Example #1
def OpBLS_G2_Add(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    a_v = to_int(op['a_v'])
    a_w = to_int(op['a_w'])
    a_x = to_int(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int(op['a_y'])
    b_v = to_int(op['b_v'])
    b_w = to_int(op['b_w'])
    b_x = to_int(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int(op['b_y'])

    A = (FQ2((a_v, a_x)), FQ2((a_w, a_y)), FQ2.one())
    B = (FQ2((b_v, b_x)), FQ2((b_w, b_y)), FQ2.one())

    if not (is_on_curve(A, b2) and subgroup_check(A)):
    if not (is_on_curve(B, b2) and subgroup_check(B)):

    result = add(A, B)

    x = result[0] / result[2]
    y = result[1] / result[2]

    result = [[str(x.coeffs[0]), str(y.coeffs[0])],
              [str(x.coeffs[1]), str(y.coeffs[1])]]

    r = json.dumps(result)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #2
def OpBLS_G1_Add(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)
    a_x = to_int(op['a_x'])
    a_y = to_int(op['a_y'])
    b_x = to_int(op['b_x'])
    b_y = to_int(op['b_y'])

    if (a_x % MOD, a_y % MOD) == (0, 0):
    if (b_x % MOD, b_y % MOD) == (0, 0):

    A = [FQ(a_x), FQ(a_y), FQ.one()]
    B = [FQ(b_x), FQ(b_y), FQ.one()]

    if not (is_on_curve(A, b) and subgroup_check(A)):
    if not (is_on_curve(B, b) and subgroup_check(B)):

    result = add(A, B)

    result = [str(result[0] / result[2]), str(result[1] / result[2])]
    r = json.dumps(result)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')
Example #3
def reconstruct_shared_bls_signature(
        signatures: Dict[int, BLSSignature]) -> BLSSignature:
    Reconstructs shared BLS private key signature.
    Copied from https://github.com/dankrad/python-ibft/blob/master/bls_threshold.py
    r = Z2
    for i, sig in signatures.items():
        sig_point = signature_to_G2(sig)
        coef = 1
        for j in signatures:
            if j != i:
                coef = -coef * (j + 1) * prime_field_inv(i - j, PRIME) % PRIME
        r = add(r, multiply(sig_point, coef))
    return G2_to_signature(r)
Example #4
def OpBLS_MapToG2(arg):
    op = json.loads(arg)

    u_x = to_int(op['u_x'])
    u_y = to_int(op['u_y'])
    v_x = to_int(op['v_x'])
    v_y = to_int(op['v_y'])

    u = FQ2((u_x, u_y))
    v = FQ2((v_x, v_y))

    g2_u = map_to_curve_G2(u)
    g2_v = map_to_curve_G2(v)
    r = add(g2_u, g2_v)
    point = clear_cofactor_G2(r)

    x = point[0] / point[2]
    y = point[1] / point[2]

    point = [[str(x.coeffs[0]), str(y.coeffs[0])],
             [str(x.coeffs[1]), str(y.coeffs[1])]]

    r = json.dumps(point)
    return bytes(r, 'utf-8')