Example #1
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from pwkit.io import get_stdout_bytes

        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        # Here we have a slight wrinkle from the usual approach. If the argument
        # is a DOI, just fetch it without trying to autolearn a database entry.

        idtext = args[0]

        from .bibcore import classify_pub_ref
        kind, content = classify_pub_ref(idtext)

        if kind == 'doi':
            doi = content
            pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)
            if pub.doi is None:
                die('publication "%s" has no associated DOI, which is necessary', idtext)
            doi = pub.doi

        from .crossref import stream_doi
        url, handle = stream_doi(app, doi)
        bout = get_stdout_bytes()

        for data in handle:
Example #2
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .bibtex import get_style_or_die, merge_with_bibtex

        if len(args) != 3:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 3 arguments')

        stylename = args[0]
        bibfile = args[1]
        auxfile = args[2]

        style = get_style_or_die(stylename)

        # Load cited nicknames
        citednicks = set()

        for line in io.open(auxfile, 'rt'):
            if not line.startswith(r'\citation{'):

            line = line.rstrip()

            if line[-1] != '}':
                warn('unexpected cite line in LaTeX aux file: "%s"', line)

            entries = line[10:-1]

            # We provide a mechanism for ignoring raw bibtex entries
            citednicks.update([e for e in entries.split(',')
                               if not e.startswith('r.')])

        # Ready to write
        merge_with_bibtex(app, bibfile, style, citednicks)
Example #3
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        # Here we have a slight wrinkle from the usual approach. If the argument
        # is a bibcode, just fetch it without trying to autolearn a database
        # entry.

        idtext = args[0]

        from .bibcore import classify_pub_ref
        kind, content = classify_pub_ref(idtext)

        if kind == 'bibcode':
            bibcode = content
            # XXX: should log a visit if there's a pub, in this case
            pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)
            if pub.bibcode is None:
                die('cannot open ADS for this publication: no bibcode on record'
            bibcode = pub.bibcode
            app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'visit')

        app.open_url('http://labs.adsabs.harvard.edu/adsabs/abs/%s/' %
Example #4
        def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
            if len(args) < 2:
                raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 2 arguments')

            groupname = args[0]
            # FIXME: check groupname to avoid "bib group add abc+12 xyz+10" mistake
            dbgroupname = 'user_' + groupname

            # We want to complain if an individual term doesn't match anything in the
            # group, but if the user specifies "williams.*" and we get a bunch of hits
            # only one of which is in the group, that's OK. So we need to process terms
            # individually.

            c = app.db.cursor()

                for idtext in args[1:]:
                    ndeleted = 0

                    for pub in app.locate_pubs((idtext,)):
                        c.execute('DELETE FROM publists WHERE name == ? AND pubid == ?',
                                  (dbgroupname, pub.id))
                        ndeleted += c.rowcount

                    if not ndeleted:
                        warn('no entries in "%s" matched "%s"', groupname, idtext)
            except Exception as e:
Example #5
        def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
            if len(args) not in (0, 1):
                raise multitool.UsageError('expected 0 or 1 arguments')

                if len(args) == 0:
                    # List the groups.
                    q = app.db.execute(
                        'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM publists WHERE '
                        'name LIKE ? ORDER BY name ASC', ('user_%', ))
                    for (name, ) in q:
                    # List the items in a group.
                    groupname = args[0]
                    # FIXME: check groupname to avoid "bib group add abc+12 xyz+10" mistake
                    dbgroupname = 'user_' + groupname

                    q = app.db.pub_fquery(
                        'SELECT p.* FROM pubs AS p, publists AS pl '
                        'WHERE p.id == pl.pubid AND pl.name == ? '
                        'ORDER BY pl.idx', dbgroupname)
                    print_generic_listing(app.db, q)
            except Exception as e:
Example #6
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        import subprocess

        if len(args) < 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 1 argument')

        for idtext in args:
            pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)

            sha1 = app.db.getfirstval('SELECT sha1 FROM pdfs WHERE pubid = ?', pub.id)
            if sha1 is None:
                sha1 = app.try_get_pdf(pub)

            if sha1 is None:
                die('no saved PDF for %s, and cannot figure out how to download it', idtext)

            with make_temp_nicename(app.db, pub, sha1) as nicepath:
                # TODO: config
                    ['rmapi', 'put', nicepath, 'Printouts'],
                    shell = False,
                    stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb')

