def write_analysis_grid(): """ Write a P(k,mu) grid for analysis purposes """ from pyRSD.rsd import PkmuGrid parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter # required arguments h = parse_tools.PowerSpectraParser.format_help() parser.add_argument('data',, help=h) h = parse_tools.PowerSpectraCallable.format_help() parser.add_argument('callable',, help=h) h = "the (optional) data keys to slice the data on; specified as `a = '0.6452'`" parser.add_argument('--key', type=str, nargs='+', action=parse_tools.StoreDataKeys, help=h) h = 'the output file name' parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True, type=str, help=h) args = parser.parse_args() # get the data from the parent data and function data = getattr(, args.callable['name'])(**args.callable['kwargs']) if args.key is not None: coords = data.coords for c in coords: if c in args.key: dt = data.coords[c].dtype.type args.key[c] = [dt(x) for x in args.key[c]] # now slice if args.key is not None: for k in args.key: if len(args.key[k]) != 1: raise ValueError("must specify exactly one key for each dimension") args.key[k] = args.key[k][0] try: data = data.sel(**args.key) if data.size == 1: data = data.get() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("error slicing data with key %s: %s" %(str(args.key), str(e))) # now make the grid and save to plaintext file grid = PkmuGrid.from_pkmuresult(data) grid.to_plaintext(args.output)
def cutsky_pole_gausscov(pkmu, ells, cosmo, zbins, nbar_spline, P0, fsky, kmin=-np.inf, kmax=np.inf): """ Compute the gaussian covariance for a set of cutsky multipole measurements, from the measured P(k,mu) simulation boxes Parameters ---------- pkmu : nbodykit.PkmuResult the mean P(k,mu) periodic measurement, on the finely-binned grid ells : array_like, (Nell,) the desired multipole numbers cosmo : pygcl.Cosmology the cosmology instance used in the volume calculation zbins : array_like bins in redshift, used in the volume calculation nbar_spline : callable a function returning n(z) P0 : float the value of P0 used in the FKP weight fsky : float the fraction of the sky area covered kmin : {float, array_like}, optional minimum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc kmax : {float, array_like}, optional maximum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc Returns ------- cov : (N, N) the covariance matrix for the multipole measurements coords : list list of the flat coordinates corresponding to the the cov """ # initialize the grid transfer data = grid = PkmuGrid.from_structured([pkmu.coords['k_cen'], pkmu.coords['mu_cen']], data) # return the Gaussian covariance components power = data['power'] - tools.get_Pshot(pkmu) transfer = PolesTransfer(grid, ells, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, power=power) coords = transfer.coords_flat C = transfer.to_cutsky_covariance(cosmo, zbins, nbar_spline, P0, fsky) return C, coords
def data_pole_gausscov(pkmu, ells, kmin=-np.inf, kmax=np.inf, components=False): """ Compute the gaussian covariance for a set of multipole measurements, from the measured P(k,mu) observation Parameters ---------- pkmu : nbodykit.PkmuResult the mean P(k,mu) measurement, on the finely-binned grid ells : array_like, (Nell,) the desired multipole numbers kmin : {float, array_like}, optional minimum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc kmax : {float, array_like}, optional maximum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc components : bool, optional If `True`, return only the ``mean_power`` and ``modes`` Returns ------- if components == False cov : (N, N) the covariance matrix for the multipole measurements else mean_power : (N, N), optional the mean power, cov = 2 * mean_power**2 / modes modes : (N, N), optional the number of modes """ # initialize the grid transfer data = grid = PkmuGrid.from_structured([pkmu.coords['k_cen'], pkmu.coords['mu_cen']], data) # return the Gaussian covariance components kw = {'ells':ells, 'kmin':kmin, 'kmax':kmax, 'power':data['power'], 'components':components} return _return_covariance('pole', grid, **kw)
def data_pkmu_gausscov(pkmu, mu_bounds, kmin=-np.inf, kmax=np.inf, components=False): """ Compute the gaussian covariance for a set of P(k,mu) measurements Parameters ---------- pkmu : nbodykit.PkmuResult the mean P(k,mu) measurement, on the finely-binned grid mu_bounds : array_like a list of tuples specifying (lower, upper) for each desired mu bin, i.e., [(0., 0.2), (0.2, 0.4), (0.4, 0.6), (0.6, 0.8), (0.8, 1.0)] kmin : {float, array_like}, optional minimum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc kmax : {float, array_like}, optional maximum wavenumber to trim by (inclusively), in h/Mpc components : bool, optional If `True`, return only the ``mean_power`` and ``modes`` Returns ------- if components == False cov : (N, N) the covariance matrix for the multipole measurements else mean_power : (N, N), optional the mean power, cov = 2 * mean_power**2 / modes modes : (N, N), optional the number of modes """ # initialize the grid transfer data = grid = PkmuGrid.from_structured([pkmu.coords['k_cen'], pkmu.coords['mu_cen']], data) # return the Gaussian covariance components kw = {'mu_bounds':mu_bounds, 'kmin':kmin, 'kmax':kmax, 'power':data['power'], 'components':components} return _return_covariance('pkmu', grid, **kw)
def gal_power_discrete(model): # set up fake 1D k, mu bins k_1d = numpy.arange(0.01, 0.4, 0.005) mu_1d = numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, 100) # convert to a 2D grid # shape is (78, 100) k, mu = numpy.meshgrid(k_1d, mu_1d, indexing='ij') # assign random weights for each bin for illustration purposes modes = numpy.random.random(size=k.shape) # simulate missing data missing = numpy.random.randint(0,, size=10) modes.flat[missing] = numpy.nan # initialize the grid grid = PkmuGrid([k_1d, mu_1d], k, mu, modes) # edges of the mu bins mu_bounds = [(0., 0.2), (0.2, 0.4), (0.4, 0.6), (0.6, 0.8), (0.8, 1.0)] # the transfer function, with specified valid k range transfer = PkmuTransfer(grid, mu_bounds, kmin=0.01, kmax=0.4) # evaluate the model with this transfer function Pkmu_binned = model.from_transfer(transfer) # get the coordinate arrays from the grid k, mu = transfer.coords # this has shape of (Nk, Nmu) for i in range(mu.shape[1]): plt.loglog(k[:, i], Pkmu_binned[:, i], label=r"$\mu = %.1f$" % mu[:, i].mean()) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel(r"$k$ $[h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel(r"$P$ $[h^{-3} \mathrm{Mpc}^3]$", fontsize=10) savefig("pkmu_binned_plot.png") # the multipoles to compute ells = [0, 2, 4] # the transfer function, with specified valid k range transfer = PolesTransfer(grid, ells, kmin=0.01, kmax=0.4) # evaluate the model with this transfer function poles_binned = model.from_transfer(transfer) # shape is (78, 3) # get the coordinate arrays from the grid k, mu = transfer.coords # this has shape of (Nk, Nmu) for i, iell in enumerate(ells): plt.loglog(k[:, i], poles_binned[:, i], label=r"$\ell = %d$" % iell) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel(r"$k$ $[h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$", fontsize=10) plt.ylabel(r"$P_\ell$ $[h^{-3} \mathrm{Mpc}^3]$", fontsize=10) savefig("poles_binned_plot.png")