def main(): #setting up parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) utils.add_standard_command_options(parser) parser.add_argument( "-e","--edbs", action="store",dest="edbList", help="List of 'user/edb' pairs separated by :" ) parser.add_argument( "-L","--labels", action="store", dest="labels", help="List of edb labels separated by :" ) parser.add_argument( "-s","--substances", action="store",dest="substances", help="List of substance names separated by :" ) parser.add_argument( "-t","--title", action="store",dest="title", help="Report title" ) parser.add_argument( "-g","--gc-filter", action="store",dest="gcfilter", help="Filter on Geo codes, separated by :" ) parser.add_argument( "-o","--outfile", action="store",dest="outfile", help="Output filename" ) parser.add_argument( "-f","--format", action="store",dest="format", help="Output in 'excel','csv' or 'raw' " + "(Excel-format requires xlwt python module)" ) parser.add_argument("--substMapping", action="store",dest="substMapping", help="File with tab separated mappings of substance names") parser.add_argument("--markerTable", action="store",dest="markerTable", help="Table of codes to be formatted and commented") parser.add_argument( "macro",metavar="MACRO", help="A macro to use" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.markerTable is not None: keys=["Year","GC","AC","note_1","note_2"] markerTable = DataTable(keys=keys,desc=[{"id":"Year","type":str},{"id":"GC","type":str},{"id":"AC","type":str},{"id":"note_1","type":str},{"id":"note_2","type":str}]) else: markerTable=None substMapping={} if args.substMapping is not None: with,encoding="HP Roman8",mode="r") as f: for line in f: oldName,newName = line.split(":") substMapping[oldName.strip()]=newName.strip() dmn = Domain() if args.gcfilter is not None: args.gcfilter = args.gcfilter.split(":") # Read original macro with, encoding="HP Roman8", mode="r") as f: originalContent = # Create a tmp copy of the macro, write content from the original macro macroTempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix=".sedb", dir=dmn.tmpDir() ) tmpMacro =, encoding="HP Roman8",mode="w" ) tmpMacro.write(originalContent) tmpMacro.flush() # Create a ControlFile obj to simplify reading and modifying macro macro = ControlFile(, removeComments=False) ebd = macro.findString("edb.edb:") user = macro.findString("edb.user:"******"edb.reportgeocode:")[-1]) acIndex = int(macro.findString("edb.reportactcode:")[-1]) if args.edbList is None: ebds = [[user, edb]] else: edbs = args.edbList.split(":") edbs = [e.split("/") for e in edbs] nedbs = len(edbs) if args.labels is None: labels = ["No label"] * len(edbs) else: labels = args.labels.split(":") if len(labels) != nedbs: log.error("Number of labels specified should match number of edb:s") sys.exit(1) if args.substances is None: log.error("Need to specify substances") sys.exit(1) else: substances = args.substances.split(":") if args.format not in ('excel','csv','raw'): log.error( "Invalid format specifier : %s, should be one of 'excel'" + ", 'csv' or 'raw'" %args.format ) sys.exit(1) elif args.format == "excel": try: import xlwt except: log.error( " requires python module xlwt to write excel-files") sys.exit(1) # first edb # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() edb = Edb(dmn, edbs[0][0], edbs[0][1]) # assume same code definitions in all edbs to be processed, read from first rsrc = edb.rsrc nrsubstances = len(substances) unitIndex = int(macro.findString("UNIT :")) units =[unitIndex] subdb = Subdb(edb) #decode input title using stdin encoding title=args.title.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) rawOutput = "" rawMeta = u"name: %s\nnrmacros: %i\nnrsub: %i\nunit: %s\n" %( title, nedbs, nrsubstances, units) emissions = [] for ind, edbUser in enumerate(edbs): label = labels[ind] userName = edbUser[0] edbName = edbUser[1] macro.setParam("edb.user:"******"edb.edb:", edbName) macro.setParam("USER :"******"EDB :", edbName) rawMeta += "macro.