def test_mesh_to_mesh_1d_dirichlet():
    A simple test program to test dirichlet interpolation order in space

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = {}
    problem_params['nu'] = 0.1  # diffusion coefficient
    problem_params['freq'] = 3  # frequency for the test value

    # initialize transfer parameters
    space_transfer_params = {}
    space_transfer_params['rorder'] = 2

    iorder_list = [2,4,6,8]
    nvars_fine_list = [2**p-1 for p in range(5,9)]

    # set up dictionary to store results (plus lists)
    results = {}
    results['nvars_fine_list'] = nvars_fine_list
    results['iorder_list'] = iorder_list

    # loop over interpolation orders and number of DOFs
    for iorder in iorder_list:

        space_transfer_params['iorder'] = iorder

        for nvars_fine in nvars_fine_list:

            # instantiate fine problem
            problem_params['nvars'] = nvars_fine  # number of degrees of freedom
            Pfine = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params, dtype_u=mesh, dtype_f=mesh)

            # instantiate coarse problem
            problem_params['nvars'] = int((nvars_fine + 1) / 2.0 - 1)
            Pcoarse = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params, dtype_u=mesh, dtype_f=mesh)

            # instantiate spatial interpolation
            T = mesh_to_mesh(fine_prob=Pfine, coarse_prob=Pcoarse, params=space_transfer_params)

            # set exact fine solution to compare with
            uexact_fine = Pfine.u_exact(t=0)

            # set exact coarse solution as source
            uexact_coarse = Pcoarse.u_exact(t=0)

            # do the interpolation/prolongation
            uinter = T.prolong(uexact_coarse)

            # compute error and store
            err = abs(uinter-uexact_fine)
            id = ID(nvars_fine=nvars_fine, iorder=iorder)
            results[id] = err

    orders = get_accuracy_orders(results)
    for p in range(len(orders)):
        # print(abs(orders[p][1]-orders[p][2])/orders[p][1])
        assert abs(orders[p][1]-orders[p][2])/orders[p][1] < 0.151, 'ERROR: did not get expected orders for interpolation, got %s' %str(orders[p])
def run_accuracy_check(nvars_list, problem_params):
    Routine to check the error of the Laplacian vs. its FD discretization

        nvars_list: list of nvars to do the testing with
        problem_params: dictionary containing the problem-dependent parameters

        a dictionary containing the errors and a header (with nvars_list)

    results = {}
    # loop over all nvars
    for nvars in nvars_list:
        # setup problem
        problem_params['nvars'] = nvars
        prob = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params,

        # create x values, use only inner points
        xvalues = np.array([(i + 1) * prob.dx
                            for i in range(prob.params.nvars)])

        # create a mesh instance and fill it with a sine wave
        u = prob.u_exact(t=0)

        # create a mesh instance and fill it with the Laplacian of the sine wave
        u_lap = prob.dtype_u(init=prob.init)
        u_lap.values = -(np.pi *
                         prob.params.freq)**2 * * np.sin(
                             np.pi * prob.params.freq * xvalues)

        # compare analytic and computed solution using the eval_f routine of the problem class
        err = abs(prob.eval_f(u, 0) - u_lap)

        # get id for this nvars and put error into dictionary
        id = ID(nvars=nvars)
        results[id] = err

    # add nvars_list to dictionary for easier access later on
    results['nvars_list'] = nvars_list

    return results
Example #3
def main():
    A simple test program to compute the order of accuracy in time

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = {}
    problem_params['nu'] = 0.1  # diffusion coefficient
    problem_params['freq'] = 4  # frequency for the test value
    problem_params['nvars'] = 16383  # number of DOFs in space

    # instantiate problem
    prob = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params, dtype_u=mesh, dtype_f=mesh)

    # instantiate collocation class, relative to the time interval [0,1]
    coll = CollGaussRadau_Right(num_nodes=3, tleft=0, tright=1)

