overlap of the trees for a given edge
    # NOTE: since the pair-wise selection of the trees is symmetrical,
    # we only look at the lower diagonal half of the 'matrix' to reduce # variables
    pairwise_edge_tree_choices = [(e, t1, t2) for e in edges
                                  for t1 in multicast_trees
                                  for t2 in multicast_trees if t2 <= t1]
    # print "\n".join([str(a) for a in pairwise_edge_tree_choices])
    overlap_costs = dict()
    for e, t1, t2 in pairwise_edge_tree_choices:
        overlap_costs.setdefault(e, dict()).setdefault(t1, dict())[t2] = \
            pulp.LpVariable("Overlap_%s,%s_%s_%s" % (e[0], e[1], t1, t2), 0, 1, var_type)

    # To ensure each destination is reached by all the multicast trees,
    # we need a variable to determine if an edge is being used on the path
    # to a particular destination for a particular tree.
    # NOTE: this edge-based variable is DIRECTED despite the path being undirected
    #   it means that a unit of flow is selected from u to v
    _flipped_edges = zip(*reversed(zip(*edges)))
    _sources, _dests = zip(*_flipped_edges)
    path_selection = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
        "Path", (_sources, _dests, destinations, multicast_trees), 0, 1,

    # TODO: set the starting values of some variables (destination flows and edges?)
    # using var.setInitialValue

    problem = pulp.LpProblem("Redundant Multicast Topology", pulp.LpMinimize)

    # Since we're only computing the lower-half diagonal of this, we need to double the proper lower half
    problem += pulp.lpSum([overlap_costs[e][t][t] for e in edges for t in multicast_trees]) + \
        2 * pulp.lpSum([overlap_costs[e][t1][t2] for e, t1, t2 in pairwise_edge_tree_choices if t1 != t2]),\
               "Pair-wise overlap among trees"


    # These ~1.5*E*T^2 constraints help linearize the overlap_costs components of the objective function.
    # It counts the lower-diagonal overlap, multiplying the resulting sum by 2, and adding the sum over diagonal
    for e, t1, t2 in pairwise_edge_tree_choices:
        # This ensures the overlap is 0 if the edge not selected by a tree
        problem += overlap_costs[e][t1][t2] <= edge_selection[e][t1],\
                   "OverlapRequirement1_%s_%s_%s" % (e, t1, t2)
        # LOWER DIAGONAL MATRIX FORMULATION: same as above constraint for t2
        if t1 != t2:
            problem += overlap_costs[e][t1][t2] <= edge_selection[e][t2],\
                       "OverlapRequirement2_%s_%s_%s" % (e, t1, t2)
        # Since we have an undirected graph and are counting the overlap 'twice',
        # simply ensure the overlap matrix is mirrored
        # problem += overlap_costs[e][t1][t2] == overlap_costs[e][t2][t1], \

        # This ensures the cost is 1 if overlap
        problem += overlap_costs[e][t1][t2] >= edge_selection[e][t1] + edge_selection[e][t2] - 1,\
                   "OverlapRequirement3_%s_%s_%s" % (e, t1, t2)

    # These 3 flow constraints ensure each destination has a path to it on each tree,
    # i.e. each multicast tree covers the terminals.
    # NOTE: we have an undirected graph but the flow constraints are directed
    for t in multicast_trees:
        for d in destinations:
            # First, the source and destination should have 1 total unit
            # of outgoing and incoming flow, respectively
            problem += pulp.lpSum([path_selection[source][v][d][t] for v in topology.neighbors(source)]) == 1,\
                       "SourceFlowRequirement_%s_%s" % (t, d)
            problem += pulp.lpSum([path_selection[v][d][d][t] for v in topology.neighbors(d)]) == 1,\
                       "DestinationFlowRequirement_%s_%s" % (t, d)
            # Then, every other 'interior' vertex should have a balanced in and out flow.
            # Really, both should be either 0 or 1 each
            for v in vertices:
                if v == d or v == source:
                problem += pulp.lpSum([path_selection[u][v][d][t] for u in topology.neighbors(v) if u != v]) ==\
                           pulp.lpSum([path_selection[v][u][d][t] for u in topology.neighbors(v) if u != v]),\
                           "InteriorFlowRequirement_%s_%s_%s" % (t, d, v)

    # This constraint simply ensures an edge counts as selected on a tree
    # when it has been selected for a path to a destination along that tree
    # in order to satisfy the flow constraints.
    # NOTE: if the edge is path-selected in either direction, it counts as selected for the tree
    # NOTE: this constraint implies that we cannot have path_selection[u][v][d][t] = 1 = path_selection[v][u][d][t]
    for e in edges:
        for t in multicast_trees:
            for d in destinations:
                u, v = e
                # problem += path_selection[e][d][t] <= edge_selection[e][t],\
                problem += path_selection[u][v][d][t] + path_selection[v][u][d][t] <= edge_selection[e][t],\
                           "EdgeSelectionRequirement_%s_%s_%s" % (e,d,t)

