Example #1
 def test_write_directly_writes_values_to_subject(self):
     subject = self._make_subject()
     mem = ObservableMemory(subject=subject)
     def write_subscriber(address, value):
         return 0xFF
     mem.subscribe_to_write([0xC000,0xC001], write_subscriber)
     mem.write(0xC000, [0x01, 002])
     self.assertEqual(0x01, subject[0xC000])
     self.assertEqual(0x02, subject[0xC001])
Example #2
    def test_write_directly_writes_values_to_subject(self):
        subject = self._make_subject()
        mem = ObservableMemory(subject=subject)

        def write_subscriber(address, value):
            return 0xFF

        mem.subscribe_to_write([0xC000, 0xC001], write_subscriber)

        mem.write(0xC000, [0x01, 0o02])
        self.assertEqual(0x01, subject[0xC000])
        self.assertEqual(0x02, subject[0xC001])
Example #3
class NSFSoftCPU:
	NES_CLK_period = 46 * 12

	def __init__(self, filename):
		self.nsf = NSFParser(bytearray(file(filename).read()))

		# Set up Memory with Hooks
		self.mem = ObservableMemory()
		self.mem.write(self.nsf.load_addr, self.nsf.data)
		self.cpu = MPU(self.mem)
		self.deltaCallTime = 0
		self.totalCycles = 0

	def subscribe_to_write(self, range, callback):
		self.mem.subscribe_to_write(range, callback)

	# Call NSF Init code
	def setup(self, start_song = -1):
		if start_song == -1:
			start_song = self.nsf.start_song - 1

		# Push a special address -1 to the stack to implement function calls
		self.cpu.stPushWord(0x1337 - 1)

		# NSF Style init call
		self.cpu.a = start_song
		self.cpu.x = 0
		self.cpu.pc = self.nsf.init_addr

		while self.cpu.pc != 0x1337:

	# Execute 1 CPU Step, or wait to until enough cycles have passed
	def play_cycle(self):
		self.deltaCallTime = self.deltaCallTime + self.NES_CLK_period

		if self.cpu.pc != 0x1337:
			self.totalCycles = self.totalCycles + 1
			if self.totalCycles == self.cpu.processorCycles:

	# Internal: Check if frame is completed and restart it periodically
	def check_frame(self):
		if self.cpu.pc == 0x1337:
			frame_time = self.nsf.ntsc_ticks * 1000
			if self.deltaCallTime >= frame_time:
				self.deltaCallTime = self.deltaCallTime - frame_time
				self.cpu.stPushWord(0x1337 - 1)
				self.cpu.pc = self.nsf.play_addr
				print "Frame Completed"
Example #4
class NSFSoftCPU:
    NES_CLK_period = 46 * 12

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.nsf = NSFParser(bytearray(file(filename).read()))

        # Set up Memory with Hooks
        self.mem = ObservableMemory()
        self.mem.write(self.nsf.load_addr, self.nsf.data)
        self.cpu = MPU(self.mem)
        self.deltaCallTime = 0
        self.totalCycles = 0

    def subscribe_to_write(self, range, callback):
        self.mem.subscribe_to_write(range, callback)

    # Call NSF Init code
    def setup(self, start_song=-1):
        if start_song == -1:
            start_song = self.nsf.start_song - 1

        # Push a special address -1 to the stack to implement function calls
        self.cpu.stPushWord(0x1337 - 1)

        # NSF Style init call
        self.cpu.a = start_song
        self.cpu.x = 0
        self.cpu.pc = self.nsf.init_addr

        while self.cpu.pc != 0x1337:

    # Execute 1 CPU Step, or wait to until enough cycles have passed
    def play_cycle(self):
        self.deltaCallTime = self.deltaCallTime + self.NES_CLK_period

        if self.cpu.pc != 0x1337:
            self.totalCycles = self.totalCycles + 1
            if self.totalCycles == self.cpu.processorCycles:

    # Internal: Check if frame is completed and restart it periodically
    def check_frame(self):
        if self.cpu.pc == 0x1337:
            frame_time = self.nsf.ntsc_ticks * 1000
            if self.deltaCallTime >= frame_time:
                self.deltaCallTime = self.deltaCallTime - frame_time
                self.cpu.stPushWord(0x1337 - 1)
                self.cpu.pc = self.nsf.play_addr
                print "Frame Completed"