def test_01_set_up(self): """Create, sync and publish a Docker repository. Specifically, do the following: 1. Create, sync and publish a Docker repository. Let the repository's upstream name reference a repository that has an image with a manifest list and no amd64/linux build. 2. Make Crane immediately re-read the metadata files published by Pulp. (Restart Apache.) """ client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config'].update({ 'enable_v1': False, 'enable_v2': True, 'feed': DOCKER_V2_FEED_URL, # DOCKER_UPSTREAM_NAME (dmage/manifest-list-test) has an image # without any amd64/linux build. However, it has a v1 manifest. 'upstream_name': 'dmage/busybox', }) body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] type(self).repo =, body) type(self).repo = client.get(self.repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(self.cfg, self.repo) publish_repo(self.cfg, self.repo) # Make Crane read metadata. (Now!) cli.GlobalServiceManager(self.cfg).restart(('httpd', ))
def test_all(self): """Sync two repositories w/identical content but differing layouts.""" cfg = config.get_config() if check_issue_3104(cfg): self.skipTest('') if check_issue_2798(cfg): self.skipTest('') if check_issue_2354(cfg): self.skipTest('') if (os_is_f26(cfg) and not selectors.bug_is_fixed(3036, cfg.pulp_version)): # Here, the calls to get_unit() cause pulp_streamer.service to die # without logging out anything. In Pulp #3036, certain actions # cause pulp_streamer.service to die while logging out a core dump. # Thus, this test failure might be unrelated to Pulp #3036. self.skipTest('') repos = [ self.create_repo(cfg, feed, 'on_demand') for feed in (RPM_ALT_LAYOUT_FEED_URL, RPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL) ] for repo in repos: sync_repo(cfg, repo) for repo in repos: publish_repo(cfg, repo) rpms = [] for repo in repos: with self.subTest(repo=repo): rpms.append( get_unit(cfg, repo['distributors'][0], RPM).content) self.assertEqual(len(rpms), len(repos)) self.assertEqual(rpms[0], rpms[1], repos)
def test_01_first_repo(self): """Create, sync content into and publish a Python repository. See: * `Pulp #135 <>`_ * `Pulp #3578 <>`_ * `Pulp #3769 <>`_ * `Pulp Smash #494 <>`_ """ if (self.cfg.pulp_version < Version('2.17') or not selectors.bug_is_fixed(3578, self.cfg.pulp_version)): self.skipTest('') if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(135, self.cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') if (utils.fips_is_supported(self.cfg) and utils.fips_is_enabled(self.cfg) and not selectors.bug_is_fixed(3769, self.cfg.pulp_version)): self.skipTest('') client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config'] = { 'feed': PYTHON_PYPI_FEED_URL, 'package_names': 'shelf-reader', } body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.repos.append(repo) call_report = sync_repo(self.cfg, repo) with self.subTest(comment='verify the sync succeeded'): self.verify_sync(self.cfg, call_report) with self.subTest(comment='verify content units are present'): self.verify_package_types(self.cfg, repo) repo = get_details(self.cfg, repo) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo)
def test_01_add_unit(self): """Add a content unit to the repository. Publish the repository.""" repo_before = self.get_repo() rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_UNSIGNED_URL) upload_import_unit( self.cfg, rpm, {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, self.repo, ) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo_before) repo_after = self.get_repo() with self.subTest(comment='last_unit_added'): if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(1847, self.cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') pre = repo_before['last_unit_added'] post = repo_after['last_unit_added'] self.assertIsNone(pre) self.assertIsNotNone(post) with self.subTest(comment='last_unit_removed'): pre = repo_before['last_unit_removed'] post = repo_after['last_unit_removed'] self.assertIsNone(pre) self.assertIsNone(post) with self.subTest(comment='last_publish'): pre = repo_before['distributors'][0]['last_publish'] post = repo_after['distributors'][0]['last_publish'] self.assertIsNone(pre) self.assertIsNotNone(post)