%i.edbuser: %s\n" %(ind, userName) rawMeta += "macro.%i.edbname: %s\n" %(ind, edbName) rawMeta += "macro.%i.desc: %s\n" %(ind, label) for subst in substances: "User: %s, edb: %s, substance %s" %( userName, edbName, subst) ) substanceIndex = subdb.substIndex(subst) macro.setParam("ELEMENT :", substanceIndex) macro.write() command = "xrepedb -i " +"Running xrepedb for substance %s" % subst) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (returnCode, errMsg, outMsg) = utilities.execute(command) if returnCode != 0: log.error("Could not run %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr:%s" %( command,outMsg,errMsg)) sys.exit(1) if len(outMsg) < 10: log.error("Invalid output from xrepedb: %s" % outMsg) sys.exit(1) rawOutput += "#MACRO %i \"%s\" \"%s\"\n" % (ind, subst, labels[ind]) rawOutput += outMsg lines = outMsg.split("\n")[:-1] for lineInd, line in enumerate(lines): vals = line.split() ac = vals[1].split(".") gc = vals[3].split(".") if len(ac) == 1: if ac[0] == "<all>": acLev1 = "alla" else: acLev1 = ac[0] acLev2 = "alla" else: acLev1 = ac[0] acLev2 = ac[1] if len(gc) == 1: if gc[0] == "<all>": gcLev1 = "alla" else: gcLev1 = gc[0] gcLev2 = "alla" else: gcLev1 = gc[0] gcLev2 = gc[1] emis = float(vals[4]) if acLev1 == "alla": acLev1Name = "alla" acLev2Name = "alla" else: node =[acIndex - 1].root.find(acLev1) acLev1Name = node.attrib["name"] if acLev2 == "alla": acLev2Name = "alla" else: node =[acIndex-1].root.find( acLev1 + "/" + acLev2 ) acLev2Name = node.attrib["name"] if gcLev1 == "alla": gcLev1Name = "alla" gcLev2Name = "alla" else: node = rsrc.gc[gcIndex-1].root.find(gcLev1) gcLev1Name = node.attrib["name"] if gcLev2 == "alla": gcLev2Name = "alla" else: node = rsrc.gc[gcIndex - 1].root.find( gcLev1 + "/" + gcLev2 ) gcLev2Name = node.attrib["name"] if args.gcfilter is not None: if gc[0] not in args.gcfilter: # if args.gcfilter != gcLev1: continue emissions.append({"label": label, "substance": subst, "ac": '.'.join(ac), "gc": '.'.join(gc), "gcLev1": gcLev1Name, "gcLev2": gcLev2Name, "acLev1": acLev1Name, "acLev2": acLev2Name, "acLev1Code": acLev1, "acLev2Code": acLev2, "val": emis, "edbIndex": ind}) #Close tempfile to automatically remove it tmpMacro.close() if args.format == "raw": outfile =,"w","HP Roman8") outfile.write(rawMeta) outfile.write(rawOutput) outfile.close() elif args.format == "csv": outfile = open(args.outfile,"w") desc = [ {'id': 'gc', 'type': unicode}, {'id': 'ac', 'type': unicode}, {'id': 'label', 'type': unicode}, {'id': 'user', 'type': unicode}, {'id': 'edb', 'type': unicode} ] for subst in substances: desc.append({'id': subst, 'type': float}) keys = ['gc', 'ac', 'label'] table = DataTable(desc=desc, keys=keys)"Adding emissions to csv-table") for emis in emissions: row = [None] * len(desc) user = edbs[emis['edbIndex']][0] edb = edbs[emis['edbIndex']][1] row[table.colIndex['gc']] = emis['gc'] row[table.colIndex['ac']] = emis['ac'] row[table.colIndex['label']] = emis['label'] row[table.colIndex['user']] = user row[table.colIndex['edb']] = edb row[table.colIndex[emis['substance']]] = emis['val'] # data is appended to the correct row, or a new row is added if the # table keys do not match any existing row log.debug( "Adding row for substance %s, gc %s, ac %s" %( emis['substance'], emis['gc'], emis['ac']) ) table.addRow(row, append=True) table.write(outfile) outfile.close() else: # Create style objects for excel output header1Style = xlwt.easyxf( 'font: name Times New Roman,color-index black, bold on', num_format_str='0.000E+00' ) markerStyle1 = xlwt.easyxf( 'font: name Times New Roman,color-index red, bold off, italic on', num_format_str='0.000E+00') markerStyle2 = xlwt.easyxf( 