def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('sinex', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="SINEX file to update.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format') args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) sinex = args.sinex[0] project = args.project[0] process_sinex(cnn, project, dates, sinex)
def main(): # create start and stop dates for the run start_date = pyDate.Date(year=2000, doy=1) end_date = pyDate.Date(year=2017, doy=1) # init queue for dates dates = list() # init date dt = start_date # populate the date queue while dt <= end_date: # add the date to the queue dates.append(dt) # increment the data dt += 1 # create a pool of worker threads pool = Pool(16) # map the action function to each date in the queue, dates)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format') args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions # create the execution log dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # create folder for plots if not os.path.isdir(args.project[0]): os.makedirs(args.project[0]) ######################################## # load polyhedrons project = dra(cnn, args.project[0], dates)
def GetGaps(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, start_date, end_date): rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM rinex_proc WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"ObservationSTime" BETWEEN \'%s\' AND \'%s\' ORDER BY "ObservationSTime"' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, start_date.yyyymmdd(), end_date.yyyymmdd())) # make the start date and end date the limits of the data rnxtbl = rs.dictresult() gaps = [] possible_doys = [] if len(rnxtbl) > 0: start_date = pyDate.Date(year=rnxtbl[0]['ObservationYear'], doy=rnxtbl[0]['ObservationDOY']) end_date = pyDate.Date(year=rnxtbl[-1]['ObservationYear'], doy=rnxtbl[-1]['ObservationDOY']) possible_doys = [ pyDate.Date(mjd=mjd) for mjd in range(start_date.mjd, end_date.mjd + 1) ] actual_doys = [ pyDate.Date(year=rnx['ObservationYear'], doy=rnx['ObservationDOY']) for rnx in rnxtbl ] gaps = [] for doy in possible_doys: if doy not in actual_doys: gaps += [doy] return gaps, possible_doys
def rinex_based_stninfo(self, ignore): # build a station info based on the information from the RINEX headers rs = self.cnn.query('SELECT * FROM rinex WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'' + self.NetworkCode + '\' AND "StationCode" = \'' + self.StationCode + '\' ORDER BY "ObservationSTime"') rnxtbl = rs.dictresult() rnx = rnxtbl[0] RecSerial = rnx['ReceiverSerial'] AntSerial = rnx['AntennaSerial'] AntHeig = rnx['AntennaOffset'] RadCode = rnx['AntennaDome'] StartDate = rnx['ObservationSTime'] stninfo = [] count = 0 for i, rnx in enumerate(rnxtbl): if RecSerial != rnx['ReceiverSerial'] or AntSerial != rnx['AntennaSerial'] or \ AntHeig != rnx['AntennaOffset'] or RadCode != rnx['AntennaDome']: # start the counter count += 1 if count > ignore: Vers = rnx['ReceiverFw'][:22] record = StationInfoRecord(self.NetworkCode, self.StationCode, rnx) record.DateStart = pyDate.Date(datetime=StartDate) record.DateEnd = pyDate.Date(datetime=rnxtbl[i-count]['ObservationETime']) record.HeightCode = 'DHARP' record.ReceiverVers = Vers[:5] record.ReceiverFirmware = '-----' stninfo.append(str(record)) RecSerial = rnx['ReceiverSerial'] AntSerial = rnx['AntennaSerial'] AntHeig = rnx['AntennaOffset'] RadCode = rnx['AntennaDome'] StartDate = rnxtbl[i - count + 1]['ObservationSTime'] count = 0 elif RecSerial == rnx['ReceiverSerial'] and AntSerial == rnx['AntennaSerial'] and \ AntHeig == rnx['AntennaOffset'] and RadCode == rnx['AntennaDome'] and count > 0: # we started counting records that where different, but we didn't make it past > ignore, reset counter count = 0 # insert the last record with 9999 record = StationInfoRecord(self.NetworkCode, self.StationCode, None) record.DateStart = pyDate.Date(datetime=StartDate) record.DateEnd = pyDate.Date(stninfo=None) record.HeightCode = 'DHARP' record.ReceiverFirmware = '-----' stninfo.append(str(record)) return '\n'.join(stninfo) + '\n'