def test_all(self): """Verify ``RPM_LARGE_METADATA`` RPM file can be uploaded. Specifically, this method does the following: 1. Create an RPM repo. 2. Verify whether the file ``RPM_LARGE_METADATA`` can be uploaded into the repo without errors. This test targets: * `Pulp #723 <>`_ * `Pulp-2-Tests #88 <>`_ """ cfg = config.get_config() client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo(distributors=[gen_distributor()]) repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_LARGE_METADATA_FEED) upload_import_unit(cfg, rpm, {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) publish_repo(cfg, repo) rpm_path = get_rpm_published_path(cfg, repo, RPM_LARGE_METADATA) # Check whether the RPM is uploaded published. self.assertIn(RPM_LARGE_METADATA, rpm_path, rpm_path)
def test_all(self): """Verify whether package manager can read module list from a Pulp repo.""" cfg = config.get_config() if cfg.pulp_version < Version('2.17'): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'This test requires at least Pulp 2.17 or newer.') if not os_support_modularity(cfg): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'This test requires an OS that supports modularity.') client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo(importer_config={'feed': RPM_WITH_MODULES_FEED_URL}, distributors=[gen_distributor()]) repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) repo_path = gen_yum_config_file( cfg, baseurl=urljoin( cfg.get_base_url(), urljoin('pulp/repos/', repo['distributors'][0]['config']['relative_url'])), name=repo['_href'], repositoryid=repo['id']) cli_client = cli.Client(cfg) self.addCleanup(, ('rm', repo_path), sudo=True) lines ='dnf', 'module', 'list', '--all')), sudo=True).stdout.splitlines() for key, value in MODULE_FIXTURES_PACKAGES.items(): with self.subTest(package=key): module = [line for line in lines if key in line] self.assertEqual(len(module), value, module)
def test_all(self): """Add a content unit to a repo in the middle of several publishes.""" cfg = config.get_config() if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2532, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') rpms = (utils.http_get(RPM_UNSIGNED_URL), utils.http_get(RPM2_UNSIGNED_URL)) # Create a user and a repository. ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg) ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key) repo = self.make_repo( cfg, { 'remote': { 'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname, 'root': '/home/' + ssh_user, 'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } }) # Add content, publish w/yum, add more content, publish w/rsync. dists = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo) for i, key in enumerate(('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor')): upload_import_unit(cfg, rpms[i], {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': dists[key]['id']}) self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, dists['rpm_rsync_distributor'], 1) # Publish with yum and rsync, respectively. for key in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor': publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': dists[key]['id']}) self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, dists['rpm_rsync_distributor'], 1)
def test_all(self): """Publish the rpm rsync distributor before the yum distributor.""" cfg = config.get_config() if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2187, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') # Create a user and a repository. ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg) ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key) repo = self.make_repo( cfg, { 'remote': { 'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname, 'root': '/home/' + ssh_user, 'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } }) # Publish with the rsync distributor. distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo) args = (cfg, repo, {'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id']}) self.verify_publish_is_skip(cfg, publish_repo(*args).json()) # Verify that the rsync distributor hasn't placed files. dirs = self.remote_root_files(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']) self.assertNotIn('content', dirs) # Publish with the rsync distributor again, and verify again. if selectors.bug_is_fixed(2722, cfg.pulp_version): self.verify_publish_is_skip(cfg, publish_repo(*args).json()) dirs = self.remote_root_files(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']) self.assertNotIn('content', dirs)
