Example #1
def get_post(post_id):
    """Given a post id, return a dictionary with the body and avatar url."""
    post = redis.get('post:%s' % (post_id,))
    if post:
        user, post = post.split('|', 1)
        post = unicode(post, errors='ignore')
        return dict(body=post, user=get_gravatar(user, size=16))
Example #2
def index():
    if 'email' not in session:
        return redirect(url_for('.login'))
    email = session['email']
    gravatar = get_gravatar(email, size=32)
    post_ids = redis.lrange('global:timeline', 0, 10)
    posts = [get_post(post_id) for post_id in post_ids]
    posts = filter(lambda x: x not in ['', None], posts)
    return render_template('index.html', avatar=gravatar, email=email,
Example #3
def set_post(post):
    """Store a post and push it onto the global timeline."""
    if 'email' not in session:
        return redirect(url_for('.login'))
    post_id = redis.incr('last-post-id')
    post = post[:140]  # silently truncate!
    redis.set('post:%d' % (post_id,), '%s|%s' % (session['email'], post))
    redis.lpush('global:timeline', post_id)
    redis.ltrim('global:timeline', 0, 10)
    publisher.publish(post, get_gravatar(session['email'], size=16))