Example #1
 def _lookup_graphs(self, meth_name):
     _, meth = self._lookup(meth_name)
     graphs = set()
     if not getattr(meth, 'abstract', False):
     for SUBTYPE in self._subclasses:
     return graphs
Example #2
 def fix_names(self):
     # it could happen that two distinct graph have the same name;
     # here we assign an unique name to each graph.
     names = set()
     for graph in self.translator.graphs:
         base_name = graph.name
         i = 0
         while graph.name in names:
             graph.name = '%s_%d' % (base_name, i)
             i += 1
Example #3
 def fix_names(self):
     # it could happen that two distinct graph have the same name;
     # here we assign an unique name to each graph.
     names = set()
     for graph in self.translator.graphs:
         base_name = graph.name
         i = 0
         while graph.name in names:
             graph.name = '%s_%d' % (base_name, i)
Example #4
def test_simple():
    s = set([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert s == set([3, 4, 2, 1])
    s1 = s.union(set([5, 6]))
    assert 5 in s1
    assert 1 in s1
Example #5
def test_frozenset():
    s = set([frozenset([0, 1]), frozenset([1, 0])])
    assert len(s) == 1
Example #6
 def _lookup_graphs(self, meth_name):
     return set()
Example #7
def test_frozenset():
    s = set([frozenset([0, 1]), frozenset([1, 0])])
    assert len(s) == 1
Example #8
def test_simple():
    s = set([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert s == set([3, 4, 2, 1])
    s1 = s.union(set([5, 6]))
    assert 5 in s1
    assert 1 in s1
Example #9
class CTS(object):

    ILASM_KEYWORDS = set([
        "at", "as", "implicitcom", "implicitres", "noappdomain", "noprocess",
        "nomachine", "extern", "instance", "explicit", "default", "vararg",
        "unmanaged", "cdecl", "stdcall", "thiscall", "fastcall", "marshal",
        "in", "out", "opt", "retval", "static", "public", "private", "family",
        "initonly", "rtspecialname", "specialname", "assembly", "famandassem",
        "famorassem", "privatescope", "literal", "notserialized", "value",
        "not_in_gc_heap", "interface", "sealed", "abstract", "auto",
        "sequential", "ansi", "unicode", "autochar", "bestfit", "charmaperror",
        "import", "serializable", "nested", "lateinit", "extends",
        "implements", "final", "virtual", "hidebysig", "newslot",
        "unmanagedexp", "pinvokeimpl", "nomangle", "ole", "lasterr", "winapi",
        "native", "il", "cil", "optil", "managed", "forwardref", "runtime",
        "internalcall", "synchronized", "noinlining", "custom", "fixed",
        "sysstring", "array", "variant", "currency", "syschar", "void", "bool",
        "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float32", "float64", "error",
        "unsigned", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "decimal",
        "date", "bstr", "lpstr", "lpwstr", "lptstr", "objectref", "iunknown",
        "idispatch", "struct", "safearray", "int", "byvalstr", "tbstr",
        "lpvoid", "any", "float", "lpstruct", "null", "ptr", "vector",
        "hresult", "carray", "userdefined", "record", "filetime", "blob",
        "stream", "storage", "streamed_object", "stored_object", "blob_object",
        "cf", "clsid", "method", "class", "pinned", "modreq", "modopt",
        "typedref", "type", "refany", "wchar", "char", "fromunmanaged",
        "callmostderived", "bytearray", "with", "init", "to", "catch",
        "filter", "finally", "fault", "handler", "tls", "field", "request",
        "demand", "assert", "deny", "permitonly", "linkcheck", "inheritcheck",
        "reqmin", "reqopt", "reqrefuse", "prejitgrant", "prejitdeny",
        "noncasdemand", "noncaslinkdemand", "noncasinheritance", "readonly",
        "nometadata", "algorithm", "fullorigin", "nan", "inf", "publickey",
        "enablejittracking", "disablejitoptimizer", "preservesig",
        "beforefieldinit", "alignment", "nullref", "valuetype",
        "compilercontrolled", "reqsecobj", "enum", "object", "string", "true",
        "false", "is", "on", "off", "add", "and", "arglist", "beq", "bge",
        "bgt", "ble", "blt", "bne", "box", "br", "break", "brfalse", "brnull",
        "brtrue", "call", "calli", "callvirt", "castclass", "ceq", "cgt",
        "ckfinite", "clt", "conf", "constrained", "conv", "cpblk", "cpobj",
        "div", "dup", "endfault", "endfilter", "endfinally", "initblk",
        "initobj", "isinst", "jmp", "ldarg", "ldarga", "ldc", "ldelem",
        "ldelema", "ldfld", "ldflda", "ldftn", "ldind", "ldlen", "ldloc",
        "ldloca", "ldnull", "ldobj", "ldsfld", "ldsflda", "ldstr", "ldtoken",
        "ldvirtftn", "leave", "localloc", "mkrefany", "mul", "neg", "newarr",
        "newobj", "nop", "not", "or", "pop", "readonly", "refanytype",
        "refanyval", "rem", "ret", "rethrow", "shl", "shr", "sizeof", "starg",
        "stelem", "stfld", "stind", "stloc", "stobj", "stsfld", "sub",
        "switch", "tail", "throw", "unaligned", "unbox", "volatile", "xor",
    # ole is not a keyword, but mono ilasm fails if you use it as a field/method name

    types = types  # for convenience

    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db

    def escape_name(self, name):
        """Mangle then name if it's a ilasm reserved word"""
        if name in self.ILASM_KEYWORDS:
            return "'%s'" % name
            return name

