Example #1
def update_info():
    pulse_username = request.form['pulse-user']
    new_password = request.form['new-password']
    password_verification = request.form['new-password-verification']

        pulse_user = PulseUser.query.filter(
            PulseUser.username == pulse_username).one()
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
        return profile(messages=["Invalid user."])

    if pulse_user.owner != g.user:
        return profile(messages=["Invalid user."])

    if not new_password:
        return profile(messages=["You didn't enter a new password."])

    if new_password != password_verification:
        return profile(error="Password verification doesn't match the "

    if not PulseUser.strong_password(new_password):
        return profile(error="Your password must contain a mix of "
                       "letters and numerical characters and be at "
                       "least 6 characters long.")

    pulse_user.change_password(new_password, pulse_management)
    return profile(messages=["Password updated for user {0}.".format(
Example #2
def register_handler():
    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']
    password_verification = request.form['password-verification']
    email = session['email']
    errors = []

    if password != password_verification:
        errors.append("Password verification doesn't match the password.")
    elif not PulseUser.strong_password(password):
        errors.append("Your password must contain a mix of letters and "
                      "numerical characters and be at least 6 characters long.")

    if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$', username):
        errors.append("The submitted username must start with an "
                      "alphabetical character and contain only alphanumeric "
                      "characters, periods, underscores, and hyphens.")

    # Checking if a user exists in RabbitMQ OR in our db
        user_response = pulse_management.user(username=username)
        in_rabbitmq = True
    except PulseManagementException:
        in_rabbitmq = False
        if 'error' in user_response:
            in_rabbitmq = False

    if (in_rabbitmq or
        PulseUser.query.filter(PulseUser.username == username).first()):
        errors.append("A user with the same username already exists.")

    if errors:
        return render_template('register.html', email=email,

    PulseUser.new_user(username, password, g.user, pulse_management)

    return redirect('/profile')