Example #1
	def test_reduce_factor(self):
		f = Factor(self.bn, 'Alarm')
			[ 0.06,  0.94,  0.05,  0.95])
Example #2
def gibbs_sample(bn, n=1000, burn=200):
	Approximate Marginal probabilities from Gibbs Sampling
	over a BayesNet object.

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*burn* : an integer
		The number of beginning samples to
		throw away for the MCMC mixing.

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary where key = rv
		and value = another dictionary where
		key = rv instantiation and value = marginal



    sample_dict = {}
    for rv in bn.nodes():
        sample_dict[rv] = {}
        for val in bn.values(rv):
            sample_dict[rv][val] = 0

    state = {}
    for rv in bn.nodes():
        state[rv] = np.random.choice(bn.values(rv))  # uniform sample

    for i in range(n):
        #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
        #  print 'Sample: ' , i
        for rv in bn.nodes():
            # get possible values conditioned on everything else
            parents = bn.parents(rv)
            # no parents - prior
            if len(parents) == 0:
                choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
                choice_probs = bn.cpt(rv)
            # has parent - filter cpt
                f = Factor(bn, rv)
                for p in parents:
                    f.reduce_factor(p, state[p])
                choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
                choice_probs = f.cpt
            # sample over remaining possibilities
            chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)
            state[rv] = chosen_val
        # update sample_dict dictionary
        if i > burn:
            for rv, val in state.items():
                sample_dict[rv][val] += 1

    for rv in sample_dict:
        for val in sample_dict[rv]:
            sample_dict[rv][val] = round(
                int(sample_dict[rv][val]) / float(n - burn), 4)

    return sample_dict
def forward_sample(bn, n=1000):
	Approximate marginal probabilities from
	forward sampling algorithm on a BayesNet object.

	This algorithm works by
	repeatedly sampling from the BN and taking
	the ratio of observations as their marginal probabilities.

	One sample is done by first sampling from any prior random
	variables, then moving down the network in topological sort
	order - sampling from each successive random variable by
	conditioning on its parents (which have already been sampled
	higher up the network).

	Note that there is no evidence to include in this algorithm - 
	the comparative algorithm which includes evidence is the 
	likelihood weighted algorithm (see "lw_sample" function).

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary, where key = rv, value = another dict
					where key = instance, value = its probability value

	- Evidence is not currently implemented.

    sample_dict = {}
    for var in bn.nodes():
        sample_dict[var] = {}
        for val in bn.values(var):
            sample_dict[var][val] = 0

    for i in range(n):
        #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
        #   print 'Sample: ' , i
        new_sample = {}
        for rv in bn.nodes():
            f = Factor(bn, rv)
            for p in bn.parents(rv):
                f.reduce_factor(p, new_sample[p])
            choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
            choice_probs = f.cpt
            chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)

            sample_dict[rv][chosen_val] += 1
            new_sample[rv] = chosen_val

    for rv in sample_dict:
        for val in sample_dict[rv]:
            sample_dict[rv][val] = int(sample_dict[rv][val]) / float(n)

    return sample_dict
Example #4
def lw_sample(bn, evidence={}, target=None, n=1000):
	Approximate Marginal probabilities from
	likelihood weighted sample algorithm on
	a BayesNet object.

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*evidence* : a dictionary, where
		key = rv, value = instantiation

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary where key = rv
		and value = another dictionary where
		key = rv instantiation and value = marginal



    sample_dict = {}
    weight_list = np.ones(n)

    #factor_dict = dict([(var,Factor(bn, var)) for var in bn.V])
    #parent_dict = dict([(var, bn.data[var]['parents']) for var in bn.V])

    for var in bn.nodes():
        sample_dict[var] = {}
        for val in bn.values(var):
            sample_dict[var][val] = 0

    for i in range(n):
        #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
        #   print 'Sample: ' , i
        new_sample = {}
        for rv in bn.nodes():
            f = Factor(bn, rv)
            # reduce_factor by parent samples
            for p in bn.parents(rv):
                f.reduce_factor(p, new_sample[p])
            # if rv in evidence, choose that value and weight
            if rv in evidence:
                chosen_val = evidence[rv]
                weight_list[i] *= f.cpt[bn.values(rv).index(evidence[rv])]
            # if rv not in evidence, sample as usual
                choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
                choice_probs = f.cpt
                chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)

