Example #1
def format(value,
    Recursively dereferences an address into string representation, or convert the list representation
    of address dereferences into string representation.

        value(int|list): Either the starting address to be sent to get, or the result of get (a list)
        limit(int): Number of valid pointers
        code(bool): Hint that indicates the value may be an instruction
        offset(int): Offset into the address to get the next pointer
        hard_stop(int): Value to stop on
        hard_end: Value to append when hard_stop is reached: null, value of hard stop, a string.

        A string representing pointers of each address and reference
        Strings format: 0x0804a10 —▸ 0x08061000 ◂— 0x41414141
    limit = int(limit) + 1

    # Allow results from get function to be passed to format
    if type(value) == list:
        chain = value
        chain = get(value, limit, offset, hard_stop, hard_end)

    arrow_left = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_left)
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    # Enhance the last entry
    # If there are no pointers (e.g. eax = 0x41414141), then enhance
    # the only element there is.
    if len(chain) == 1:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-1], code=code)

    # Otherwise, the last element in the chain is the non-pointer value.
    # We want to enhance the last pointer value. If an offset was used
    # chain failed at that offset, so display that offset.
    elif len(chain) < limit:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-2] + offset, code=code)

        enhanced = C.contiguous('%s' % config_contiguous)

    # Colorize the rest
    rest = []
    for link in chain[:-1]:
        symbol = pwndbg.symbol.get(link) or None
        if symbol:
            symbol = '%#x (%s)' % (link, symbol)
        rest.append(M.get(link, symbol))

    if len(chain) == 1:
        return enhanced

    return arrow_right.join(rest) + arrow_left + enhanced
Example #2
def format(value, limit=LIMIT, code=True, offset=0):
    chain = get(value, limit, offset)
    arrow_left = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_left)
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    # Enhance the last entry
    # If there are no pointers (e.g. eax = 0x41414141), then enhance
    # the only element there is.
    if len(chain) == 1:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-1], code=code)

    # Otherwise, the last element in the chain is the non-pointer value.
    # We want to enhance the last pointer value.
    elif len(chain) < limit:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-2], code=code)

        enhanced = C.contiguous('%s' % config_contiguous)

    # Colorize the rest
    rest = []
    for link in chain[:-1]:
        symbol = pwndbg.symbol.get(link) or None
        if symbol:
            symbol = '%#x (%s)' % (link, symbol)
        rest.append(M.get(link, symbol))

    if len(chain) == 1:
        return enhanced

    return arrow_right.join(rest) + arrow_left + enhanced
Example #3
def format(value, limit=LIMIT, code=True, offset=0):
    chain = get(value, limit, offset)
    arrow_left  = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_left)
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    # Enhance the last entry
    # If there are no pointers (e.g. eax = 0x41414141), then enhance
    # the only element there is.
    if len(chain) == 1:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-1], code=code)

    # Otherwise, the last element in the chain is the non-pointer value.
    # We want to enhance the last pointer value.
    elif len(chain) < limit:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-2], code=code)

        enhanced = C.contiguous('%s' % config_contiguous)

    # Colorize the rest
    rest = []
    for link in chain[:-1]:
        symbol = pwndbg.symbol.get(link) or None
        if symbol:
            symbol = '%#x (%s)' % (link, symbol)
        rest.append(M.get(link, symbol))

    if len(chain) == 1:
        return enhanced

    return arrow_right.join(rest) + arrow_left + enhanced
Example #4
def get_rec_addr_string(addr,visited_map):
    page = pwndbg.vmmap.find(addr)
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    if not page is None:
        if not addr in visited_map:
            return ""
        parent_info = visited_map[addr]
        parent = parent_info[0]
        parent_base_addr = parent_info[1]
        if parent - parent_base_addr < 0:
            curText = hex(parent_base_addr) + hex(parent - parent_base_addr)
            curText = hex(parent_base_addr) + "+" + hex(parent - parent_base_addr)
        if parent_base_addr == addr:
            return ""
        return get_rec_addr_string(parent_base_addr,visited_map) + M.get(parent_base_addr,text=curText) + arrow_right
        return ""
def leakfind(address=None,
    if address is None:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('No starting address provided.')

    foundPages = pwndbg.vmmap.find(address)

    if not foundPages:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Starting address is not mapped.')

    if not pwndbg.memory.peek(address):
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
            'Unable to read from starting address.')