    # Now we can solve the problem

    log.info("#Variables: %d" % len(problem.variables()))
    log.info("#Constraints: %d" % len(problem.constraints))
    log.info("Status: %s" % pulp.LpStatus[problem.status])
    cost = pulp.value(problem.objective)
    log.info("Cost: %f" % cost)  # should be 7 for C(4) + 2 graph with 1 dest

    if get_lower_bound:
        return cost
        # Lastly, construct multicast trees from the edge_selection variables and return the results
        # We use subgraph in order to ensure the attributes remain
        final_trees = []
        for t in multicast_trees:
            res = topology.edge_subgraph(e for e in edges
                                         if edge_selection[e][t].value())
            assert nx.is_tree(res) and all(
                nx.has_path(res, source, d) for d in destinations)

        return final_trees
Example #58
#2.6 ensures vehicle capacity not exceeded
for i in range(len(locations)):
    prob += demands[i] <= y[i] <= Q,""
    prob += y[i] >= demands[i],""

print("Begin solver: ", time.time()-start_clock)
# The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver
# The status of the solution is printed to the screen
print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
print("Time elapsed (s): ", time.time() - start_clock)  
print("Time elapsed (min): ",(time.time() - start_clock)/60)           

#print routes generated
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ax.scatter([i[0] for i in locations],[j[1] for j in locations])

for i in range(0,len(locations)):
    for j in range(0, len(locations)):
        if pulp.value(x[i][j]) == 1:
            print(i, " - ", j)
            ax.plot((locations[i][0], locations[j][0]), (locations[i][1], locations[j][1]), 'ro-')

stuff happening wrong between 10 and 2
for i in range(len(locations)):
    print(i,": ",pulp.value(y[i]))
Example #59
    def lp_solve(self, weight_of_corner=1, weight_of_sym=0, sym_pairs=None):
        # alert: pulp will automatically transfer node's name into str and replace some special
        # chars into '_', and will throw a error if there are variables' name duplicated.
        import pulp

        prob = pulp.LpProblem()  # minimize

        var_dict = coll.defaultdict(lambda: coll.defaultdict(dict))

        for u, v, he_id in self.flow_network.edges:
            var_dict[u][v][he_id] = pulp.LpVariable(
                self.flow_network[u][v][he_id]['capacity'], pulp.LpInteger)

        objs = []
        for he in self.planar.dcel.half_edge_dict.values():
            lf, rf = he.twin.inc.id, he.inc.id
            objs.append(self.flow_network[lf][rf][he.id]['weight'] *

        # bend points' cost
        if weight_of_corner != 0:
            for v in self.planar.G:
                if self.planar.G.degree(v) == 2:
                    (f1, he1_id), (f2, he2_id) = [
                        (f, key)
                        for f, keys in self.flow_network.adj[v].items()
                        for key in keys
                    x = var_dict[v][f1][he1_id]
                    y = var_dict[v][f2][he2_id]
                    p = pulp.LpVariable(x.name + "%temp", None, None,
                    prob.addConstraint(x - y <= p)
                    prob.addConstraint(y - x <= p)
                    objs.append(weight_of_corner * p)

        # non symmetric cost
        if weight_of_sym != 0:
            if sym_pairs:
                for u, v in sym_pairs:
                    if u != v:
                        faces1 = {
                            for face in
                        faces2 = {
                            for face in
                        for f in faces1 & faces2:
                            nodes_id = self.planar.dcel.face_dict[f].nodes_id
                            n = len(nodes_id)
                            u_succ = nodes_id[(nodes_id.index(u) + 1) % n]
                            v_succ = nodes_id[(nodes_id.index(v) + 1) % n]
                            he_u = self.planar.dcel.half_edge_dict[u, u_succ]
                            he_v = self.planar.dcel.half_edge_dict[v, v_succ]

                            x, y = var_dict[u][f][he_u.id], var_dict[v][f][
                            p = pulp.LpVariable(x.name + y.name + "%temp",
                                                None, None, pulp.LpInteger)
                            prob.addConstraint(x - y <= p)
                            prob.addConstraint(y - x <= p)
                            objs.append(weight_of_sym * p)

            for v in self.planar.G:
                if self.planar.G.degree(v) == 3:
                    for f, keys in self.flow_network.adj[v].items():
                        if len(keys) == 2:
                            he1_id, he2_id = list(keys)
                            x = var_dict[v][f][he1_id]
                            y = var_dict[v][f][he2_id]
                            p = pulp.LpVariable(x.name + y.name + "%temp",
                                                None, None, pulp.LpInteger)
                            prob.addConstraint(x - y <= p)
                            prob.addConstraint(y - x <= p)
                            objs.append(weight_of_sym * p)
        prob += pulp.lpSum(objs), "number of bends in graph"

