Example #1
    def Ping(self, remoteNodeName, pingCallback):
        """Ping a remote node.

        REMOTE-NODE-NAME        = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
                                The node to ping
        PING-CALLBACK           = <function(RESULT): void>
                                A callback to call for deliverance of the
                                ping result. RESULT = "pong" | "pang".

        Returns: void
        Throws:  <<to-be-documented>>

        Try to ping a remote node. A connection to that node is established
        unless already connected. Whether or not the remote node is up or
        down is indicated as by the argument to the callback function:
          "pong": the remote node is alive and there is a connection to it
          "pang": the remote node is down.
        if not "@" in remoteNodeName:
            raise ErlNodeBadPeerNameError(remoteNodeName)
        if remoteNodeName in self._ongoingPings:
            pingCallbacks = self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
            self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName] = pingCallbacks + [pingCallback]
            self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName] = [pingCallback]
            [nodeName, hostName] = remoteNodeName.split("@")
            e = erl_epmd.ErlEpmd(hostName)
            cb = erl_common.Callback(self._PingEpmdResponse, remoteNodeName)
            e.PortPlease2Req(nodeName, cb)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, nodeName, opts=erl_opts.ErlNodeOpts()):

        NODE-NAME       = string
                        The name for this node.

        OPTS            = <instance of ErlNodeOpts>

        Creates an ErlNode. The name of the node is determined by NODE-NAME
        as described below. A node-name consists of two parts: an alive-name
        and a host-name, separated by an `@'. The host-name can be short
        (not including the domain) or long (including the domain). Short and
        long node-names must not be mixed among the nodes in a system, see
        the erlang documentation for further details.
          1. If the NODE-NAME contains an `@', then NODE-NAME is used
             unchanged as name for the node.
          2. If the NODE-NAME does not contain an `@', then the node's name
             is constructed as NODE-NAME + "@" + host-name, where
             host-name is either on short or long form, depending on what is
             specified in the OPTS.
        shortNodeNames = opts.GetShortNodeNames()
        self._nodeName = erl_common.AlignNodeName(nodeName, shortNodeNames)
        self._opts = opts

        self._creation = 0
        self._connections = {}

        self._epmd = erl_epmd.ErlEpmd(hostName=opts.GetEpmdHost(),
        self._ongoingPings = {}

        self._isServerPublished = 0
        self._pids = {}  # mapping pid     --> ErlMBox()
        self._mboxes = {}  # mapping ErlMBox --> pid
        self._registeredNames = {}  # mapping name    --> pid
        self._registeredPids = {}  # mapping pid     --> name

        self._nodeUpCb = []  # stores (id, callback)
        self._nodeDownCb = []  # stores (id, callback)
        self._cbId = 0

        self._server = erl_node_conn.ErlNodeServerSocket(
            self._nodeName, self._opts)
        self._portNum = self._server.Start(self._NodeUp, self._NodeDown,
        self._epmdConnectedOkCb = erl_common.Callback(self._Sink)
Example #3
    hostName = "localhost"
    portNum = 4369
    ownPortNum = 1234
    ownNodeName = "py_interface_test"

    for (optchar, optarg) in opts:
        if optchar == "-?":
            print "Usage: %s host [port]" % argv[0]
        elif optchar == "-p":
            ownPortNum = string.atoi(optarg)
        elif optchar == "-n":
            ownNodeName = optarg

    if len(args) >= 2:
        hostName = args[0]
        portNum = string.atoi(args[1])
    elif len(args) == 1:
        hostName = args[0]

    e = erl_epmd.ErlEpmd(hostName, portNum)
    e.Connect(TestAlive2RespConnected, TestAlive2RespConnectFailed)
    evhandler = erl_eventhandler.GetEventHandler()