            new_sample[rv] = chosen_val
        # weight the choice by the evidence likelihood
        for rv in new_sample:
            sample_dict[rv][new_sample[rv]] += 1 * weight_list[i]

    weight_sum = sum(weight_list)

    for rv in sample_dict:
        for val in sample_dict[rv]:
            sample_dict[rv][val] /= weight_sum
            sample_dict[rv][val] = round(sample_dict[rv][val], 4)

    if target is not None:
        return sample_dict[target]
        return sample_dict
Example #5
def gibbs_sample(bn, n=1000, burn=200):
	Approximate Marginal probabilities from Gibbs Sampling
	over a BayesNet object.

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*burn* : an integer
		The number of beginning samples to
		throw away for the MCMC mixing.

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary where key = rv
		and value = another dictionary where
		key = rv instantiation and value = marginal



	sample_dict ={}
	for rv in bn.nodes():
	    for val in bn.values(rv):
	        sample_dict[rv][val] = 0

	state = {}
	for rv in bn.nodes():
	    state[rv] = np.random.choice(bn.values(rv)) # uniform sample

	for i in range(n):
	    #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
	      #  print 'Sample: ' , i
	    for rv in bn.nodes():
	        # get possible values conditioned on everything else
	        parents = bn.parents(rv)
	        # no parents - prior
	        if len(parents) == 0:
	            choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
	            choice_probs = bn.cpt(rv)
	        # has parent - filter cpt
	            f = Factor(bn,rv)
	            for p in parents:
	            choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
	            choice_probs = f.cpt
	        # sample over remaining possibilities
	        chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals,p=choice_probs)
	    # update sample_dict dictionary
	    if i > burn:
	        for rv,val in state.items():
	            sample_dict[rv][val] +=1

	for rv in sample_dict:
	    for val in sample_dict[rv]:
	        sample_dict[rv][val] = round(int(sample_dict[rv][val]) / float(n-burn),4)
	return sample_dict
Example #6
	def test_reduce_factor(self):
		f = Factor(self.bn, 'Alarm')
			[ 0.06,  0.94,  0.05,  0.95])
Example #7
def lw_sample(bn, evidence={}, target=None, n=1000):
    Approximate Marginal probabilities from
    likelihood weighted sample algorithm on
    a BayesNet object.

    *bn* : a BayesNet object

    *n* : an integer
        The number of samples to take

    *evidence* : a dictionary, where
        key = rv, value = instantiation

    *sample_dict* : a dictionary where key = rv
        and value = another dictionary where
        key = rv instantiation and value = marginal



    sample_dict = {}
    weight_list = np.ones(n)

    # factor_dict = dict([(var,Factor(bn, var)) for var in bn.V])
    # parent_dict = dict([(var, bn.data[var]['parents']) for var in bn.V])
    # create sample diction
    ct_discard = 0
    for var in bn.nodes():
        sample_dict[var] = {}
        # print(var)
        for val in bn.values(var):
            # print (val)
            sample_dict[var][val] = 0
    # start to draw sample
    for i in range(n):
        new_sample = {}
        for rv in bn.nodes():  # _get_variable_nodes()
            # for rv in a:
            #     print(rv,'rv is variable')
            f = Factor(bn, rv)
            # reduce_factor by parent samples
            for p in bn.parents(rv):
                if p in new_sample:
                    f.reduce_factor(p, new_sample[p])  #this line has problem
                else:  #austin add this line to cheat on sampling algorithm
                    # pass
                    new_sample[p] = '1'
                    f.reduce_factor(p, new_sample[p])
                    # f2 = Factor(bn, p)
                    # choice_vals = bn.values(p)
                    # choice_probs = f2.cpt
                    # chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)
                    # new_sample[rv] = chosen_val
            # if rv in evidence, choose that value and weight
            if rv in evidence:
                # print(rv,'in evidence')
                chosen_val = evidence[rv]
                # print(chosen_val,'chosen_val in evidence')
                weight_list[i] *= f.cpt[bn.values(rv).index(evidence[rv])]
                # print(weight_list[i],'weight')
            # if rv not in evidence, sample as usual
                # print(new_sample)

                choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
                choice_probs = f.cpt
                # print(choice_probs)
                # print(choice_probs)
                # print(len(choice_vals),len(choice_probs))
                chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)
            # print(weight_list)
            new_sample[rv] = chosen_val
        # weight the choice by the evidence likelihood
        for rv in new_sample:
            sample_dict[rv][new_sample[rv]] += 1 * weight_list[i]
        if weight_list[i] == 0:
            ct_discard += 1
    weight_sum = sum(weight_list)
    # print("total discard sample", ct_discard) # I only add this line
    for rv in sample_dict:
        for val in sample_dict[rv]:
            sample_dict[rv][val] /= weight_sum
            sample_dict[rv][val] = round(sample_dict[rv][val], 4)

    if target is not None:
        return sample_dict[target]
        return sample_dict, ct_discard
Example #8
def lw_sample(bn, evidence={}, target=None, n=1000):
	Approximate Marginal probabilities from
	likelihood weighted sample algorithm on
	a BayesNet object.

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*evidence* : a dictionary, where
		key = rv, value = instantiation

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary where key = rv
		and value = another dictionary where
		key = rv instantiation and value = marginal



	sample_dict = {}
	weight_list = np.ones(n)

	#factor_dict = dict([(var,Factor(bn, var)) for var in bn.V])
	#parent_dict = dict([(var, bn.data[var]['parents']) for var in bn.V])

	for var in bn.nodes():
	    sample_dict[var] = {}
	    for val in bn.values(var):
	        sample_dict[var][val] = 0

	for i in range(n):
	    #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
	     #   print 'Sample: ' , i
	    new_sample = {}
	    for rv in bn.nodes():
	        f = Factor(bn,rv)
	        # reduce_factor by parent samples
	        for p in bn.parents(rv):
	        # if rv in evidence, choose that value and weight
	        if rv in evidence:
	            chosen_val = evidence[rv]
	            weight_list[i] *= f.cpt[bn.values(rv).index(evidence[rv])]
	        # if rv not in evidence, sample as usual
	            choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
	            choice_probs = f.cpt
	            chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)
	        new_sample[rv] = chosen_val
	    # weight the choice by the evidence likelihood    
	    for rv in new_sample:
	        sample_dict[rv][new_sample[rv]] += 1*weight_list[i]

	weight_sum = sum(weight_list)

	for rv in sample_dict:
	    for val in sample_dict[rv]:
	        sample_dict[rv][val] /= weight_sum
	        sample_dict[rv][val] = round(sample_dict[rv][val],4)
	if target is not None:
		return sample_dict[target]
		return sample_dict
Example #9
def forward_sample(bn, n=1000):
	Approximate marginal probabilities from
	forward sampling algorithm on a BayesNet object.

	This algorithm works by
	repeatedly sampling from the BN and taking
	the ratio of observations as their marginal probabilities.

	One sample is done by first sampling from any prior random
	variables, then moving down the network in topological sort
	order - sampling from each successive random variable by
	conditioning on its parents (which have already been sampled
	higher up the network).

	Note that there is no evidence to include in this algorithm - 
	the comparative algorithm which includes evidence is the 
	likelihood weighted algorithm (see "lw_sample" function).

	*bn* : a BayesNet object

	*n* : an integer
		The number of samples to take

	*sample_dict* : a dictionary, where key = rv, value = another dict
					where key = instance, value = its probability value

	- Evidence is not currently implemented.

	sample_dict = {}
	for var in bn.nodes():
	    sample_dict[var] = {}
	    for val in bn.values(var):
	        sample_dict[var][val] = 0

	for i in range(n):
	    #if i % (n/float(10)) == 0:
	     #   print 'Sample: ' , i
	    new_sample = {}
	    for rv in bn.nodes():
	        f = Factor(bn,rv)
	        for p in bn.parents(rv):
	        choice_vals = bn.values(rv)
	        choice_probs = f.cpt
	        chosen_val = np.random.choice(choice_vals, p=choice_probs)

	        sample_dict[rv][chosen_val] += 1
	        new_sample[rv] = chosen_val

	for rv in sample_dict:
	    for val in sample_dict[rv]:
	        sample_dict[rv][val] = int(sample_dict[rv][val]) / float(n)
	return sample_dict