def _expdes_dist(gen, iterations, lb, ub, int_var):
    """Helper method for picking the best experimental design.
    We generate iterations designs and picks the one the maximizes the
    minimum distance between points. This isn't a perfect criterion, but
    it will help avoid rank-defficient designs such as y=x.
    :param lb: Lower bounds
    :type lb: numpy.array
    :param ub: Upper bounds
    :type ub: numpy.array
    :param int_var: Indices of integer variables.
    :type int_var: numpy.array
    :return: Experimental design of size num_pts x dim
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray

    X = None
    best_score = 0
    for _ in range(iterations):
        cand = gen()  # Generate a new design
        if all([x is not None for x in [lb, ub]]):  # Map and round
            cand = round_vars(from_unit_box(cand, lb, ub), int_var, lb, ub)

        dists = cdist(cand, cand)
        np.fill_diagonal(dists, np.inf)  # Since these are zero
        score = dists.min().min()

        if score > best_score and rank(cand) == cand.shape[1]:
            best_score = score
            X = cand.copy()

    if X is None:
        raise ValueError("No valid design found, increase num_pts?")
    return X
Example #2
    def generate_points(self, lb=None, ub=None, int_var=None):
        """Generate a two factorial design in the unit hypercube.

        You can specify lb, ub, int_var to have the design mapped to a
        specific domain. These inputs are ignored if one of lb
        or ub is None. The design is generated in [0, 1]^d in this case.

        :param lb: Lower bounds
        :type lb: numpy.array
        :param ub: Upper bounds
        :type ub: numpy.array
        :param int_var: Indices of integer variables. If None, [], or
                        np.array([]) we assume all variables are continuous.
        :type int_var: numpy.array

        :return: Two factorial design in unit hypercube of size num_pts x dim
        :rtype: numpy.array
        if int_var is None or len(int_var) == 0:
            int_var = np.array([])

        X = np.array(list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=self.dim)))
        if all([x is not None for x in [lb, ub]]):  # Map and round
            X = round_vars(from_unit_box(X, lb, ub), int_var, lb, ub)
        return X
Example #3
    def generate_points(self, lb=None, ub=None, int_var=None):
        """Generate a two factorial design in the unit hypercube.

        You can specify lb, ub, int_var to have the design mapped to a
        specific domain. These inputs are ignored if one of lb
        or ub is None. The design is generated in [0, 1]^d in this case.

        :param lb: Lower bounds
        :type lb: numpy.array
        :param ub: Upper bounds
        :type ub: numpy.array
        :param int_var: Indices of integer variables. If None, [], or
                        np.array([]) we assume all variables are continuous.
        :type int_var: numpy.array

        :return: Two factorial design in unit hypercube of size num_pts x dim
        :rtype: numpy.array
        if int_var is None or len(int_var) == 0:
            int_var = np.array([])

        X = np.array(list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=self.dim)))
        if all([x is not None for x in [lb, ub]]):  # Map and round
            X = round_vars(from_unit_box(X, lb, ub), int_var, lb, ub)
        return X
Example #4
def expected_improvement_uniform(num_pts, opt_prob, surrogate, X, fX,
                                 Xpend=None, dtol=1e-3, ei_tol=1e-6,
    """Maximize EI from a uniform set of points.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param ei_tol: Return None if we can't reach this threshold
    :type ei_tol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100*opt_prob.dim
    if Xpend is None:  # cdist can't handle None arguments
        Xpend = np.empty([0, opt_prob.dim])
    XX = np.vstack((X, Xpend))

    new_points = np.zeros((num_pts, opt_prob.dim))
    for i in range(num_pts):

        # Fix default values
        if num_cand is None:
            num_cand = 100*opt_prob.dim

        # Generate uniformly random candidate points
        cand = np.random.uniform(
  , opt_prob.ub, (num_cand, opt_prob.dim))

        # Round integer variables
        cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

        # Compute EI and find maximizer
        ei = ei_merit(X=cand, surrogate=surrogate, fX=fX, XX=XX, dtol=dtol)
        jj = np.argmax(ei)
        ei_max = ei[jj]

        if ei_max < ei_tol:
            return None  # Give up
        new_points[i, :] = cand[jj, :].copy()

