def costars_contract_upload():
    '''Upload a contract document pdf for costars

    Because the COSTARS website streams contract documents via POST requests
    instead having them live at some static endpoint, they are re-hosted in S3.

    :status 200: render the upload costars document template
    :status 302: attempt to upload a costars document to S3 and set the
        ``contract_href`` on the relevant
        :py:class:`` object. Redirect
        to the same page.
    contracts = ContractBase.query.join(ContractType).filter(
        db.func.lower( == 'costars',
        db.or_(ContractBase.contract_href == None,
               ContractBase.contract_href == '')).all()

    form = ContractUploadForm()

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        _file = request.files.get('upload')
        filename, filepath = upload_costars_contract(_file)

        contract = ContractBase.query.get(int('contract_id')))

        flash('Contract uploaded successfully', 'alert-success')
        return redirect(url_for('conductor_uploads.costars_contract_upload'))

    return render_template('/conductor/upload/upload_costars_documents.html',