def __init__(self, name: str, props: NGINXProperties, opts=None): """Initializes NGINX using the given parameters.""" super().__init__('glab:kubernetes:NGINX', name, None, opts) self.props = props self.namespace = Namespace('nginx-namespace', metadata={"name": self.props.namespace_str}, opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self)) self.chart = Chart( 'nginx-chart', ChartOpts( fetch_opts=FetchOpts(repo='', ), chart='nginx-ingress', namespace=self.props.namespace_str, values={ 'controller': { 'wildcardTLS': { 'secret': '{}/{}'.format(self.props.namespace_str, 'gilmanio-wildcard-cert-secret') } } }), opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self, depends_on=[self.namespace])) self.widlcard_cert = CustomResource( 'nginx-wildcard-cert', api_version='', kind='Certificate', metadata={ 'name': 'gilmanio-wildcard-cert', 'namespace': self.props.namespace_str, }, spec={ 'secretName': 'gilmanio-wildcard-cert-secret', 'issuerRef': { 'name': 'letsencrypt', 'kind': 'ClusterIssuer' }, 'commonName': '*', 'dnsNames': [ '', '*', ], }, opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))
def __init__(self, name: str, props: NFSProperties, opts=None): """Initializes NFSProvisioner using the given parameters.""" super().__init__('glab:kubernetes:nfs', name, None, opts) self.props = props self.namespace = Namespace('nfs-namespace', metadata={"name": self.props.namespace_str}, opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self)) self.chart = Chart('nfs-chart', ChartOpts(repo='stable', chart='nfs-client-provisioner', namespace=self.props.namespace_str, values={ 'nfs': { 'server': props.server, 'path': props.path }, "replicaCount": 3, "storageClass": { "name": "nfs" } }), opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self))
# That function requires passing values that are not be known until the resources are created. # Thus, the use of "apply()" to wait for those values before calling the function. creds = pulumi.Output.all(, lambda args: containerservice.list_managed_cluster_user_credentials( resource_group_name=args[0], resource_name=args[1])) # The "list_managed_cluster_user_credentials" function returns an array of base64 encoded kubeconfigs. # So decode the kubeconfig for our cluster but mark it as a secret so Pulumi treats it accordingly. kubeconfig = pulumi.Output.secret(creds.kubeconfigs[0].value.apply( lambda enc: base64.b64decode(enc).decode())) ### End of AKS Cluster Related Resources # The K8s provider which supplies the helm chart resource needs to know how to talk to the K8s cluster. # So, instantiate a K8s provider using the retrieved kubeconfig. k8s_provider = k8s.Provider('k8s-provider', kubeconfig=kubeconfig) # Create a chart resource to deploy apache using the k8s provider instantiated above. apache = Chart('apache-chart', ChartOpts( chart='apache', version='8.3.2', fetch_opts={'repo': ''}), opts=ResourceOptions(provider=k8s_provider)) # Get the helm-deployed apache service IP which isn't known until the chart is deployed. apache_service_ip = apache.get_resource( 'v1/Service', 'apache-chart').apply(lambda res: res.status.load_balancer.ingress[0].ip) # Correct option using "concat()" pulumi.export('Apache_URL', pulumi.Output.concat('http://', apache_service_ip))
ChartOpts( chart="traefik", version="9.10.1", fetch_opts=FetchOpts(repo=""), namespace=traefik_namespace.metadata["name"], values={ # Debugging # "logs": {"general": {"level": "DEBUG"}}, # These are the ports that Traefik has open "ports": { # This one is used for readiness/liveness probes, and is not exposed "traefik": { "port": 9000, "expose": True, "exposedPort": 9000, "protocol": "TCP", }, # This one is exposed on port 80, and is used for HTTP # It redirects traffic it receives to HTTPS "web": { "port": 8000, "expose": True, "exposedPort": 80, "protocol": "TCP", "redirectTo": "websecure", }, # This one is exposed on port 443, and is used for HTTPS "websecure": { "port": 8443, "expose": True, "exposedPort": 443, "protocol": "TCP", "tls": { "enabled": True, } }, }, }, transformations=[traefik_chart_transformation], ),
