Example #1
def decompress_G2(p: G2Compressed) -> G2Uncompressed:
    Recovers x and y coordinates from the compressed point (z1, z2).
    z1, z2 = p

    # b_flag == 1 indicates the infinity point
    b_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_383) // POW_2_382
    if b_flag1 == 1:
        return Z2

    x1 = z1 % POW_2_381
    x2 = z2
    # x1 is the imaginary part, x2 is the real part
    x = FQ2([x2, x1])
    y = modular_squareroot_in_FQ2(x**3 + b2)
    if y is None:
        raise ValueError("Failed to find a modular squareroot")

    # Choose the y whose leftmost bit of the imaginary part is equal to the a_flag1
    # If y_im happens to be zero, then use the bit of y_re
    a_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_382) // POW_2_381
    y_re, y_im = y.coeffs
    if (y_im > 0 and
        (y_im * 2) // q != a_flag1) or (y_im == 0 and
                                        (y_re * 2) // q != a_flag1):
        y = FQ2((y * -1).coeffs)

    if not is_on_curve((x, y, FQ2([1, 0])), b2):
        raise ValueError(
            "The given point is not on the twisted curve over FQ**2")
    return (x, y, FQ2([1, 0]))
Example #2
def OpBLS_G2_Add(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    a_v = to_int(op['a_v'])
    a_w = to_int(op['a_w'])
    a_x = to_int(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int(op['a_y'])
    b_v = to_int(op['b_v'])
    b_w = to_int(op['b_w'])
    b_x = to_int(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int(op['b_y'])

    A = (FQ2((a_v, a_x)), FQ2((a_w, a_y)), FQ2.one())
    B = (FQ2((b_v, b_x)), FQ2((b_w, b_y)), FQ2.one())

    if not (is_on_curve(A, b2) and subgroup_check(A)):
    if not (is_on_curve(B, b2) and subgroup_check(B)):

    result = add(A, B)

    x = result[0] / result[2]
    y = result[1] / result[2]

    result = [[str(x.coeffs[0]), str(y.coeffs[0])],
              [str(x.coeffs[1]), str(y.coeffs[1])]]

    r = json.dumps(result)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
def check_pairing(participantG1, participantG2, previousParticipantG1):
    # G1 point for participant
    participant_g1_x = FQ(int(participantG1['x']))
    participant_g1_y = FQ(int(participantG1['y']))

    participant_g1 = (participant_g1_x, participant_g1_y)

    # G2 point for participant
    participant_g2_x = FQ2(
    participant_g2_y = FQ2(

    participant_g2 = (participant_g2_x, participant_g2_y)

    # G1 point for previous participant
    previous_participant_g1_x = FQ(int(previousParticipantG1['x']))
    previous_participant_g1_y = FQ(int(previousParticipantG1['y']))

    previous_participant_g1 = (previous_participant_g1_x,

    e1 = bn128.final_exponentiate(bn128.pairing(G2, participant_g1))
    e2 = bn128.final_exponentiate(
        bn128.pairing(participant_g2, previous_participant_g1))

    pairing_result = (e1 == e2)

    assert (pairing_result == True)
Example #4
 def to_point(self) -> G2Uncompressed:
     x_im = int.from_bytes(self.value[:48], 'big')
     x_re = int.from_bytes(self.value[48:96], 'big')
     y_im = int.from_bytes(self.value[96:144], 'big')
     y_re = int.from_bytes(self.value[144:192], 'big')
     point = FQ2([x_re, x_im]), FQ2([y_re, y_im]), FQ2([1, 0])
     return cast(G2Uncompressed, point)
Example #5
def OpBLS_Verify(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    verified = False

    g1_x = to_int(op['g1_x'])
    g1_y = to_int(op['g1_y'])

    g1 = [FQ(g1_x), FQ(g1_y), FQ.one()]

    if is_on_curve(g1, b) == False:
        r = json.dumps(verified)
        return bytes(r, 'utf-8')

    g1 = G1_to_pubkey(g1)

    g2_v = to_int(op['g2_v'])
    g2_w = to_int(op['g2_w'])
    g2_x = to_int(op['g2_x'])
    g2_y = to_int(op['g2_y'])

    g2 = (FQ2((g2_v, g2_x)), FQ2((g2_w, g2_y)), FQ2.one())
        g2 = G2_to_signature(g2)
        r = json.dumps(verified)
        return bytes(r, 'utf-8')

