def temp(): pyautogui.alert('This displays some text with an OK button.') pyautogui.position() # current mouse x and y pyautogui.onScreen(x, y) # True if x & y are within the screen. pyautogui.PAUSE = 2.5 # Pause 2.5 s pyautogui.dragTo(x, y, duration=num_seconds) # drag mouse to XY pyautogui.dragRel(xOffset, yOffset, duration=num_seconds) # drag mouse relative to its current position, y=moveToY, clicks=num_of_clicks, interval=secs_between_clicks, button='left') # The button keyword argument can be 'left', 'middle', or 'right'. pyautogui.scroll(amount_to_scroll, x=moveToX, y=moveToY) pyautogui.mouseDown(x=moveToX, y=moveToY, button='left') pyautogui.mouseUp(x=moveToX, y=moveToY, button='left') pyautogui.typewrite('Hello world!\n', interval=secs_between_keys) # useful for entering text, newline is Enter pyautogui.typewrite(['a', 'b', 'c', 'left', 'backspace', 'enter', 'f1'], interval=secs_between_keys) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') # ctrl-c to copy pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') # ctrl-v to paste pyautogui.alert('This displays some text with an OK button.') pyautogui.confirm('This displays text and has an OK and Cancel button.') pyautogui.prompt('This lets the user type in a string and press OK.') pyautogui.screenshot('foo.png') # returns a Pillow/PIL Image object, and saves it to a file pyautogui.locateOnScreen('looksLikeThis.png') pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('looksLikeThis.png') # returns center x and y
def pyautogui_move_demo(): x, y = pyautogui.size() print('屏幕分辨率为:%d,%d' % (int(x), int(y))) # 该模块默认屏幕的原点在左上角,位置为(0, 0) # px, py = pyautogui.position() # print('当前鼠标的位置为:%d,%d' % (px, py)) # 判断某个位置是否在屏幕上 print('(-1, 100)的点判断结果:', pyautogui.onScreen(-1, 100)) print('(1000, 100)的点判断结果:', pyautogui.onScreen(1000, 100)) # 延迟几秒之后执行,全部的pyautogui都将延迟之后执行 # pyautogui.PAUSE = 5 # 移动鼠标 pyautogui.moveTo(x/2, y/2) # 带有延迟的鼠标移动 pyautogui.moveTo(100, 200, 2) # 带有延迟的鼠标移动,且移动速度带有变化,None表示当前该坐标不变 pyautogui.moveTo(1000, None, 2, pyautogui.easeInQuad) # 开始慢,越来越快 print_position() # 相对位置的移动鼠标 pyautogui.move(50, 100) pyautogui.move(-50, 100) # None表示当前该坐标不变 pyautogui.move(None, 100) print_position() '''# 画图 需要打开画图板软件
def test(): # 判断(x,y)是否在屏幕上 x, y = 122, 244 pyautogui.onScreen(x, y) # 结果为true width, height = pyautogui.size() # 屏幕的宽度和高度 print(width, height)
def screen(): """ 原点(0,0)在左上角,分别向右、向下增大 如果屏幕像素是 1920×10801920×1080 ,那么右下角的坐标是(1919, 1079) :return: """ # 当前屏幕的分辨率(宽度和高度) screenWidth, screenHeight = pyautogui.size() # 鼠标当前位置 currentMouseX, currentMouseY = pyautogui.position() # (x,y)是否在屏幕上 x, y = 122, 244 pyautogui.onScreen(x, y)
def move(self, x, y): mx, my = pyautogui.position() x_distance = x * self.precision y_distance = -1 * y * self.precision if pyautogui.onScreen(mx + x_distance, my + y_distance): pyautogui.moveRel(x_distance, y_distance, duration=self.speed)
def check_on_screen(): x, y = pag.position() if not pag.onScreen(x, y): pag.alert("Your mouse is not on the screen, you probaply have 2 Screens, This program can only accsess your " "main screen, you can change your main screen in the Windows settings") return False return True
def move_cursor(cur_x, cur_y, is_fast): global prev_x, prev_y, mouse_speed, movement_thrashold, prev_time, time_thrashold cur_time = time.time() # If mouse is just selected if prev_x == -1 or (cur_time - prev_time) > time_thrashold: prev_x, prev_y = cur_x, cur_y prev_time = cur_time return # Ignore very slight movements if abs(cur_x-prev_x) + abs(cur_y-prev_y) < movement_thrashold: return # Move mouse x_move = (cur_x - prev_x) * mouse_speed y_move = (cur_y - prev_y) * mouse_speed dur = 1 if is_fast: x_move = x_move * fast_speed y_move = y_move * fast_speed dur = 0 cursor_x, cursor_y = pyautogui.position() if pyautogui.onScreen(cursor_x+x_move, cursor_y+y_move): pyautogui.moveRel(x_move, y_move, duration=0.0001 * dur) # pyautogui.moveTo(cursor_x+x_move, cursor_y+y_move, duration = time_dif/100) prev_x, prev_y = cur_x, cur_y