            # We'll count this as a read
            app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'read')
Example #7
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 2 arguments')

        idtext = args[0]
        pdfpath = args[1]

        import hashlib, shutil

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)

        # Get SHA1 of the PDF -- we could be more efficient by copying
        # to a temporary path while we're at it, but, meh.

        with io.open(pdfpath, 'rb') as f:
            s = hashlib.sha1()

            while True:
                b = f.read(4096)
                if not len(b):


            sha1 = s.hexdigest()

        # Copy it into the library
        dest = libpath(sha1, 'pdf')
        shutil.copyfile(pdfpath, dest)

        # Update the DB
        app.db.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO pdfs VALUES (?, ?)', (sha1, pub.id))
Example #8
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from . import textfmt

        from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)

        # While NamedTemporaryFile returns an existing stream, I think we're going
        # to have to manually wrap it in a codec.
        work = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='bib.edit.', mode='wb', dir='.', delete=False)
        enc = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(work)
        textfmt.export_one(app, pub, enc, 72)


        enc = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(open(work.name, 'rb'))
        info = textfmt.import_one(enc)
        app.db.update_pub(pub, info)

        except Exception as e:
            warn('couldn\'t delete temporary file "%s": %s', work.name, e)

            os.unlink(work.name + '~')
            pass # whatever.
Example #9
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .db import init

        if len(args) != 0:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected no arguments')

Example #10
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, tool=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 1 argument')

        subcommand = args[0]

        from . import completions
        completions.process(app, tool, subcommand, args[1:])
Example #11
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 0:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected no arguments')

        pubs = app.db.pub_fquery(
            'SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM pubs AS p, history AS h '
            'WHERE p.id == h.pubid ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10')
        print_generic_listing(app.db, pubs, sort=None)
Example #12
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .ads import search_ads

        # XXX need a real option-parsing setup
        rawmode = pop_option('raw', args)

        if len(args) < 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected arguments')

        search_ads(app, parse_search(args), raw=rawmode)
Example #13
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .bibtex import import_stream

        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        bibpath = args[0]

        with io.open(bibpath, 'rt') as f:
            import_stream(app, f)
Example #14
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        # TODO: should be OK to match multiple publications and print them all
        # out.

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)

        year = pub.year or 'no year'
        title = pub.title or '(no title)'

        authors = list(app.db.get_pub_authors(pub.id))
        if len(authors) > 10:
            authstr = ', '.join(a[1] for a in authors[:10]) + ' ...'
        elif len(authors):
            authstr = ', '.join(a[1] for a in authors)
            authstr = '(no authors)'

        bold, bred, red, reset = get_color_codes(None, 'bold', 'bold-red', 'red', 'reset')
        print_linewrapped(bred + title + reset, rest_prefix='   ')
        print_linewrapped(bold + '%s (%s)' % (authstr, year) + reset, rest_prefix='   ')

        nicks = [t[0] for t in app.db.execute('SELECT nickname FROM nicknames '
                                              'WHERE pubid == ? '
                                              'ORDER BY nickname', (pub.id, ))]
        if len(nicks):
            print(red + 'nicknames:' + reset, *nicks)

