Example #1
    def __init__(self, mesh=None, spatial_methods=None):
        self._mesh = mesh
        if mesh is None:
            self._spatial_methods = {}
            # Unpack macroscale to the constituent subdomains
            if "macroscale" in spatial_methods.keys():
                method = spatial_methods["macroscale"]
                spatial_methods["negative electrode"] = method
                spatial_methods["separator"] = method
                spatial_methods["positive electrode"] = method

            self._spatial_methods = spatial_methods
            for domain, method in self._spatial_methods.items():
                # Check zero-dimensional methods are only applied to zero-dimensional
                # meshes
                if isinstance(method, pybamm.ZeroDimensionalSpatialMethod):
                    if not isinstance(mesh[domain], pybamm.SubMesh0D):
                        raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                            "Zero-dimensional spatial method for the "
                            "{} domain requires a zero-dimensional submesh".

        self.bcs = {}
        self.y_slices = {}
        self._discretised_symbols = {}
        self.external_variables = {}
Example #2
 def check_discretised_or_discretise_inplace_if_0D(self):
     Discretise model if it isn't already discretised
     This only works with purely 0D models, as otherwise the mesh and spatial
     method should be specified by the user
     if self.is_discretised is False:
             disc = pybamm.Discretisation()
         except pybamm.DiscretisationError as e:
             raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                 "Cannot automatically discretise model, model should be "
                 "discretised before exporting casadi functions ({})".
Example #3
    def __init__(self, geometry, submesh_types, var_pts):
        # convert var_pts to an id dict
        var_id_pts = {var.id: pts for var, pts in var_pts.items()}

        # create submesh_pts from var_pts
        submesh_pts = {}
        for domain in geometry:
            # create mesh generator if just class is passed (will throw an error
            # later if the mesh needed parameters)
            if not isinstance(
                submesh_types[domain], pybamm.MeshGenerator
            ) and issubclass(submesh_types[domain], pybamm.SubMesh):
                submesh_types[domain] = pybamm.MeshGenerator(submesh_types[domain])
            # Zero dimensional submesh case (only one point)
            if issubclass(submesh_types[domain].submesh_type, pybamm.SubMesh0D):
                submesh_pts[domain] = 1
            # other cases
                submesh_pts[domain] = {}
                if len(list(geometry[domain].keys())) > 3:
                    raise pybamm.GeometryError("Too many keys provided")
                for var in list(geometry[domain].keys()):
                    if var in ["primary", "secondary"]:
                        raise pybamm.GeometryError(
                            "Geometry should no longer be given keys 'primary' or "
                            "'secondary'. See pybamm.battery_geometry() for example"
                    # skip over tabs key
                    if var != "tabs":
                        # Raise error if the number of points for a particular
                        # variable haven't been provided, unless that variable
                        # doesn't appear in the geometry
                        if (
                            var.id not in var_id_pts.keys()
                            and var.domain[0] in geometry.keys()
                            raise KeyError(
                                "Points not given for a variable in domain {}".format(
                        # Otherwise add to the dictionary of submesh points
                        submesh_pts[domain][var.id] = var_id_pts[var.id]
        self.submesh_pts = submesh_pts

        # Input domain order manually
        self.domain_order = []
        # First the macroscale domains, whose order we care about
        for domain in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"]:
            if domain in geometry:
        # Then the remaining domains
        for domain in geometry:
            if domain not in ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"]:

        # evaluate any expressions in geometry
        for domain in geometry:
            for spatial_variable, spatial_limits in geometry[domain].items():
                # process tab information if using 1 or 2D current collectors
                if spatial_variable == "tabs":
                    for tab, position_size in spatial_limits.items():
                        for position_size, sym in position_size.items():
                            if isinstance(sym, pybamm.Symbol):
                                sym_eval = sym.evaluate()
                                geometry[domain]["tabs"][tab][position_size] = sym_eval
                    for lim, sym in spatial_limits.items():
                        if isinstance(sym, pybamm.Symbol):
                                sym_eval = sym.evaluate()
                            except NotImplementedError as error:
                                if sym.has_symbol_of_classes(pybamm.Parameter):
                                    raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                                        "Parameter values have not yet been set for "
                                        "geometry. Make sure that something like "
                                        "`param.process_geometry(geometry)` has been "
                                    raise error
                        elif isinstance(sym, numbers.Number):
                            sym_eval = sym
                        geometry[domain][spatial_variable][lim] = sym_eval

        # Create submeshes
        for domain in geometry:
            self[domain] = submesh_types[domain](geometry[domain], submesh_pts[domain])

        # add ghost meshes
Example #4
    def process_model(self, model, inplace=True, check_model=True):
        """Discretise a model.
        Currently inplace, could be changed to return a new model.