        XX = np.vstack((XX, cand[jj, :].copy()))

    return new_points
Example #5
def test_round_vars():
    X = np.random.rand(5, 4)
    cont_var = np.array([1, 3])
    int_var = np.array([0, 2])
    lb = np.zeros((3, ))
    ub = np.ones((3, ))
    X1 = round_vars(X, int_var, lb, ub)
    np.testing.assert_equal(X.shape, X1.shape)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(X1[:, int_var], np.round(X[:, int_var]))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(X1[:, cont_var], X[:, cont_var])
Example #6
 def obj(Y):
     """Round integer variables and compute LCB."""
     Y = round_vars(Y.copy(), opt_prob.int_var,,
     return lcb_merit(X=Y,
Example #7
def test_round_vars():
    X = np.random.rand(5, 4)
    cont_var = np.array([1, 3])
    int_var = np.array([0, 2])
    lb = np.zeros((3,))
    ub = np.ones((3,))
    X1 = round_vars(X, int_var, lb, ub)
    np.testing.assert_equal(X.shape, X1.shape)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(X1[:, int_var], np.round(X[:, int_var]))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(X1[:, cont_var], X[:, cont_var])
Example #8
def candidate_uniform(num_pts, opt_prob, surrogate, X, fX, weights,
                      Xpend=None, subset=None, dtol=1e-3, num_cand=None):
    """Select new evaluations from uniform candidate points.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100*opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Generate uniformly random candidate points
    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand, opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
    cand[:, subset] = np.random.uniform([subset], opt_prob.ub[subset],
        (num_cand, len(subset)))

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(num_pts=num_pts, surrogate=surrogate, X=X,
                                   fX=fX, Xpend=Xpend, cand=cand, dtol=dtol,
Example #9
def _expdes_dist(gen, iterations, lb, ub, int_var):
    """Helper method for picking the best experimental design.

    We generate iterations designs and picks the one the maximizes the
    minimum distance between points. This isn't a perfect criterion, but
    it will help avoid rank-defficient designs such as y=x.

    :param lb: Lower bounds
    :type lb: numpy.array
    :param ub: Upper bounds
    :type ub: numpy.array
    :param int_var: Indices of integer variables.
    :type int_var: numpy.array

    :return: Experimental design of size num_pts x dim
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray

    X = None
    best_score = 0
    for _ in range(iterations):
        cand = gen()  # Generate a new design
        if all([x is not None for x in [lb, ub]]):  # Map and round
            cand = round_vars(from_unit_box(cand, lb, ub), int_var, lb, ub)

        dists = cdist(cand, cand)
        np.fill_diagonal(dists, np.inf)  # Since these are zero
        score = dists.min().min()

        if score > best_score and rank(cand) == cand.shape[1]:
            best_score = score
            X = cand.copy()

    if X is None:
        raise ValueError("No valid design found, increase num_pts?")
    return X
Example #10
def candidate_dycors(num_pts, opt_prob, surrogate, X, fX, weights,
                     prob_perturb, Xpend=None, sampling_radius=0.2,
                     subset=None, dtol=1e-3, num_cand=None, xbest=None):
    """Select new evaluations using DYCORS.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param prob_perturb: Probability to perturb a given coordinate
    :type prob_perturb: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param sampling_radius: Perturbation radius
    :type sampling_radius: float
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int
    :param xbest: The point around which candidates are generated
    :type xbest: numpy.array

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    if xbest is None:
        xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100*opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Compute scale factors for each dimension and make sure they
    # are correct for integer variables (at least 1)
    scalefactors = sampling_radius * (opt_prob.ub -
    ind = np.intersect1d(opt_prob.int_var, subset)
    if len(ind) > 0:
        scalefactors[ind] = np.maximum(scalefactors[ind], 1.0)