def ispicture(self, el): '''判断图片是否存在''' picPath = os.path.join(rootPath, config['pic']['contrastPath'], el) x, y = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(picPath, minSearchTime=self.minSearchTime) isnot = pyautogui.onScreen(x, y) if isnot == True: return True else: return False
def draw_modified(step, centerX, centerY, radius, numSpokes): colorX = [805, 831, 854, 872, 894, 920, 942, 959] colorY = [59, 81] colXIdx, colYIdx = pickRandomColor() oldCenterX = centerX oldCenterY = centerY if centerY < 170: centerY = 990 - (centerY + 170) oldCenterY = 988 if centerY > 990: centerY = 170 + (centerY - 990) oldCenterY = 172 if centerX < 10: centerX = 1070 - (centerX + 10) oldCenterX = 1068 if centerX > 1070: centerX = 10 + (centerX - 1070) oldCenterX = 12 if pyautogui.onScreen(oldCenterX, oldCenterY) and pyautogui.onScreen( centerX, centerY): pyautogui.moveTo(oldCenterX, oldCenterY) pyautogui.dragTo(centerX, centerY) else: centerX, centerY = moveToCenter() points = PointsInCircum(radius, numSpokes) numPoints = len(points) flipFlag = random.randrange(0, 100, 1) if flipFlag > 50: points.reverse() startIdx = random.randrange(0, numPoints - 1, 1) endIdx = random.randrange(startIdx, numPoints - 1, 1) if startIdx >= endIdx: startIdx = 0 for idx in range(startIdx, endIdx): x, y = points[idx] pyautogui.dragRel(x, y) if step > 0: newStep = step - 1 newRadius = radius / 2 newCenterX, newCenterY = pyautogui.position() drawModified(newStep, newCenterX, newCenterY, newRadius, numSpokes)[colXIdx], y=colorY[colYIdx]) pyautogui.moveTo(centerX, centerY)
def unpack(self, event): super().unpack(event) try: event["event_key"] = eval(event["event_key"]) except NameError: event["event_key"] = event["event_key"] assert isinstance(event["event_key"], Button) assert pyautogui.onScreen(event["position_x"], event["position_y"]) return event
def mouse_move(data): if 'xy' in data: x, y = data['xy'] if pyautogui.onScreen(x, y): pyautogui.moveTo(*data['xy']) else: size = pyautogui.size() data['error'] = f"Эти координаты ({x}; {y}) " \ f"находятся вне вашего экрана ({size.width}; {size.height})" else: data['error'] = "Требуется аргумент 'xy'" return data
def move(self, x, y): # if(abs( x - self.prevx) < 0.09 and abs( y - self.prevy) < 0.09): # print(abs( x - self.prevx)) # self.prevx = x # self.prevy = y # return mx, my = pyautogui.position() xdistance = x * self.precision #if x*self.precision > 5 else 0 ydistance = -1 * y * self.precision #if -1*y*self.precision > 5 else 0 if (pyautogui.onScreen(mx + xdistance, my + ydistance)): pyautogui.moveRel(xdistance, ydistance, duration=self.speed)
def test_onScreen(self): zero = P(0, 0) xone = P(1, 0) yone = P(0, 1) size = P(*pyautogui.size()) half = size / 2 on_screen = [ zero, zero + xone, zero + yone, zero + xone + yone, half, size - xone - yone ] off_screen = [ zero - xone, zero - yone, zero - xone - yone, size - xone, size - yone, size ] for value, coords in [(True, on_screen), (False, off_screen)]: for coord in coords: self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(*coord), "onScreen({0}, {1}) should be {2}".format( coord.x, coord.y, value), ) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(list(coord)), "onScreen([{0}, {1}]) should be {2}".format( coord.x, coord.y, value), ) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(tuple(coord)), "onScreen(({0}, {1})) should be {2}".format( coord.x, coord.y, value), ) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(coord), "onScreen({0}) should be {1}".format(repr(coord), value)) # These raise PyAutoGUIException. with self.assertRaises(pyautogui.PyAutoGUIException): pyautogui.onScreen([0, 0], 0) with self.assertRaises(pyautogui.PyAutoGUIException): pyautogui.onScreen((0, 0), 0)