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format') args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") project = args.project[0] dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # create folder for plots if not os.path.isdir(project + '_dra'): os.makedirs(project + '_dra') ######################################## # load polyhedrons dra = DRA(cnn, args.project[0], dates[1]) dra.stack_dra() for stn in tqdm(dra.stations): NetworkCode = stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = stn['StationCode'] # load from the db ts = dra.get_station(NetworkCode, StationCode) if ts.size: try: if ts.shape[0] > 2: dts = np.append(np.diff(ts[:, 0:3], axis=0), ts[1:, -3:], axis=1) dra_ts = pyETM.GamitSoln(cnn, dts, NetworkCode, StationCode, project) etm = pyETM.DailyRep(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, False, False, dra_ts) etm.plot(pngfile='%s/%s.%s_DRA.png' % (project + '_dra', NetworkCode, StationCode), plot_missing=False) except Exception as e: tqdm.write(' -->' + str(e)) dra.to_json(project + '_dra.json')
def spvsWithSigma(self,stn): xyz = self.xyzForStn(stn); sigma = self.sigmaForStn(stn); for i in range(0,xyz.shape[1]): if np.any(np.isnan(xyz[:,i])): continue; if sigma == None: yield xyz[:,i],None,pyDate.Date(fyear=self.epochs[i]); else: yield xyz[:,i],sigma[:,i],pyDate.Date(fyear=self.epochs[i]);
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to synchronize AWS with OSU\'s archive database') parser.add_argument('date', type=str, nargs=1, help="Check the sync state for this given date. Format can be fyear or yyyy_ddd.") parser.add_argument('-mark', '--mark_uploaded', nargs='+', type=str, help="Pass net.stnm to mark these files as transferred to the AWS", metavar='{net.stnm}') parser.add_argument('-pull', '--pull_rinex', action='store_true', help="Get all the unsynchronized RINEX files in the local dir") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') # before attempting anything, check aliases!! print ' >> Checking GAMIT aliases' check_aliases(cnn) # initialize the PP job server if not args.noparallel: JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(Config, 1500) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer else: JobServer = None Config.run_parallel = False dd =[0] if '_' in dd: date = pyDate.Date(year=int(dd.split('_')[0]), doy=int(dd.split('_')[1])) elif dd == 'all': # run all dates (1994 to 2018) ts = range(pyDate.Date(year=2004, doy=20).mjd, pyDate.Date(year=2018, doy=87).mjd, 1) ts = [pyDate.Date(mjd=tts) for tts in ts] for date in ts: print ' >> Processing ' + str(date) pull_rinex(cnn, date, Config, JobServer) return else: date = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(dd)) if args.pull_rinex: pull_rinex(cnn, date, Config, JobServer) if args.mark_uploaded is not None: print 'Processing %i for day %s' % (len(args.mark_uploaded), date.yyyyddd()) # mark the list of stations as transferred to the AWS mark_uploaded(cnn, date, args.mark_uploaded)
def from_file(args, cnn, stn): # execute on a file with wk XYZ coordinates ts = np.genfromtxt(args.filename) # read the format options if args.format is None: raise Exception('A format should be specified using the -format switch') dd = [] x = [] y = [] z = [] for k in ts: d = dict() for i, f in enumerate(args.format): if f in ('gpsWeek', 'gpsWeekDay', 'year', 'doy', 'fyear', 'month', 'day', 'mjd'): d[f] = k[i] if f == 'x': x.append(k[i]) elif f == 'y': y.append(k[i]) elif f == 'z': z.append(k[i]) dd.append(d) dd = [pyDate.Date(**d) for d in dd] polyhedrons = np.array((x, y, z, [d.year for d in dd], [d.doy for d in dd])).transpose() soln = pyETM.ListSoln(cnn, polyhedrons.tolist(), stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) etm = pyETM.FileETM(cnn, soln, False, args.no_model) return etm