def test_all(self): """Upload a package group to a repository twice.""" cfg = config.get_config() if check_issue_3104(cfg): self.skipTest('') client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) self.addCleanup(client.delete, ORPHANS_PATH) # Create a repository. body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) # Give the repository a package group, and publish the repository. package_group = {'id': utils.uuid4(), 'name': utils.uuid4()} _upload_import_package_group(cfg, repo, package_group) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) publish_repo(cfg, repo) # Update the repository's package group, and re-publish the repository. package_group['name'] = utils.uuid4() _upload_import_package_group(cfg, repo, package_group) publish_repo(cfg, repo) # Fetch the generated repodata of type 'group' (a.k.a. 'comps'). Verify # the package group portion. root_element = get_repodata(cfg, repo['distributors'][0], 'group') groups = root_element.findall('group') self.assertEqual(len(groups), 1, ElementTree.tostring(root_element)) for key, value in package_group.items(): with self.subTest(key=key): self.assertEqual(groups[0].find(key).text, value)
def test_broken_symlinks(self): """Assert that the rsync yum metadata is not a symlink.""" # Create a user and repo with an importer and distribs. Sync the repo. ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(self.cfg) ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(self.cfg, priv_key) repo = self.make_repo( self.cfg, { 'remote': { 'host': urlparse(self.cfg.get_base_url()).hostname, 'root': '/home/' + ssh_user, 'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } }, RPM_YUM_METADATA_FILE) sync_repo(self.cfg, repo) # Publish the repo with the yum and rsync distributors, respectively. # Verify that the RPM rsync distributor has placed files. distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(self.cfg, repo) self.maybe_disable_selinux(self.cfg, 2199) for type_id in ('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor'): publish_repo(self.cfg, repo, {'id': distribs[type_id]['id']}) path = os.path.join( distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['config']['remote']['root'], distribs['yum_distributor']['config']['relative_url'], 'repodata') # Assert that the productid was not saved as symlink productid_symlink = self.find_productid(True, path) self.assertEqual(len(productid_symlink), 0, productid_symlink) # Assert that the productid was saved as a file productid_file = self.find_productid(False, path) self.assertEqual(len(productid_file), 1, productid_file)
def test_non_matching_query(self): """Sync a repository with a query that doesn't match any units. Assert that: * None of the sync tasks has an error message. * Searching for module ``pulp_2_tests.constants.PUPPET_MODULE_2`` yields no results. """ # Create and sync a repository. client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config'] = { 'feed': PUPPET_FEED_2, 'queries': [PUPPET_QUERY_2.replace('-', '_')], } body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) self._sync_repo(repo) # Publish the repository. publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) module = '/'.join((PUPPET_MODULE_2['author'], PUPPET_MODULE_2['name'])) with self.assertRaises(HTTPError): client.get( '/v3/releases', auth=('repository', repo['id']), params={'module': module}, )
def setUpClass(cls): """Create an RPM repository, upload package groups, and publish.""" super().setUpClass() if check_issue_3104(cls.cfg): raise unittest.SkipTest('') # Create a repository and add a distributor to it. client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) cls.resources.add(repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) # Generate several package groups, import them into the repository, and # publish the repository. cls.package_groups = { 'minimal': _gen_minimal_group(), 'realistic': _gen_realistic_group(), } cls.tasks = {} for key, package_group in cls.package_groups.items(): report = _upload_import_package_group(cls.cfg, repo, package_group) cls.tasks[key] = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report)) publish_repo(cls.cfg, repo) # Fetch the generated repodata of type 'group' (a.k.a. 'comps') cls.root_element = (get_repodata(cls.cfg, repo['distributors'][0], 'group'))
def do_test(self, distributor_config_update): """Implement most of the test logic.""" rpms = tuple( utils.http_get(url) for url in (RPM_UNSIGNED_URL, RPM2_UNSIGNED_URL)) # Create a repository. client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] body['distributors'][0]['distributor_config'].update( distributor_config_update) repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) # Upload an RPM, publish the repo, and count metadata files twice. cli_client = cli.Client(self.cfg) sudo = () if cli.is_root(self.cfg) else ('sudo', ) find_repodata_cmd = sudo + ( 'find', os.path.join('/var/lib/pulp/published/yum/master/yum_distributor/', str(repo['id'])), '-type', 'd', '-name', 'repodata') found = [] for rpm in rpms: upload_import_unit(self.cfg, rpm, {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) repodata_path = found.append( + ('find', repodata_path, '-type', 'f')).stdout.splitlines()) return found