    max_depth = int(max_depth)
    # Just warn the user that a large depth might be slow.
    # Probably worth checking offset^depth < threshold. Do this when more benchmarking is established.
    if max_depth > 8:
        print("leakfind may take a while to run on larger depths.")

    stride = int(stride)
    address = int(address)
    max_offset = int(max_offset)
    negative_offset = int(negative_offset)

    # The below map stores a map of child address->(parent_address,parent_start_address)
    # In the above tuple, parent_address is the exact address with a pointer to the child adddress.
    # parent_start_address is an address that a previous address pointed to.
    # We need to store both so that we can nicely create our leak chain.
    visited_map = {}
    visited_set = {int(address)}
    address_queue = Queue()
    depth = 0
    time_to_depth_increase = 0

    # Run a bfs
    # TODO look into performance gain from checking if an address is mapped before calling pwndbg.memory.pvoid()
    # TODO also check using pwndbg.memory.read for possible performance boosts.
    while address_queue.qsize() > 0 and depth < max_depth:
        if time_to_depth_increase == 0:
            depth = depth + 1
            time_to_depth_increase = address_queue.qsize()
        cur_start_addr = address_queue.get()
        time_to_depth_increase -= 1
        for cur_addr in range(cur_start_addr - negative_offset,
                              cur_start_addr + max_offset, stride):
                result = int(pwndbg.memory.pvoid(cur_addr))
                if result in visited_map or result in visited_set:
                visited_map[result] = (
                    cur_addr, cur_start_addr
                )  # map is of form child->(parent,parent_start)
            except gdb.error:
                # That means the memory was unmapped. Just skip it if we can't read it.

    # A map of length->list of lines. Used to let us print in a somewhat nice manner.
    output_map = {}
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    for child in visited_map:
        child_page = pwndbg.vmmap.find(child)
        if child_page is not None:
            if page_name is not None and page_name not in child_page.objfile:
            line = get_rec_addr_string(
                child, visited_map) + M.get(child) + " " + M.get(
                    child, text=child_page.objfile)
            chain_length = line.count(arrow_right)
            if chain_length in output_map:
                output_map[chain_length] = [line]

    # Output sorted by length of chain
    for chain_length in output_map:
        for line in output_map[chain_length]:

    if pwndbg.qemu.is_qemu():
            "\n[QEMU target detected - leakfind result might not be accurate; see `help vmmap`]"
Example #6
def format(value, limit=LIMIT, code=True, offset=0, hard_stop=None, hard_end=0):
    Recursively dereferences an address into string representation, or convert the list representation
    of address dereferences into string representation.

        value(int|list): Either the starting address to be sent to get, or the result of get (a list)
        limit(int): Number of valid pointers
        code(bool): Hint that indicates the value may be an instruction
        offset(int): Offset into the address to get the next pointer
        hard_stop(int): Value to stop on
        hard_end: Value to append when hard_stop is reached: null, value of hard stop, a string.

        A string representing pointers of each address and reference
        Strings format: 0x0804a10 —▸ 0x08061000 ◂— 0x41414141
    limit = int(limit)

    # Allow results from get function to be passed to format
    if isinstance(value, list):
        chain = value
        chain = get(value, limit, offset, hard_stop, hard_end)

    arrow_left  = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_left)
    arrow_right = C.arrow(' %s ' % config_arrow_right)

    # Colorize the chain
    rest = []
    for link in chain:
        symbol = pwndbg.symbol.get(link) or None
        if symbol:
            symbol = '%#x (%s)' % (link, symbol)
        rest.append(M.get(link, symbol))

    # If the dereference limit is zero, skip any enhancements.
    if limit == 0:
        return rest[0]
    # Otherwise replace last element with the enhanced information.
    rest = rest[:-1]

    # Enhance the last entry
    # If there are no pointers (e.g. eax = 0x41414141), then enhance
    # the only element there is.
    if len(chain) == 1:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-1], code=code)

    # Otherwise, the last element in the chain is the non-pointer value.
    # We want to enhance the last pointer value. If an offset was used
    # chain failed at that offset, so display that offset.
    elif len(chain) < limit + 1:
        enhanced = pwndbg.enhance.enhance(chain[-2] + offset, code=code)

        enhanced = C.contiguous('%s' % config_contiguous)

    if len(chain) == 1:
        return enhanced

    return arrow_right.join(rest) + arrow_left + enhanced