Example #1
import os
import time

from pyBadlands.remote import RemoteModel
from pyBadlands.model import Model

start_time = time.time()
model = Model()
print 'singlethread finished in %s seconds' % (time.time() - start_time)

for ncpus in range(1, 5):
    start_time = time.time()
    remote = RemoteModel(maxcpus=ncpus)
    # match the child's cwd to ours
    remote._view.execute('import os; os.chdir("%s")' % os.getcwd())
    print 'mpi (%d cores) finished in %s seconds' % (ncpus, time.time() - start_time)
Example #2
class SPM(object):
    def __init__(self,

        self.SECONDS_PER_YEAR = 31556925.9747  # Tropical year in seconds
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.restartStep = restartStep
        self.restartFolder = restartFolder

        # AutoScaling
        self.scaleDIM = 1.0 / scaling_coefficients["[length]"].magnitude
        self.scaleTIME = 1.0 / scaling_coefficients["[time]"].magnitude

        self.mesh = mesh
        self.velocityField = velocityField
        self.swarm = swarm
        self.material_index = materialField
        self.airIndex = airIndex
        self.sedimentIndex = sedimentIndex
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.surfElevation = surfElevation
        self.checkpoint_interval = checkpoint_interval / self.scaleTIME / self.SECONDS_PER_YEAR

        self.XML = XML

        if rank == 0:
            self.badlands_model = BadlandsModel()
            if self.restartStep:
                self.badlands_model.input.restart = True
                self.badlands_model.input.rstep = self.restartStep
                self.badlands_model.input.rfolder = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.input.outDir = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.outputStep = self.restartStep

        self.minCoord = self.mesh.minCoord
        self.maxCoord = self.mesh.maxCoord

        self.time_years = 0.
        if self.restartStep:
            # Parse xmf for the last timestep time
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
            xmf = self.restartFolder + "/xmf/tin.time" + str(
                self.restartStep) + ".xmf"
            tree = etree.parse(xmf)
            root = tree.getroot()
            self.time_years = float(root[0][0][0].attrib["Value"])

        self._tmp = _tempdir
        self._demfile = self._tmp + "/dem.csv"

        # Create Initial Flat DEM
        if rank == 0:
            self.dem = self._generate_flat_dem(self.minCoord, self.maxCoord,

            np.savetxt(self._demfile, self.dem)
            # Build Mesh
            self.badlands_model.build_mesh(self._demfile, verbose=False)

            self.badlands_model.input.disp3d = True  # enable 3D displacements
            self.badlands_model.input.region = 0  # TODO: check what this does
            self.badlands_model.input.tStart = self.time_years
            self.badlands_model.tNow = self.time_years

            # Override the checkpoint/display interval in the Badlands model to
            # ensure BL and UW are synced
            self.badlands_model.input.tDisplay = self.checkpoint_interval

            # Set Badlands minimal distance between nodes before regridding
            self.badlands_model.force.merge3d = self.badlands_model.input.Afactor * self.badlands_model.recGrid.resEdges * 0.5

            # Bodge Badlands to perform an initial checkpoint
            # FIXME: we need to run the model for at least one iteration before this is generated. It would be nice if this wasn't the case.
            self.badlands_model.force.next_display = 0


        self._disp_inserted = False

        # Transfer the initial DEM state to Underworld


    def solve(self, dt, sigma=0):

        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands" + endcol)

        dt_years = Dimensionalize(dt, UnitRegistry.years).magnitude

        if rank == 0:
            rg = self.badlands_model.recGrid
            if self.mesh.dim == 2:
                zVals = rg.regZ.mean(axis=1)
                np_surface = np.column_stack((rg.regX, zVals)) * self.scaleDIM

            if self.mesh.dim == 3:
                np_surface = np.column_stack(
                    (rg.rectX, rg.rectY, rg.rectZ)) * self.scaleDIM

            np_surface = None

        np_surface = comm.bcast(np_surface, root=0)

        # Get Velocity Field at the surface
        tracer_velocity_mps = get_UW_velocities(
            np_surface, self.velocityField) * self.scaleTIME / self.scaleDIM

        if rank == 0:
            # Use the tracer vertical velocities to deform the Badlands TIN
            # convert from meters per second to meters displacement over the whole iteration
            tracer_disp = tracer_velocity_mps * self.SECONDS_PER_YEAR * dt_years
            self._inject_badlands_displacement(self.time_years, dt_years,
                                               tracer_disp, sigma)