def compare_stninfo_rinex(NetworkCode, StationCode, STime, ETime, rinex_serial): try: cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") except Exception: return traceback.format_exc() + ' open de database when processing ' \ 'processing %s.%s' % (NetworkCode, StationCode), None try: # get the center of the session date = STime + (ETime - STime) / 2 date = pyDate.Date(datetime=date) stninfo = pyStationInfo.StationInfo(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, date) except pyStationInfo.pyStationInfoException as e: return "Station Information error: " + str(e), None if stninfo.currentrecord.ReceiverSerial.lower() != rinex_serial.lower(): return None, [ date, rinex_serial, stninfo.currentrecord.ReceiverSerial.lower() ] return None, None
def parse_station_record(self, record): if isinstance(record, str): fieldnames = ('StationCode', 'StationName', 'DateStart', 'DateEnd', 'AntennaHeight', 'HeightCode', 'AntennaNorth', 'AntennaEast', 'ReceiverCode', 'ReceiverVers', 'ReceiverFirmware', 'ReceiverSerial', 'AntennaCode', 'RadomeCode', 'AntennaSerial') fieldwidths = ( 1, 6, 18, 19, 19, 9, 7, 9, 9, 22, 22, 7, 22, 17, 7, 20 ) # negative widths represent ignored padding fields fmtstring = ' '.join('{}{}'.format(abs(fw), 'x' if fw < 0 else 's') for fw in fieldwidths) fieldstruct = struct.Struct(fmtstring) if record[0] == ' ' and len(record) >= 77: record = dict( zip( fieldnames, map( str.strip, struct_unpack(fieldstruct, record.ljust( fieldstruct.size))[1:]))) else: return for key in list(self.keys()): try: if key in ('AntennaNorth', 'AntennaEast', 'AntennaHeight'): self[key] = float(record[key]) else: self[key] = record[key] except KeyError: # if key not found in the record, may be an added field (like hash) pass try: # if initializing with a RINEX record, some of these may not exist in the dictionary self.DateStart = pyDate.Date(stninfo=record['DateStart']) self.DateEnd = pyDate.Date(stninfo=record['DateEnd']) self.StationCode = record['StationCode'].lower() except KeyError: pass
def plot_station_info_rinex(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, stninfo): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt stnfo = [] if stninfo.records is not None: for record in stninfo.records: stnfo.append([record['DateStart'].fyear, (record['DateEnd'].fyear if record['DateEnd'].year is not None \ else pyDate.Date( ]) rinex = np.array( cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "ObservationFYear" FROM rinex_proc WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (NetworkCode, StationCode))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 3)) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title('RINEX and Station Information for %s.%s' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) for poly in stnfo: ax.plot(poly, [1, 1], 'o-', linewidth=2, markersize=4, color='tab:orange') # break line to clearly show the stop of a station info ax.plot([poly[1], poly[1]], [-0.5, 1.5], ':', color='tab:orange') ax.plot(rinex, np.zeros(rinex.shape[0]), 'o', color='tab:blue', markersize=3) ax.set_yticks([0, 1]) ax.set_yticklabels(["rinex", "stninfo"]) plt.ylim([-.5, 1.5]) figfile = BytesIO() try: plt.savefig(figfile, format='png') # # rewind to beginning of file figdata_png = base64.b64encode(figfile.getvalue()).decode() except Exception: # either no rinex or no station info figdata_png = '' tqdm.write( ' -- Error processing %s.%s: station appears to have no RINEX or Station Info' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) plt.close() return figdata_png