    def lltype_to_cts(self, t):
        if t is ootype.ROOT:
            return types.object
        elif isinstance(t, lltype.Ptr) and isinstance(t.TO, lltype.OpaqueType):
            return types.object
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.Instance):
            if getattr(t, '_is_value_type', False):
                cls = CliValueType
                cls = CliClassType
            NATIVE_INSTANCE = t._hints.get('NATIVE_INSTANCE', None)
            if NATIVE_INSTANCE:
                return cls(None, NATIVE_INSTANCE._name)
                name = self.db.pending_class(t)
                return cls(None, name)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.Record):
            name = self.db.pending_record(t)
            return CliClassType(None, name)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.StaticMethod):
            delegate = self.db.record_delegate(t)
            return CliClassType(None, delegate)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.Array):
            item_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t.ITEM)
            if item_type == types.void:  # special case: Array of Void
                return types.list_of_void
            return CliArrayType(item_type)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.List):
            item_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t.ITEM)
            if item_type == types.void:  # special case: List of Void
                return types.list_of_void
            return types.list.specialize(item_type)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.Dict):
            key_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t._KEYTYPE)
            value_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t._VALUETYPE)
            if value_type == types.void:  # special cases: Dict with voids
                if key_type == types.void:
                    return types.dict_void_void
                    # XXX
                    return CliClassType(None, PYPY_DICT_OF_VOID % key_type)
            return types.dict.specialize(key_type, value_type)
        elif isinstance(t, ootype.DictItemsIterator):
            key_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t._KEYTYPE)
            value_type = self.lltype_to_cts(t._VALUETYPE)
            if key_type == types.void:
                key_type = types.int32  # placeholder
            if value_type == types.void:
                value_type = types.int32  # placeholder
            return types.dict_items_iterator.specialize(key_type, value_type)

        return _get_from_dict(_lltype_to_cts, t, 'Unknown type %s' % t)

    def llvar_to_cts(self, var):
        return self.lltype_to_cts(var.concretetype), var.name

    def llconst_to_cts(self, const):
        return self.lltype_to_cts(const.concretetype), const.value

    def ctor_name(self, t):
        return 'instance void %s::.ctor()' % self.lltype_to_cts(t)

    def graph_to_signature(self, graph, is_method=False, func_name=None):
        ret_type, ret_var = self.llvar_to_cts(graph.getreturnvar())
        func_name = func_name or graph.name
        func_name = self.escape_name(func_name)
        namespace = getattr(graph.func, '_namespace_', None)
        if namespace:
            func_name = '%s::%s' % (namespace, func_name)

        args = [
            arg for arg in graph.getargs()
            if arg.concretetype is not ootype.Void
        if is_method:
            args = args[1:]

        arg_types = [
            self.lltype_to_cts(arg.concretetype).typename() for arg in args
        arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)

        return '%s %s(%s)' % (ret_type, func_name, arg_list)

    def op_to_signature(self, op, func_name):
        ret_type, ret_var = self.llvar_to_cts(op.result)
        func_name = self.escape_name(func_name)

        args = [
            arg for arg in op.args[1:] if arg.concretetype is not ootype.Void

        arg_types = [
            self.lltype_to_cts(arg.concretetype).typename() for arg in args
        arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)

        return '%s %s(%s)' % (ret_type, func_name, arg_list)

    def method_signature(self, TYPE, name_or_desc):
        # TODO: use callvirt only when strictly necessary
        if isinstance(TYPE, ootype.Instance):
            if isinstance(name_or_desc, ootype._overloaded_meth_desc):
                name = name_or_desc.name
                METH = name_or_desc.TYPE
                virtual = True
                name = name_or_desc
                owner, meth = TYPE._lookup(name)
                METH = meth._TYPE
                virtual = getattr(meth, '_virtual', True)
            class_name = self.db.class_name(TYPE)
            full_name = 'class %s::%s' % (class_name, self.escape_name(name))
            returntype = self.lltype_to_cts(METH.RESULT)
            arg_types = [
                self.lltype_to_cts(ARG).typename() for ARG in METH.ARGS
                if ARG is not ootype.Void
            arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)
            return '%s %s(%s)' % (returntype, full_name, arg_list), virtual

        elif isinstance(TYPE, (ootype.BuiltinType, ootype.StaticMethod)):
            assert isinstance(name_or_desc, str)
            name = name_or_desc
            if isinstance(TYPE, ootype.StaticMethod):
                METH = TYPE
                METH = oopspec.get_method(TYPE, name)
            class_name = self.lltype_to_cts(TYPE)
            if isinstance(TYPE, ootype.Dict):
                KEY = TYPE._KEYTYPE
                VALUE = TYPE._VALUETYPE
                name = name_or_desc
                if KEY is ootype.Void and VALUE is ootype.Void and name == 'll_get_items_iterator':
                    # ugly, ugly special case
                    ret_type = types.dict_items_iterator.specialize(
                        types.int32, types.int32)
                elif VALUE is ootype.Void and METH.RESULT is ootype.Dict.VALUETYPE_T:
                    ret_type = types.void
                    ret_type = self.lltype_to_cts(METH.RESULT)
                    ret_type = dict_of_void_ll_copy_hack(TYPE, ret_type)
                ret_type = self.lltype_to_cts(METH.RESULT)
            generic_types = getattr(TYPE, '_generic_types', {})
            arg_types = [self.lltype_to_cts(arg).typename() for arg in METH.ARGS if
                         arg is not ootype.Void and \
                         generic_types.get(arg, arg) is not ootype.Void]
            arg_list = ', '.join(arg_types)
            return '%s %s::%s(%s)' % (ret_type, class_name, name,
                                      arg_list), False

            assert False