def move(self, x, y): current_pos = pyautogui.position() # current mouse position on screen rel_x = x * self.precision # relative movement on x axis rel_y = -1 * y * self.precision # relative movement on y axis new_pos = (current_pos[0] + rel_x, current_pos[1] + rel_y) # new potential position # If the new position is still inside the screen, move the pointer # If only one of the new coordinates position is inside screen, # move just along that coordinate axis. # Otherwise don't move if pyautogui.onScreen(new_pos): pyautogui.moveRel(rel_x, rel_y, duration=self.speed) elif 0 <= new_pos[0] <= pyautogui.size()[0]: pyautogui.moveRel(rel_x, 0, duration=self.speed) elif 0 <= new_pos[1] <= pyautogui.size()[1]: pyautogui.moveRel(0, rel_y, duration=self.speed)
def move(x, y): global mouse_x global mouse_y mouse_x += x mouse_y += y if gui.onScreen(mouse_x, mouse_y): gui.moveTo(mouse_x, mouse_y) else: if mouse_x < 0: mouse_x = 0.0 if mouse_y < 0: mouse_y = 0.0 dim = gui.size() if mouse_x > dim[0]: mouse_x = float(dim[0]) if mouse_y > dim[1]: mouse_y = float(dim[1]) gui.moveTo(mouse_x, mouse_y)
def template_match(template): with mss.mss() as sct: mon = sct.monitors[-1] img = sct.grab(mon) img = np.array(img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY) A, B = img.shape[::-1] template = cv2.imread(template, 0) w, h = template.shape[::-1] methods = ["cv2.TM_SQDIFF"] for meth in methods: method = eval(meth) # Apply template Matching res = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, method) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(res) # If the method is TM_SQDIFF or TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, take minimum if method in [cv2.TM_SQDIFF, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED]: top_left = min_loc if min_val > 4041568.0: # print('min_val', min_val) return False else: top_left = max_loc if max_val > 4041568.0: print("ERROR: template not found", max_val) return False bottom_right = (top_left[0] + w, top_left[1] + h) center = ((top_left[0] + (w / 2)) / 2, (top_left[1] + (h / 2)) / 2) if pyautogui.onScreen(center) == True: return center else: print("bad coords error") return center
def updateMouse(dX, dY, buttonPressed): if (buttonPressed): return screenDim = pyautogui.size() #xMultiplier = (screenDim[0] / 224) #yMultiplier = (screenDim[1] / 171) xMultiplier = 0.5 * ((screenDim[1] / 171) + (screenDim[0] / 224)) yMultiplier = xMultiplier if (dX * xMultiplier > screenDim[0]) or (dY * yMultiplier > screenDim[1]): return x, y = pyautogui.position() if not (pyautogui.onScreen(x + dX * xMultiplier, y + dY * yMultiplier)): return pyautogui.move(dX * xMultiplier, dY * yMultiplier)
def click(data): try: if 'xy' in data: x, y = data['xy'] else: x, y = pyautogui.position() data['xy'] = x, y if pyautogui.onScreen(x, y): if 'type' in data and data['type'] == 'двойной': pyautogui.doubleClick(x, y) else:, y) else: size = pyautogui.size() data['error'] = f"Эти координаты ({x}; {y}) " \ f"находятся вне вашего экрана ({size.width}; {size.height})" except KeyError as e: data['error'] = f"Требуется аргумент '{e.args[0]}'" except Exception as e: data['error'] = str(e) return data
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyautogui as pag #GUI操作ごとのポーズ秒数 pag.PAUSE = 2.5 x, y = (300, 300) pag.moveTo(x, y) print("moveTo メソッドでマウス位置{0}に移動".format((x, y))) print("画面上にマウス位置は「{0}」".format("ある" if pag.onScreen(x, y) else "ない")) print("positionメソッドの返り値: {0}".format(pag.position())) x, y = (1000000, 1000000) print("moveTo メソッドでマウス位置{0}に移動".format((x, y))) pag.moveTo(x, y) print(" 画面上にマウス位置は「{0}」".format("ある" if pag.onScreen(x, y) else "ない")) print("position メソッドの返り値: {0}".format(pag.position()))