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            Model to dicretise. Must have attributes rhs, initial_conditions and
            boundary_conditions (all dicts of {variable: equation})
        inplace : bool, optional
            If True, discretise the model in place. Otherwise, return a new
            discretised model. Default is True.
        check_model : bool, optional
            If True, model checks are performed after discretisation. For large
            systems these checks can be slow, so can be skipped by setting this
            option to False. When developing, testing or debugging it is recommened
            to leave this option as True as it may help to identify any errors.
            Default is True.

        model_disc : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The discretised model. Note that if ``inplace`` is True, model will
            have also been discretised in place so model == model_disc. If
            ``inplace`` is False, model != model_disc

            If an empty model is passed (`model.rhs = {}` and `model.algebraic = {}` and
            `model.variables = {}`)

        if model.is_discretised is True:
            raise pybamm.ModelError(
                "Cannot re-discretise a model. "
                "Set 'inplace=False' when first discretising a model to then be able "
                "to discretise it more times (e.g. for convergence studies).")

        pybamm.logger.info("Start discretising {}".format(model.name))

        # Make sure model isn't empty
        if (len(model.rhs) == 0 and len(model.algebraic) == 0
                and len(model.variables) == 0):
            raise pybamm.ModelError("Cannot discretise empty model")
        # Check well-posedness to avoid obscure errors

        # Prepare discretisation
        # set variables (we require the full variable not just id)
        variables = list(model.rhs.keys()) + list(model.algebraic.keys())
        if self.spatial_methods == {} and any(var.domain != []
                                              for var in variables):
            for var in variables:
                if var.domain != []:
                    raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                        "Spatial method has not been given "
                        "for variable {} with domain {}".format(
                            var.name, var.domain))

        # Set the y split for variables
        pybamm.logger.info("Set variable slices for {}".format(model.name))
        # Keep a record of y_slices in the model
        model.y_slices = self.y_slices_explicit

        # now add extrapolated external variables to the boundary conditions
        # if required by the spatial method

        # set boundary conditions (only need key ids for boundary_conditions)
        pybamm.logger.info("Discretise boundary conditions for {}".format(
        self.bcs = self.process_boundary_conditions(model)
        pybamm.logger.info("Set internal boundary conditions for {}".format(

        # set up inplace vs not inplace
        if inplace:
            # any changes to model_disc attributes will change model attributes
            # since they point to the same object
            model_disc = model
            # create an empty copy of the original model
            model_disc = model.new_copy()

        model_disc.bcs = self.bcs

        pybamm.logger.info("Discretise initial conditions for {}".format(
        ics, concat_ics = self.process_initial_conditions(model)
        model_disc.initial_conditions = ics
        model_disc.concatenated_initial_conditions = concat_ics

        # Discretise variables (applying boundary conditions)
        # Note that we **do not** discretise the keys of model.rhs,
        # model.initial_conditions and model.boundary_conditions
        pybamm.logger.info("Discretise variables for {}".format(model.name))
        model_disc.variables = self.process_dict(model.variables)

        # Process parabolic and elliptic equations
        pybamm.logger.info("Discretise model equations for {}".format(
        rhs, concat_rhs, alg, concat_alg = self.process_rhs_and_algebraic(
        model_disc.rhs, model_disc.concatenated_rhs = rhs, concat_rhs
        model_disc.algebraic, model_disc.concatenated_algebraic = alg, concat_alg

        # Process events
        processed_events = []
        pybamm.logger.info("Discretise events for {}".format(model.name))
        for event in model.events:
            pybamm.logger.debug("Discretise event '{}'".format(event.name))
            processed_event = pybamm.Event(
                event.name, self.process_symbol(event.expression),
        model_disc.events = processed_events