    msg = bytes.fromhex(op['cleartext'])

    verified = bls_pop.Verify(g1, msg, g2)

    r = json.dumps(verified)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #6
 def of_hex(hexstr: str) -> G2Point:
     x_bytes = bytes.fromhex(hexstr[2:194])
     y_bytes = bytes.fromhex(hexstr[194:])
     x_im_bytes, x_re_bytes = x_bytes[0:48], x_bytes[48:]
     y_im_bytes, y_re_bytes = y_bytes[0:48], y_bytes[48:]
     x_im = int.from_bytes(x_im_bytes, byteorder='big')
     x_re = int.from_bytes(x_re_bytes, byteorder='big')
     y_im = int.from_bytes(y_im_bytes, byteorder='big')
     y_re = int.from_bytes(y_re_bytes, byteorder='big')
     return (FQ2([x_re, x_im]), FQ2([y_re, y_im]), FQ2([1, 0]))
Example #7
def decompress_G2(p: G2Compressed) -> G2Uncompressed:
    Recovers x and y coordinates from the compressed point (z1, z2).
    z1, z2 = p
    c_flag1, b_flag1, a_flag1 = get_flags(z1)

    # c_flag == 1 indicates the compressed form
    # MSB should be 1
    if not c_flag1:
        raise ValueError("c_flag should be 1")

    is_inf_pt = is_point_at_infinity(z1, z2)

    if b_flag1 != is_inf_pt:
        raise ValueError("b_flag should be %d" % int(is_inf_pt))

    if is_inf_pt:
        # 3 MSBs should be 110
        if a_flag1:
            raise ValueError("a point at infinity should have a_flag == 0")
        return Z2

    # Else, not point at infinity
    # 3 MSBs should be 100 or 101
    x1 = z1 % POW_2_381
    # Ensure that x1 is less than the field modulus.
    if x1 >= q:
        raise ValueError("x1 value should be less than field modulus. Got %d",

    # Ensure that z2 is less than the field modulus.
    if z2 >= q:
        raise ValueError(
            "z2 point value should be less than field modulus. Got %d", z2)

    x2 = z2
    # x1 is the imaginary part, x2 is the real part
    x = FQ2([x2, x1])
    y = modular_squareroot_in_FQ2(x**3 + b2)
    if y is None:
        raise ValueError("Failed to find a modular squareroot")

    # Choose the y whose leftmost bit of the imaginary part is equal to the a_flag1
    # If y_im happens to be zero, then use the bit of y_re
    y_re, y_im = y.coeffs
    if ((y_im > 0 and (y_im * 2) // q != int(a_flag1))
            or (y_im == 0 and (y_re * 2) // q != int(a_flag1))):
        y = FQ2((y * -1).coeffs)

    if not is_on_curve((x, y, FQ2([1, 0])), b2):
        raise ValueError(
            "The given point is not on the twisted curve over FQ**2")
    return (x, y, FQ2([1, 0]))
Example #8
def OpMisc_Fq2_Sqrt(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    a_x = to_int_from_binary(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int_from_binary(op['a_y'])
    a = FQ2((a_x, a_y))

    b_x = to_int_from_binary(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int_from_binary(op['b_y'])
    b = FQ2((b_x, b_y))

    sqrt_division_FQ2(a, b)
Example #9
def OpBLS_IsG2OnCurve(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    v = to_int(op['g2_v'])
    w = to_int(op['g2_w'])
    x = to_int(op['g2_x'])
    y = to_int(op['g2_y'])

    g2 = (FQ2((v, x)), FQ2((w, y)), FQ2.one())

    if is_valid([v, w, x, y]) == False:

    r = json.dumps(is_on_curve(g2, b2) and subgroup_check(g2))
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #10
def hash_to_G2(message_hash: Hash32, domain: int) -> G2Uncompressed:
    x_coordinate = _get_x_coordinate(message_hash, domain)