x, y = gui.position() print('Current x,y : ' + str(x) + ',' + str(y)) # Paintアプリケーションに描画する mspaint = application.Application() mspaint.start('mspaint.exe') sleep(3) select = gui.confirm(text='ペイントアプリを画面中央表示して、\n直線を選択してください。', title='確認!', buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) if select in 'OK': # マウスカーソルの中央への移動 gui.moveTo(x=(w / 2), y=(h / 2)) x, y = gui.position() print('Point after moving x,y : ' + str(x) + ',' + str(y)) gui.dragTo(x=(x / 2) + 100, y=(y / 2) + 100, button='left') # gui.mouseDown(button='left') # gui.mouseUp(button='left',x=(x/2)+100,y=(y/2)+100) # スクリーン範囲の確認 check = gui.onScreen(100, 100) if check: print('x=100,y=100 ' + 'onScreen') else: print('x=2000,y=3000 ' + 'off onScreen') gui.alert(text='処理終了', title='確認!', button='OK') # アプリケーションのプロセスの kill mspaint.kill()
import pyautogui print (pyautogui.size()) print (pyautogui.position()) print (pyautogui.onScreen(pyautogui.position())) pyautogui.moveTo(400, 400, 10)
import time, pyautogui, winsound #import cx_freeze from random import randint #pegar o retorno da posicao atual de x e y do mouse e passar o valor da tupla para as duas variaveis x, y = pyautogui.position() print("Posicao atual do mouse:") print("x = " + str(x) + " y = " + str(y)) print("") #retorna verdadeiro se x & y estiverem dentro da tela print("Esta dentro da tela?") resp = pyautogui.onScreen(x, y) print(str(resp)) n = 0 #numero de curtidas feitas b = winsound.Beep, 1057) #i = randint(30,50) #quantidade de fotos a serem curtidas i = 500 intervalo = randint(5, 10) #intervalo entre as curtidas while (i != 0): time.sleep(1), 670) time.sleep(4), 764) time.sleep(40)
def onScreen(self, x, y): from pyautogui import onScreen response = onScreen(x, y) return response
def do(self, event): super().do(event) assert isinstance(event["event_key"], mouse.Button) assert onScreen(event["position_x"], event["position_y"]) return event
def control_pc(self, pre_gesture, now_gesture, head): if pre_gesture == now_gesture: pass else: if now_gesture == 'Thumb Up': # browser open # if self.my_tab_num == -1: # self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=self.options, executable_path = './chromedriver') # self.browser.set_window_position(self.screenW//2, 0) # self.browser.set_window_size(self.screenW//2, self.screenH) # self.browser.get('') # self.tabs = self.browser.window_handles # self.my_tab_num += 1 # else: # self.browser.execute_script('"", "_blank");') # self.tabs = self.browser.window_handles # self.my_tab_num =len(self.browser.window_handles) + 1 # click pass elif now_gesture == 'Sliding Two Fingers Up': # mouse up cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x, cur_y - 100, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x, cur_y - 100): pg.moveTo(cur_x, 0) elif now_gesture == 'Stop Sign': # exit # self.tabs = self.browser.window_handles # for i in range(self.my_tab_num, -1, -1): # self.browser.switch_to_window(self.tabs[i]) # self.browser.close() # self.browser = None # self.tabs = None # self.my_tab_num = 0 pass elif now_gesture == 'Swiping Right': # mouse righr fast cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x + 250, cur_y, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x + 250, cur_y): pg.moveTo(self.screenW, cur_y) elif now_gesture == 'Swiping Left': # mouse left fast cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x - 250, cur_y, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x - 250, cur_y): pg.moveTo(0, cur_y) elif now_gesture == 'Sliding Two Fingers Right': # mouse right cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x + 100, cur_y, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x + 100, cur_y): pg.moveTo(self.screenW, cur_y) elif now_gesture == 'Sliding Two Fingers Left': # mouse left cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x - 100, cur_y, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x - 100, cur_y): pg.moveTo(0, cur_y) elif now_gesture == 'Sliding Two Fingers Down': # mouse down cur_x, cur_y = pg.position() pg.moveTo(cur_x, cur_y + 100, 1) if not pg.onScreen(cur_x, cur_y + 100): pg.moveTo(cur_x, self.screenH) elif now_gesture == 'Swiping Up': # close tab # self.browser.switch_to_window(self.tabs[self.my_tab_num]) # self.browser.close() # self.my_tab_num += -1 # if self.my_tab_num<0: # self.my_tab_num = 0 # scroll Down pg.scroll(10) elif now_gesture == 'Swiping Down': # scroll Up pg.scroll(-10) elif now_gesture == 'Rolling Hand Backward': # go back #self.browser.back() pass else: # pass