'font: name Times New Roman,color-index orange, bold off, italic on', num_format_str='0.000E+00') normalStyle = xlwt.easyxf( 'font: name Times New Roman,color-index black, bold off', num_format_str='0.000E+00' ) excelBook = xlwt.Workbook() # Creating info sheet infoWs = excelBook.add_sheet("Info") infoWs.col(0).width = 256*20 infoWs.col(1).width = 256*25 infoWs.col(2).width = 256*20 infoWs.col(3).width = 256*200 infoWs.write(0,0,u"Rapportnamn:",header1Style) infoWs.write(0,1,title,header1Style) infoWs.write(1,0,u"Beskrivning av dataunderlaget",header1Style) infoWs.write(3,0,u"Makron (specificerar utsökningar ur databasen)",header1Style) infoWs.write(4,0,u"Etikett",header1Style) infoWs.write(4,1,u"Ägare till EDB",header1Style) infoWs.write(4,2,u"EDB (emissiondatabas)",header1Style) infoWs.write(4,3,u"Beskrivning",header1Style) for i,edbUser in enumerate(edbs): userName=edbUser[0] edbName=edbUser[1] label=labels[i] infoWs.write(5+i,0,label) infoWs.write(5+i,1,userName) infoWs.write(5+i,2,edbName) #reading edb description file (if it exists) edb=Edb(dmn,userName,edbName) infoWs.write(5+i,3,edb.desc().replace("\n"," ")) #split substances in green house gases and air quality related ghgList=[s for s in substances if s in ghgs] aqList=[s for s in substances if s not in ghgs] #Write air quality headers firstRow=4 #Add two rows for marker comments if markerTable is not None: firstRow+=2 if len(aqList)>0: aqWs = excelBook.add_sheet(u"Luftföroreningar") aqWs.col(0).width = 256*25 aqWs.col(1).width = 256*30 aqWs.col(2).width = 256*20 aqWs.col(3).width = 256*15 for col in range(nrsubstances*nedbs): aqWs.col(col+4).width=256*15 aqWs.write(0,0,u"Rapportnamn:",header1Style) aqWs.write(0,1,title,header1Style) aqWs.write(1,0,u"Emissioner av luftföroreningar",header1Style) aqWs.write(1,1,u"Enhet: "+units,header1Style) if markerTable is not None: aqWs.write(2,0,u"OBS! Röd kursiv text anger osäkra värden p.g.a. att en stor del av emissionen är fördelad med schabloner inom kommungruppen. Granska underkategorin \"Energiförsörjning via el-värmeverk samt inom industrin\" för att se eventuella misstänkta värden.",markerStyle1) aqWs.write(3,0,u"OBS! Orange kursiv text anger osäkra värden p.g.a. att trenden varierar kraftigt och eventuellt felaktigt, ytterligare verifiering krävs. Granska underkategorin \"Energiförsörjning via el-värmeverk samt inom industrin\" för att se eventuella misstänkta värden.",markerStyle2) aqWs.write(firstRow,0,"Huvudsektor",header1Style) aqWs.write(firstRow,1,"Undersektor",header1Style) aqWs.write(firstRow,2,u"Län",header1Style) aqWs.write(firstRow,3,"Kommun",header1Style) #Write ghg headers if len(ghgList)>0: ghgWs = excelBook.add_sheet(u"Växthusgaser") ghgWs.col(0).width = 256*25 ghgWs.col(1).width = 256*30 ghgWs.col(2).width = 256*20 ghgWs.col(3).width = 256*15 for col in range(nrsubstances*nedbs): ghgWs.col(col+4).width=256*15 ghgWs.write(0,0,u"Rapportnamn:",header1Style) ghgWs.write(0,1,title,header1Style) ghgWs.write(1,0,u"Emissioner av Växthusgaser",header1Style) ghgWs.write(2,0,u"CO2-ekv. efter ämnesnamn innebär att emissionen är uttryckt i CO2-ekvivalenter",header1Style) if markerTable is not None: ghgWs.write(3,0,u"OBS! Röd kursiv text anger osäkra värden p.g.a. att en stor del av emissionen är fördelad med schabloner inom kommungruppen. Granska underkategorin \"Energiförsörjning via el-värmeverk samt inom industrin\" för att se eventuella misstänkta värden.",markerStyle1) ghgWs.write(4,0,u"OBS! Orange kursiv text anger osäkra värden p.g.a. att trenden varierar kraftigt och eventuellt felaktigt, ytterligare verifiering krävs. Granska underkategorin \"Energiförsörjning via el-värmeverk samt inom industrin\" för att se eventuella misstänkta värden.",markerStyle2) ghgWs.write(1,1,u"Enhet: "+units,header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow,0,"Huvudsektor",header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow,1,"Undersektor",header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow,2,u"Län",header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow,3,"Kommun",header1Style) def getColInd(nmacros, substances,macroInd,subst): #gets the column index in excel file sInd=substances.index(subst) #Including extra columns to write CO2-equivalents nSubstWithCO2equivalents=0 for s in substances[:sInd+1]: if s in doubleColumns: nSubstWithCO2equivalents+=1 return 4 + macroInd+sInd*nmacros+nSubstWithCO2equivalents*(macroInd+1) #write macro labels and substance headers for air quality sheet for sInd,subst in enumerate(aqList): for i,edbUser in enumerate(edbs): col=getColInd(nedbs,aqList,i,subst) aqWs.write(firstRow-1,col,labels[i],header1Style) #If a substance name is given in mapping this is used, otherwise #The substance bname from the airviro substance list is used aqWs.write(firstRow,col,substMapping.get(subst,subst),header1Style) #write macro labels and substance headers for ghg sheet for sInd,subst in enumerate(ghgList): for i,edbUser in enumerate(edbs): col=getColInd(nedbs,ghgList,i,subst) #If CO2-equivalents are calculated, an extra column is needed if subst in doubleColumns: ghgWs.write(firstRow-1,col-1,labels[i],header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow-1,col,labels[i],header1Style) #If CO2-equivalents are calculated, an extra column is needed if subst in doubleColumns: #debug statement #print "writing subst %s in col %i and %i" %(subst,col-1,col) ghgWs.write(firstRow,col-1,substMapping.get(subst,subst),header1Style) ghgWs.write(firstRow,col,substMapping.get(subst,subst)+"CO2-ekv.",header1Style) elif subst in storedAsCO2equivalents: #debug statement #print "writing subst %s in col %i" %(subst,col) ghgWs.write(firstRow,col,substMapping.get(subst,subst)+"CO2-ekv.",header1Style) else: #debug statement #print "writing subst %s in col %i" %(subst,col) ghgWs.write(firstRow,col,substMapping.get(subst,subst),header1Style) #looping over all emissions, writing them to the correct column and row ghgRow=[] aqRow=[] for m in range(nedbs*nrsubstances+4+3*nedbs): ghgRow.append(firstRow+1) for m in range(nedbs*nrsubstances+4): aqRow.append(firstRow+1) for emis in emissions: subst = emis["substance"] emisVal=emis["val"] edbInd=emis["edbIndex"] #Check if gc, ac and year can be found in the error list #debugging marker style if markerTable is not None: TableRowInd=markerTable.rowIndices([labels[edbInd], emis["gc"], emis["ac"], "ja","*"]) if len(TableRowInd) >0: valueStyle=markerStyle1 else: TableRowInd=markerTable.rowIndices([labels[edbInd], emis["gc"], emis["ac"], "*","ja"]) if len(TableRowInd)>0: valueStyle=markerStyle2 else: valueStyle=normalStyle else: valueStyle=normalStyle if subst in ghgList: col=getColInd(nedbs,ghgList,edbInd,subst) row=ghgRow[col] if ghgRow[0]<=+row: ghgWs.write(row,0,emis["acLev1"],normalStyle) ghgWs.write(row,1,emis["acLev2"],normalStyle) ghgWs.write(row,2,emis["gcLev1"],normalStyle) ghgWs.write(row,3,emis["gcLev2"],normalStyle) ghgRow[0]+=1 #converts the emission to CO2-ekquivalents if subst in doubleColumns: ghgWs.write(row,col-1,float(emisVal),valueStyle) ghgWs.write(row,col,float(emisVal)*float(ekvFactors[subst]),valueStyle) else: ghgWs.write(row,col,float(emisVal),valueStyle) ghgRow[col]+=1 else: col=getColInd(nedbs,aqList,edbInd,subst) row=aqRow[col] if aqRow[0]<=+row: aqWs.write(row,0,emis["acLev1"],normalStyle) aqWs.write(row,1,emis["acLev2"],normalStyle) aqWs.write(row,2,emis["gcLev1"],normalStyle) aqWs.write(row,3,emis["gcLev2"],normalStyle) aqRow[0]+=1 aqWs.write(row,col,float(emisVal),valueStyle) aqRow[col]+=1"Finished!")