def process_date(arg, missing_input='fill', allow_days=True): # function to handle date input from PG. # Input: arg = arguments from command line # missing_input = a string specifying if vector should be filled when something is missing # allow_day = allow a single argument which represents an integer N expressed in days, to compute now()-N now = if missing_input == 'fill': dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(datetime=now)] else: dates = [None, None] if arg: for i, arg in enumerate(arg): dates[i] = process_date_str(arg, allow_days) return tuple(dates)
def GetStnGaps(cnn, stnlist, ignore_val, start_date, end_date): for stn in stnlist: NetworkCode = stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = stn['StationCode'] rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM rinex_proc WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "ObservationSTime" BETWEEN \'%s\' AND \'%s\' ORDER BY "ObservationSTime"' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, start_date.yyyymmdd(), end_date.yyyymmdd())) rnxtbl = rs.dictresult() gap_begin = None gaps = [] for i, rnx in enumerate(rnxtbl): if i > 0: d1 = pyDate.Date(year=rnx['ObservationYear'], doy=rnx['ObservationDOY']) d2 = pyDate.Date(year=rnxtbl[i - 1]['ObservationYear'], doy=rnxtbl[i - 1]['ObservationDOY']) if d1 != d2 + 1 and not gap_begin: gap_begin = d2 + 1 if d1 == d2 + 1 and gap_begin: days = ((d2 - 1).mjd - gap_begin.mjd) + 1 if days > ignore_val: gaps.append( '%s.%s gap in data found %s -> %s (%i days)' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, gap_begin.yyyyddd(), (d2 - 1).yyyyddd(), days)) gap_begin = None if gaps: sys.stdout.write('\nData gaps in %s.%s follow:\n' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(gaps) + '\n') else: sys.stdout.write('\nNo data gaps found for %s.%s\n' % (NetworkCode, StationCode))
def parse_archive_keys(self, path, key_filter=()): try: pathparts = path.split('/') filename = path.split('/')[-1] # check the number of levels in pathparts against the number of expected levels # subtract one for the filename if len(pathparts) - 1 != len(self.levels): return False, {} if not filename.endswith('.info'): fileparts = self.parse_crinex_filename(filename) else: # parsing a station info file, fill with dummy the doy and year fileparts = ('dddd', '1', '0', '80') if fileparts: keys = dict() # fill in all the possible keys using the crinex file info keys['station'] = fileparts[0] keys['doy'] = int(fileparts[1]) keys['session'] = fileparts[2] keys['year'] = int(fileparts[3]) keys['network'] = 'rnx' # now look in the different levels to match more data (or replace filename keys) for key in self.levels: if len(pathparts[key['Level'] - 1]) != key['TotalChars']: return False, {} if key['isnumeric'] == '1': keys[key['KeyCode']] = int(pathparts[key['Level'] - 1]) else: keys[key['KeyCode']] = pathparts[key['Level'] - 1].lower() # check date is valid and also fill day and month keys date = pyDate.Date(year=keys['year'], doy=keys['doy']) keys['day'] = keys['month'] = date.month return True, { key: keys[key] for key in keys.keys() if key in key_filter } else: return False, {} except Exception as e: return False, {}
def get_sp3(year, doy, org, outdir=None): year = Utils.get_norm_year_str(year) doy = Utils.get_norm_doy_str(doy) # initialize a date object date = pyDate.Date(year=year, doy=doy) # create string version of the gps week gps_week_str = str(date.gpsWeek) # make sure that the string is 5 characters if date.gpsWeek < 1000: gps_week_str = '0' + gps_week_str # create the file name of the sp3 sp3_file_name_base = org + gps_week_str + str(date.gpsWeekDay) + '.sp3' # set outdir to current directory if not set if outdir is None: outdir = '.' # init s3 connection to the metadata bucket conn = S3Connection(calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat()) bucket = conn.get_bucket(WL_SP3_BUCKET) bucketKey = Key(bucket) file_list = [] for f in bucket.list(prefix=sp3_file_name_base): file_list.append(f.key) # check if the sp3 file listing was empty if len(file_list) == 0: raise ResourceException('sp3 resource: ' + sp3_file_name_base + ' could not be located') # make sure no more than a single match occurred if len(file_list) > 1: raise ResourceException('sp3 resource: ' + sp3_file_name_base + ' matches multiple files') # just be explicit about it sp3_file_name = file_list[0] # create the full path to file on local system sp3_file_path = os.path.join(outdir, sp3_file_name) # create the s3 object bucketKey.key = sp3_file_name # pull the file bucketKey.get_contents_to_filename(sp3_file_path) # that's all return sp3_file_path
def process_date_str(arg, allow_days=False): rdate = pyDate.Date( try: if '.' in arg: rdate = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(arg)) elif '_' in arg: rdate = pyDate.Date(year=int(arg.split('_')[0]), doy=int(arg.split('_')[1])) elif '/' in arg: rdate = pyDate.Date(year=int(arg.split('/')[0]), month=int(arg.split('/')[1]), day=int(arg.split('/')[2])) elif '-' in arg: rdate = pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=int(arg.split('-')[0]), gpsWeekDay=int(arg.split('-')[1])) elif len(arg) > 0: if allow_days: rdate = pyDate.Date( - int(arg) else: raise ValueError('Invalid input date: allow_days was set to False.') except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Could not decode input date (valid entries: ' 'fyear, yyyy_ddd, yyyy/mm/dd, gpswk-wkday). ' 'Error while reading the date start/end parameters: ' + str(e)) return rdate
def getOutFileName(snxFile): snxFile = os.path.basename(snxFile) gpsWeek = int(snxFile[3:7]) gpsWeekDay = int(snxFile[7]) date = pyDate.Date(gpsweek=gpsWeek, gpsweekday=gpsWeekDay) year = str(date.year) doy = str(date.doy) return snxFile[0:3] + year + Utils.get_norm_doy_str(doy)
def __init__(self, archive, date, filename, copyto): if date.gpsWeek < 0 or date > pyDate.Date( # do not allow negative weeks or future orbit downloads! raise pyProductsExceptionUnreasonableDate( 'Orbit requested for an unreasonable date: week ' + str(date.gpsWeek) + ' day ' + str(date.gpsWeekDay) + ' (' + date.yyyyddd() + ')') archive = archive.replace('$year', str(date.year)) archive = archive.replace('$doy', str(date.doy).zfill(3)) archive = archive.replace('$gpsweek', str(date.gpsWeek).zfill(4)) archive = archive.replace('$gpswkday', str(date.gpsWeekDay)) self.archive = archive self.path = None self.filename = filename # try both zipped and unzipped n files archive_file_path = os.path.join(archive, self.filename) if os.path.isfile(archive_file_path): try: copyfile(archive_file_path, os.path.join(copyto, self.filename)) self.file_path = os.path.join(copyto, self.filename) except Exception: raise else: ext = None if os.path.isfile(archive_file_path + '.Z'): ext = '.Z' elif os.path.isfile(archive_file_path + '.gz'): ext = '.gz' elif os.path.isfile(archive_file_path + '.zip'): ext = '.zip' if ext is not None: copyfile(archive_file_path + ext, os.path.join(copyto, self.filename + ext)) self.file_path = os.path.join(copyto, self.filename) cmd = pyRunWithRetry.RunCommand( 'gunzip -f ' + self.file_path + ext, 15) try: cmd.run_shell() except Exception: raise else: raise pyProductsException( 'Could not find the archive file for ' + self.filename)
