def example3_multiFigure(saveFiles_): """ In this example, two figures are created below each other and saved into a single file: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/pieChart_large.png :scale: 100% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ #-- create 1st figure. Make it portait size and use the holdFigure_=True argument to specify that the figure should not be displayed yet expenseCategories = ["Rent", "Food", "Travel", "Fun"]; expenses = [1000, 300, 500, 250]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.figureSize = (14,6); crGraphs.setStyle(style); figure1 = crGraphs.createPieChart(expenses, expenseCategories, "Expenses", subPlot_=121, renderFigure_=False); #-- create 2nd figure into the figure1 saved previously. Specify the file path to save into. countries = ["Germany", "USA", "Canada"]; numOfCountryVisits = [10, 3, 7]; filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "pieChart_large.png"; crGraphs.createPieChart(numOfCountryVisits, countries, showPercentageVals_=True, showActualVals_=False, subPlot_=122,figure_=figure1, filePath_=filePath);
def example2_customAnnotationsAndColorMap(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a matrix plot with custom annotations and color map is created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/matrixPlot_fullAnnotations.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ performanceData = [ [12,11,10,9], [11,10,7,6], [9,8,6,5], ] annotations = [ ['poor','poor','good','good'], ['poor','poor', 'good', 'excellent'], ['good', 'good','excellent','excellent'] ]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.figureSize = (16,8); style.colorMap ="Oranges"); crGraphs.setStyle(style); filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "matrixPlot_fullAnnotations.png"; crGraphs.createMatrixPlot(performanceData, "Cost of fuel for drivers", colorBarLabel_="Fuel cost", xLabel_="Driver skill", xTickLabels_=["Terrible","Quite bad","Satisfactory","Good"], yLabel_="Engine efficiency", yTickLabels_=["Inefficient","OK","Efficient"], annotateValues_=True, annotationValues_=annotations, annotationStringAfter_= "\ncost\nefficiency", filePath_=filePath)
def example1_simple(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a simple bar plot is created: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/barPlot_simple.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [[10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70]] months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"] filePath = "" if (saveFiles_): filePath = "barPlot_simple.png" style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.NONE crGraphs.setStyle(style) crGraphs.createBarPlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=100, filePath_=filePath)
def example4_boxPlots(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a multi-line plot with box plots is created, without the grid or data point connections shown. Also, a Willcoxon test is performed find out data points with significant differences between them. A \* notation is used next to a month where there is significant difference with p=0.05. A \*\* notation is used when there is a significant different with p=0.01. .. image:: ../exampleOutput/linePlot_boxPlots.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [[20, 20, 30, 20, 35, 55, 40, 20, 30], [10, 20, 28.5, 12, 25, 53.5, 35, 35, 40]] #-- change each data point above to become a list with a normal distribution instead, with median of profitData[i][j] profitData = [[ list(random.standard_normal(30) * 3 + profitData[i][j]) for j in range(len(profitData[i])) ] for i in range(len(profitData))] legendLabels = ['Customer sales', 'Stocks'] months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"] style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.markers = ['s', 's'] style.colors = ['g', 'r'] style.lineWidth = 0 style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.NONE crGraphs.setStyle(style) filePath = "" if (saveFiles_): filePath = "linePlot_boxPlots.png" crGraphs.createLinePlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=80, legendLabels_=legendLabels, showBoxPlots_=True, doWilcoxon_=True, filePath_=filePath)
def example3_errorBars(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a multi-line plot with error bars is created, with horizontal-only grid shown and with data points connected together based on which year quarter they belong to: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/linePlot_errorBars.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [[9, 20, 30, 20, 35, 55, 40, 20, 30], [1, 5, 10, 12, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40], [10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70]] #-- change each data point above to become a list with a normal distribution instead, with median of profitData[i][j] profitData = [[ list(random.standard_normal(3) * 5 + profitData[i][j]) for j in range(len(profitData[i])) ] for i in range(len(profitData))] legendLabels = ['Customer sales', 'Stocks', 'Total profit'] months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"] filePath = "" if (saveFiles_): filePath = "linePlot_errorBars.png" style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.markers = ['o', 'o', 's'] style.colors = ['g', 'c', 'r'] style.numOfLegendColumns = 3 style.legendPosition = crGraphStyle.LEGEND_POSITION.UPPER_LEFT style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.HORIZONTAL crGraphs.setStyle(style) crGraphs.createLinePlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=-20, yMax_=120, legendLabels_=legendLabels, showConfidenceIntervals_=True, xAxisGroupSize_=3, filePath_=filePath)