from pulumi_kubernetes.core.v1 import Namespace from pulumi_kubernetes.helm.v3 import Chart, ChartOpts, FetchOpts cilium_namespace = Namespace("cilium") cilium = Chart( "cilium", ChartOpts( chart="cilium", version="1.8.5", fetch_opts=FetchOpts(repo=""), namespace=cilium_namespace.metadata["name"], values={ # The values change when upgrading cilium to 1.9, watch out! "operator": { "numReplicas": 1, }, }, ), )
config=ChartOpts( chart='rabbitmq', namespace=config_k8s.get("namespace"), fetch_opts=FetchOpts(repo=""), values={ "replicaCount": data.get("replicaCount"), "resources": { "limits": { "memory": data.get("resourcesLimitsMemory") }, }, "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": data.get("resourcesLimitsCpu") }, }, "resources": { "requests": { "memory": data.get("resourcesRequestsMemory"), }, }, "resources": { "requests": { "cpu": data.get("resourcesRequestCpu"), }, }, "memoryHighWatermark": { "enabled": data.get("memoryHighWatermarkEnabled"), }, "memoryHighWatermark": { "type": data.get("memoryHighWatermarkType"), }, "memoryHighWatermark": { "value": data.get("memoryHighWatermarkValue"), }, "extraPlugins": data.get("extraPlugins"), "auth": { "password": config.require_secret("rabbitmqAuthPassword"), }, "auth": { "username": data.get("username"), }, "service": { "type": data.get('serviceType'), }, "clustering": { "forceBoot": data.get("forceBoot"), }, "persistence": { "size": data.get("persistenceSize") }, }, ))
prometheus = Chart( "prometheus", ChartOpts( chart="prometheus", version="11.16.8", fetch_opts=FetchOpts( repo=""), namespace=prometheus_namespace.metadata["name"], values={ "alertmanager": { "enabled": True, "ingress": { "enabled": True, "hosts": [""], }, }, "server": { "ingress": { "enabled": True, "hosts": [""], } }, # Conflicts w/ nodeExporter installed from Puppet. "nodeExporter": { "enabled": False, } }, ), )
from pulumi_kubernetes.helm.v3 import Chart, ChartOpts, FetchOpts from pulumi_random import RandomString namespace = Namespace("test") rs = RandomString("random-string", length=8).result values = {"service": {"type": "ClusterIP"}, "random-string": rs} Chart( "remote-chart", ChartOpts( chart="nginx", fetch_opts=FetchOpts(home=expanduser("~"), repo=""), namespace=namespace.metadata["name"], values={"service": { "type": "ClusterIP" }}, version="6.0.4", )) # Deploy a duplicate chart with a different resource prefix to verify that multiple instances of the Chart # can be managed in the same stack. Chart( "remote-chart", ChartOpts( chart="nginx", resource_prefix="dup", fetch_opts=FetchOpts(home=expanduser("~"), repo=""), namespace=namespace.metadata["name"],
from pulumi_kubernetes.core.v1 import Namespace from pulumi_kubernetes.helm.v3 import Chart, ChartOpts, FetchOpts vault_namespace = Namespace("vault") cilium = Chart( "vault", ChartOpts( chart="vault", version="0.8.0", fetch_opts=FetchOpts( repo=""), namespace=vault_namespace.metadata["name"], values={ # Not yet configured... # }, ), )
"""A Kubernetes Python Pulumi program""" import pulumi from pulumi_kubernetes.helm.v3 import Chart, ChartOpts, FetchOpts mongodb = Chart( 'mongodb-julioleal', config=ChartOpts( chart='mongodb', namespace="julioleal", fetch_opts=FetchOpts(repo=""), values={ "auth": { "enabled": False, }, "persistence": { "size": "20Gi", }, }, )) # Export the public IP for WordPress. #frontend = mongodb.get_resource('v1/Service', 'mongodb-julioleal') #pulumi.export('frontend_ip', frontend.status.load_balancer.ingress[0].ip)