def UpdateRecord(rinex, path): cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') try: rnxobj = pyRinex.ReadRinex(rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], path) date = pyDate.Date(year=rinex['ObservationYear'], doy=rinex['ObservationDOY']) if not verify_rinex_date_multiday(date, rnxobj, Config): cnn.begin_transac() # propagate the deletes cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM gamit_soln WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM ppp_soln WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM rinex WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "ObservationYear" = %i AND "ObservationDOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.commit_transac() return 'Multiday rinex file moved out of the archive: ' + rinex[ 'NetworkCode'] + '.' + rinex['StationCode'] + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationYear']) + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationDOY'] ) + ' using node ' + platform.node() else: cnn.update('rinex', rinex, Completion=rnxobj.completion) except pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionBadFile: # empty file or problem with crinex format, move out archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) archive.remove_rinex( rinex, os.path.join( Config.repository_data_reject, 'bad_rinex/%i/%03i' % (rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY']))) except Exception: return traceback.format_exc( ) + ' processing rinex: ' + rinex['NetworkCode'] + '.' + rinex[ 'StationCode'] + ' ' + str(rinex['ObservationYear']) + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationDOY']) + ' using node ' + platform.node()
def get_path(self): # create a date object # initialize a date object date = pyDate.Date(year=self.year, doy=self.doy); # create string version of the gps week gps_week_str = str(date.gpsWeek); # make sure that the string is 5 characters if date.gpsWeek < 1000: gps_week_str = '0'+gps_week_str; file_name = 'g04'+gps_week_str+str(date.gpsWeekDay)+'.sp3.Z' return file_name
def main(): #stnList = ['igs::algo','igs::thu3','igs::alrt','igs::yell','igs::p213','igs::zimm','igs::palm','igs::vesl']; stnList = open('/Users/abelbrown/Documents/workspace/pyNapeos/data/pyOTL/stn_list.test').readlines(); date = pyDate.Date(year=2009,doy=207); pathToGrdtab = "/media/fugu/processing/src/gamit_OSX/gamit/bin/grdtab"; pathToGrdtab = "/Users/abelbrown/Documents/workspace/pyNapeos/data/pyOTL/grdtab.bin"; pyotl = pyOTL(work_dir="~/Documents/workspace/pyNapeos/data/pyOTL", \ otl_output_file="~/Documents/workspace/pyNapeos/data/pyOTL/otl.blq", \ stn_list=stnList, \ date=date, \ grdtab_path=pathToGrdtab); pyotl.computeOTL(stnList = ['igs::algo','igs::thu3','igs::alrt']);
def export(self, path='.'): # init ts = dict(); # export with full station ids translate = self.dataMgr.getReverseAliasMap(); # init the station list ts['stnm'] = list(); for stnName in self.stnList: stnId = list(translate[stnName])[0]; ts['stnm'].append(stnId); # compute the fractional year ts['epochs'] = pyDate.Date(year=self.dataMgr.year,doy=self.dataMgr.doy).fyear; # the actual data ts['npvs'] = self.npvs; # the pyk daily merge #npvsF = nanMeanForRows(self.npvsStacked,self.npvsWeights); #ts['npv_pyk'] = npvsF; # generate a list of network names net_list= list(); for obj in self.dataMgr: net_list.append(; ts['net_list'] = net_list; # import mat file capabilities import; import os; # make sure the path given actually exists if not os.path.isdir(path): raise pyStk.pyStkException('path '+path+' does not exist\n'); # generate the tsd file name fileName = 'tsd_'+str(self.dataMgr.year)+'_'+str(self.dataMgr.doy)+'.mat'; # create the full export file path with file name filePath = os.path.join(path,fileName); # do it, ts, oned_as='column', do_compression=True)