    # assemble list of dt
    dt_list = [0.1 / 2**p for p in range(0, 4)]

    # run accuracy test for all dt
    results = run_accuracy_check(prob=prob, coll=coll, dt_list=dt_list)

    # get order of accuracy
    order = get_accuracy_order(results)

    f = open('step_1_D_out.txt', 'w')
    for l in range(len(order)):
        out = 'Expected order: %2i -- Computed order %4.3f' % (5, order[l])
        f.write(out + '\n')

    # visualize results

    assert os.path.isfile('step_1_accuracy_test_coll.png')

    assert all(
        np.isclose(order, 2 * coll.num_nodes - 1, rtol=0.4)
    ), "ERROR: did not get order of accuracy as expected, got %s" % order
Example #4
def main():
    A simple test program to set up a spatial problem and play with it

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = dict()
    problem_params['nu'] = 0.1  # diffusion coefficient
    problem_params['freq'] = 4  # frequency for the test value
    problem_params['nvars'] = 1023  # number of degrees of freedom

    # instantiate problem
    prob = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params, dtype_u=mesh, dtype_f=mesh)

    # run accuracy test, get error back
    err = run_accuracy_check(prob)

    f = open('step_1_A_out.txt', 'w')
    out = 'Error of the spatial accuracy test: %8.6e' % err

    assert err <= 2E-04, "ERROR: the spatial accuracy is higher than expected, got %s" % err
def main():
    A simple test program to test interpolation order in space

    # initialize problem parameters
    problem_params = dict()
    problem_params['nu'] = 0.1  # diffusion coefficient
    problem_params['freq'] = 3  # frequency for the test value

    # initialize transfer parameters
    space_transfer_params = dict()
    space_transfer_params['rorder'] = 2
    space_transfer_params['iorder'] = 4

    nvars_fine_list = [2**p - 1 for p in range(5, 10)]

    # set up dictionary to store results (plus lists)
    results = dict()
    results['nvars_list'] = nvars_fine_list

    for nvars_fine in nvars_fine_list:
        print('Working on nvars_fine = %4i...' % nvars_fine)

        # instantiate fine problem
        problem_params['nvars'] = nvars_fine  # number of degrees of freedom
        Pfine = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params,

        # instantiate coarse problem using half of the DOFs
        problem_params['nvars'] = int((nvars_fine + 1) / 2.0 - 1)
        Pcoarse = heat1d(problem_params=problem_params,

        # instantiate spatial interpolation
        T = mesh_to_mesh(fine_prob=Pfine,

        # set exact fine solution to compare with
        xvalues_fine = np.array([(i + 1) * Pfine.dx
                                 for i in range(Pfine.params.nvars)])
        uexact_fine = Pfine.dtype_u(0)
        uexact_fine.values = np.sin(np.pi * Pfine.params.freq * xvalues_fine)

        # set exact coarse solution as source
        xvalues_coarse = np.array([(i + 1) * Pcoarse.dx
                                   for i in range(Pcoarse.params.nvars)])
        uexact_coarse = Pfine.dtype_u(0)
        uexact_coarse.values = np.sin(np.pi * Pcoarse.params.freq *

        # do the interpolation/prolongation
        uinter = T.prolong(uexact_coarse)

        # compute error and store
        id = ID(nvars_fine=nvars_fine)
        results[id] = abs(uinter - uexact_fine)

    # print out and check
    print('Running order checks...')
    orders = get_accuracy_order(results)
    f = open('step_4_A_out.txt', 'w')
    for p in range(len(orders)):
        out = 'Expected order %2i, got order %5.2f, deviation of %5.2f%%' \
              % (space_transfer_params['iorder'], orders[p],
                 100 * abs(space_transfer_params['iorder'] - orders[p]) / space_transfer_params['iorder'])
        f.write(out + '\n')
        assert abs(space_transfer_params['iorder'] - orders[p]) / space_transfer_params['iorder'] < 0.05, \
            'ERROR: did not get expected orders for interpolation, got %s' % str(orders[p])
    print(' what we expected!')