Example #1
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from pyapimaker import PyRpcServer, PyRpcBlueprint
from ast import literal_eval

myapi = PyApi()

def foo_a():
    print("foo_a is doing thing on serverside")
    return ("things done")

def foo_b(li, num):
    print("foo_b is doing something on serverside")
    li = literal_eval(li)
    return [s + str(num) for s in li]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    s = PyRpcServer(port=17887)

    bp = PyRpcBlueprint(name="web", prefix="/rpc")

    bp.add(myapi.find_functions(), only_names=True)


Example #2
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from connector import server, s_login, s_storage
from game import game
import logic
from random import randint
import json

game_api = PyApi()

def get_clean_storage():
    return {"win": 0, "lost": 0, "draw": 0, "surrender": 0, "played": 0}

def get_from_storage(key):
    resp = s_storage.get_from(game.usertoken, game.storage, key)
    if resp.had_errors:
        return None
    return json.loads(str(resp.content))

def storage_increment(key):
    if server.is_online():
        s = get_from_storage(key)
        put_to_storage(key, s + 1)

def put_to_storage(key, value):
    resp = s_storage.put_to(game.usertoken, game.storage, key, value)
    if resp.had_errors:
        return False
Example #3
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from connector import server, s_login, s_storage
from game import game
import logic
from random import randint
import json

game_api = PyApi()

def get_clean_storage():
    return {"win": 0, "lost": 0, "draw": 0, "surrender": 0, "played": 0}

def get_from_storage(key):
    resp = s_storage.get_from(game.usertoken, game.storage, key)
    if resp.had_errors:
        return None
    return json.loads(str(resp.content))

def storage_increment(key):
    if server.is_online():
        s = get_from_storage(key)
        put_to_storage(key, s + 1)

def put_to_storage(key, value):
    resp = s_storage.put_to(game.usertoken, game.storage, key, value)
    if resp.had_errors:
        return False
Example #4
import shelve
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from config import config
storage = PyApi()

db_dir = config.get("db_dir", ".")

users = shelve.open(db_dir + "/users.db")

with storage.context("users"):

    def get(name):
        return users.get(name, None)

    def put(name, user):
        users[name] = user

    def rem(name):
        del users[name]

profiles = shelve.open(db_dir + "/profiles.db")

with storage.context("profiles"):

Example #5
from pyapimaker import PyApi

api = PyApi()

# manual discover
from . import auth
from . import profile
from . import app_storage
Example #6
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from pyapimaker import PyRpcServer, PyRpcBlueprint
from ast import literal_eval

myapi = PyApi()

def foo_a():
    print("foo_a is doing thing on serverside")
    return("things done")

def foo_b(li, num):
    print("foo_b is doing something on serverside")
    li = literal_eval(li)
    return [s + str(num) for s in li]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    s = PyRpcServer(port=17887)

    bp = PyRpcBlueprint(name="web", prefix="/rpc")

    bp.add(myapi.find_functions(), only_names=True)


Example #7
import shelve
from pyapimaker import PyApi
from config import config
storage = PyApi()

db_dir = config.get("db_dir", ".")

users = shelve.open(db_dir + "/users.db")

with storage.context("users"):
    def get(name):
        return users.get(name, None)

    def put(name, user):
        users[name] = user

    def rem(name):
        del users[name]

profiles = shelve.open(db_dir + "/profiles.db")

with storage.context("profiles"):
    def get(name):
        return profiles.get(name, {})