    # Test candidate y coordinates until a one is found
    while 1:
        y_coordinate_squared = x_coordinate ** 3 + FQ2([4, 4])  # The curve is y^2 = x^3 + 4(i + 1)
        y_coordinate = modular_squareroot_in_FQ2(y_coordinate_squared)
        if y_coordinate is not None:  # Check if quadratic residue found
        x_coordinate += FQ2([1, 0])  # Add 1 and try again

    return multiply(
        (x_coordinate, y_coordinate, FQ2([1, 0])),
Example #11
def OpBLS_G2_IsEq(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    a_v = to_int(op['a_v'])
    a_w = to_int(op['a_w'])
    a_x = to_int(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int(op['a_y'])
    b_v = to_int(op['b_v'])
    b_w = to_int(op['b_w'])
    b_x = to_int(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int(op['b_y'])

    A = (FQ2((a_v, a_x)), FQ2((a_w, a_y)), FQ2.one())
    B = (FQ2((b_v, b_x)), FQ2((b_w, b_y)), FQ2.one())

    r = json.dumps(A == B)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #12
def test_get_x_coordinate(message_hash, domain):
    domain_in_bytes = domain.to_bytes(8, 'big')
    x_coordinate = _get_x_coordinate(message_hash, domain_in_bytes)
    assert x_coordinate == FQ2([
        big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain_in_bytes + b'\x01')),
        big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain_in_bytes + b'\x02')),
Example #13
def OpMisc_Iso_Map_G2(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    a_x = to_int_from_binary(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int_from_binary(op['a_y'])
    a = FQ2((a_x, a_y))

    b_x = to_int_from_binary(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int_from_binary(op['b_y'])
    b = FQ2((b_x, b_y))

    c_x = to_int_from_binary(op['c_x'])
    c_y = to_int_from_binary(op['c_y'])
    c = FQ2((c_x, c_y))

    iso_map_G2(a, b, c)
Example #14
def _get_x_coordinate(message_hash: Hash32, domain: Domain) -> FQ2:
    # Initial candidate x coordinate
    x_re = big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain + b'\x01'))
    x_im = big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain + b'\x02'))
    x_coordinate = FQ2([x_re, x_im])  # x_re + x_im * i

    return x_coordinate
Example #15
def _get_x_coordinate(message_hash: Hash32, domain: int) -> FQ2:
    domain_in_bytes = domain.to_bytes(8, 'big')

    # Initial candidate x coordinate
    x_re = big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain_in_bytes + b'\x01'))
    x_im = big_endian_to_int(hash_eth2(message_hash + domain_in_bytes + b'\x02'))
    x_coordinate = FQ2([x_re, x_im])  # x_re + x_im * i

    return x_coordinate
Example #16
def OpBLS_G2_Neg(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    a_v = to_int(op['a_v'])
    a_w = to_int(op['a_w'])
    a_x = to_int(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int(op['a_y'])

    A = (FQ2((a_v, a_x)), FQ2((a_w, a_y)), FQ2.one())

    result = neg(A)

    x = result[0] / result[2]
    y = result[1] / result[2]

    result = [[str(x.coeffs[0]), str(y.coeffs[0])],
              [str(x.coeffs[1]), str(y.coeffs[1])]]

    r = json.dumps(result)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #17
def OpBLS_Compress_G2(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    v = to_int(op['g2_v'])
    w = to_int(op['g2_w'])
    x = to_int(op['g2_x'])
    y = to_int(op['g2_y'])

    g2 = (FQ2((v, x)), FQ2((w, y)), FQ2.one())

        compressed = compress_G2(g2)
    except ValueError:

    point = [str(compressed[0]), str(compressed[1])]

    r = json.dumps(point)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #18
def OpMisc_Multiply(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    a_x = to_int_from_binary(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int_from_binary(op['a_y'])
    a = FQ2((a_x, a_y))

    b_x = to_int_from_binary(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int_from_binary(op['b_y'])
    b = FQ2((b_x, b_y))

    c_x = to_int_from_binary(op['c_x'])
    c_y = to_int_from_binary(op['c_y'])
    c = FQ2((c_x, c_y))

    multiplier = to_int_from_binary(op['multiplier'])

    x = [a, b, c]

    multiply(x, multiplier)
Example #19
def test_FQ_sgn0(degree, value, expected):
    if degree == 1:
        x = FQ(value)
    elif degree == 2:
        x = FQ2([value, 0])
    elif degree == 12:
        x = FQ12([value] + [0] * 11)

    assert x.sgn0 == expected
    if value != 0:
        assert x.sgn0 != (-x).sgn0
Example #20
def OpBLS_MapToG2(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    u_x = to_int(op['u_x'])
    u_y = to_int(op['u_y'])
    v_x = to_int(op['v_x'])
    v_y = to_int(op['v_y'])