        if pub.arxiv is not None:
            print(red + 'arxiv:' + reset, pub.arxiv)
        if pub.bibcode is not None:
            print(red + 'bibcode:' + reset, pub.bibcode)
        if pub.doi is not None:
            print(red + 'DOI:' + reset, pub.doi)
        if pub.refdata is not None:
            rd = json.loads(pub.refdata)
            txt = red + '~BibTeX:' + reset + ' @%s {' % rd.pop('_type')
            def fmt(t):
                k, v = t
                if ' ' in v:
                    return k + '="' + v + '"'
                return k + '=' + v
            bits = (fmt(t) for t in sorted(rd.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
            txt += ', '.join(bits) + '}'
            print_linewrapped(txt, rest_prefix='   ')

        if pub.abstract is not None:
            print_linewrapped(pub.abstract, maxwidth=72)

        app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'visit')
Example #15
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 0:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected no arguments')

        # Note that we've wrapped sys.stdin inside a UTF-8 decoder, so we have to
        # check the true underlying stream.
        if not sys.stdin.stream.isatty():
            die('this command can only be run with standard input set to a TTY')

        from .secret import store_user_secret
Example #16
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        # TODO: mode to match multiple publications and delete them
        # all, if a --force flag is given.

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)
Example #17
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)
        if pub.arxiv is None:
            die('cannot open arxiv website: no identifier for record')

        app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'visit')
        app.open_url('http://arxiv.org/abs/' + wu.urlquote(pub.arxiv))
Example #18
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)
        if pub.doi is None:
            die('cannot open journal website: no DOI for record')

        app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'visit')
        app.open_url('http://dx.doi.org/' + wu.urlquote(pub.doi))
Example #19
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .bibtex import get_style_or_die, export_to_bibtex

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 2 arguments')

        stylename = args[0]
        nicks = args[1:]

        style = get_style_or_die(stylename)

        # That's all there is to it.
        export_to_bibtex(app, style, nicks)
Example #20
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        long_listing = pop_option('l', args)

        if len(args) != 0:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected no non-option arguments')

        if long_listing:
            n = 100
            n = 10

        pubs = app.db.pub_fquery('SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM pubs AS p, history AS h '
                                 'WHERE p.id == h.pubid ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ?', n)
        print_generic_listing(app.db, pubs, sort=None)
Example #21
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]
        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)

        sha1 = app.db.getfirstval('SELECT sha1 FROM pdfs WHERE pubid = ?', pub.id)
        if sha1 is None:
            # XXX: only do this optionally, maybe?
            sha1 = app.try_get_pdf(pub)

        if sha1 is not None:
            print(libpath(sha1, 'pdf'))
Example #22
        def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
            if len(args) < 2:
                raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 2 arguments')

            groupname = args[0]
            # FIXME: check groupname to avoid "bib group add abc+12 xyz+10" mistake
            dbgroupname = 'user_' + groupname

                for pub in app.locate_pubs(args[1:], autolearn=True):
                    app.db.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO publists VALUES (?, '
                                   '  (SELECT ifnull(max(idx)+1,0) FROM publists WHERE name == ?), '
                                   '?)', (dbgroupname, dbgroupname, pub.id))
            except Exception as e:
Example #23
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        import re

        nocase = pop_option('i', args)
        fixed = pop_option('f', args)
        refinfo = pop_option('r', args)

        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError(
                'expected exactly 1 non-option argument')

        regex = args[0]

        if refinfo:
            fields = ['arxiv', 'bibcode', 'doi', 'refdata']
            fields = ['title', 'abstract']

            # Could use the Sqlite REGEXP machinery, but it should be somewhat
            # faster to precompile the regex. Premature optimization FTW.

            if fixed:

                def rmatch(i):
                    if i is None:
                        return False
                    return regex in i
                flags = 0

                if nocase:
                    flags |= re.IGNORECASE

                comp = re.compile(regex, flags)

                def rmatch(i):
                    if i is None:
                        return False
                    return comp.search(i) is not None

            app.db.create_function('rmatch', 1, rmatch)
            q = app.db.pub_fquery('SELECT * FROM pubs WHERE ' +
                                  '||'.join('rmatch(%s)' % f for f in fields))
            print_generic_listing(app.db, q)
        except Exception as e:
Example #24
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .bibtex import bibtex_styles, export_to_bibtex