def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) utils.add_standard_command_options(parser) parser.add_argument("controlfile", metavar='CONTROLFILE', action="store", help="Controlfile for topdown processing") parser.add_argument("-t", "--template", metavar='TEMPLATEFILE', action="store",dest="cf",default=None, help="Generate default controlfile") args = parser.parse_args() if is not None: generateCf("Wrote default controlfile") sys.exit(0)"Starting topdown processing") # Opening controlfile cf = ControlFile(args.controlfile) dmn = Domain()"Reading topdown table") tdTableName = cf.findExistingPath("topDownTable:") tdTable = DataTable() tdTable.keys.append("Code"),delimiter=";")"Reading national totals table") natTotalTableName = cf.findExistingPath("nationalTotalTable:") natTable = DataTable(desc=[{"id": "Code", "type":unicode}, {"id": "description", "type":unicode}]) natTable.keys.append("Code"), units=True, defaultType=str) notationKeys = ["NE", "NO", "NA", "IE"] log.debug("Remove notation keys from national totals table") for row in for i in range(len(row)): if row[i] in notationKeys: row[i] = None log.debug("Convert all emission columns in national totals to float") for colId in natTable.listIds(): if colId not in ["Code","description"]: natTable.convertCol(colId,float) log.debug("Store units from national totals for each substance in dict") natUnits={} for col in natTable.desc: if col.get("units",None)!=None: natUnits[col["id"]]=col["units"] log.debug("Read remaining data from control file") bottomupEdbName = cf.findString("bottomUpEdb:") topDownEdbName = cf.findString("topDownEdb:") emissionsEdbName = cf.findString("emissionsEdb:") userName = cf.findString("user:"******"year:") #initialize edb objects buEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,bottomupEdbName) tdEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,topDownEdbName) eEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,emissionsEdbName)"Reading/preparing EDB:s")"Reading subdb") subdb = Subdb(eEdb)"Reading subgrpdb") subgrpdb = SubgrpStream(buEdb)"Reading facilitydb") facilityIn = FacilityStream(buEdb)"Reading companydb") companyIn = CompanyStream(buEdb) facilityOut = FacilityStream(eEdb,mode="w") companyOut = CompanyStream(eEdb,mode="w")"Writing company db to result edb") companyOut.write("Writing facility db to result edb") facilityOut.write( if not buEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) if not tdEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) if not eEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) keys = tdEdb.listGrids() msg = "%i keys found in edb: %s" % (len(keys), # sourcedb from bottom-up edb with SourceStream(buEdb, mode='rb') as source_instream: source_reader = ModelReader(source_instream) bu_sources = list(source_reader) "%i point sources found in edb: %s" % ( len(bu_sources), ) # Empty sourcedb of the result edb if cf.findBoolean("emptyEmissionSourcedb:"): eEdb.empty_sourcedb() e_sources = []"Removed point sources from edb: %s" % ( else: # sourcedb from emission edb (result edb) with SourceStream(eEdb, mode='rb') as source_instream: source_reader = ModelReader(source_instream) e_sources = list(source_reader) msg = "%i point sources found in edb: %s" % (len(e_sources), if not path.exists(eEdb.rsrcPath()): log.error("No edb.rsrc exists for emission edb") sys.exit() else: rsrc = Rsrc(eEdb.rsrcPath()) acIndex = cf.findInt("acIndex:") codeDepth =[acIndex-1].depth substances = cf.findStringList("substances:") for subst in substances: if subst not in subdb.substIndices: log.error("Substance: " + subst + " not in Airviro substance list") sys.exit() # Initialize trace for debug and additional logging if cf.findBoolean("trace:") == True:"Initializing trace for detailed logging") trace = TraceDef( active=True, substances=cf.findStringList("trace.substances:"), logfile=cf.findString("trace.logfile:"), regdefgc=cf.findIntList("trace.regdef.gc:", optional=True, default=None), gcDefRaster=cf.findExistingPath("trace.gcraster:") ) else: trace = TraceDef(active=False)"Initializing result table") resTablePath = cf.findString("resTable:") resTable = DataTable(desc=[{"id": "Code", "type": unicode}]) resTable.keys.append("Code") for subst in substances: resTable.addCol({"id": subst, "type": float, "unit": "%"}) # Create emission grid template (with geocodes)"Reading emission grid template") eGridTemplatePath = cf.findExistingPath("emisGridTemplatePath:") eGridTemplate = Egrid(eEdb,"name") if eGridTemplatePath[-4:] == ".asc": eGridTemplatePath=eGridTemplatePath[:-4] eGridTemplate.readData(eGridTemplatePath) eGridTemplate.substances = {} eGridTemplate.par["SUBSTANCE"].val = [] dd = {"key": None, "regstat": None, "regdef": None, "bu_sources": bu_sources, "psIndices": [], "units": natUnits, "rsrc": rsrc, "subdb": subdb, "trace": trace, "subgrpdb": subgrpdb } # Process all rows in the topdown table for row in code = row[tdTable.colIndex["Code"]] active = row[tdTable.colIndex["Active"]] statType = row[tdTable.colIndex["Stat_type"]] if active == "no": continue"Code: "+code) distributed=False # Add '-' to the code to reach max length (fix for a GUI bug) airviroCode = code # while len(airviroCode.split(".")) < codeDepth: # airviroCode += ".-" tdrow =[tdTable.rowIndex([code])] nrow =[natTable.rowIndex([code])] # Create a resTable row to fill with data resrow = [None] * resTable.ncols resrow[0] = code # Check if national totals are non-zero nonZero = False for val in nrow: if val != None: if val > 0: nonZero = True break # Filter out indices for pointsources with the current ac # Also including sources coded with sub-codes # This allows to estimate top-down emissions on a higher code-level psIndices = [] for i, ps in enumerate(bu_sources): codeMatch = False for emis in ps.EMISSION: # It is assumed that the first code is used while processing topdown ac = emis.ACTCODE[0] if ac[-1] == ".": ac=ac[:-1] # if ac[:len(code)] == code: if ac == code: codeMatch = True break if not codeMatch: for emis in ps.SUBGRP: # It is assumed that the first code is used while processing topdown ac = emis.ACTCODE[0] if ac[:len(code)] == code: codeMatch = True break if codeMatch: psIndices.append(i) dd["psIndices"] = psIndices keyName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Key"]] #If no distribution key specified and no ps in bottom-up edb - cont. if keyName is None and psIndices == []: log.debug("No key and no point sources found for code: %s, skipping..." % code) resTable.addRow(resrow) continue if psIndices!=[]: msg = "--Found %i pointsources" % len(psIndices) if keyName is not None: if keyName not in keys: log.error("No such key: " + keyName) sys.exit() msg = "--Key: %s" % keyName keyGrid = Egrid(tdEdb, keyName) keyGrid.readData() log.debug("Read key: " + keyName + " from topdownEdb") # create emission grid to store distributed emissions eGrid = deepcopy(eGridTemplate) = code.replace(".", "_") eGrid.par["NAME"].val = code eGrid.par["INFO2"].val = "Distribution key: " + keyGrid.par["NAME"].val eGrid.par["ACTIVITYCODE"].val = [airviroCode.split(".")] regstatName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Regstat"]] regdefName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Regdef"]] if regstatName is not None: if regdefName is None: log.error("No region definition given for regional statistics: " + regstatName) sys.exit(1) regstatPath = path.join(dmn.domainPath(), "topdown", "regstat", regstatName) regstat = DataTable()"regstatPath: "+regstatPath), units=True, defaultType=float, delimiter=";") if not "Geocode" in regstat.listIds(): log.error("No Geocode column found in regstat") sys.exit(1) regstat.convertCol("Geocode", int) regstat.keys.append("Geocode") # Making Geocode the primary key # create list of unique geo codes geocodes = [row[regstat.colIndex["Geocode"]] for row in] geocodes = unique(geocodes) for colId in regstat.listIds(): if colId.lower() == "year": rows = [] regstat.convertCol(colId, int) # Make it possible to accumulate year regstat.setKeys(regstat.keys + [colId]) # Calculates the total emission for each geocode # in case there are multiple rows for different fuels etc colsToSum = regstat.listIds() colsToSum.remove(colId) colsToSum.remove("Geocode") for gc in geocodes: # sums all numeric values in colsToSum for # rows matching row id [gc,year] #returns an accumulated row and appends it to rows rowId = regstat.dict2RowId({"Geocode": gc, colId: year}) rows.append(regstat.accumulate(rowId, "sum", colsToSum)) = rows # replace original rows with accumulated rows regstat.keys.remove(colId) break # dd["regstat"] = regstat regdef = Raster() regdefPath = path.join(dmn.domainPath(), "topdown", "regdef", regdefName) dd["regstat"] = regstat dd["regdef"] = regdef else: dd["regstat"] = None dd["regdef"] = None if dd["regstat"] is not None and len(bu_sources) > 0 and statType == "fixed":"--Regionalizing pointsources") dd = regionalizePS(dd, code) if keyName is not None and nonZero: regionalizedDefault = False # Spatial distribution of emissions for subst in substances: sInd = subdb.substIndices[subst] toUnit = dd["units"][subst] + "/year" ntot = nrow[natTable.colIndex[subst]] pstot = 0 for i in dd["psIndices"]: source = dd["bu_sources"][i] # TODO: should give reference to subgrps to include emis from them pstot += source.get_emis( sInd, toUnit, eEdb, actcodes=[code] ) if ntot is None or ntot == 0: if pstot > 0: # 9999 is used as marker for no national total resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = 9999.0 log.warning( "Nattot is 0 but ps tot is: %f %s" % (pstot, toUnit)) continue nrest = ntot - pstot resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = 100.0 if abs(nrest / ntot) < 0.0001: nrest = 0 "--Rest is < 0.01 % of national total, rounded to zero" ) continue elif nrest < 0: log.warning( "--National rest is below zero, %4.2f proc for %s" % ( -1 * nrest / ntot * 100, subst) ) dd["trace"].write() # continue "---Substance: "+subst+ ", rest is: " + str(nrest) + toUnit + " = " + str(nrest / ntot * 100.0) + "%" ) try: keyRast = keyGrid.substances[sInd] except KeyError: keyRast = keyGrid.substances[subdb.substIndices["all"]] dd["key"] = keyRast if dd["regstat"] is not None: if (subst not in regstat.colIndex and sInd not in keyGrid.substances and not regionalizedDefault): dd = regionalizeKey(dd, subst, code) regionalizedDefault = True else: dd = regionalizeKey(dd, subst, code) emisRast = distribute(dd["key"], nrest) emisRast = emisRast * unitConvFac(toUnit, "ton/year") eGrid.addData(emisRast, dd["subdb"].substIndices[subst]) distributed = True else: # resTable is filled # In case all national totals are zero but there are ps for subst in substances: sInd = dd["subdb"].substIndices[subst] toUnit = dd["units"][subst] + "/year" ntot = nrow[natTable.colIndex[subst]] pstot = 0 for i in dd["psIndices"]: source = dd["bu_sources"][i] # subgrps are not used! pstot += source.get_emis(sInd, toUnit, buEdb, actcodes=[code]) if ntot!=0 and ntot is not None: resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = pstot / ntot * 100.0 else: resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = -999.0 if len(dd["psIndices"]) > 0: tmp_sources = (bu_sources[i] for i in dd["psIndices"]) with SourceStream(eEdb, mode='wb') as out_source_stream: source_writer = ModelWriter(out_source_stream) for source in tmp_sources: source_writer.write(source) log.debug("Wrote ps to emission edb") if distributed: eGrid.load() log.debug("Wrote emission grid to emission edb") dd["trace"].write() resTable.addRow(resrow) resTableFile = open(resTablePath,"w") resTable.write(resTableFile)"Finished topdown process")