def test_all(self): """Package manager can consume RPM with rich/weak dependencies from Pulp.""" cfg = config.get_config() if cfg.pulp_version < Version('2.17'): raise unittest.SkipTest('This test requires Pulp 2.17 or newer.') if not rpm_rich_weak_dependencies(cfg): raise unittest.SkipTest('This test requires RPM 4.12 or newer.') client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo( importer_config={'feed': RPM_RICH_WEAK_FEED_URL}, distributors=[gen_distributor()] ) repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) repo_path = gen_yum_config_file( cfg, baseurl=urljoin(cfg.get_base_url(), urljoin( 'pulp/repos/', repo['distributors'][0]['config']['relative_url'] )), name=repo['_href'], repositoryid=repo['id'] ) cli_client = cli.Client(cfg) self.addCleanup(, ('rm', repo_path), sudo=True) rpm_name = 'Cobbler' pkg_mgr = cli.PackageManager(cfg) pkg_mgr.install(rpm_name) self.addCleanup(pkg_mgr.uninstall, rpm_name) rpm ='rpm', '-q', rpm_name)).stdout.strip().split('-') self.assertEqual(rpm_name, rpm[0])
def test_all(self): """Test whether copied files retain their original mtime. This test targets the following issues: * `Pulp #2783 <>`_ * `Pulp Smash #720 <>`_ Do the following: 1. Create, sync and publish a repository, with ``generate_sqlite`` set to true. 2. Get the ``mtime`` of the sqlite files. 3. Upload an RPM package into the repository, and sync the repository. 4. Get the ``mtime`` of the sqlite files again. Verify that the mtimes are the same. """ cfg = config.get_config() if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2783, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') # Create, sync and publish a repository. client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] body['distributors'][0]['distributor_config']['generate_sqlite'] = True repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) # Get the mtime of the sqlite files. cli_client = cli.Client(cfg, cli.echo_handler) cmd = '' if cli.is_root(cfg) else 'sudo ' cmd += "bash -c \"stat --format %Y '{}'/*\"".format( os.path.join( _PATH, repo['distributors'][0]['config']['relative_url'], 'repodata', )) # machine.session is used here to keep SSH session open mtimes_pre = ( cli_client.machine.session().run(cmd)[1].strip().split().sort()) # Upload to the repo, and sync it. rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_SIGNED_URL) upload_import_unit(cfg, rpm, {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo) sync_repo(cfg, repo) # Get the mtime of the sqlite files again. time.sleep(1) # machine.session is used here to keep SSH session open mtimes_post = ( cli_client.machine.session().run(cmd)[1].strip().split().sort()) self.assertEqual(mtimes_pre, mtimes_post)
def test_all(self): """Sync a repo whose updateinfo file has multiple pkglist sections. Specifically, do the following: 1. Create, sync and publish an RPM repository whose feed is set to ``pulp_2_tests.constants.RPM_PKGLISTS_UPDATEINFO_FEED_URL``. 2. Fetch and parse the published repository's ``updateinfo.xml`` file. Verify that the ``updateinfo.xml`` file has three packages whose ``<filename>`` elements have the following text: * penguin-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm * shark-0.1-1.noarch.rpm * walrus-5.21-1.noarch.rpm Note that Pulp is free to change the structure of a source repository at will. For example, the source repository has three ``<collection>`` elements, the published repository can have one, two or three ``<collection>`` elements. Assertions are not made about these details. """ cfg = config.get_config() if check_issue_3104(cfg): self.skipTest('') if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2227, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') # Create, sync and publish a repository. client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_PKGLISTS_UPDATEINFO_FEED_URL body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) # Fetch and parse ``updateinfo.xml``. updates_element = (get_repodata(cfg, repo['distributors'][0], 'updateinfo')) # Verify the ``updateinfo.xml`` file. debug = ElementTree.tostring(updates_element) filename_elements = (updates_element.findall( 'update/pkglist/collection/package/filename')) filenames = [ filename_element.text for filename_element in filename_elements ] filenames.sort() self.assertEqual(filenames, [ 'penguin-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm', 'shark-0.1-1.noarch.rpm', 'walrus-5.21-1.noarch.rpm', ], debug)
