Example #1
 def phasis_on_or_before(self, date):
     """Return the closest fixed date on or before date 'date', when crescent
     moon first became visible at location 'location'."""
     mean = date - ifloor(Lunar.lunar_phase(date + 1) / 360.0 * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     tau = ((mean - 30)
            if (((date - mean) <= 3) and (not self.visible_crescent(date)))
            else (mean - 2))
     return  next_int(tau, lambda d: self.visible_crescent(d))
Example #2
 def arcsin(cls, amp):
     """Return the inverse of Hindu sine function of amp."""
     if (amp < 0):
         return -cls.arcsin(-amp)
         pos = next_int(0, lambda k: amp <= cls.sine_table(k))
         below = cls.sine_table(pos - 1)
         return (angle(0, 225, 0) * (pos - 1 + ((amp - below) / (cls.sine_table(pos) - below))))
Example #3
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return the Hindu (Orissa) solar date equivalent to fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     critical = cls.sunrise(fixed_date + 1)
     month    = cls.zodiac(critical)
     year     = cls.calendar_year(critical) - cls.SOLAR_ERA
     approx   = fixed_date - 3 - mod(ifloor(cls.solar_longitude(critical)), 30)
     begin    = next_int(approx, lambda i: (cls.zodiac(cls.sunrise(i + 1)) ==  month))
     day      = fixed_date - begin + 1
     return HinduSolarDate(year, month, day)
Example #4
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return the Astronomical Hindu (Tamil) solar date equivalent to
     fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     critical = cls.sunset(fixed_date)
     month    = sidereal_zodiac(critical)
     year     = cls.calendar_year(critical) - HinduSolarDate.SOLAR_ERA
     approx   = fixed_date - 3 - mod(ifloor(sidereal_solar_longitude( critical)), 30)
     begin    = next_int(approx, lambda i: (sidereal_zodiac(cls.sunset(i)) == month))
     day      = fixed_date - begin + 1
     return HinduAstroSolar(year, month, day)
Example #5
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return  Hebrew (year month day) corresponding to fixed date 'fixed_date'.
     # The fraction can be approximated by 365.25."""
     approx = quotient(fixed_date - cls.EPOCH, Fraction(35975351, 98496)) + 1
     year = final_int(approx - 1, lambda y: cls.new_year(y) <= fixed_date)
     start = (
         HebrewMonth.TISHRI if fixed_date < HebrewDate(year, HebrewMonth.NISAN, 1).to_fixed() else HebrewMonth.NISAN
     month = next_int(start, lambda m: fixed_date <= HebrewDate(year, m, cls.last_day_of_month(m, year)).to_fixed())
     day = fixed_date - HebrewDate(year, month, 1).to_fixed() + 1
     return HebrewDate(year, month, day)
Example #6
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date of this Hindu lunar date."""
     approx = OldHindu.EPOCH + (self.SIDEREAL_YEAR * (self.year + self.LUNAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1) / 12)))
     s = ifloor(approx - ((1/360) * self.SIDEREAL_YEAR * mod(self.hindu_solar_longitude(approx) - ((self.month - 1) * 30) + 180, 360) - 180))
     k = self.lunar_day_from_moment(s + Clock.days_from_hours(6))
     if (3 < k < 27):
         temp = k
         mid = self.lunar_from_fixed(s - 15)
         if ((mid.month != self.month) or
             (mid.leap_month and not self.leap_month)):
             temp = mod(k + 15, 30) - 15
             temp = mod(k - 15, 30) + 15
     est = s + self.day - temp
     tau = est - mod(self.lunar_day_from_moment(est + Clock.days_from_hours(6)) - self.day + 15, 30) + 15
     date = next_int(tau - 1, lambda d: self.lunar_day_from_moment(self.sunrise(d)) in [self.day, amod(self.day + 1, 30)])
     return date + 1 if self.leap_day else date
Example #7
def hindu_date_occur(l_month, l_day, l_year):
    """Return the fixed date of occurrence of Hindu lunar month, l_month,
    day, l_day, in Hindu lunar year, l_year, taking leap and
    expunged days into account.  When the month is
    expunged, then the following month is used."""