        # Create mass matrix
        pybamm.logger.info("Create mass matrix for {}".format(model.name))
        model_disc.mass_matrix, model_disc.mass_matrix_inv = self.create_mass_matrix(

        # Check that resulting model makes sense
        if check_model:
            pybamm.logger.info("Performing model checks for {}".format(

        pybamm.logger.info("Finish discretising {}".format(model.name))

        # Record that the model has been discretised
        model_disc.is_discretised = True

        return model_disc
Example #5
    def export_casadi_objects(self, variable_names, input_parameter_order=None):
        Export the constituent parts of the model (rhs, algebraic, initial conditions,
        etc) as casadi objects.

        variable_names : list
            Variables to be exported alongside the model structure
        input_parameter_order : list, optional
            Order in which the input parameters should be stacked. If None, the order
            returned by :meth:`BaseModel.input_parameters` is used

        casadi_dict : dict
            Dictionary of {str: casadi object} pairs representing the model in casadi
        # Discretise model if it isn't already discretised
        # This only works with purely 0D models, as otherwise the mesh and spatial
        # method should be specified by the user
        if self.is_discretised is False:
                disc = pybamm.Discretisation()
            except pybamm.DiscretisationError as e:
                raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                    "Cannot automatically discretise model, model should be "
                    "discretised before exporting casadi functions ({})".format(e)

        # Create casadi functions for the model
        t_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("t")
        y_diff = casadi.MX.sym("y_diff", self.concatenated_rhs.size)
        y_alg = casadi.MX.sym("y_alg", self.concatenated_algebraic.size)
        y_casadi = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)

        # Read inputs
        inputs_wrong_order = {}
        for input_param in self.input_parameters:
            name = input_param.name
            inputs_wrong_order[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, input_param._expected_size)
        # Read external variables
        external_casadi = {}
        for external_varaiable in self.external_variables:
            name = external_varaiable.name
            ev_size = external_varaiable._evaluate_for_shape().shape[0]
            external_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, ev_size)
        # Sort according to input_parameter_order
        if input_parameter_order is None:
            inputs = inputs_wrong_order
            inputs = {name: inputs_wrong_order[name] for name in input_parameter_order}
        # Set up external variables and inputs
        # Put external variables first like the integrator expects
        ext_and_in = {**external_casadi, **inputs}
        inputs_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in ext_and_in.values()])

        # Convert initial conditions to casadi form
        y0 = self.concatenated_initial_conditions.to_casadi(
            t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=inputs
        x0 = y0[: self.concatenated_rhs.size]
        z0 = y0[self.concatenated_rhs.size :]

        # Convert rhs and algebraic to casadi form and calculate jacobians
        rhs = self.concatenated_rhs.to_casadi(t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=ext_and_in)
        jac_rhs = casadi.jacobian(rhs, y_casadi)
        algebraic = self.concatenated_algebraic.to_casadi(
            t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=inputs
        jac_algebraic = casadi.jacobian(algebraic, y_casadi)

        # For specified variables, convert to casadi
        variables = OrderedDict()
        for name in variable_names:
            var = self.variables[name]
            variables[name] = var.to_casadi(t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=ext_and_in)

        casadi_dict = {
            "t": t_casadi,
            "x": y_diff,
            "z": y_alg,
            "inputs": inputs_stacked,
            "rhs": rhs,
            "algebraic": algebraic,
            "jac_rhs": jac_rhs,
            "jac_algebraic": jac_algebraic,
            "variables": variables,
            "x0": x0,
            "z0": z0,

        return casadi_dict
Example #6
    def set_up(self, model, inputs=None, t_eval=None):
        """Unpack model, perform checks, simplify and calculate jacobian.

