def setUp(self): self._https_server_ok = self.StartHttpsServer( pyauto.HTTPSOptions.CERT_OK, os.path.relpath(os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'ssl'), pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir())) self._https_server_expired = self.StartHttpsServer( pyauto.HTTPSOptions.CERT_EXPIRED, os.path.relpath(os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'ssl'), pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir())) self._https_server_mismatched = self.StartHttpsServer( pyauto.HTTPSOptions.CERT_MISMATCHED_NAME, os.path.relpath(os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'ssl'), pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir())) pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self)
def _SetUpLocal(self): """Starts the CNS server locally.""" cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir(), _CNS_PATH), '--port', str(self._port), '--interface', self._interface, '--www-root', self._www_root, '--expiry-time', str(self._expiry_time) ] if self._socket_timeout: cmd.extend(['--socket-timeout', str(self._socket_timeout)]) if self._verbose: cmd.append('-v') logging.debug('Starting CNS server: %s ', ' '.join(cmd)) self._cns_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ProcessLogger(self._cns_process) if self.WaitUntil(self._CanAccessServer, retry_sleep=3, timeout=30, debug=False): pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) else: self.tearDown()'Failed to start CNS.')
def _StartPywebsocketServer(self): """Starts the pywebsocket server.""" print 'Starting pywebsocket server.' # Pywebsocket source directory. path_pyws_dir = os.path.join(pyauto_paths.GetThirdPartyDir(), 'pywebsocket', 'src') # Pywebsocket standalone server. path_to_pywebsocket= os.path.join(path_pyws_dir, 'mod_pywebsocket', '') # Path to the data handler to handle data received by the server. path_to_handler = os.path.join(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir(), 'chrome', 'test', 'functional') # The python interpreter binary. python_interp = sys.executable # The pywebsocket start command - we could add --log-level=debug for debug. # -p stands for port, -d stands for root_directory (where the data handlers # are). start_cmd = [python_interp, path_to_pywebsocket, '-p', _PYWEBSOCKET_PORT_NUMBER, '-d', path_to_handler,] env = os.environ # Set PYTHONPATH to include the pywebsocket base directory. env['PYTHONPATH'] = (path_pyws_dir + os.path.pathsep + env.get('PYTHONPATH', '')) # Start the pywebsocket server. The server will not start instantly, so the # code opening websockets to it should take this into account. self._pywebsocket_server = subprocess.Popen(start_cmd, env=env)
def setUp(self): """Starts the Constrained Network Server (CNS).""" cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir(), _CNS_PATH), '--port', str(_CNS_PORT), '--interface', 'lo', '--www-root', os.path.join( self.DataDir(), 'pyauto_private', 'media'), '-v', '--expiry-time', '0'] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Wait for server to start up. line = True while line: line = process.stderr.readline() logging.debug(line.strip()) if 'STARTED' in line: self._server_pid = pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) ProcessLogger(process) if self._CanAccessServer(): return # Need to call teardown since the server has already started. self.tearDown()'Failed to start CNS.')
def setUp(self): """Starts the Constrained Network Server (CNS).""" cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir(), _CNS_PATH), '--port', str(_CNS_PORT), '--interface', 'lo', '--www-root', os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'pyauto_private', 'media'), '-v', '--expiry-time', '0' ] self._cns_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ProcessLogger(self._cns_process) if self.WaitUntil(self._CanAccessServer, retry_sleep=3, timeout=30, debug=False): pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) else: self.tearDown()'Failed to start CNS.')
