Example #1
def dleq_verify(x1, y1, x2, y2, challenge, response):
    Verify the proof computed with the dleq function in G1
        x1: a point in G1
        y1: a point in G1
        x2: a point in G1
        y2: a point in G1
        challenge (int): the first coefficient of the proof
        response (int): the second coefficient of the proof

        True if the proof is correct, False else
    a1 = add(multiply(x1, response), multiply(y1, challenge))
    a2 = add(multiply(x2, response), multiply(y2, challenge))
    c = keccak_256(  # pylint: disable=E1120
        abi_types=["uint256"] * 12,  # 12,
            int(v) for v in normalize(a1) + normalize(a2) + normalize(x1) +
            normalize(y1) + normalize(x2) + normalize(y2)
    c = int.from_bytes(c, "big")
    return c == challenge
Example #2
def dleq_verify(x1: PointG1, y1: PointG1, x2: PointG1, y2: PointG1,
                challenge: int, response: int) -> bool:
    a1 = add(multiply(x1, response), multiply(y1, challenge))
    a2 = add(multiply(x2, response), multiply(y2, challenge))
    c = keccak_256(  # pylint: disable=E1120
        abi_types=["uint256"] * 12,  # 12,
            int(v) for v in normalize(a1) + normalize(a2) + normalize(x1) +
            normalize(y1) + normalize(x2) + normalize(y2)
    c = int.from_bytes(c, "big")
    return c == challenge
Example #3
def verify_share(j: int, s_ij: int, Cik: List[PointG1]) -> bool:
    """ check share validity and return True if the share is valid, False otherwise
    r = Cik[0]
    for k, c in enumerate(Cik[1:]):
        r = add(r, multiply(c, pow(j, k + 1, CURVE_ORDER)))
    return normalize(multiply(G1, s_ij)) == normalize(r)
Example #4
File: bls.py Project: kilic/sol-bls
def agg_pubs(pubs: Sequence[Pubkey]) -> Pubkey:
    size = len(pubs)
    if size < 1:
    aggregated = pubkey_to_g2(pubs[0])
    for i in range(1, size):
        aggregated = add(aggregated, pubkey_to_g2(pubs[i]))
    return g2_to_pubkey(aggregated)
Example #5
def sum_points(points: Union[Iterable[PointG1], Iterable[PointG2]]):
    result = None
    for p in points:
        if result is None:
            result = p
            result = add(result, p)
    return result
Example #6
def test_jacobian_equations():
    k = rand_int()
    a = multiply_jacobian(G2, k)
    _a = multiply(G2, k)
    assert eq(normalize_jacobian(a), _normalize(_a))

    b = add_mixed_jacobian(a, G2)
    _b = add(_a, G2)
    assert eq(normalize_jacobian(b), _normalize(_b))
Example #7
def ec_add(data: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    bytes_data = bytearray(data)
    x1 = extract32(bytes_data, 0)
    y1 = extract32(bytes_data, 32)
    x2 = extract32(bytes_data, 64)
    y2 = extract32(bytes_data, 96)
    p1 = validate_point(x1, y1)
    p2 = validate_point(x2, y2)
    if p1 is False or p2 is False:
        return []
    o = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2))
    return [safe_ord(x) for x in (encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))]
Example #8
def _ecadd(data):
    x1_bytes = pad32r(data[:32])
    y1_bytes = pad32r(data[32:64])
    x2_bytes = pad32r(data[64:96])
    y2_bytes = pad32r(data[96:128])

    x1 = big_endian_to_int(x1_bytes)
    y1 = big_endian_to_int(y1_bytes)
    x2 = big_endian_to_int(x2_bytes)
    y2 = big_endian_to_int(y2_bytes)

    p1 = validate_point(x1, y1)
    p2 = validate_point(x2, y2)

    result = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2))
    return result
Example #9
def proc_ecadd(ext, msg):
    import py_ecc.optimized_bn128 as bn128