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The model whose solution to calculate. Must have attributes rhs and
        inputs : dict, optional
            Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving
        t_eval : numeric type, optional
            The times (in seconds) at which to compute the solution


        # Check model.algebraic for ode solvers
        if self.ode_solver is True and len(model.algebraic) > 0:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                "Cannot use ODE solver '{}' to solve DAE model".format(
        # Check model.rhs for algebraic solvers
        if self.algebraic_solver is True and len(model.rhs) > 0:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                """Cannot use algebraic solver to solve model with time derivatives"""
        # casadi solver won't allow solving algebraic model so we have to raise an
        # error here
        if isinstance(self, pybamm.CasadiSolver) and len(model.rhs) == 0:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                "Cannot use CasadiSolver to solve algebraic model, "
                "use CasadiAlgebraicSolver instead")
        # Discretise model if it isn't already discretised
        # This only works with purely 0D models, as otherwise the mesh and spatial
        # method should be specified by the user
        if model.is_discretised is False:
                disc = pybamm.Discretisation()
            except pybamm.DiscretisationError as e:
                raise pybamm.DiscretisationError(
                    "Cannot automatically discretise model, "
                    "model should be discretised before solving ({})".format(

        inputs = inputs or {}

        # Set model timescale
        model.timescale_eval = model.timescale.evaluate(inputs=inputs)
        # Set model lengthscales
        model.length_scales_eval = {
            domain: scale.evaluate(inputs=inputs)
            for domain, scale in model.length_scales.items()
        if (isinstance(self,
                       (pybamm.CasadiSolver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver))
            ) and model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
                "Converting {} to CasADi for solving with CasADi solver".
            model.convert_to_format = "casadi"
        if (isinstance(self.root_method, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver)
                and model.convert_to_format != "casadi"):
                "Converting {} to CasADi for calculating ICs with CasADi".
            model.convert_to_format = "casadi"

        if model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
            simp = pybamm.Simplification()
            # Create Jacobian from concatenated rhs and algebraic
            y = pybamm.StateVector(
                slice(0, model.concatenated_initial_conditions.size))
            # set up Jacobian object, for re-use of dict
            jacobian = pybamm.Jacobian()
            # Convert model attributes to casadi
            t_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("t")
            y_diff = casadi.MX.sym("y_diff", model.concatenated_rhs.size)
            y_alg = casadi.MX.sym("y_alg", model.concatenated_algebraic.size)
            y_casadi = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)
            p_casadi = {}
            for name, value in inputs.items():
                if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
                    p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name)
                    p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, value.shape[0])
            p_casadi_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in p_casadi.values()])

        def process(func, name, use_jacobian=None):
            def report(string):
                # don't log event conversion
                if "event" not in string:

            if use_jacobian is None:
                use_jacobian = model.use_jacobian
            if model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
                # Process with pybamm functions
                if model.use_simplify:
                    report(f"Simplifying {name}")
                    func = simp.simplify(func)

                if model.convert_to_format == "jax":
                    report(f"Converting {name} to jax")
                    jax_func = pybamm.EvaluatorJax(func)

                if use_jacobian:
                    report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name}")
                    jac = jacobian.jac(func, y)
                    if model.use_simplify:
                        report(f"Simplifying jacobian for {name}")
                        jac = simp.simplify(jac)
                    if model.convert_to_format == "python":
                        report(f"Converting jacobian for {name} to python")
                        jac = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(jac)
                    elif model.convert_to_format == "jax":
                        report(f"Converting jacobian for {name} to jax")
                        jac = jax_func.get_jacobian()
                    jac = jac.evaluate
                    jac = None

                if model.convert_to_format == "python":
                    report(f"Converting {name} to python")
                    func = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(func)
                if model.convert_to_format == "jax":
                    report(f"Converting {name} to jax")
                    func = jax_func

                func = func.evaluate

                # Process with CasADi
                report(f"Converting {name} to CasADi")
                func = func.to_casadi(t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=p_casadi)
                if use_jacobian:
                    report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name} using CasADi")
                    jac_casadi = casadi.jacobian(func, y_casadi)
                    jac = casadi.Function(
                        name, [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
                    jac = None
                func = casadi.Function(name,
                                       [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
            if name == "residuals":
                func_call = Residuals(func, name, model)
                func_call = SolverCallable(func, name, model)
            if jac is not None:
                jac_call = SolverCallable(jac, name + "_jac", model)
                jac_call = None
            return func, func_call, jac_call

