Example #1
 def __init__(self, lsock):
     # Create apoll object
     apoll = pyasynchio.apoll()
     self.lsock = lsock
     self.apoll = apoll
     # Initiate asynchronous accept on the listening socket
Example #2
 def test_it_with_asynch_client(self):
     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     ap = pyasynchio.apoll()
     ap.connect(sock, ("localhost", self.port))
     pr = ap.poll()
     self.assert_(pr[0][0].name == "connect" and pr[0][0].success)
     data = "Statically typed bigot"
     ap.send(sock, data)
     pr = ap.poll()
     self.assert_(pr[0][0].name == "send" and pr[0][0].success)
     ap.recv(sock, len(data))
     pr = ap.poll()
     self.assert_(pr[0][0].name == "recv" and pr[0][0].success and pr[0][1].data == data)
Example #3
import sys
import socket
import pyasynchio

# Create and bind socket
lsock = socket.socket()
lsock.bind((sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2])))

# Create apoll object
apoll = pyasynchio.apoll()
# Issue first asynch accept through apoll object

while True:
    # poll results from apoll object
    events = apoll.poll()
    # process them one by one
    for g, s in events:
        # if operation was accept
        if g.name == 'accept':
            # moreover, if it is successful
            if g.success:
                # issue asynchronous read through apoll object
                apoll.recv(s.asock, 1024)
                # issue another asynch accept, so that more clients can connect
        # if operation was recv
        elif g.name == 'recv':
            # if received some data and connection isnt broken (just as recv it presents empty string if client disconnected)
            if g.success and s.data != '':
import pyasynchio
import socket

lsock = socket.socket()
lsock.bind(('', 3811))

ap = pyasynchio.apoll();

class echo_handler:
    def __init__(self, sock):
        self.genobj = self(sock)
    def __call__(self, sock):
        ap.recv(sock, 1024, act = self);
        yield None
        while True:
            if self.spec.data == "":
            ap.send(sock, self.spec.data, act = self);
            yield None
            ap.recv(sock, 1024, act = self);
            yield None

    def next(self):

    def notify(self, gen, spec):
        self.gen = gen
        self.spec = spec

class accept_handler:
Example #5
 def __init__(self, sock):
     apoll = pyasynchio.apoll()
     self.apoll = apoll
     self.sock = sock
     # initiate asynchronous dgram recv
     apoll.recvfrom(sock, 65536)