            # Run the Badlands model to the same time point
            self.badlands_model.run_to_time(self.time_years + dt_years)

        self.time_years += dt_years

        # TODO: Improve the performance of this function

        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands...Done" + endcol)


    def _determine_particle_state_2D(self):

        if rank == 0:
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh[
                'vertices'] * self.scaleDIM  # points that we have known elevation for
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation * self.scaleDIM  # elevation for those points
            xs = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regX * self.scaleDIM
            ys = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regY * self.scaleDIM
            known_xy = None
            known_z = None
            xs = None
            ys = None

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)
        xs = comm.bcast(xs, root=0)
        ys = comm.bcast(ys, root=0)


        grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
        interpolate_z = griddata(known_xy,
                                 known_z, (grid_x, grid_y),
        interpolate_z = interpolate_z.mean(axis=1)

        f = interp1d(xs, interpolate_z)

        uw_surface = self.swarm.particleCoordinates.data
        bdl_surface = f(uw_surface[:, 0])

        flags = uw_surface[:, 1] < bdl_surface

        return flags

    def _determine_particle_state(self):
        # Given Badlands' mesh, determine if each particle in 'volume' is above
        # (False) or below (True) it.

        # To do this, for each X/Y pair in 'volume', we interpolate its Z value
        # relative to the mesh in blModel. Then, if the interpolated Z is
        # greater than the supplied Z (i.e. Badlands mesh is above particle
        # elevation) it's sediment (True). Else, it's air (False).

        # TODO: we only support air/sediment layers right now; erodibility
        # layers are not implemented

        if rank == 0:
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh[
                'vertices'] * self.scaleDIM  # points that we have known elevation for
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation * self.scaleDIM  # elevation for those points
            known_xy = None
            known_z = None

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)


        volume = self.swarm.particleCoordinates.data

        interpolate_xy = volume[:, [0, 1]]

        # NOTE: we're using nearest neighbour interpolation. This should be
        # sufficient as Badlands will normally run at a much higher resolution
        # than Underworld. 'linear' interpolation is much, much slower.
        interpolate_z = griddata(points=known_xy,

        # True for sediment, False for air
        flags = volume[:, 2] < interpolate_z

        return flags

    def _update_material_types(self):

        # What do the materials (in air/sediment terms) look like now?
        if self.mesh.dim == 3:
            material_flags = self._determine_particle_state()
        if self.mesh.dim == 2:
            material_flags = self._determine_particle_state_2D()

        # If any materials changed state, update the Underworld material types
        mi = self.material_index.data

        # convert air to sediment
        for air_material in self.airIndex:
            sedimented_mask = np.logical_and(np.in1d(mi, air_material),
            mi[sedimented_mask] = self.sedimentIndex

        # convert sediment to air
        for air_material in self.airIndex:
            eroded_mask = np.logical_and(~np.in1d(mi, air_material),
            mi[eroded_mask] = self.airIndex[0]

    def _inject_badlands_displacement(self, time, dt, disp, sigma):
        Takes a plane of tracer points and their DISPLACEMENTS in 3D over time
        period dt applies a gaussian filter on it. Injects it into Badlands as 3D
        tectonic movement.

        # The Badlands 3D interpolation map is the displacement of each DEM
        # node at the end of the time period relative to its starting position.
        # If you start a new displacement file, it is treated as starting at
        # the DEM starting points (and interpolated onto the TIN as it was at
        # that tNow).

        # kludge; don't keep adding new entries
        if self._disp_inserted:
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp[0, 0] = time
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp[0, 1] = (time + dt)
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp = np.vstack(
                ([time, time + dt], self.badlands_model.force.T_disp))
            self._disp_inserted = True

        # Extent the velocity field in the third dimension
        if self.mesh.dim == 2:
            dispX = np.tile(disp[:, 0], self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny)
            dispY = np.zeros((self.badlands_model.recGrid.rnx *
                              self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny, ))
            dispZ = np.tile(disp[:, 1], self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny)

            disp = np.zeros((self.badlands_model.recGrid.rnx *
                             self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny, 3))
            disp[:, 0] = dispX
            disp[:, 1] = dispY
            disp[:, 2] = dispZ

        # Gaussian smoothing
        if sigma > 0:
            dispX = np.copy(disp[:,
            dispY = np.copy(disp[:,
            dispZ = np.copy(disp[:,
            smoothX = gaussian_filter(dispX, sigma)
            smoothY = gaussian_filter(dispY, sigma)
            smoothZ = gaussian_filter(dispZ, sigma)
            disp[:, 0] = smoothX.flatten()
            disp[:, 1] = smoothY.flatten()
            disp[:, 2] = smoothZ.flatten()

        self.badlands_model.force.injected_disps = disp

    def _generate_flat_dem(self,
        Generate a flat DEM. This can be used as the initial Badlands state.