    # Generate candidate points
    if len(subset) == 1:  # Fix when nlen is 1
        ar = np.ones((num_cand, 1))
        ar = (np.random.rand(num_cand, len(subset)) < prob_perturb)
        ind = np.where(np.sum(ar, axis=1) == 0)[0]
        ar[ind, np.random.randint(0, len(subset) - 1, size=len(ind))] = 1

    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand, opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
    for i in subset:
        lower, upper, sigma =[i], opt_prob.ub[i], scalefactors[i]
        ind = np.where(ar[:, i] == 1)[0]
        cand[ind, subset[i]] = stats.truncnorm.rvs(
            a=(lower - xbest[i]) / sigma, b=(upper - xbest[i]) / sigma,
            loc=xbest[i], scale=sigma, size=len(ind))

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(
        num_pts=num_pts, surrogate=surrogate, X=X, fX=fX,
        Xpend=Xpend, cand=cand, dtol=dtol, weights=weights)
Example #11
def candidate_srbf(num_pts,
    """Select new evaluations using Stochastic RBF (SRBF).

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluation, of size k x dim
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param sampling_radius: Perturbation radius
    :type sampling_radius: float
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100 * opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Compute scale factors for each dimension and make sure they
    # are correct for integer variables (at least 1)
    scalefactors = sampling_radius * (opt_prob.ub -
    ind = np.intersect1d(opt_prob.int_var, subset)
    if len(ind) > 0:
        scalefactors[ind] = np.maximum(scalefactors[ind], 1.0)

    # Generate candidate points
    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand, opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
    for i in subset:
        lower, upper, sigma =[i], opt_prob.ub[i], scalefactors[i]
        cand[:, i] = stats.truncnorm.rvs(a=(lower - xbest[i]) / sigma,
                                         b=(upper - xbest[i]) / sigma,

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(num_pts=num_pts,
Example #12
def expected_improvement_uniform(num_pts,
    """Maximize EI from a uniform set of points.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param ei_tol: Return None if we can't reach this threshold
    :type ei_tol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100 * opt_prob.dim
    if Xpend is None:  # cdist can't handle None arguments
        Xpend = np.empty([0, opt_prob.dim])
    XX = np.vstack((X, Xpend))

    new_points = np.zeros((num_pts, opt_prob.dim))
    for i in range(num_pts):

        # Fix default values
        if num_cand is None:
            num_cand = 100 * opt_prob.dim

        # Generate uniformly random candidate points
        cand = np.random.uniform(, opt_prob.ub,
                                 (num_cand, opt_prob.dim))

        # Round integer variables
        cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

        # Compute EI and find maximizer
        ei = ei_merit(X=cand, surrogate=surrogate, fX=fX, XX=XX, dtol=dtol)
        jj = np.argmax(ei)
        ei_max = ei[jj]

        if ei_max < ei_tol:
            return None  # Give up
        new_points[i, :] = cand[jj, :].copy()

        XX = np.vstack((XX, cand[jj, :].copy()))

    return new_points
Example #13
 def obj(Y):
     """Round integer variables and compute negative EI."""
     Y = round_vars(Y.copy(), opt_prob.int_var,,
     ei = ei_merit(X=Y, surrogate=surrogate, fX=fX, XX=XX, dtol=dtol)
     return -ei  # Remember that we are minimizing!!!
Example #14
def candidate_uniform(num_pts,
    """Select new evaluations from uniform candidate points.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100 * opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Generate uniformly random candidate points
    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand, opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
         subset] = np.random.uniform([subset], opt_prob.ub[subset],
                                     (num_cand, len(subset)))

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(num_pts=num_pts,
Example #15
def candidate_dycors(num_pts,
    """Select new evaluations using DYCORS.

