from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway from py4jfml.Py4Jfml import Py4jfml import os gateway = JavaGateway() #percorso del file xml da valutare str_xml = os.getcwd() + "/" + "IrisMamdani2.xml" #Sistema fuzzy fs = Py4jfml.load(str_xml) #limite minimo massimo e medio SepalLength limitiSL = [4.3, 7.9, 6.1] #limite minimo massimo e medio SepalWidth limitiSW = [2., 4.4, 3.2] #limite minimo massimo e medio PetalLength limitiPL = [1., 6.9, 3.9] #limite minimo massimo e medio PetalWidth limitiPW = [0.1, 2.5, 1.2] for i in range(3): fuzzyVarSL = fs.getVariable("SepalLength") #imposto i valori fuzzyVarSL.setValue(float(limitiSL[i])) for j in range(3): fuzzyVarSW = fs.getVariable("SepalWidth")
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway from py4jfml.Py4Jfml import Py4jfml import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets from sklearn import svm gateway = JavaGateway() #%% load data # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() #%% load FIS from FML file fis = Py4jfml.load("IrisMamdani2.xml") print(fis) fis_output = [] for sample in fis.getVariable("SepalLength").setValue(sample[0]) fis.getVariable("SepalWidth").setValue(sample[1]) fis.getVariable("PetalLength").setValue(sample[2]) fis.getVariable("PetalWidth").setValue(sample[3]) fis.evaluate() fis_output.append(fis.getVariable("irisClass").getValue()) #%% Train a svm from scikit-learn clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.), svm_output = clf.predict(
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway from py4jfml.Py4Jfml import Py4jfml import os gateway = JavaGateway() #percorso del file xml da valutare str_xml = os.getcwd() + "/" + "IrisMamdani3.xml" #creazione sistema fuzzy fs1 = Py4jfml.load(str_xml) fs2 = Py4jfml.load(str_xml) fs3 = Py4jfml.load(str_xml) #imposto i valori di input #caso limite minimo pw1 = fs1.getVariable("PetalWidth") pw1.setValue(0.1) #caso medio pw2 = fs2.getVariable("PetalWidth") pw2.setValue(2.5) #caso limite massimo pw3 = fs3.getVariable("PetalWidth") pw3.setValue(1.2) #valutazione fuzzy testlib 1 fs1.evaluate() #valutazione fuzzy testlib 2 fs2.evaluate()
names=features + target, dtype={target[0]: str}) fold_dict["trainingset"] = trainingset testset = pd.read_csv("./" + fold_path + "/" + testset_filename, header=None, names=features + target, dtype={target[0]: str}) fold_dict["testset"] = testset # load FIS fis_array = [] actual_array = [] for fis_idx in range(len(term_num)): fis_filename = ("BEER3.txt_CV" + str(fold_idx) + "_RP" + str(term_num[fis_idx]) + "_SP_FDTP_S.kb.xml.jfml.xml") fis_array += [Py4jfml.load("./" + fold_path + "/" + fis_filename)] fold_dict["fis_array"] = fis_array # test FIS actuals = [] fis = fis_array[fis_idx] for i in range(len(testset)): for f in features: fvar = fis.getVariable(f) if fvar is not None: fvar.setValue(testset[f][i]) fis.evaluate() actuals.append(str(fis.getVariable(target[0]).getValue())) actual_array += [actuals] fold_dict["fis_results"] = actual_array