        # Check for heaviside and modulo functions in rhs and algebraic and add
        # discontinuity events if these exist.
        # Note: only checks for the case of t < X, t <= X, X < t, or X <= t, but also
        # accounts for the fact that t might be dimensional
        # Only do this for DAE models as ODE models can deal with discontinuities fine
        if len(model.algebraic) > 0:
            for symbol in itertools.chain(
                if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Heaviside):
                    found_t = False
                    # Dimensionless
                    if symbol.right.id == pybamm.t.id:
                        expr = symbol.left
                        found_t = True
                    elif symbol.left.id == pybamm.t.id:
                        expr = symbol.right
                        found_t = True
                    # Dimensional
                    elif symbol.right.id == (pybamm.t * model.timescale).id:
                        expr = symbol.left.new_copy(
                        ) / symbol.right.right.new_copy()
                        found_t = True
                    elif symbol.left.id == (pybamm.t * model.timescale).id:
                        expr = symbol.right.new_copy(
                        ) / symbol.left.right.new_copy()
                        found_t = True

                    # Update the events if the heaviside function depended on t
                    if found_t:
                elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Modulo):
                    found_t = False
                    # Dimensionless
                    if symbol.left.id == pybamm.t.id:
                        expr = symbol.right
                        found_t = True
                    # Dimensional
                    elif symbol.left.id == (pybamm.t * model.timescale).id:
                        expr = symbol.right.new_copy(
                        ) / symbol.left.right.new_copy()
                        found_t = True

                    # Update the events if the modulo function depended on t
                    if found_t:
                        if t_eval is None:
                            N_events = 200
                            N_events = t_eval[-1] // expr.value

                        for i in np.arange(N_events):
                                    expr.new_copy() * pybamm.Scalar(i + 1),

        # Process initial conditions
        initial_conditions = process(
        init_eval = InitialConditions(initial_conditions, model)

        # Process rhs, algebraic and event expressions
        rhs, rhs_eval, jac_rhs = process(model.concatenated_rhs, "RHS")
        algebraic, algebraic_eval, jac_algebraic = process(
            model.concatenated_algebraic, "algebraic")
        terminate_events_eval = [
            process(event.expression, "event", use_jacobian=False)[1]
            for event in model.events
            if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.TERMINATION

        # discontinuity events are evaluated before the solver is called, so don't need
        # to process them
        discontinuity_events_eval = [
            event for event in model.events
            if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.DISCONTINUITY

        # Add the solver attributes
        model.init_eval = init_eval
        model.rhs_eval = rhs_eval
        model.algebraic_eval = algebraic_eval
        model.jac_algebraic_eval = jac_algebraic
        model.terminate_events_eval = terminate_events_eval
        model.discontinuity_events_eval = discontinuity_events_eval

        # Calculate initial conditions
        model.y0 = init_eval(inputs)

        # Save CasADi functions for the CasADi solver
        # Note: when we pass to casadi the ode part of the problem must be in explicit
        # form so we pre-multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix
        if isinstance(
                self.root_method, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver) or isinstance(
                    self, (pybamm.CasadiSolver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver)):
            # can use DAE solver to solve model with algebraic equations only
            if len(model.rhs) > 0:
                mass_matrix_inv = casadi.MX(model.mass_matrix_inv.entries)
                explicit_rhs = mass_matrix_inv @ rhs(t_casadi, y_casadi,
                model.casadi_rhs = casadi.Function(
                    "rhs", [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
            model.casadi_algebraic = algebraic
        if len(model.rhs) == 0:
            # No rhs equations: residuals is algebraic only
            model.residuals_eval = Residuals(algebraic, "residuals", model)
            model.jacobian_eval = jac_algebraic
        elif len(model.algebraic) == 0:
            # No algebraic equations: residuals is rhs only
            model.residuals_eval = Residuals(rhs, "residuals", model)
            model.jacobian_eval = jac_rhs
        # Calculate consistent initial conditions for the algebraic equations
            all_states = pybamm.NumpyConcatenation(
                model.concatenated_rhs, model.concatenated_algebraic)
            # Process again, uses caching so should be quick
            residuals_eval, jacobian_eval = process(all_states,
            model.residuals_eval = residuals_eval
            model.jacobian_eval = jacobian_eval

        pybamm.logger.info("Finish solver set-up")