    u = FQ2((u_x, u_y))
    v = FQ2((v_x, v_y))

    g2_u = map_to_curve_G2(u)
    g2_v = map_to_curve_G2(v)
    r = add(g2_u, g2_v)
    point = clear_cofactor_G2(r)

    x = point[0] / point[2]
    y = point[1] / point[2]

    point = [[str(x.coeffs[0]), str(y.coeffs[0])],
             [str(x.coeffs[1]), str(y.coeffs[1])]]

    r = json.dumps(point)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #21
def hash_to_base_FQ2(message: bytes, ctr: int, DST: bytes) -> FQ2:
    Hash To Base for FQ2

    Convert a message to a point in the finite field as defined here:
    m_prime = hkdf_extract(DST, message + b'\x00')
    info_pfx = b'H2C' + bytes([ctr])
    e = []

    #  for i in (1, ..., m), where m is the extension degree of FQ2
    for i in range(1, 3):
        info = info_pfx + bytes([i])
        t = hkdf_expand(m_prime, info, HASH_TO_G2_L)

    return FQ2(e)
Example #22
def hash_to_field_FQ2(message: bytes, count: int,
                      DST: bytes, hash_function: HASH) -> Tuple[FQ2, ...]:
    Hash To Base Field for FQ2

    Convert a message to a point in the finite field as defined here:
    M = 2  # m is the extension degree of FQ2
    len_in_bytes = count * M * HASH_TO_FIELD_L
    pseudo_random_bytes = expand_message_xmd(message, DST, len_in_bytes, hash_function)
    u = []
    for i in range(0, count):
        e = []
        for j in range(0, M):
            elem_offset = HASH_TO_FIELD_L * (j + i * M)
            tv = pseudo_random_bytes[elem_offset: elem_offset + HASH_TO_FIELD_L]
            e.append(os2ip(tv) % field_modulus)
    return tuple(u)
Example #23

from .bls12_381_field_elements import (
    field_modulus, )

curve_order = 52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513

# Curve order should be prime
assert pow(2, curve_order, curve_order) == 2
# Curve order should be a factor of field_modulus**12 - 1
assert (field_modulus**12 - 1) % curve_order == 0

# Curve is y**2 = x**3 + 4
b = FQ(4)
# Twisted curve over FQ**2
b2 = FQ2((4, 4))
# Extension curve over FQ**12; same b value as over FQ
b12 = FQ12((4, ) + (0, ) * 11)

# Generator for curve over FQ
G1 = (
       ),  # noqa: E501
       ),  # noqa: E501
# Generator for twisted curve over FQ2
G2 = (
        352701069587466618187139116011060144890029952792775240219908644239793785735715026873347600343865175952761926303160,  # noqa: E501
        3059144344244213709971259814753781636986470325476647558659373206291635324768958432433509563104347017837885763365758,  # noqa: E501
Example #24
from py_ecc.fields import (
    optimized_bls12_381_FQ2 as FQ2, )
from py_ecc.optimized_bls12_381 import (
    field_modulus as q, )

G2_COFACTOR = 305502333931268344200999753193121504214466019254188142667664032982267604182971884026507427359259977847832272839041616661285803823378372096355777062779109  # noqa: E501
FQ2_ORDER = q**2 - 1
    FQ2([1, 1])**((FQ2_ORDER * k) // 8) for k in range(8))

POW_2_381 = 2**381
POW_2_382 = 2**382
POW_2_383 = 2**383

# Paramaters for hashing to the field as specified in:
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-07#section-8.8.1
Example #25
    field_modulus as q,

DST = b'BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2-SHA256-SSWU-RO_POP_' # TODO: Switch out test for valid DST

