Example #1
    def test_history_not_pulled(self, lib):
        # Depending on tree traversal depth, the entire commit
        # hierarchy may not have been pulled.
        commit_id = '123'
        parents = ['456', '789', None]
        variants = [
            (True, ({
                'version': 1
            }, )),
            (True, ({
                'version': 2
            }, )),
        _repo = Mock()
        _repo.load_variant.side_effect = variants
        _lib = Mock()
        _lib.OSTree.Repo.new.return_value = _repo
        _lib.GLib.GError = GError
        _lib.OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT = 'COMMIT'
        _lib.OSTree.commit_get_parent.side_effect = parents
        lib.return_value = _lib

        # test
        repo = Repository('')
        history = repo.history(commit_id)

        # validation
        self.assertEqual(history, [
            Commit('123', {'version': 1}),
            Commit('456', {'version': 2}),
Example #2
    def test_history(self, lib):
        commit_id = '123'
        parents = ['456', '789', None]
        variants = [
            (True, ({
                'version': 1
            }, )),
            (True, ({
                'version': 2
            }, )),
            (True, ({
                'version': 3
            }, )),
        _repo = Mock()
        _repo.load_variant.side_effect = variants
        _lib = Mock()
        _lib.OSTree.Repo.new.return_value = _repo
        _lib.GLib.GError = GError
        _lib.OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT = 'COMMIT'
        _lib.OSTree.commit_get_parent.side_effect = parents
        lib.return_value = _lib

        # test
        repo = Repository('')
        history = repo.history(commit_id)

        # validation
        self.assertEqual(history, [
            Commit('123', {'version': 1}),
            Commit('456', {'version': 2}),
            Commit('789', {'version': 3}),