def test_02_copy_publish(self): """Copy and RPM from the first repo to the second, and publish it. Execute :meth:`verify_repo_search` and :meth:`verify_repo_download`. """ api.Client(self.cfg).post( urljoin(self.repos[1]['_href'], 'actions/associate/'), {'source_repo_id': self.repos[0]['id']}) publish_repo(self.cfg, self.repos[1]) self.verify_repo_search(self.repos[1]) self.verify_repo_download(self.repos[1])
def test_matching_query(self): """Sync a repository with a query that matches units. Assert that: * None of the sync tasks has an error message. * Searching for module ``pulp_2_tests.constants.PUPPET_MODULE_2`` yields one result. * The synced-in module can be downloaded. """ cfg = config.get_config() if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(3692, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') # Create and sync a repository. client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config'] = { 'feed': PUPPET_FEED_2, 'queries': [PUPPET_QUERY_2], } body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) self._sync_repo(repo) # Publish the repository. publish_repo(cfg, repo) module = '/'.join((PUPPET_MODULE_2['author'], PUPPET_MODULE_2['name'])) response = client.get( '/v3/releases', auth=('repository', repo['id']), params={'module': module}, ) self.assertEqual(len(response['results']), 1) # Download the Puppet module directly from feed url. latest_version = response['results'][0]['metadata']['version'] module_file = utils.http_get(PUPPET_MODULE_URL_2 % latest_version) client.response_handler = api.safe_handler # Download the Puppet module stored by Pulp. file_response = client.get(response['results'][0]['file_uri']) # Assert the files are the same. with self.subTest(): self.assertEqual(module_file, file_response.content) with self.subTest(): self.assertIn( file_response.headers['content-type'], ('application/gzip', 'application/x-gzip') )
def test_01_set_up(self): """Create and publish a repo, and fetch and parse its ``repomd.xml``.""" client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] self.repo.update(, body)) self.repo.update(client.get(self.repo['_href'], params={'details': True})) publish_repo(self.cfg, self.repo) type(self).root_element = get_repodata_repomd_xml( self.cfg, self.repo['distributors'][0], )
def test_all(self): """Use the ``force_full`` RPM rsync distributor option.""" cfg = config.get_config() cli_client = cli.Client(cfg) sudo = '' if cli.is_root(cfg) else 'sudo ' # Create a user and repo with an importer and distribs. Sync the repo. ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg) ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key) repo = self.make_repo( cfg, { 'remote': { 'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname, 'root': '/home/' + ssh_user, 'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } }) sync_repo(cfg, repo) # Publish the repo with the yum and rsync distributors, respectively. # Verify that the RPM rsync distributor has placed files. distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo) self.maybe_disable_selinux(cfg, 2199) for type_id in ('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor'): publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': distribs[type_id]['id']}) self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']) # Remove all files from the target directory, and publish again. Verify # that the RPM rsync distributor didn't place any files. cmd = sudo + 'rm -rf /home/{}/content'.format(ssh_user) self.verify_publish_is_skip( cfg, publish_repo(cfg, repo, { 'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id'] }).json()) dirs = self.remote_root_files(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']) self.assertNotIn('content', dirs) # Publish the repo with ``force_full`` set to true. Verify that the RPM # rsync distributor placed files. if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2202, cfg.pulp_version): return publish_repo( cfg, repo, { 'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id'], 'override_config': { 'force_full': True }, }) self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor'])
