Example #1
    def get_behavior(cls, sobject):
        '''it takes sobject as an argument and turn it into a dictionary to pass to 
        pal = WebContainer.get_web().get_palette()
        bg_color = pal.color('background')
        sobj_dict = SObject.get_sobject_dict(sobject)
        sobj_json = jsondumps(sobj_dict)
        bvr = {
                   var server = TacticServerStub.get();
                   var rtn = {};
                   var msg = '';

                      spt.app_busy.show( 'Email Test', 'Waiting for email server response...' );
                      rtn = server.execute_cmd('tactic.command.NotificationTestCmd', args={'sobject_dict': %s});
                      msg = rtn.description;
                      msg += '\\nYou can also review the notification in the Notification Log.'
                   catch(e) {
                       msg = 'Error found in this notification:\\n\\n' + spt.exception.handler(e);
                   var popup_id = 'Notification test result';

                   var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.CustomLayoutWdg';

                   msg= msg.replace(/\\n/g, '<br/>');

                   var options = { 'html': '<div><div style="background:%s; padding: 5px">' + msg + '</div></div>'};
                   var kwargs = {'width':'600px'};
                   spt.panel.load_popup(popup_id, class_name, options, kwargs);
                  ''' % (sobj_json, bg_color)
        return bvr
Example #2
    def get_behavior(cls, sobject):
        '''it takes sobject as an argument and turn it into a dictionary to pass to 
        pal = WebContainer.get_web().get_palette()
        bg_color = pal.color('background')
        sobj_dict = SObject.get_sobject_dict(sobject)
        sobj_json = jsondumps(sobj_dict)
        bvr = {'type': 'click_up',
                 'cbjs_action': '''
                   var server = TacticServerStub.get();
                   var rtn = {};
                   var msg = '';

                      spt.app_busy.show( 'Email Test', 'Waiting for email server response...' );
                      rtn = server.execute_cmd('tactic.command.NotificationTestCmd', args={'sobject_dict': %s});
                      msg = rtn.description;
                      msg += '\\nYou can also review the notification in the Notification Log.'
                   catch(e) {
                       msg = 'Error found in this notification:\\n\\n' + spt.exception.handler(e);
                   var popup_id = 'Notification test result';

                   var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.CustomLayoutWdg';

                   msg= msg.replace(/\\n/g, '<br/>');

                   var options = { 'html': '<div><div style="background:%s; padding: 5px">' + msg + '</div></div>'};
                   var kwargs = {'width':'600px'};
                   spt.panel.load_popup(popup_id, class_name, options, kwargs);
                  ''' %(sobj_json, bg_color)}
        return bvr