def main(): print(' >> Loading g08d APRs...') mat = hdf5storage.loadmat('PRIORS_from_g08d.mat') # stn_index = np.where(mat['pv_stnm'] == rnx['NetworkCode'].uppper() + '_' + rnx['StationCode'].upper())[0][0] # ydm_index = np.where((mat['pv_Epoch']['iyear'] == date.year) & (mat['pv_Epoch']['doy'] == date.doy)) cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') for stnm in mat['pv_stnm'].tolist(): NetworkCode = stnm[0].split('_')[0].lower() StationCode = stnm[0].split('_')[1].lower() station_id = NetworkCode + '.' + StationCode print(' -- inserting ' + station_id) if cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM stations WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)).ntuples() != 0: # get the rows for this station stn_index = np.where(mat['pv_stnm'] == stnm[0])[0][0] xyz = mat['pv_xyz'][stn_index * 3:stn_index * 3 + 3] enu = mat['pv_sig_enu'][stn_index * 3:stn_index * 3 + 3] # loop through the epochs for i, fyear in enumerate(mat['pv_Epoch']['fyear'][0][0]): date = pyDate.Date(fyear=fyear) if enu[0][i] < 10: # print ' -- ' + station_id + ' ' + date.yyyyddd() # actual sigma value, otherwise it's a super unconstrained (should not be inserted) try: cnn.query( 'INSERT INTO apr_coords ' '("NetworkCode", "StationCode", "Year", "DOY", "FYear", "x", "y", "z", "sn", "se", "su", "ReferenceFrame") VALUES ' '(\'%s\', \'%s\', %i, %i, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, \'g08d\')' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, date.year, date.doy, date.fyear, xyz[0][i], xyz[1][i], xyz[2][i], enu[0][i], enu[1][i], enu[2][i])) except pg.IntegrityError: print(' -- ' + station_id + ' ' + date.yyyyddd() + ' already exists!') else: print(' -- COULD NOT FIND STATION ' + station_id)
def initialize(self): # create date object = pyDate.Date(year=self.options['year'], doy=self.options['doy']) # check for pre-existing solution if lazy (solutionAlreadyExists, key) = Resources.soln_exists(, self.options['expt'], self.options['org'], self.options['network_id']) if solutionAlreadyExists and self.isLazy: raise Processing.LazyException("file exists: " + key) # do all the program independent stuff super(Session, self).initialize() # get the resource bucket path bucket = self.get_resources_path() # get the apr file apr_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(bucket, '*.apr')) # yell about it if not found if len(apr_file) != 1: raise GamitException('problem identifying APR resources in ' + bucket) # create apr file wlapr2apr(os.path.join(bucket, apr_file[0])) # get the binaries for gamit self.files['bin'] = Resources.get_bin('gamit', self.work_dir_path) # get the tables for gamit self.files['tables'] = Resources.get_tables('gamit', self.work_dir_path) # create custom setup shell script self.files['setup_script_path'] = self.__create_setup_script() # create custom run script self.files['run_script_path'] = self.__create_run_script() # create the custom cleanup script self.files['teardown_script_path'] = self.__create_teardown_script()
def get_path(self): # create a date object # initialize a date object date = pyDate.Date(year=self.year, doy=self.doy); # create string version of the gps week gps_week_str = str(date.gpsWeek); # make sure that the string is 5 characters if date.gpsWeek < 1000: gps_week_str = '0'+gps_week_str; file_name = 'g05'+gps_week_str+str(date.gpsWeekDay)+'.mat.gz' doy = Utils.get_norm_doy_str(date.doy); return os.path.join(str(date.year),doy,'','boss','g05','n1',file_name)
def initialize(self): # no call to super.initialize(). just create work dir ourselves year = Utils.get_norm_year_str(self.options['year']); doy = Utils.get_norm_doy_str( self.options['doy'] ); # init date object date = pyDate.Date(year=year,doy=doy); # check for pre-existing solution if lazy (solutionAlreadyExists, key) = Resources.soln_exists( date, self.options['expt'], self.options['org'], self.options['network_id'] ) if solutionAlreadyExists and self.isLazy: raise Processing.LazyException("file exists: " + key) # make sure we have something specified to work with if len(self.src) == 0: raise GlobkException('no src has been specified'); # make sure that work directory has been initialized if not self.is_valid(): raise GlobkException('invalid session state'); # make sure the the temporary directory does not already exist if os.path.isdir(self.work_dir_path): raise GlobkException( 'temporary work directory '+self.work_dir_path+' already exists' ); # attempt to create the work directory try: # make parent dirs also os.makedirs(self.work_dir_path , 0755); os.makedirs(self.get_resources_path(), 0755); except Exception, e: # unsuccessful attempt raise GlobkException(str(e));