def test_update_on_copy(self): """Check if copying units into a repo updates ``last_unit_added``. Do the following: 1. Create a repository with a feed and sync it. 2. Create a second repository. Assert the second repository's ``last_unit_added`` attribute is null. 3. Copy a content unit from first repository to the second. Assert the second repository's ``last_unit_added`` attribute is non-null. 4. Publish the second repository. Assert its ``last_unit_added`` attribute is non-null. """ if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2688, self.cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') # create a repo with a feed and sync it sync_repo(self.cfg, self.repo) self.repo = self.client.get(self.repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) # create a second repository body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo2 =, body) self.addCleanup(self.client.delete, repo2['_href']) repo2 = self.client.get(repo2['_href'], params={'details': True}) with self.subTest(comment='after repository creation'): self.assertIsNone(repo2['last_unit_added']) # copy a content unit from the first repo to the second urljoin(repo2['_href'], 'actions/associate/'), { 'source_repo_id': self.repo['id'], 'criteria': { 'filters': { 'unit': { 'name': 'bear' } }, 'type_ids': ['rpm'], }, }) repo2 = self.client.get(repo2['_href'], params={'details': True}) with self.subTest(comment='after unit association'): self.assertIsNotNone(repo2['last_unit_added'], repo2) # publish the second repo publish_repo(self.cfg, repo2) repo2 = self.client.get(repo2['_href'], params={'details': True}) with self.subTest(comment='after repository publish'): self.assertIsNotNone(repo2['last_unit_added'], repo2)
def test_all(self): """Execute the test case business logic.""" cfg = config.get_config() if check_issue_3104(cfg): self.skipTest('') self.check_issue_2277(cfg) self.check_issue_2321(cfg) repo = self.create_repo(cfg, RPM_MIRRORLIST_MIXED, _gen_rel_url()) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) actual_rpm = get_unit(cfg, repo['distributors'][0], RPM).content target_rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_UNSIGNED_URL) self.assertEqual(actual_rpm, target_rpm)
def create_sync_publish_repo(self, body): """Create, sync and publish a repository. Also, schedule the repository for deletion. :param body: A dict of information to use when creating the repository. :return: A detailed dict of information about the repository. """ repo =, body) self.addCleanup(self.client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = self.client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(self.cfg, repo) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) return repo
def do_test(self, feed): """Verify ``checksum_type`` is updated on the repo metadata.""" cfg = config.get_config() if check_issue_3104(cfg): self.skipTest('') client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) # Create and sync a repository. body = gen_repo() body['importer_config']['feed'] = feed body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) sync_repo(cfg, repo) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) distributor = repo['distributors'][0] # Update checksum type to be "sha256" and publish the repository. client.put(distributor['_href'], {'distributor_config': { 'checksum_type': 'sha256' }}) publish_repo(cfg, repo) with self.subTest(comment='primary.xml'): self.verify_primary_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha256') with self.subTest(comment='filelists.xml'): self.verify_filelists_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha256') with self.subTest(comment='other.xml'): self.verify_other_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha256') if feed == DRPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL: with self.subTest(comment='prestodelta.xml'): self.verify_presto_delta_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha256') # Update the checksum type to "sha1", and re-publish the repository. client.put(distributor['_href'], { 'distributor_config': { 'checksum_type': 'sha1', 'force_full': True } }) publish_repo(cfg, repo) with self.subTest(comment='primary.xml'): self.verify_primary_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha1') with self.subTest(comment='filelists.xml'): self.verify_filelists_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha1') with self.subTest(comment='other.xml'): self.verify_other_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha1') if feed == DRPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL: with self.subTest(comment='prestodelta.xml'): self.verify_presto_delta_xml(cfg, distributor, 'sha1')