        minCoord: tuple of (X, Y, Z) coordinates defining the minimum bounds of
                  the DEM. Only the X and Y coordinates are used.
        maxCoord: tuple of (X, Y, Z) coordinates defining the maximum bounds of
                  the DEM. Only the X and Y coordinates are used.
        resolution: resolution of the model. Badlands assumes dx = dy.
        elevation: the Z parameter that each point is created at
        scale: the scaling factor between the 2 codes

        For your convenience, minCoord and maxCoord are designed to have the
        same formatting as the Underworld FeMesh_Cartesian minCoord and
        maxCoord parameters.

        IMPORTANT: minCoord and maxCoord are defined in terms of the Underworld
        coordinate system, but the returned DEM uses the Badlands coordinate

        Note that the initial elevation of the Badlands surface should coincide
        with the material transition in Underworld.

        # Calculate number of nodes from required resolution.
        nx = np.int((maxCoord[0] - minCoord[0]) / resolution) + 1
        ny = np.int((maxCoord[1] - minCoord[1]) / resolution) + 1

        if self.mesh.dim == 2:
            minCoord = (minCoord[0], minCoord[0])
            maxCoord = (maxCoord[0], maxCoord[0])
            ny = nx

        items = []
        # FIXME: there should be a fast numpy way to do this
        for y in np.linspace(minCoord[1] / scale, maxCoord[1] / scale, ny):
            for x in np.linspace(minCoord[0] / scale, maxCoord[0] / scale, nx):
                items.append([x, y, elevation / scale])

        # NOTE: Badlands uses the difference in X coord of the first two points to determine the resolution.
        # This is something we should fix.
        # This is why we loop in y/x order instead of x/y order.
        return np.array(items)
Example #3
# To run this on an MPI cluster, use something like:
#     mpiexec -n 4 python launch_mpi.py 1000

import os
import re
import sys
import time

from pyBadlands.model import Model

base_path = '.'
xml_name = 'hrtest.xml'

run_years = int(sys.argv[1])

# Modify base_path to run from another directory
# Change into HRtest directory if required...

start_time = time.time()
model = Model()

print 'loading %s' % xml_name

print model.load_xml(xml_name)

print model.run_to_time(run_years)
print 'run to %s years finished in %s seconds' % (run_years,
                                                  time.time() - start_time)
class Badlands(SurfaceProcesses):
    """ A wrapper class for Badlands """
    def __init__(self,
            import pyBadlands

        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("""pyBadlands import as failed. Please check your
                              installation, PYTHONPATH and PATH environment

        self.verbose = verbose
        self.outputDir = outputDir
        self.restartStep = restartStep
        self.restartFolder = restartFolder

        self.airIndex = airIndex
        self.sedimentIndex = sedimentIndex
        self.resolution = nd(resolution)
        self.surfElevation = fn.Function.convert(nd(surfElevation))
        self.checkpoint_interval = nd(checkpoint_interval)
        self.timeField = timeField
        self.XML = XML
        self.time_years = 0.
        self.minCoord = minCoord
        self.maxCoord = maxCoord
        self.aspectRatio2d = aspectRatio2d
        self.Model = Model

    def _init_model(self):

        if self.minCoord:
            self.minCoord = tuple([nd(val) for val in self.minCoord])
            self.minCoord = self.Model.mesh.minCoord

        if self.maxCoord:
            self.maxCoord = tuple([nd(val) for val in self.maxCoord])
            self.maxCoord = self.Model.mesh.maxCoord

        if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
            self.minCoord = (self.minCoord[0],
                             self.aspectRatio2d * self.minCoord[0])
            self.maxCoord = (self.maxCoord[0],
                             self.aspectRatio2d * self.maxCoord[0])

        if rank == 0:
            from pyBadlands.model import Model as BadlandsModel
            self.badlands_model = BadlandsModel()

            if self.restartStep:
                self.badlands_model.input.restart = True
                self.badlands_model.input.rstep = self.restartStep
                self.badlands_model.input.rfolder = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.input.outDir = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.outputStep = self.restartStep

                # Parse xmf for the last timestep time
                import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
                xmf = (self.restartFolder + "/xmf/tin.time" +
                       str(self.restartStep) + ".xmf")
                tree = etree.parse(xmf)
                root = tree.getroot()
                self.time_years = float(root[0][0][0].attrib["Value"])

