async def worker(port, num_concurrent_streams, num_requests_per_stream, num_rounds, message_size, load_type): async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", port) as channel: stub = GreeterStub(channel) if load_type == "unary": load_fn = do_load_unary elif load_type == "stream": load_fn = do_load_stream else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown load type: {load_type}") for idx in range(num_rounds): start = time.time() task_results = anyio.create_queue(sys.maxsize) async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group: for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams): await task_group.spawn(load_fn, task_results, stub, num_requests_per_stream, message_size) end = time.time() rps = num_concurrent_streams * num_requests_per_stream / (end - start) latencies = [] for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams): latencies.append(await task_results.get()) print("Round", idx, "rps", rps, "avg latency", 1000 * sum(latencies) / len(latencies))
async def worker(port, queue, num_concurrent_streams, num_requests_per_stream, num_rounds, message_size, load_type): async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", port) as channel: stub = GreeterStub(channel) if load_type == "unary": load_fn = do_load_unary elif load_type == "stream": load_fn = do_load_stream else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown load type: {load_type}") for _ in range(num_rounds): start = time.time() task_results = anyio.create_queue(sys.maxsize) async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group: for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams): await task_group.spawn(load_fn, task_results, stub, num_requests_per_stream, message_size) end = time.time() rps = num_concurrent_streams * num_requests_per_stream / (end - start) queue.put(rps) results = [] for _ in range(num_concurrent_streams): results.append(await task_results.get()) queue.put(results) queue.close() queue.join_thread()
async def main_coro(): # await curio.spawn(print_memory_growth_statistics(), daemon=True) async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", 50055) as channel: for i in range(100): start = time.time() async with curio.TaskGroup() as task_group: for i in range(100): await task_group.spawn(worker(channel)) print("RPS: {}".format(10000 / (time.time() - start)))
async def main(): async with purerpc.insecure_channel("localhost", 50051) as channel: stub = ChallengeStub(channel) challenge = await stub.create(ChallengeRequest(name='Mr. Easy')) print(, async def challenge_requests(name): for i in range(2): yield ChallengeRequest(name=f'({i} {name}') async for challenge in stub.bulk_create( challenge_requests('Mr. Bulk Easy')): print(, async for challenge in stub.list(Empty()): print(,
async def new_corofunc(*, port_fixture_value, **kwargs): import purerpc async with purerpc.insecure_channel("", port_fixture_value) as channel: await corofunc(**kwargs, channel=channel)