def madd(A,B,C): assert 'pyJvsip' in repr(A) and '__View' in repr(A),'Input parameters must be views of type pyJvsip.__View.' assert type(A) == type(B) and type(A) == type(C),'Input paramteters must be the same type' assert 'mview' in A.type,'Only matrix views are supported for madd.' L = A.rowlength a = A.colview b = B.colview c = C.colview for i in range(L): pjv.add(a(i),b(i),c(i)) return C
def noiseGen(t,alpha,Mp,Nn,Ns): """ Usage: data = noiseGen(t,alpha,Mp,Nn,Ns) where: data is a matrix of type t and size Mp by Ns) alpha is a linear array constant Mp is the number of sensors in the linear array Nn is the size of the simulated noise vector Ns is the size of the output noise field for each sensor Note the noise field is returned in data """ # program parameters from math import pi as M_PI kaiser=9 Nfilter=10 # Kernel length for noise filter Nnoise=64 # number of Simulated Noise Directions cnst1 = M_PI/Nnoise offset0 = int(alpha * Mp + 1) nv = pv.create('vview_d',2 * Nn) noise=pv.create('mview_d',Mp,Nn) kernel = pv.create('vview_d',Nfilter).kaiser(kaiser) fir = pv.FIR('fir_d',kernel,'NONE',2 * Nn,2,'YES') data = pv.create('mview_d',Mp,Ns).fill(0.0) state = pv.Rand('PRNG',15) for j in range(Nnoise): noise_j=noise.rowview(j) state.randn(nv) fir.flt(nv,noise_j) noise_j *= 12.0/float(Nnoise) #view_store(noise,'noiseData'); noise.putrowlength(Ns) for i in range(Mp): data_v = data.rowview(i) for j in range(Nnoise): noise_j=noise.rowview(j) noise_j.putoffset(offset0 +(int)( i * alpha * cos(j * cnst1))) pv.add(noise_j,data_v,data_v) #view_store(data,'Data'); return data
def noiseGen(t, alpha, Mp, Nn, Ns): """ Usage: data = noiseGen(t,alpha,Mp,Nn,Ns) where: data is a matrix of type t and size Mp by Ns) alpha is a linear array constant Mp is the number of sensors in the linear array Nn is the size of the simulated noise vector Ns is the size of the output noise field for each sensor Note the noise field is returned in data """ # program parameters from math import pi as M_PI kaiser = 9 Nfilter = 10 # Kernel length for noise filter Nnoise = 64 # number of Simulated Noise Directions cnst1 = M_PI / Nnoise offset0 = int(alpha * Mp + 1) nv = pv.create('vview_d', 2 * Nn) noise = pv.create('mview_d', Mp, Nn) kernel = pv.create('vview_d', Nfilter).kaiser(kaiser) fir = pv.FIR('fir_d', kernel, 'NONE', 2 * Nn, 2, 'YES') data = pv.create('mview_d', Mp, Ns).fill(0.0) state = pv.Rand('PRNG', 15) for j in range(Nnoise): noise_j = noise.rowview(j) state.randn(nv) fir.flt(nv, noise_j) noise_j *= 12.0 / float(Nnoise) #view_store(noise,'noiseData'); noise.putrowlength(Ns) for i in range(Mp): data_v = data.rowview(i) for j in range(Nnoise): noise_j = noise.rowview(j) noise_j.putoffset(offset0 + (int)(i * alpha * cos(j * cnst1))) pv.add(noise_j, data_v, data_v) #view_store(data,'Data'); return data
dataOut = pv.create('vview_f',N) spect_avg = pv.create('vview_f',int(N/2) + 1) spect_new = pv.create('vview_f',int(N/2) + 1) state = pv.Rand('NPRNG',N) fft=pv.FFT('rcfftop_f',(N,1,0,0)) b = [0.0234, -0.0094, -0.0180, -0.0129, 0.0037, 0.0110, -0.0026, -0.0195, -0.0136, 0.0122, 0.0232, -0.0007, -0.0314, -0.0223, 0.0250, 0.0483, -0.0002, -0.0746, -0.0619, 0.0930, 0.3023, 0.3999, 0.3023, 0.0930, -0.0619, -0.0746, -0.0002, 0.0483, 0.0250, -0.0223, -0.0314, -0.0007, 0.0232, 0.0122, -0.0136, -0.0195, -0.0026, 0.0110, 0.0037, -0.0129, -0.0180 ,-0.0094, 0.0234] fir = pv.FIR('fir_f',pv.listToJv('vview_f',b),'NONE',D*N,D,'NO') spect_avg.fill(0.0) for i in range(avg): state.randu(dataIn) pv.add(-.5,dataIn,dataIn) fir.flt(dataIn,dataOut) fft.dft(dataOut,dataFFT) pv.cmagsq(dataFFT,spect_new) pv.add(spect_new,spect_avg,spect_avg) pv.mul(1.0/avg,spect_avg,spect_avg); #print("spect_avg =");spect_avg.mprint('%.4f') x=spect_avg.empty.ramp(0,1.0/(spect_avg.length-1)) pyplot.plot(x.list,spect_avg.list) pyplot.title('Decimation 2') pyplot.ylabel('Not Normalized')
import pyJvsip as pv N=6 A = pv.create('cvview_d',N).randn(7) B = A.empty.fill(5.0) C = A.empty.fill(0.0) print('A = '+A.mstring('%+.2f')) print('B = '+B.mstring('%+.2f')) pv.add(A,B,C) print('C = A+B') print('C = '+C.mstring('%+.2f')) """ OUTPUT A = [+0.16+0.50i -0.21-0.75i -0.56-0.09i \ +1.15+0.45i +0.10+0.43i +0.63-1.05i] B = [+5.00+0.00i +5.00+0.00i +5.00+0.00i \ +5.00+0.00i +5.00+0.00i +5.00+0.00i] C = A+B C = [+5.16+0.50i +4.79-0.75i +4.44-0.09i \ +6.15+0.45i +5.10+0.43i +5.63-1.05i] """
#* Created RJudd */ #* pyJvsip version of c_VSIP_example example1 import pyJvsip as pv N = 8 A = pv.create('vview_f', N).ramp(0, 1) B = A.empty.fill(5.0) C = A.empty.fill(0.0) print('A = ') A.mprint('%2.0f') print('B = ') B.mprint('%2.0f') pv.add(A, B, C) print('C = A+B') print('C = ') C.mprint('%2.0f')