            # Create Initial DEM
            self._demfile = _tempdir + "/dem.csv"
            self.dem = self._generate_dem()
            np.savetxt(self._demfile, self.dem)

            # Build Mesh
            self.badlands_model.build_mesh(self._demfile, verbose=False)

            self.badlands_model.input.outDir = self.outputDir
            self.badlands_model.input.disp3d = True  # enable 3D displacements
            self.badlands_model.input.region = 0  # TODO: check what this does
            self.badlands_model.input.tStart = self.time_years
            self.badlands_model.tNow = self.time_years

            # Override the checkpoint/display interval in the Badlands model to
            # ensure BL and UW are synced
            self.badlands_model.input.tDisplay = (dimensionalise(
                self.checkpoint_interval, u.years).magnitude)

            # Set Badlands minimal distance between nodes before regridding
            self.badlands_model.force.merge3d = (
                self.badlands_model.input.Afactor *
                self.badlands_model.recGrid.resEdges * 0.5)

            # Bodge Badlands to perform an initial checkpoint
            # FIXME: we need to run the model for at least one
            # iteration before this is generated.
            # It would be nice if this wasn't the case.
            self.badlands_model.force.next_display = 0


        self._disp_inserted = False

        # Transfer the initial DEM state to Underworld

    def _generate_dem(self):
        Generate a badlands DEM. This can be used as the initial Badlands state.


        # Calculate number of nodes from required resolution.
        nx = np.int((self.maxCoord[0] - self.minCoord[0]) / self.resolution)
        ny = np.int((self.maxCoord[1] - self.minCoord[1]) / self.resolution)
        nx += 1
        ny += 1

        x = np.linspace(self.minCoord[0], self.maxCoord[0], nx)
        y = np.linspace(self.minCoord[1], self.maxCoord[1], ny)

        coordsX, coordsY = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        dem = np.zeros((nx * ny, 3))
        dem[:, 0] = coordsX.flatten()
        dem[:, 1] = coordsY.flatten()

        coordsZ = self.surfElevation.evaluate(dem[:, :2])

        dem[:, 2] = coordsZ.flatten()
        return dimensionalise(dem, u.meter).magnitude

    def solve(self, dt, sigma=0):
        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands" + endcol)

        np_surface = None
        if rank == 0:
            rg = self.badlands_model.recGrid
            if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
                zVals = rg.regZ.mean(axis=1)
                np_surface = np.column_stack((rg.regX, zVals))

            if self.Model.mesh.dim == 3:
                np_surface = np.column_stack((rg.rectX, rg.rectY, rg.rectZ))

        np_surface = comm.bcast(np_surface, root=0)

        # Get Velocity Field at the surface
        nd_coords = nd(np_surface * u.meter)
        tracer_velocity = self.Model.velocityField.evaluate_global(nd_coords)

        dt_years = dimensionalise(dt, u.years).magnitude

        if rank == 0:
            tracer_disp = dimensionalise(tracer_velocity * dt,
            self._inject_badlands_displacement(self.time_years, dt_years,
                                               tracer_disp, sigma)

            # Run the Badlands model to the same time point
            self.badlands_model.run_to_time(self.time_years + dt_years)

        self.time_years += dt_years

        # TODO: Improve the performance of this function

        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands...Done" + endcol)


    def _determine_particle_state_2D(self):

        known_xy = None
        known_z = None
        xs = None
        ys = None
        fact = dimensionalise(1.0, u.meter).magnitude
        if rank == 0:
            # points that we have known elevation for
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'] / fact
            # elevation for those points
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation / fact
            xs = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regX / fact
            ys = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regY / fact

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)
        xs = comm.bcast(xs, root=0)
        ys = comm.bcast(ys, root=0)


        grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
        interpolate_z = griddata(known_xy,
                                 known_z, (grid_x, grid_y),
        interpolate_z = interpolate_z.mean(axis=1)

        f = interp1d(xs, interpolate_z)

        uw_surface = self.Model.swarm.particleCoordinates.data
        bdl_surface = f(uw_surface[:, 0])

        flags = uw_surface[:, 1] < bdl_surface

        return flags

    def _determine_particle_state(self):
        # Given Badlands' mesh, determine if each particle in 'volume' is above
        # (False) or below (True) it.