        (FQ2([int('0888F3832AD680917A71A1816C939290473474982C647B0B196BA0EDF62A0BC1A15D3E87CF6A287137B16C057E1AC808', 16), int('0B3D6E7A20275C100B460A900B23F2D8D5E9A53C3E59066E8D968D07AB0787940C0AC8A6C8C118FAD9068A2ECF00ADD7', 16)]),  # Iso-x0
        FQ2([int('08696DF8BAF8C488B7CFCA14CB984D0B78C998C3431E41700B493AAF921F779AA7F3660B1F5D6AC3BA4EBC85A1132CF3', 16), int('053003D3ED23019E585CF255A58634CEDA4C362B2E1D75E2AE85F4D1EF9C400786256D4AEE443DD1C900DD72E4089F73', 16)]),  # Iso-y0
        FQ2([int('108F7DF15439154BF32D7E4D1B6FEFC4BEF7C39A16AACA469D249770AD7B9F4AD3EA3CE58333A3194177C2D14B5CD2BC', 16), int('09E2E891E7A7AB58D5BF93864000ADBF0B6C31A8E35AB6AEC3B0820C2E536D6F0D170840B0AAFB470A9FD9B2F7DE3C27', 16)]),  # Iso-z0
        FQ2([int('168A912067A8F06CEB1F5F59DCEC69CE47F5A2B1696DFD5E67F1CF675587AD3A19831842D2543957BEE44FE29592996E', 16), int('116F36861307AA38251CAA73AA44FA359732DD92A15CDC70B21E3F7B2A332F73F86801789C469FE3FBB24DEB18AD5F0C', 16)]),  # G2-x0
        FQ2([int('0D4976CD99F4AD7204BC5983F6CE590766852DB93E5BE6CAB4C28591013E132BC6100D42022D5B66CE68A64A6B2A9C24', 16), int('0C6BA0E076144119F2B272718EC04C3FB037C9AA2C4074E64BE233AB27C0397BE175B9FDA277DCE8841669F787161AD2', 16)])),  # G2-y0
        (FQ2([int('039C33A34D97134F01D334F13C76BD5BB803B853BE4221A826026BFC93B5CA39E74B51A15D00BF88DF4F655915553027', 16), int('08DA2162E554A644AECC1F904F2B140D0296B7AC85B4EE59313DCEDE58B375C2E677160BC97CF8114361ABBE7D4672CD', 16)]),  # Iso-x1
        FQ2([int('1201968136C60428FB9DF8004C4915DC5E502D20D32F9DD87BC38163A52E2729289490030235E61EAEA098B0E8D63BF8', 16), int('116524863E40B6437BBAB965CDB84614F2346F1AD40300E9B15C3BDDE498E1FC1F76346452D3CF25553E2A3B89D9C5B1', 16)]),  # Iso-y1
        FQ2([int('08C3BCEBE1FC7F9987AE406A78C3FC898AE0C8A2FF0139A523E3CE91263EAA617519FC1A1158AF39BBA705316C9C2678', 16), int('0C9E92BB5509704DA0B6825A3AA36BA68A877875258F17C315FEA1527A82C7975E8439E91644616DABFD28E1DB43C1D9', 16)]),  # Iso-z1
        FQ2([int('1990072F0029639467E5C5EF9F65B31F194C31586D56141A7906DE6EE2B40803E06A301F9EEE9C8B04FA6AF8C5950F64', 16), int('0910709BEC8515357CB68AE88EA0B7EC6D54190773CC82EDDA68180D62BA214737DC708A5DA815E8B872D3C5B31E5A00', 16)]),  # G2-x1
        FQ2([int('12416C8B9159A047D5F92A6A4E941156E29E2A489B671D2FC3D8ED60FFA5F53FE846ECFB0090211197EF3BA4C07424F9', 16), int('089977D619CEA9D6D11F7148E1CB7622E46153BF1B4D81944603AA72AEFA6CE7CF07550CB6B582D17440F5949D1214FA', 16)])),  # G2-y1
def test_iso_map_G2(iso_x, iso_y, iso_z, g2_x, g2_y):
    (result_x, result_y, result_z) = iso_map_G2(iso_x, iso_y, iso_z)

    result_x = result_x / result_z
Example #26
        normalize(decompress_G1(z)) == normalize(pt)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # On curve points
        (G2, True, False),
        (multiply(G2, 5), True, False),
        # Infinity point but still on curve
        (Z2, True, True),
        # Not on curve
        ((FQ2([5566, 5566]), FQ2([5566, 5566]), FQ2.one()), False, None),
def test_G2_compress_and_decompress_flags(pt, on_curve, is_infinity):
    if on_curve:
        z1, z2 = compress_G2(pt)
        x1 = z1 % POW_2_381
        c_flag1 = (z1 % 2**384) // POW_2_383
        b_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_383) // POW_2_382
        a_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_382) // POW_2_381
        x2 = z2 % POW_2_381
        c_flag2 = (z2 % 2**384) // POW_2_383
        b_flag2 = (z2 % POW_2_383) // POW_2_382
        a_flag2 = (z2 % POW_2_382) // POW_2_381
        assert x1 < q
        assert x2 < q
        assert c_flag2 == b_flag2 == a_flag2 == 0
Example #27
from py_ecc.fields import (
    optimized_bls12_381_FQ2 as FQ2,
from py_ecc.optimized_bls12_381 import (
    field_modulus as q,