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param prob_perturb: Probability to perturb a given coordinate
    :type prob_perturb: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluations
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param sampling_radius: Perturbation radius
    :type sampling_radius: float
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int
    :param xbest: The point around which candidates are generated
    :type xbest: numpy.array

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    if xbest is None:
        xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100 * opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Compute scale factors for each dimension and make sure they
    # are correct for integer variables (at least 1)
    scalefactors = sampling_radius * (opt_prob.ub -
    ind = np.intersect1d(opt_prob.int_var, subset)
    if len(ind) > 0:
        scalefactors[ind] = np.maximum(scalefactors[ind], 1.0)

    # Generate candidate points
    if len(subset) == 1:  # Fix when nlen is 1
        ar = np.ones((num_cand, 1))
        ar = (np.random.rand(num_cand, len(subset)) < prob_perturb)
        ind = np.where(np.sum(ar, axis=1) == 0)[0]
        ar[ind, np.random.randint(0, len(subset) - 1, size=len(ind))] = 1

    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand, opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
    for i in subset:
        lower, upper, sigma =[i], opt_prob.ub[i], scalefactors[i]
        ind = np.where(ar[:, i] == 1)[0]
             subset[i]] = stats.truncnorm.rvs(a=(lower - xbest[i]) / sigma,
                                              b=(upper - xbest[i]) / sigma,

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(num_pts=num_pts,
Example #16
def candidate_srbf(num_pts, opt_prob, surrogate, X, fX, weights,
                   Xpend=None, sampling_radius=0.2, subset=None,
                   dtol=1e-3, num_cand=None):
    """Select new evaluations using Stochastic RBF (SRBF).

    :param num_pts: Number of points to generate
    :type num_pts: int
    :param opt_prob: Optimization problem
    :type opt_prob: object
    :param surrogate: Surrogate model object
    :type surrogate: object
    :param X: Previously evaluated points, of size n x dim
    :type X: numpy.array
    :param fX: Values at previously evaluated points, of size n x 1
    :type fX: numpy.array
    :param weights: num_pts weights in [0, 1] for merit function
    :type weights: list or numpy.array
    :param Xpend: Pending evaluation, of size k x dim
    :type Xpend: numpy.array
    :param sampling_radius: Perturbation radius
    :type sampling_radius: float
    :param subset: Coordinates that should be perturbed, use None for all
    :type subset: list or numpy.array
    :param dtol: Minimum distance between evaluated and pending points
    :type dtol: float
    :param num_cand: Number of candidate points
    :type num_cand: int

    :return: The num_pts new points to evaluate
    :rtype: numpy.array of size num_pts x dim
    # Find best solution
    xbest = np.copy(X[np.argmin(fX), :]).ravel()

    # Fix default values
    if num_cand is None:
        num_cand = 100*opt_prob.dim
    if subset is None:
        subset = np.arange(0, opt_prob.dim)

    # Compute scale factors for each dimension and make sure they
    # are correct for integer variables (at least 1)
    scalefactors = sampling_radius * (opt_prob.ub -
    ind = np.intersect1d(opt_prob.int_var, subset)
    if len(ind) > 0:
        scalefactors[ind] = np.maximum(scalefactors[ind], 1.0)

    # Generate candidate points
    cand = np.multiply(np.ones((num_cand,  opt_prob.dim)), xbest)
    for i in subset:
        lower, upper, sigma =[i], opt_prob.ub[i], scalefactors[i]
        cand[:, i] = stats.truncnorm.rvs(
            a=(lower - xbest[i]) / sigma, b=(upper - xbest[i]) / sigma,
            loc=xbest[i], scale=sigma, size=num_cand)

    # Round integer variables
    cand = round_vars(cand, opt_prob.int_var,, opt_prob.ub)

    # Make selections
    return weighted_distance_merit(
        num_pts=num_pts, surrogate=surrogate, X=X, fX=fX,
        Xpend=Xpend, cand=cand, dtol=dtol, weights=weights)
Example #17
 def obj(Y):
     """Round integer variables and compute LCB."""
     Y = round_vars(Y.copy(), opt_prob.int_var,
          , opt_prob.ub)
     return lcb_merit(X=Y, surrogate=surrogate, fX=fX,
                      XX=XX, dtol=dtol, kappa=kappa)
Example #18
 def obj(Y):
     """Round integer variables and compute negative EI."""
     Y = round_vars(Y.copy(), opt_prob.int_var,
          , opt_prob.ub)
     ei = ei_merit(X=Y, surrogate=surrogate, fX=fX, XX=XX, dtol=dtol)
     return -ei  # Remember that we are minimizing!!!