        # To do this, for each X/Y pair in 'volume', we interpolate its Z value
        # relative to the mesh in blModel. Then, if the interpolated Z is
        # greater than the supplied Z (i.e. Badlands mesh is above particle
        # elevation) it's sediment (True). Else, it's air (False).

        # TODO: we only support air/sediment layers right now; erodibility
        # layers are not implemented

        known_xy = None
        known_z = None
        fact = dimensionalise(1.0, u.meter).magnitude
        if rank == 0:
            # points that we have known elevation for
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'] / fact
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation / fact

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)


        volume = self.Model.swarm.particleCoordinates.data

        interpolate_xy = volume[:, [0, 1]]

        # NOTE: we're using nearest neighbour interpolation. This should be
        # sufficient as Badlands will normally run at a much higher resolution
        # than Underworld. 'linear' interpolation is much, much slower.
        interpolate_z = griddata(points=known_xy,

        # True for sediment, False for air
        flags = volume[:, 2] < interpolate_z

        return flags

    def _update_material_types(self):

        # What do the materials (in air/sediment terms) look like now?
        if self.Model.mesh.dim == 3:
            material_flags = self._determine_particle_state()
        if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
            material_flags = self._determine_particle_state_2D()

        # If any materials changed state, update the Underworld material types
        mi = self.Model.materialField.data

        # convert air to sediment
        for air_material in self.airIndex:
            sedimented_mask = np.logical_and(np.in1d(mi, air_material),
            mi[sedimented_mask] = self.sedimentIndex

        # convert sediment to air
        for air_material in self.airIndex:
            eroded_mask = np.logical_and(~np.in1d(mi, air_material),
            mi[eroded_mask] = self.airIndex[0]

    def _inject_badlands_displacement(self, time, dt, disp, sigma):
        Takes a plane of tracer points and their DISPLACEMENTS in 3D over time
        period dt applies a gaussian filter on it. Injects it into Badlands as 3D
        tectonic movement.

        # The Badlands 3D interpolation map is the displacement of each DEM
        # node at the end of the time period relative to its starting position.
        # If you start a new displacement file, it is treated as starting at
        # the DEM starting points (and interpolated onto the TIN as it was at
        # that tNow).

        # kludge; don't keep adding new entries
        if self._disp_inserted:
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp[0, 0] = time
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp[0, 1] = (time + dt)
            self.badlands_model.force.T_disp = np.vstack(
                ([time, time + dt], self.badlands_model.force.T_disp))
            self._disp_inserted = True

        # Extent the velocity field in the third dimension
        if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
            dispX = np.tile(disp[:, 0], self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny)
            dispY = np.zeros((self.badlands_model.recGrid.rnx *
                              self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny, ))
            dispZ = np.tile(disp[:, 1], self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny)

            disp = np.zeros((self.badlands_model.recGrid.rnx *
                             self.badlands_model.recGrid.rny, 3))
            disp[:, 0] = dispX
            disp[:, 1] = dispY
            disp[:, 2] = dispZ

        # Gaussian smoothing
        if sigma > 0:
            dispX = np.copy(disp[:,
            dispY = np.copy(disp[:,
            dispZ = np.copy(disp[:,
            smoothX = gaussian_filter(dispX, sigma)
            smoothY = gaussian_filter(dispY, sigma)
            smoothZ = gaussian_filter(dispZ, sigma)
            disp[:, 0] = smoothX.flatten()
            disp[:, 1] = smoothY.flatten()
            disp[:, 2] = smoothZ.flatten()

        self.badlands_model.force.injected_disps = disp
Example #5
# To run this on an MPI cluster, use something like:
#     mpiexec -n 4 python mpi_example.py 10000

import os
import re
import sys
import time

from pyBadlands.model import Model

base_path = 'crater'
xml_name = 'crater.xml'

run_years = int(sys.argv[1])

# change into crater data directory

start_time = time.time()
model = Model()

print 'loading %s' % xml_name

print model.load_xml(xml_name)

print model.run_to_time(run_years)
print 'run to %s years finished in %s seconds' % (run_years, time.time() - start_time)

Example #6
import os
import time

from pyBadlands.remote import RemoteModel
from pyBadlands.model import Model

start_time = time.time()
model = Model()
print 'singlethread finished in %s seconds' % (time.time() - start_time)

for ncpus in range(1, 5):
    start_time = time.time()
    remote = RemoteModel(maxcpus=ncpus)
    # match the child's cwd to ours
    remote._view.execute('import os; os.chdir("%s")' % os.getcwd())
    print 'mpi (%d cores) finished in %s seconds' % (ncpus,
                                                     time.time() - start_time)