G2_COFACTOR = 305502333931268344200999753193121504214466019254188142667664032982267604182971884026507427359259977847832272839041616661285803823378372096355777062779109  # noqa: E501
FQ2_ORDER = q ** 2 - 1
    FQ2([1, 1]) ** ((FQ2_ORDER * k) // 8)
    for k in range(8)

POW_2_381 = 2**381
POW_2_382 = 2**382
POW_2_383 = 2**383
POW_2_384 = 2**384

# Paramaters for hashing to the field as specified in:
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-09#section-8.8.1
Example #28
from py_ecc.fields import (
    optimized_bls12_381_FQ2 as FQ2, )

# Ciphersuite BLS12381G2-SHA256-SSWU-RO paramters
ISO_3_A = FQ2([0, 240])
ISO_3_B = FQ2([1012, 1012])
ISO_3_Z = FQ2([-2, -1])
P_MINUS_9_DIV_16 = 1001205140483106588246484290269935788605945006208159541241399033561623546780709821462541004956387089373434649096260670658193992783731681621012512651314777238193313314641988297376025498093520728838658813979860931248214124593092835  # noqa: E501

EV1 = 1015919005498129635886032702454337503112659152043614931979881174103627376789972962005013361970813319613593700736144  # noqa: E501
EV2 = 1244231661155348484223428017511856347821538750986231559855759541903146219579071812422210818684355842447591283616181  # noqa: E501
EV3 = 1646015993121829755895883253076789309308090876275172350194834453434199515639474951814226234213676147507404483718679  # noqa: E501
EV4 = 1637752706019426886789797193293828301565549384974986623510918743054325021588194075665960171838131772227885159387073  # noqa: E501
ETAS = [FQ2([EV1, EV2]), FQ2([-EV2, EV1]), FQ2([EV3, EV4]), FQ2([-EV4, EV3])]

RV1 = 1028732146235106349975324479215795277384839936929757896155643118032610843298655225875571310552543014690878354869257  # noqa: E501
    FQ2([1, 0]),
    FQ2([0, 1]),
    FQ2([RV1, RV1]),
    FQ2([RV1, -RV1]),

# X Numerator
ISO_3_K_1_0_VAL = 889424345604814976315064405719089812568196182208668418962679585805340366775741747653930584250892369786198727235542  # noqa: E501
ISO_3_K_1_0 = FQ2([ISO_3_K_1_0_VAL, ISO_3_K_1_0_VAL])  # noqa: E501
ISO_3_K_1_1 = FQ2([
Example #29
from py_ecc.optimized_bn128 import G1, G2, Z2
from py_ecc.optimized_bn128 import add, multiply, neg, normalize, pairing, is_on_curve
from py_ecc.optimized_bn128 import curve_order as CURVE_ORDER
from py_ecc.fields import optimized_bn128_FQ2 as FQ2
from py_ecc.fields import optimized_bn128_FQ as FQ
from Crypto.Cipher import Salsa20
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import HKDF

H2 = (FQ2((
      )), FQ2.one())

H1 = (

class IntPoly:
    def __init__(self, coeffs):
        self.coeffs = [coeff % CURVE_ORDER for coeff in coeffs]

field_modulus = field_properties["bn128"]["field_modulus"]
curve_order = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617

# Curve order should be prime
assert pow(2, curve_order, curve_order) == 2
# Curve order should be a factor of field_modulus**12 - 1
assert (field_modulus**12 - 1) % curve_order == 0

# Curve is y**2 = x**3 + 3
b = FQ(3)
# Twisted curve over FQ**2
b2 = FQ2([3, 0]) / FQ2([9, 1])
# Extension curve over FQ**12; same b value as over FQ
b12 = FQ12([3] + [0] * 11)

# Generator for curve over FQ
G1 = (FQ(1), FQ(2), FQ(1))
# Generator for twisted curve over FQ2
G2 = (