def process_date(arg, missing_input='fill', allow_days=True): # function to handle date input from PG. # Input: arg = arguments from command line # missing_input = a string specifying if vector should be filled when something is missing # allow_day = allow a single argument which represents an integer N expressed in days, to compute now()-N if missing_input == 'fill': dates = [ pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date( ] else: dates = [None, None] if arg: for i, arg in enumerate(arg): try: if '.' in arg: dates[i] = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(arg)) elif '_' in arg: dates[i] = pyDate.Date(year=int(arg.split('_')[0]), doy=int(arg.split('_')[1])) elif '/' in arg: dates[i] = pyDate.Date(year=int(arg.split('/')[0]), month=int(arg.split('/')[1]), day=int(arg.split('/')[2])) elif '-' in arg: dates[i] = pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=int(arg.split('-')[0]), gpsWeekDay=int(arg.split('-')[1])) elif len(arg) > 0: if allow_days and i == 0: dates[i] = pyDate.Date( - int(arg) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid input date: allow_days was set to False.') except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Could not decode input date (valid entries: ' 'fyear, yyyy_ddd, yyyy/mm/dd, gpswk-wkday). ' 'Error while reading the date start/end parameters: ' + str(e)) return tuple(dates)
def main(): (file, outdir) = get_input_args() # get the date from the sinex file gpsWeek = int(os.path.basename(file)[3:7]) gpsWeekDay = int(os.path.basename(file)[7]) # compute a data from the information date = pyDate.Date(gpsweek=gpsWeek, gpsweekday=gpsWeekDay) # check outdir # if out dir is none then put soln file # in same directory as snx files if outdir == None: outdir = '.' # make full path for solution file solnFilePath = os.path.join(outdir, getOutFileName(file)) # init sinex parser for current sinex file snxParser = snxParse.snxFileParser(file).parse() # construct npvs and npvs sigma from the sinex data npvs, npvs_sigma = npv(snxParser.stationDict) # create station list from dictionary keys stn_list = snxParser.stationDict.keys() # compute epoch in fractional year epochs = date.fyear #extract the variance factor var_factor = snxParser.varianceFactor # save as a mat file, mdict={'stnm' :stn_list , \ 'epochs' :epochs , \ 'npvs' :npvs , \ 'npv_sigma' :npvs_sigma , \ 'var_factor':var_factor}, \ oned_as = 'column')
def __init__(self, archive, date, filename, copyto): if date.gpsWeek < 0 or date > pyDate.Date( # do not allow negative weeks or future orbit downloads! raise pyProductsExceptionUnreasonableDate('Orbit requested for an unreasonable date: ' 'week ' + str(date.gpsWeek) + \ ' day ' + str(date.gpsWeekDay) + \ ' (' + date.yyyyddd() + ')') archive = archive.replace('$year', str(date.year)) \ .replace('$doy', str(date.doy).zfill(3)) \ .replace('$gpsweek', str(date.gpsWeek).zfill(4)) \ .replace('$gpswkday', str(date.gpsWeekDay)) self.archive = archive self.path = None self.filename = filename archive_file_path = os.path.join(archive, self.filename) copy_path = os.path.join(copyto, self.filename) self.file_path = copy_path # try both zipped and unzipped n files if os.path.isfile(archive_file_path): copyfile(archive_file_path, copy_path) else: for ext in ('.Z', '.gz', '.zip'): if os.path.isfile(archive_file_path + ext): copyfile(archive_file_path + ext, copy_path + ext) pyRunWithRetry.RunCommand('gunzip -f ' + copy_path + ext, 15).run_shell() break else: raise pyProductsException( 'Could not find the archive file for ' + self.filename)