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected at least 2 arguments')

        outstyle = args[0]
        nicks = args[1:]

        # Load/check style
        factory = bibtex_styles.get(outstyle)
        if factory is None:
            die('unrecognized BibTeX output style "%s"', outstyle)

        style = factory()

        # That's all there is to it.
        export_to_bibtex(app, style, nicks)
Example #25
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]

        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext, autolearn=True)

        sha1 = app.db.getfirstval('SELECT sha1 FROM pdfs WHERE pubid = ?', pub.id)
        if sha1 is None:
            sha1 = app.try_get_pdf(pub)

        if sha1 is None:
            die('no saved PDF for %s, and cannot figure out how to download it', idtext)

        app.db.log_action(pub.id, 'read')
        pdfreader = app.cfg.get_or_die('apps', 'pdf-reader')
        launch_background_silent(pdfreader, [pdfreader, libpath(sha1, 'pdf')])
Example #26
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) not in (2, 3):
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected 2 or 3 arguments')

        oldjournal = args[0]
        newjournal = args[1]
        newissn = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None

        for pub in app.db.pub_query('refdata NOT NULL'):
            rd = json.loads(pub.refdata)
            if rd.get('journal', '') != oldjournal:

            rd['journal'] = newjournal

            if 'issn' not in rd and newissn is not None:
                rd['issn'] = newissn

            app.db.execute('UPDATE pubs SET refdata = ? WHERE id == ?',
                           (json.dumps(rd), pub.id))
Example #27
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 1 argument')

        idtext = args[0]
        pub = app.locate_or_die(idtext)

        # It's not something I plan to do, but the schema does let us
        # store multiple PDFs for one pub ...

        any = False

        for (sha1, ) in app.db.execute('SELECT sha1 FROM pdfs '
                                       'WHERE pubid == ?', (pub.id, )):
            print('orphaning', libpath(sha1, 'pdf'))
            any = True

        if not any:
            warn('no PDFs were on file for "%s"', idtext)

        app.db.execute('DELETE FROM pdfs WHERE pubid == ?', (pub.id, ))
Example #28
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        import re
        from .bibtex import get_style_or_die

        if len(args) != 2:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 2 non-option arguments')

        stylename = args[0]
        regex = args[1].encode('utf8')

        style = get_style_or_die(stylename)
        comp = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)

        inm = getattr(style, 'issn_name_map', None)
        if inm is None:
            die('style "%s" does not provide an ISSN/journal-name map', stylename)

        # t = (issn, jname):
        matches = (t for t in six.viewitems(inm)
                   if comp.search(t[1]) is not None)

        for issn, jname in sorted(matches, key=lambda t: t[0]):
            print('%s %s' % (issn, jname.decode('utf8')))
Example #29
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        from .bibtex import bibtex_styles, export_to_bibtex

        if len(args) != 2:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected exactly 2 arguments')

        outstyle = args[0]
        auxfile = args[1]

        # Load/check style
        factory = bibtex_styles.get(outstyle)
        if factory is None:
            die('unrecognized BibTeX output style "%s"', outstyle)

        style = factory()

        # Load cited nicknames
        citednicks = set()

        for line in io.open(auxfile, 'rt'):
            if not line.startswith(r'\citation{'):

            line = line.rstrip()

            if line[-1] != '}':
                warn('unexpected cite line in LaTeX aux file: "%s"', line)

            entries = line[10:-1]

            # We provide a mechanism for ignoring raw bibtex entries
                [e for e in entries.split(',') if not e.startswith('r.')])

        # Ready to write
        export_to_bibtex(app, style, citednicks)
Example #30
    def invoke(self, args, app=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) != 0:
            raise multitool.UsageError('expected no arguments')