def test_all(self): """Publish with a yum and rsync distributor twice.""" cfg = config.get_config() if not selectors.bug_is_fixed(2666, cfg.pulp_version): self.skipTest('') if check_issue_2844(cfg): self.skipTest('') # Create a user and a repository. ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg) ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key) repo = self.make_repo( cfg, { 'remote': { 'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname, 'root': '/home/' + ssh_user, 'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } }) # Add content. for url in (RPM_UNSIGNED_URL, RPM2_UNSIGNED_URL): upload_import_unit(cfg, utils.http_get(url), {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo) dists = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo) # See time.sleep(2) # Publish with yum and rsync. for dist in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor': report = (publish_repo(cfg, repo, { 'id': dists[dist]['id'] }).json()) publish_task = self.get_publish_task(cfg, report) num_processed = self.get_num_processed(publish_task) with self.subTest(comment='first rsync publish'): self.assertEqual(num_processed, 2, publish_task) # Publish with yum and rsync again. for dist in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor': report = (publish_repo(cfg, repo, { 'id': dists[dist]['id'] }).json()) publish_task = self.get_publish_task(cfg, report) num_processed = self.get_num_processed(publish_task) with self.subTest(comment='second rsync publish'): self.assertEqual(num_processed, 0, publish_task)
def test_01_upload_publish(self): """Upload an RPM to the first repository, and publish it. Execute :meth:`verify_repo_search` and :meth:`verify_repo_download`. """ repo = self.repos[0] upload_import_unit( self.cfg, self.rpm, {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo, ) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) self.verify_repo_search(repo) self.verify_repo_download(repo)
def test_all(self): """Test puppet_install_distributor. Do the following: 1. Create a puppet repository with a puppet_install_distributor 2. Upload a puppet module 3. Publish the repository 4. Check if the puppet_install_distributor config was properly used """ cfg = config.get_config() if (not selectors.bug_is_fixed(3314, cfg.pulp_version) and os_is_f27(cfg)): self.skipTest('') cli_client = cli.Client(cfg) # Create a directory and make sure Pulp can write to it. install_path ='mktemp', '--directory')).stdout.strip() self.addCleanup(, ('rm', '-rf', install_path), sudo=True)'chown', 'apache:apache', install_path), sudo=True)'chcon', '-t', 'puppet_etc_t', install_path), sudo=True) # Make sure the pulp_manage_puppet boolean is enabled'setsebool', 'pulp_manage_puppet', 'on'), sudo=True) self.addCleanup(, ('setsebool', 'pulp_manage_puppet', 'off'), sudo=True) # Create and populate a Puppet repository. distributor = gen_install_distributor() distributor['distributor_config']['install_path'] = install_path body = gen_repo() body['distributors'] = [distributor] client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) unit = utils.http_get(PUPPET_MODULE_URL_1) upload_import_unit(cfg, unit, {'unit_type_id': 'puppet_module'}, repo) # Publish, and verify the module is present. (Dir has 700 permissions.) publish_repo(cfg, repo) proc ='runuser', '--shell', '/bin/sh', '--command', 'ls -1 {}'.format(install_path), '-', 'apache'), sudo=True) self.assertIn(PUPPET_MODULE_1['name'], proc.stdout.split('\n'), proc)
def health_check(self): """Execute step three of the test plan.""" client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(self.cfg, repo) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) pulp_rpm = get_unit(self.cfg, repo['distributors'][0], RPM).content # Does this RPM match the original RPM? rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_SIGNED_URL) self.assertEqual(rpm, pulp_rpm)
def _create_sync_publish_repo(self, cfg): """Create, sync and publish a repository. Also, schedule it for deletion. Return a detailed dict of information about the repository. """ client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler) body = gen_repo() body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()] repo =, body) self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href']) repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}) sync_repo(cfg, repo) publish_repo(cfg, repo) return repo
def test_sync_publish_repo(self): """Test sync and publish modular RPM repository.""" repo = self.create_sync_modular_repo() # Assert that `modulemd` and `modulemd_defaults` are present on the # repository. self.assertIsNotNone(repo['content_unit_counts']['modulemd']) self.assertIsNotNone(repo['content_unit_counts']['modulemd_defaults']) publish_repo(self.cfg, repo) get_repodata( self.cfg, repo['distributors'][0], 'modules', api.safe_handler, )