def setUp(self): """Sets up the platform for policy testing. On ChromeOS, part of the set up involves restarting the session_manager and logging in with the $default account. """ if self.IsChromeOS(): # Setup a temporary data dir and a TestServer serving files from there. # The TestServer makes its document root relative to the src dir. self._temp_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir()) relative_temp_data_dir = os.path.basename(self._temp_data_dir) self._http_server = self.StartHTTPServer(relative_temp_data_dir) # Setup empty policies, so that the TestServer can start replying. self._SetCloudPolicies() device_dmtoken = self._RegisterAndGetDMToken(device=True) policy = self._FetchPolicy(token=device_dmtoken, device=True) user_dmtoken = self._RegisterAndGetDMToken(device=False) # The device policy blob is only picked up by the session manager on # startup, and is overwritten on shutdown. So the blob has to be written # while the session manager is stopped. self.WaitForSessionManagerRestart( lambda: self._WriteDevicePolicyWithSessionManagerStopped(policy)) logging.debug('Session manager restarted with device policy ready') pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) if self.IsChromeOS(): logging.debug('Logging in') credentials = self.GetPrivateInfo()['prod_enterprise_test_user'] self.Login(credentials['username'], credentials['password']) assert self.GetLoginInfo()['is_logged_in'] self._WriteUserPolicyToken(user_dmtoken) # The browser has to be reloaded to make the user policy token cache # reload the file just written. The file can also be written only after # the cryptohome is mounted, after login. self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False)
def setUp(self): """Sets up the platform for policy testing. On ChromeOS, part of the setup involves restarting the session manager to inject a device policy blob. """ if self.IsChromeOS(): # Set up a temporary data dir and a TestServer serving files from there. # The TestServer makes its document root relative to the src dir. source_dir = os.path.normpath(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir()) self._temp_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=source_dir) relative_temp_data_dir = os.path.basename(self._temp_data_dir) self._http_server = self.StartHTTPServer(relative_temp_data_dir) # Set up an empty user policy so that the TestServer can start replying. self._SetUserPolicyChromeOS() # Generate a key pair for signing device policy. self._private_key = tlslite.api.generateRSAKey(1024) algorithm = asn1der.Sequence([ asn1der.Data(asn1der.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, PKCS1_RSA_OID), asn1der.Data(asn1der.NULL, '') ]) rsa_pubkey = asn1der.Sequence([ asn1der.Integer(self._private_key.n), asn1der.Integer(self._private_key.e) ]) self._public_key = asn1der.Sequence( [algorithm, asn1der.Bitstring(rsa_pubkey)]) # Clear device policy. This also invokes pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self). self.SetDevicePolicy() # Remove any existing vaults. self.RemoveAllCryptohomeVaultsOnChromeOS() else: pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self)
def _SetUpWithSessionManagerStopped(self): """Sets up the test environment after stopping the session manager.""" assert self.IsChromeOS() logging.debug('Stopping session manager') cros_ui.stop(allow_fail=True) # Start mock GAIA server. self._auth_server = auth_server.GoogleAuthServer() # Disable TPM if present. if os.path.exists(TPM_SYSFS_PATH): self._Call('mount -t tmpfs -o size=1k tmpfs %s' % os.path.realpath(TPM_SYSFS_PATH), check=True) self._WriteFile(TPM_SYSFS_ENABLED_FILE, '0') # Clear install attributes and restart cryptohomed to pick up the change. self._ClearInstallAttributesOnChromeOS() # Set install attributes to mock enterprise enrollment. bus = dbus.SystemBus() proxy = bus.get_object('org.chromium.Cryptohome', '/org/chromium/Cryptohome') install_attributes = { 'enterprise.device_id': self.device_id, 'enterprise.domain': string.split(self.owner, '@')[-1], 'enterprise.mode': self.mode, 'enterprise.owned': 'true', 'enterprise.user': self.owner } interface = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.chromium.CryptohomeInterface') for name, value in install_attributes.iteritems(): interface.InstallAttributesSet(name, '%s\0' % value) interface.InstallAttributesFinalize() # Start mock DNS server that redirects all traffic to self._dns_server = dns_server.LocalDns() # Start mock DMServer. source_dir = os.path.normpath(pyauto_paths.GetSourceDir()) self._temp_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=source_dir) logging.debug('TestServer input path: %s' % self._temp_data_dir) relative_temp_data_dir = os.path.basename(self._temp_data_dir) self._http_server = self.StartHTTPServer(relative_temp_data_dir) # Initialize the policy served. self._device_policy = {} self._user_policy = {} self._WritePolicyOnChromeOS() # Register with mock DMServer and retrieve initial device policy blob. dm_token = self._DMRegisterDevice() policy = self._DMFetchPolicy(dm_token) # Write the initial device policy blob. self._WriteFile(constants.OWNER_KEY_FILE, policy.new_public_key) self._WriteFile(constants.SIGNED_POLICY_FILE, policy.SerializeToString()) # Remove any existing vaults. self.RemoveAllCryptohomeVaultsOnChromeOS() # Restart session manager and Chrome. self._StartSessionManagerAndChrome()