    FQ = bn128.FQ
    if msg.gas < opcodes.GECADD:
        return 0, 0, []
    x1 = msg.data.extract32(0)
    y1 = msg.data.extract32(32)
    x2 = msg.data.extract32(64)
    y2 = msg.data.extract32(96)
    p1 = validate_point(x1, y1)
    p2 = validate_point(x2, y2)
    if p1 is False or p2 is False:
        return 0, 0, []
    o = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2))
    return (
        msg.gas - opcodes.GECADD,
        [safe_ord(x) for x in (encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))],
Example #10
def proc_ecadd(ext, msg):
    if not ext.post_metropolis_hardfork():
        return 1, msg.gas, []
    import py_ecc.optimized_bn128 as bn128
    FQ = bn128.FQ
    print('ecadd proc:', msg.gas)
    if msg.gas < opcodes.GECADD:
        return 0, 0, []
    x1 = msg.data.extract32(0)
    y1 = msg.data.extract32(32)
    x2 = msg.data.extract32(64)
    y2 = msg.data.extract32(96)
    p1 = validate_point(x1, y1)
    p2 = validate_point(x2, y2)
    if p1 is False or p2 is False:
        return 0, 0, []
    o = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2))
    return 1, msg.gas - \
        opcodes.GECADD, [safe_ord(x) for x in (
            encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))]
Example #11
    def compute_mpk(self):
        if len(self.gpk_0) > self.threshold and not self.has_mpk:
            self.has_mpk = True
            self.mpk = Z1

            for gpki, ui in self.gpk_0[0:self.threshold + 1]:
                coeff = 1
                for gpkj, uj in self.gpk_0[0:self.threshold + 1]:
                    if uj != ui:
                        coeff *= uj * sympy.mod_inverse(
                            (uj - ui) % CURVE_ORDER, CURVE_ORDER)
                        coeff %= CURVE_ORDER
                self.mpk = add(self.mpk, multiply(gpki, coeff))
            self.mpk = normalize(self.mpk)

            db = get_db()
            value = (str(self.mpk[0]), str(self.mpk[1]))
            db.execute("INSERT INTO mpk (x,y) VALUES (?,?)", value)
Example #12
def aggregate_pubs(pubs):
    o = Z1
    for p in pubs:
        o = add(o, decompress_G1(p))
    return compress_G1(o)
Example #13
def aggregate_pubs(pubs):
    o = FQ(1), FQ(1), FQ(0)
    for p in pubs:
        o = add(o, decompress_G1(p))
    return compress_G1(o)
Example #14
def aggregate_sigs(sigs):
    o = FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([1,0]), FQ2([0,0])
    for s in sigs:
        o = add(o, decompress_G2(s))
    return compress_G2(o)
Example #15
def verify_agg_common_msg(sig: Signature, msg: Message,
                          pubs: Sequence[Pubkey]) -> bool:
    aggregated_pub = Z1
    for pub in pubs:
        aggregated_pub = add(aggregated_pub, pubkey_to_G1(pub))
    return pair_check(signature_to_G2(sig), msg, aggregated_pub)
Example #16
File: bls.py Project: kilic/sol-bls
def agg_sigs(sigs: Sequence[Signature]) -> Signature:
    aggregated = Z1
    for sig in sigs:
        aggregated = add(aggregated, signature_to_g1(sig))
    return g1_to_signature(aggregated)
Example #17
def aggregate_sigs(sigs: Iterable[bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    o = Z2
    for s in sigs:
        o = FQP_point_to_FQ2_point(add(o, decompress_G2(s)))
    return compress_G2(o)
Example #18
def aggregate_sigs(sigs):
    o = Z2
    for s in sigs:
        o = add(o, decompress_G2(s))
    return compress_G2(o)
Example #19
def evaluate_public_polynomial(x: int, commitments: List[PointG1]):
    result = commitments[0]
    for k in range(1, len(commitments)):
        result = add(result, multiply(commitments[k], pow(x, k, CURVE_ORDER)))
    return result
Example #20
 def add(self, other: "WrappedCurvePoint") -> "WrappedCurvePoint":
     return self.__class__(add(self.py_ecc_object, other.py_ecc_object))
Example #21
def agg_sigs(sigs: Sequence[Signature]) -> Signature:
    aggregated = Z2
    for sig in sigs:
        aggregated = add(aggregated, signature_to_G2(sig))
    return G2_to_signature(aggregated)
Example #22
def aggregate_pubs(pubs: Iterable[int]) -> int:
    o = Z1
    for p in pubs:
        o = add(o, decompress_G1(p))
    return compress_G1(o)
Example #23
def agg_pubs(pubs: Sequence[Pubkey]) -> Signature:
    aggregated = Z2
    for pub in pubs:
        aggregated = add(aggregated, pubkey_to_G1(pub))
    return G1_to_pubkey(aggregated)