def test_onScreen(self): zero = P(0, 0) xone = P(1, 0) yone = P(0, 1) size = P(*pyautogui.size()) half = size / 2 on_screen = [ zero, zero + xone, zero + yone, zero + xone + yone, half, size - xone - yone, ] off_screen = [ zero - xone, zero - yone, zero - xone - yone, size - xone, size - yone, size, ] for value, coords in [(True, on_screen), (False, off_screen)]: for coord in coords: self.assertEqual(value, pyautogui.onScreen(*coord), 'onScreen({0}, {1}) should be {2}'.format(coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual(value, pyautogui.onScreen(list(coord)), 'onScreen([{0}, {1}]) should be {2}'.format(coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual(value, pyautogui.onScreen(tuple(coord)), 'onScreen(({0}, {1})) should be {2}'.format(coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual(value, pyautogui.onScreen(coord), 'onScreen({0}) should be {1}'.format(repr(coord), value)) # These can raise either ValueError or TypeError. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): pyautogui.onScreen([0, 0], 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): pyautogui.onScreen((0, 0), 0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): pyautogui.onScreen(0, 0, 0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): pyautogui.onScreen(0)
def do(self, event): super().do(event) assert onScreen(event["position_x"], event["position_y"]) return event
def move(self, x, y): current_x, current_y = pyautogui.position() dist_x = x * self.precision dist_y = -1 * y * self.precision if (pyautogui.onScreen(current_x + dist_x, current_y + dist_y)): pyautogui.moveRel(dist_x, dist_y, duration=self.speed)
import pyautogui print(pyautogui.size()) # current screen resolution width and height print(pyautogui.position()) # current mouse x and y print(pyautogui.onScreen(500, 500)) # True if x & y are within the screen. pyautogui.PAUSE = 2 # Set up a 2 second pause after each PyAutoGUI call: #Mouse Functions: pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=num_seconds ) # move mouse to XY coordinates over num_second seconds pyautogui.moveRel( xOffset, yOffset, duration=num_seconds) # move mouse relative to its current position pyautogui.dragTo(x, y, duration=num_seconds) # drag mouse to XY pyautogui.dragRel( xOffset, yOffset, duration=num_seconds) # drag mouse relative to its current position pyautogui.rightClick(x=moveToX, y=moveToY) #go to XY and rightClick pyautogui.middleClick(x=moveToX, y=moveToY) pyautogui.doubleClick(x=moveToX, y=moveToY) pyautogui.tripleClick(x=moveToX, y=moveToY) pyautogui.scroll(amount_to_scroll, x=moveToX, y=moveToY) print(pyautogui.position()), 331) pyautogui.scroll(10) # scroll up 10 "clicks" pyautogui.scroll(-10) # scroll down 10 "clicks" pyautogui.scroll(
def test_onScreen(self): zero = P(0, 0) xone = P(1, 0) yone = P(0, 1) size = P(*pyautogui.size()) half = size / 2 on_screen = [ zero, zero + xone, zero + yone, zero + xone + yone, half, size - xone - yone, ] off_screen = [ zero - xone, zero - yone, zero - xone - yone, size - xone, size - yone, size, ] for value, coords in [(True, on_screen), (False, off_screen)]: for coord in coords: self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(*coord), 'onScreen({0}, {1}) should be {2}'.format( coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(list(coord)), 'onScreen([{0}, {1}]) should be {2}'.format( coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(tuple(coord)), 'onScreen(({0}, {1})) should be {2}'.format( coord.x, coord.y, value)) self.assertEqual( value, pyautogui.onScreen(coord), 'onScreen({0}) should be {1}'.format(repr(coord), value)) # These can raise either ValueError or TypeError. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): pyautogui.onScreen([0, 0], 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): pyautogui.onScreen((0, 0), 0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): pyautogui.onScreen(0, 0, 0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): pyautogui.onScreen(0)
