def ssave(self, name): import copy from py4j.java_gateway import JavaClass cls = JavaClass('', gateway_client=self.gateway._gateway_client) if hasattr(self, 'mapop') and self.is_instance_of(self.mapop, 'org.mrgeo.mapalgebra.MapOp') and type( name) is str: op = cls.create(self.mapop, str(name)) else: raise Exception('input types differ (TODO: expand this message!)') if (op.setup(self.job, self.context.getConf()) and op.execute(self.context) and op.teardown(self.job, self.context.getConf())): new_resource = copy.copy(self) new_resource.mapop = op return new_resource return
def ssave(self,name): import copy from numbers import Number from py4j.java_gateway import JavaClass cls = JavaClass('', gateway_client=self.gateway._gateway_client) if hasattr(self, 'mapop') and self.is_instance_of(self.mapop, 'org.mrgeo.mapalgebra.MapOp') and type(name) is str: op = cls.create(self.mapop, str(name)) else: raise Exception('input types differ (TODO: expand this message!)') if (op.setup(self.job, self.context.getConf()) and op.execute(self.context) and op.teardown(self.job, self.context.getConf())): new_resource = copy.copy(self) new_resource.mapop = op return new_resource return None
def eexport(self,name,singleFile=False,zoom=-1,numTiles=-1,mosaic=-1,format="tif",randomTiles=False,tms=False,colorscale="",tileids="",bounds="",allLevels=False,overridenodata=float('-inf')): import copy from numbers import Number import base64 import numpy from osgeo import gdal_array import zlib from osgeo import gdal from py4j.java_gateway import JavaClass cls = JavaClass('org.mrgeo.mapalgebra.ExportMapOp', gateway_client=self.gateway._gateway_client) local_name = name name = 'In-Memory' if hasattr(self, 'mapop') and self.is_instance_of(self.mapop, 'org.mrgeo.mapalgebra.raster.RasterMapOp') and type(name) is str and isinstance(singleFile, (int, long, float, str)) and isinstance(zoom, (int, long, float)) and isinstance(numTiles, (int, long, float)) and isinstance(mosaic, (int, long, float)) and type(format) is str and isinstance(randomTiles, (int, long, float, str)) and isinstance(tms, (int, long, float, str)) and type(colorscale) is str and type(tileids) is str and type(bounds) is str and isinstance(allLevels, (int, long, float, str)) and isinstance(overridenodata, (int, long, float)): op = cls.create(self.mapop, str(name), True if singleFile else False, int(zoom), int(numTiles), int(mosaic), str(format), True if randomTiles else False, True if tms else False, str(colorscale), str(tileids), str(bounds), True if allLevels else False, float(overridenodata)) else: raise Exception('input types differ (TODO: expand this message!)') if (op.setup(self.job, self.context.getConf()) and op.execute(self.context) and op.teardown(self.job, self.context.getConf())): new_resource = copy.copy(self) new_resource.mapop = op gdalutils = JavaClass('org.mrgeo.utils.GDALUtils', gateway_client=self.gateway._gateway_client) java_image = op.image() width = java_image.getRasterXSize() height = java_image.getRasterYSize() options = [] if format == 'jpg' or format == 'jpeg': driver_name = 'jpeg' extension = 'jpg' elif format == 'tif' or format == 'tiff' or format == 'geotif' or format == 'geotiff' or format == 'gtif' or format == 'gtiff': driver_name = 'GTiff' options.append('INTERLEAVE=BAND') options.append('COMPRESS=DEFLATE') options.append('PREDICTOR=1') options.append('ZLEVEL=6') options.append('TILES=YES') if width < 2048: options.append('BLOCKXSIZE=' + str(width)) else: options.append('BLOCKXSIZE=2048') if height < 2048: options.append('BLOCKYSIZE=' + str(height)) else: options.append('BLOCKYSIZE=2048') extension = 'tif' else: driver_name = format extension = format datatype = java_image.GetRasterBand(1).getDataType() if not local_name.endswith(extension): local_name += "." + extension driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) local_image = driver.Create(local_name, width, height, java_image.getRasterCount(), datatype, options) local_image.SetProjection(str(java_image.GetProjection())) local_image.SetGeoTransform(java_image.GetGeoTransform()) java_nodatas = gdalutils.getnodatas(java_image) for i in xrange(1, local_image.RasterCount + 1): start = time.time() raw_data = gdalutils.getRasterDataAsCompressedBase64(java_image, i, 0, 0, width, height) print('compressed/encoded data ' + str(len(raw_data))) decoded_data = base64.b64decode(raw_data) print('decoded data ' + str(len(decoded_data))) decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(decoded_data, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) print('decompressed data ' + str(len(decompressed_data))) byte_data = numpy.frombuffer(decompressed_data, dtype='b') print('byte data ' + str(len(byte_data))) image_data = byte_data.view(gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(datatype)) print('gdal-type data ' + str(len(image_data))) image_data = image_data.reshape((-1, width)) #print('reshaped ' + str(len(byte_data))) #print(byte_data) #for j in xrange(0, 10): # print(byte_data[j]) print('reshaped ' + str(len(image_data)) + " x " + str(len(image_data[0]))) band = local_image.GetRasterBand(i) print('writing local image') band.WriteArray(image_data) print('done') end = time.time() print("elapsed time: " + str(end - start) + " sec.") band.SetNoDataValue(java_nodatas[i - 1]) local_image.FlushCache() print('flushed cache') return new_resource return None