Example #1
 def get_current_session(self):  # -> Mapping:
     currentSession = self.content.sessionManager.currentSession
     fields = [
         "userName",  # 'MyUserName'
         "fullName",  # 'My FullName'
         "ipAddress",  # ''
         "userAgent",  # 'pyvmomi Python/3.6.8 (Linux; 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64; x86_64)'
         "locale",  # 'en'
         "loginTime",  # datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 22, 13, 8, 49, 529086, tzinfo=<pyVmomi.Iso8601.TZInfo object at 0x7f65aeab7128>)
     data = {
         field: getattr(currentSession, field, None)
         for field in fields
     data["loginTime"] = Iso8601.ISO8601Format(data["loginTime"])
     # TODO: data["loginTime"] = arrow.get(login_time, "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.S").datetime
     return data
Example #2
def parse_vim_property(vim_prop):
    Helper method to parse VIM properties of virtual machine
    prop_type = type(vim_prop).__name__
    if prop_type.startswith(("vim", "vmodl", "Link")):
        if isinstance(vim_prop, DataObject):
            r = {}
            for prop in vim_prop._GetPropertyList():  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                if prop.name not in [
                    sub_prop = getattr(vim_prop, prop.name)
                    r[prop.name] = parse_vim_property(sub_prop)
            return r

        if isinstance(vim_prop, list):
            r = []
            for prop in vim_prop:
            return r
        return vim_prop.__str__()

    elif prop_type == "datetime":
        return Iso8601.ISO8601Format(vim_prop)

    elif prop_type == "long":
        return int(vim_prop)
    elif prop_type == "long[]":
        return [int(x) for x in vim_prop]

    elif isinstance(vim_prop, list):
        return [parse_vim_property(x) for x in vim_prop]

    elif prop_type in ["bool", "int", "NoneType", "dict"]:
        return vim_prop

    elif prop_type in ["binary"]:
        return to_text(base64.b64encode(vim_prop))

    return to_text(vim_prop)
Example #3
def parse_vim_property(vim_prop):
    Helper method to parse VIM properties of virtual machine
    prop_type = type(vim_prop).__name__
    if prop_type.startswith("vim") or prop_type.startswith("vmodl"):
        if isinstance(vim_prop, DataObject):
            r = {}
            for prop in vim_prop._GetPropertyList():  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                if prop.name not in [
                        'dynamicProperty', 'dynamicType', 'managedObjectType'
                    sub_prop = getattr(vim_prop, prop.name)
                    r[prop.name] = parse_vim_property(sub_prop)
            return r

        elif isinstance(vim_prop, list):
            r = []
            for prop in vim_prop:
            return r
        return vim_prop.__str__()

    elif prop_type == "datetime":
        return Iso8601.ISO8601Format(vim_prop)

    elif prop_type == "long":
        return int(vim_prop)
    elif prop_type == "long[]":
        return [int(x) for x in vim_prop]

    elif isinstance(vim_prop, list):
        return [parse_vim_property(x) for x in vim_prop]

    elif prop_type in ['bool', 'int', 'NoneType']:
        return vim_prop

    return to_text(vim_prop)
Example #4
    def _get_vm_infos(self, vm: vim.VirtualMachine) -> Mapping:

        vmsum = {
            "boot_time": None,
            "create_date": None  # Since vSphere API 6.7
            'vm_path_name'] = vm.summary.config.vmPathName  # '[LocalDS_0] DC0_H0_VM0/DC0_H0_VM0.vmx'

            'name'] = vm.name  # TODO: vérifier si vm.name et config.name sont toujours pareil
        vmsum['uuid'] = vm.config.instanceUuid
        vmsum['bios_uuid'] = vm.config.uuid
        vmsum['hostname'] = vm.guest.hostName

        vmsum['is_template'] = vm.config.template

        vmsum['diskGB'] = vm.summary.storage.committed / 1024**3

        hardware = vm.config.hardware
        vmsum['cpu_count'] = hardware.numCPU
        vmsum['cpu_cores'] = hardware.numCoresPerSocket
        vmsum['mem_mb'] = hardware.memoryMB

        #vmsum['mem'] = vm.summary.config.memorySizeMB / 1024

        vmsum['ostype'] = vm.config.guestFullName

        vmsum['state'] = vm.summary.runtime.powerState

            'annotation'] = vm.config.annotation if vm.config.annotation else ''

        if not vm.config.template and getattr(vm.summary.runtime, "bootTime",
            vmsum['boot_time'] = Iso8601.ISO8601Format(

        if getattr(vm.config, "createDate", None):
            vmsum['create_date'] = Iso8601.ISO8601Format(vm.config.createDate)

        vmsum['guestFamily'] = vm.guest.guestFamily  # 'otherGuestFamily',

        vmsum['toolsVersion'] = vm.guest.toolsVersion  # '2147483647',

        if getattr(vm.guest, 'toolsVersionStatus2', None):
            vmsum['toolsVersionStatus'] = vm.guest.toolsVersionStatus2
        elif getattr(vm.guest, 'toolsVersionStatus', None):
            vmsum['toolsVersionStatus'] = vm.guest.toolsVersionStatus

        if hasattr(vm.guest, 'toolsStatus2'):
            vmsum['toolsStatus'] = vm.guest.toolsStatus2  # 'toolsOk',
        elif hasattr(vm.guest, 'toolsStatus'):
            vmsum['toolsStatus'] = vm.guest.toolsStatus  # 'toolsOk',

        vmsum['toolsRunningStatus'] = vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus  # ?
        vmsum['guestState'] = vm.guest.guestState  # 'running',
        vmsum['guestOperationsReady'] = vm.guest.guestOperationsReady  # true
            'interactiveGuestOperationsReady'] = vm.guest.interactiveGuestOperationsReady  # false,
            'guestStateChangeSupported'] = vm.guest.guestStateChangeSupported  # true,

        vmsum['net'] = self.getNICs(vm)

        vmsum['fields'] = self.get_custom_fields(vm)

        return vmsum