def test_onScreen(self): width, height = pyautogui.size() halfWidth = int(width / 2) halfHeight = int(height / 2) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen(0, 0)) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen([0, 0])) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen(halfWidth, 0)) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen([halfWidth, 0])) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen(0, halfHeight)) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen([0, halfHeight])) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen(halfWidth, halfHeight)) self.assertTrue(pyautogui.onScreen([halfWidth, halfHeight])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(-1, 0)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([-1, 0])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(-1, -1)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([-1, -1])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(0, -1)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([0, -1])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(width, 0)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([width, 0])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(0, height)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([0, height])) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen(width, height)) self.assertFalse(pyautogui.onScreen([width, height]))
# conda install -c conda-forge pyautogui # Ref: [PyAutoGUI Cheet Sheet]( import pyautogui print(pyautogui.position()) # Point(x=754, y=1057) position of chrome link x = 800 y = 1060 print(pyautogui.size()) print(pyautogui.onScreen(800, 1060)) pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=3) moveToX = 831 moveToY = 1048, y=moveToY, clicks=1, button='left') x = 579 y = 612 pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=5) moveToX = 699 moveToY = 74, y=moveToY, clicks=1, button='left') pyautogui.hotkey('shift') pyautogui.typewrite('Python', interval=0.2) # useful for entering text, newline is Enter pyautogui.hotkey('shift') pyautogui.typewrite('w94\ngp6\nx87\n\n', interval=0.2)
''' This example first imports the pyautogui module. It then 1) returns the mouse's position on the screen; 2) return's the screen's resolution; and 3) tests whether a given coordinate is located on the screen. ''' import pyautogui pyautogui.PAUSE = 3 pyautogui.position() pyautogui.size() pyautogui.onScreen(3000, 3000) pyautogui.onScreen(500, 500)
pg.KEYBOARD_KEYS # получение списка клавиш # general ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: pg.size() # возвращает кортеж из двух целых чисел, представляющих ширину и # высоту экрана в пикселях pg.position() # возвращает кортеж из двух целых чисел, представляющих координаты # текущей позиции указателя pg.onScreen(x, y) # возвращает True если x и y находятся в пределах экрана pg.pixelMatchesColor(x, y, 'RGBA', tolerance=10) # возвращает значение True, если цвет пикселя с заданными экранными # координатами x и y совпадают с заданным цветом # tolerance задаёт насколько каждый цвет может не совподать # screenshot :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: pg.screenshot('ex.png', region=(x,y, width, height)) # делает снимок экрана. Необзательный аргумент файл, если требуется # задать имя. region необязательный аргумент, область захвата getpixel((x, y))