        for f in self.planar.dcel.face_dict:
            prob += self.flow_network.nodes[f]['demand'] == pulp.lpSum([
                for v, _, he_id in self.flow_network.in_edges(f, keys=True)
        for v in self.planar.G:
            prob += -self.flow_network.nodes[v]['demand'] == pulp.lpSum([
                for _, f, he_id in self.flow_network.out_edges(v, keys=True)

        state = prob.solve()
        if state == 1:  # update flow_dict
            # code here works only when nodes are represented by str, likes '(1, 2)'
            for var in prob.variables():
                if 'temp' not in var.name:
                    lVar = var.name.split('%')
                    if len(lVar) == 3:
                        # u, v, he_id = map(trans, l) # change str to tuple !!!!!!!!!
                        u, v, he_id = [item.replace('_', ' ') for item in lVar]
                        he_id = eval(he_id)
                        self.flow_dict[u][v][he_id] = int(var.varValue)
            return pulp.value(prob.objective)
            return 2**32
Example #60
def schedule(request):
    # Form'da seçilen personel ve bölümlerin çekilmesi
    staffs_string_list = request.GET.getlist('staff')
    divisions_string_list = request.GET.getlist('division')

    # Çekilen listelerin string formatından integer formatına dönüştürülmesi
    selected_staffs = []
    selected_divisions = []
    for i in staffs_string_list:
    for i in divisions_string_list:

    # Datanın okunması
    data = pd.read_excel('Data/data_V2.xlsx', index_col=0)
    data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

    # Personel ve  Bölüm isimlerinin Filtereleme için Datadan alınması
    staff_dict = dict(
        zip(data['Personel Ad Soyad'].index, data['Personel Ad Soyad'].values))
    division_dict = dict(
            data.drop('Personel Ad Soyad',
            data.drop('Personel Ad Soyad',

    # Optimizasyonda kullanılacak olan kişi ve bölüm isimlerinin alınması
    staff_opt_list = [staff_dict[i] for i in selected_staffs]
    division_opt_list = [division_dict[i] for i in selected_divisions]

    # Seçilen Kişi ve Bölümlere göre Datanın filtrelenmesi
    names = data[data['Personel Ad Soyad'].isin(
        staff_opt_list)]['Personel Ad Soyad']
    data = data[data['Personel Ad Soyad'].isin(staff_opt_list)].filter(
        items=division_opt_list, axis=1)
    data['Personel Ad Soyad'] = names

    # Kişi, Bölüm ve Performans bilgilenin, Opt için tutulması
    staff = dict(
        zip(data['Personel Ad Soyad'].reset_index().index,
            data['Personel Ad Soyad'].values))
    division = dict(
            data.drop('Personel Ad Soyad',
            data.drop('Personel Ad Soyad',
    performance = np.array(data.drop('Personel Ad Soyad',

    problem = pulp.LpProblem('Staff_Assigment_Problem', pulp.LpMaximize)

    X_assign = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('Assign', (staff, division),

    problem += pulp.lpSum(
        [performance[i][j] * X_assign[i][j] for i in staff for j in division])

    number_of_staff = len(staff.keys())
    number_of_division = len(division.keys())

    # Staff <= Division
    if number_of_staff <= number_of_division:
        # Her lokasyonda MAKSIMUM 1 kişi olsun.
        for j in division:
            problem += pulp.lpSum([X_assign[i][j] for i in staff]) <= 1

        # Her çalışan KESİNLİKLE ve SADECE 1 bölüme atansın.
        for i in staff:
            problem += pulp.lpSum([X_assign[i][j] for j in division]) == 1

    # Staff > Division
    elif number_of_staff > number_of_division:

        # Her lokasyonda MINIMUM 1 kişi olsun.
        for j in division:
            problem += pulp.lpSum([X_assign[i][j] for i in staff]) >= 1

        # Her çalışan KESİNLİKLE ve SADECE 1 bölüme atansın.
        for i in staff:
            problem += pulp.lpSum([X_assign[i][j] for j in division]) == 1


    objective_score = pulp.value(problem.objective)
    problem_status = pulp.LpStatus[problem.status]

    # Eşleştirilen kişi ve bölümlerin listeye atanması (id olarak)
    staff_list = []
    division_list = []
    assignment_list = []
    for v in problem.variables():
        if v.varValue == 1:

    # id listesinin isim ve bölüm listesine çevirilmesi
    division_result_list = [division[i] for i in division_list]
    staff_result_list = [staff[i] for i in staff_list]

    result_list = zip(staff_result_list, division_result_list)

    # Sayfaya gönderilecekler:
    context = {
        'staffs': selected_staffs,
        'divisions': selected_divisions,
        'objective_score': objective_score,
        'problem_status': problem_status,
        'division_result_list': division_result_list,
        'staff_result_list': staff_result_list,
        'result_list': result_list

    return render(request, 'schedule.html', context=context)