    lunar = HinduLunarDate(l_year, l_month, False, l_day, False)
    ttry   = lunar.to_fixed()
    mid   = HinduLunarDate.from_fixed((ttry - 5) if (l_day > 15) else ttry)
    expunged = l_month != mid.month
    l_date = HinduLunarDate(mid.year, mid.month, mid.leap_month, l_day, False)
    if (expunged):
        return next_int(ttry,
                    lambda d: (not is_hindu_lunar_on_or_before(
                        l_date))) - 1
    elif (l_day != HinduLunarDate.from_fixed(ttry).day):
        return ttry - 1
        return ttry
Example #8
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Hindu lunar date, l_date."""
     approx = (OldHindu.EPOCH + self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR * (self.year + self.LUNAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1) / 12)))
     s = ifloor(approx -
               1/360 * self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR *
               (mod(sidereal_solar_longitude(approx) -
                   (self.month - 1) * 30 + 180, 360) - 180))
     k = self.day_from_moment(s + Clock.days_from_hours(6))
     if (3 < k < 27):
         temp = k
         mid = self.from_fixed(s - 15)
         if ((mid.month != self.month) or (mid.leap_month and not self.leap_month)):
             temp = mod(k + 15, 30) - 15
             temp = mod(k - 15, 30) + 15
     est = s + self.day - temp
     tau = est - mod(self.day_from_moment(est + Clock.days_from_hours(6)) - self.day + 15, 30) + 15
     date = next_int(tau - 1,
                 lambda d: (self.day_from_moment(self.alt_sunrise(d)) in
                            [self.day, amod(self.day + 1, 30)]))
     return (date + 1) if self.leap_day else date
Example #9
 def new_year_on_or_before(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date of Future Bahai New Year on or
     before fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.SPRING, cls.sunset_in_haifa(fixed_date))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: Solar.solar_longitude(cls.sunset_in_haifa(day)) <= Astro.SPRING + 2)
Example #10
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Astronomical 
     Hindu solar date (Tamil rule; Saka era)."""
     approx = OldHindu.EPOCH - 3 + ifloor(((self.year + HinduSolarDate.SOLAR_ERA) + ((self.month - 1) / 12)) * self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR)
     begin = next_int(approx, lambda i: sidereal_zodiac(self.sunset(i)) == self.month)
     return begin + self.day - 1
Example #11
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Hindu solar date, s_date,
     (Saka era; Orissa rule.)"""
     begin = ifloor((self.year + self.SOLAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1)/12)) * self.SIDEREAL_YEAR + OldHindu.EPOCH)
     return self.day - 1 + next_int(begin - 3, lambda d: self.zodiac(self.sunrise(d + 1)) == self.month)
Example #12
 def new_year_on_or_before(cls, date):
     """Return the fixed date of Astronomical Persian New Year on or
     before fixed date, date."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.SPRING, cls.midday_in_tehran(date))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: (Solar.solar_longitude(cls.midday_in_tehran(day)) <= (Astro.SPRING + 2)))
Example #13
 def winter_solstice_on_or_before(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date, in the Chinese zone, of winter solstice
     on or before fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.WINTER, cls.midnight(fixed_date + 1))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: Astro.WINTER < Solar.solar_longitude(cls.midnight(1 + day)))
Example #14
 def new_year_on_or_before(cls, date):
     """Return fixed date of French Revolutionary New Year on or
        before fixed date, date."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.AUTUMN, cls.midnight_in_paris(date))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: Astro.AUTUMN <= Solar.solar_longitude(cls.midnight_in_paris(day)))
Example #15
 def phasis_on_or_after(cls, fixed_date, location):
     """Return closest fixed date on or after date, date, on the eve
     of which crescent moon first became visible at location, location."""
     mean = fixed_date - ifloor(Lunar.lunar_phase(fixed_date + 1) / mpf(360) * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     tau = fixed_date if fixed_date - mean <= 3 and not location.visible_crescent(fixed_date - 1) else mean + 29
     return next_int(tau, lambda d: location.visible_crescent(d))
Example #16
 def new_moon_at_or_after(cls, tee):
     """Return the moment UT of first new moon at or after moment, tee."""
     t0 = cls.nth_new_moon(0)
     phi = cls.lunar_phase(tee)
     n = iround((tee - t0) / cls.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH - phi / 360)
     return cls.nth_new_moon(next_int(n, lambda k: cls.nth_new_moon(k) >= tee))