def example2_colors(saveFiles_): """ In this example, the title, colors and font sizes are specified. Percentage values and actual values are also shown: .. image:: ../exampleOutput/pieChart_colors.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ expenseCategories = ["Rent", "Food", "Travel", "Fun"]; expenses = [1000, 300, 500, 250]; style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle(); style.colors = ['yellow','cyan','grey','white']; crGraphs.setStyle(style); filePath = ""; if (saveFiles_): filePath = "pieChart_colors.png"; crGraphs.createPieChart(expenses, expenseCategories, "Colors example", showPercentageVals_=True, showShadow_=True, filePath_=filePath);
def example(): """ In this example, figures for the "Using Styles" page are created. """ profitData = [ [9, 20, 30, 20, 35, 55, 40, 20, 30], [1, 5, 10, 12, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40], [10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70], ] legendLabels = ['Customer sales', 'Stocks', 'Total profit'] months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"] crGraphs.createLinePlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=100, legendLabels_=legendLabels, filePath_="usingStyles_noStyle.png") style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.markers = ['o', 'd', 's'] style.colors = ['g', 'c', 'r'] style.titleFontSize = 40 style.numOfLegendColumns = 1 style.gridType = crGraphStyle.GRID_TYPE.MAJOR_HORIZONTAL crGraphs.setStyle(style) crGraphs.createLinePlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=100, legendLabels_=legendLabels, filePath_="usingStyles_style.png")
def example2_multiple(saveFiles_): """ In this example, a multi-line plot is created and its custom colours and markers are specified. .. image:: ../exampleOutput/linePlot_multi.png :scale: 50% :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ profitData = [ [9, 20, 30, 20, 35, 55, 40, 20, 30], [1, 5, 10, 12, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40], [10, 25, 40, 32, 60, 85, 75, 55, 70], ] legendLabels = ['Customer sales', 'Stocks', 'Total profit'] months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"] style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.markers = ['o', 'o', 's'] style.colors = ['g', 'c', 'r'] crGraphs.setStyle(style) filePath = "" if (saveFiles_): filePath = "linePlot_multi.png" crGraphs.createLinePlot(profitData, "Profit so far this year", xTickLabels_=months, xLabel_="Month", yLabel_="Profit (mil. £)", yMin_=0, yMax_=100, legendLabels_=legendLabels, filePath_=filePath)
def example(saveFiles_): """ In this example, plot images for a broken line plot are created: :param saveFiles_: Boolean if True, figures are saved, if False, figures are displayed """ data = [ [ 10, 12, 25, 32, 25, 57, 44, 54, 62, 60, 44, 35, 51, 62, 84, 280, 305, 312, 309, 323 ], ] data = [[ list(random.standard_normal(10) * 2 * j + data[i][j]) for j in range(len(data[i])) ] for i in range(len(data))] filePathStandardPlot = "" filePathBottomPlot = "" filePathTopPlot = "" if (saveFiles_): filePathStandardPlot = "brokenLinePlot_standard.png" filePathBottomPlot = "brokenLinePlot_bottom.png" filePathTopPlot = "brokenLinePlot_top.png" #-- get plot parameters for the zoomed in and zoomed out plots yMinStandardPlot = 0 # y min of a plot that would normally be drawn for all data yMaxStandardPlot = 400 # y max of a plot that would normally be drawn for all data brokenLineYCoordinate = 100 # y value at which broken line will be drawn. This value separates the two "zoomedIn" and "zoomedOut" plots brokenLineHeightPercentage = 50 # percentage of the plot height at which the broken line will be drawn yMinBottomPlot, yMaxBottomPlot, yMinTopPlot, yMaxTopPlot = crGraphs.getBrokenLinePlotParameters( yMinStandardPlot, brokenLineYCoordinate, yMaxStandardPlot, brokenLineHeightPercentage) style = crGraphStyle.crGraphStyle() style.lineWidth = 2 crGraphs.setStyle(style) #-- create the two plots as two separate files, using the y-axis parameters from above xTickLabels = [(g + 1) for g in range(len(data[0]))] crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinBottomPlot, yMax_=yMaxBottomPlot, yTicksStep_=20, showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathBottomPlot) crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinTopPlot, yMax_=yMaxTopPlot, showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathTopPlot) #-- also create a standard plot for demonstration: crGraphs.createLinePlot(data, "Population fitness", xTickLabels_=xTickLabels, xLabel_="Generation", yLabel_="Fitness", yMin_=yMinStandardPlot, yMax_=yMaxStandardPlot, showBoxPlots_=True, filePath_=filePathStandardPlot)