Example #1
def test_derivatives():

    x, y, vary = test_dat(multichannel=True)

    # ======================= #

    # xd = _np.linspace(0, 15, 100)
    # _plt.plot(x, y, "o")

#    p , e = curve_fit(_ms.piecewise_2line, x, y)
#    _plt.plot(xd, _ms.piecewise_2line(xd, *p))

#    from model_spec import model_chieff as fmodel
#    mn = 1 # model_number
#    np = 4 # npoly
#    yd, gd, info = fmodel(af=None, XX=xd, model_number=mn, npoly=np)
#    p0 = info.af
#    p, e = fit_leastsq(p0, x, y, fmodel, (mn, np, 1) )
#    _plt.plot(xd, fmodel(*p, XX=xd, model_number=mn, npoly=np, nargout=1) )

#    yxp, yxvp, dydxp, vardydxp = spline_bs(x, y, vary, x, nmonti=30000, func="pchip")
#    yxp, yxvp, dydxp, vardydxp = spline_bs(x, y, vary, x, nmonti=30000, func="pchip")
#    yxp, yxvp, dydxp, vardydxp = spline_bs(x, y, vary, x, nmonti=300, func="spline")

    dydx, vardydx = deriv_bsgaussian(x, y, vary, axis=0, nmonti=300,
                                     sigma=0.8, mode='nearest')

    yxp, yxvp = deriv_bsgaussian(x, y, vary, axis=0, nmonti=300,
                                 sigma=0.8, mode='nearest', derivorder=0)

    _, _, yx, yxv = _ut.trapz_var(x, dydx, None, vardydx)
    yx += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, yx, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    # ==== #

    ax1 = _plt.subplot(2,1,1)
    ax1.plot(x, y, "ko")
    # Integrals
    ax1.plot(x, yx, 'k-',
             x, yx+_np.sqrt(yxv), 'k--',
             x, yx-_np.sqrt(yxv), 'k--')
    ax1.plot(x, yxp, 'g-',
             x, yxp+_np.sqrt(yxvp), 'g--',
             x, yxp-_np.sqrt(yxvp), 'g--')
    # Derivatives
    ax2 = _plt.subplot(2,1,2, sharex=ax1)
    ax2.plot(x, dydx, 'k-',
             x, dydx+_np.sqrt(vardydx), 'k--',
             x, dydx-_np.sqrt(vardydx), 'k--')
Example #2
def upsample(u_t, Fs, Fs_new, plotit=False):
    # Upsample a signal to a higher sampling rate
    # Use cubic interpolation to increase the sampling rate

    nt = len(u_t)
    tt = _np.arange(0, nt, 1) / Fs
    ti = _np.arange(tt[0], tt[-1], 1 / Fs_new)

    # _ut.interp(xi,yi,ei,xo)
    u_n = _ut.interp(tt, u_t, ei=None,
                     xo=ti)  # TODO!:  Add quadratic interpolation
    # uinterp = interp1d(tt, u_t, kind='cubic', axis=0)
    # u_n = uinterp(ti)

    return u_n
Example #3
def downsample(u_t, Fs, Fs_new, plotit=False):
     The proper way to downsample a signal.
       First low-pass filter the signal
       Interpolate / Decimate the signal down to the new sampling frequency

    tau = 2 / Fs_new
    nt = len(u_t)
    tt = _np.arange(0, nt, 1) / Fs
    # tt  = tt.reshape(nt, 1)
    # tt  = (_np.arange(0, 1/Fs, nt)).reshape(nt, 1)
        nch = _np.size(u_t, axis=1)
        nch = 1
        u_t = u_t.reshape(nt, nch)
    # end try

    # ----------- #

    #2nd order LPF gets converted to a 4th order LPF by filtfilt
    lowpass_n, lowpass_d = _dsp.butter(2, 2.0 / (Fs * tau), btype='low')

    if plotit:

        # ------- #

        #Calculate the frequency response of the lowpass filter,
        w, h = _dsp.freqz(lowpass_n, lowpass_d, worN=12000)  #

        #Convert to frequency vector from rad/sample
        w = (Fs / (2.0 * _np.pi)) * w

        # ------- #

        # _fig.clf()
        _ax1 = _plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
        _ax1.plot(tt, u_t, 'k')
        _ax1.set_ylabel('Signal', color='k')
        _ax1.set_xlabel('t [s]')

        _ax2 = _plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
        _ax2.plot(w, 20 * _np.log10(abs(h)), 'b')
        _ax2.plot(1.0 / tau, 0.5 * _np.sqrt(2), 'ko')
        _ax2.set_ylabel('|LPF| [dB]', color='b')
        _ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
        _ax2.set_title('Digital LPF frequency response (Stage 1)')
        _plt.grid(which='both', axis='both')
        _plt.axvline(1.0 / tau, color='k')
    # endif plotit

    # nskip = int(_np.round(Fs/Fs_new))
    # ti = tt[0:nt:nskip]
    ti = _np.arange(0, nt / Fs, 1 / Fs_new)

    u_n = _np.zeros((len(ti), nch), dtype=_np.float64)
    for ii in range(nch):
        # (Non-Causal) LPF
        u_t[:, ii] = _dsp.filtfilt(lowpass_n, lowpass_d, u_t[:, ii])

        # _ut.interp(xi,yi,ei,xo)
        u_n[:, ii] = _ut.interp(tt, u_t[:, ii], ei=None, xo=ti)
#        uinterp = interp1d(tt, u_t[:, ii], kind='cubic', axis=0)
#        u_n[:, ii] = uinterp(ti)

    if plotit:
        _ax1.plot(ti, u_n, 'b-')

        _ax3 = _plt.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=_ax1)
        _ax3.plot(tt, u_t, 'k')
        _ax3.set_ylabel('Filt. Signal', color='k')
        _ax3.set_xlabel('t [s]')
        #        _plt.show(hfig, block=False)
#        _plt.show()

# endif plotit

    return u_n
Example #4
def test_derivatives():

    x, y, vary = test_dat(multichannel=True)

    # ======================= #

    dydx0, vardydx0 = findiff1d(x, y, vary, order=1)
    dydx2, vardydx2 = findiff1d(x, y, vary, order=2)
    dydx4, vardydx4 = findiff1d(x, y, vary, order=4)
    ndydx0, nvardydx0 = findiffnp(x, y, vary, order=1)
    ndydx2, nvardydx2 = findiffnp(x, y, vary, order=2)
    dydx5, vardydx5 = findiff1dr(x, y, vary)

    # integrate derivative and compare to source
    _, _, yx0, yxv0 = _ut.trapz_var(x, dydx0, None, vardydx0)
    yx0 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, yx0, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    _, _, nyx0, nyxv0 = _ut.trapz_var(x, ndydx0, None, nvardydx0)
    nyx0 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, nyx0, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    # 2nd order
    _, _, yx2, yxv2 = _ut.trapz_var(x, dydx2, None, vardydx2)
    #    _, _, yx2, yxv2 = _ut.trapz_var(x, yx2, None, yxv2)
    yx2 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, yx2, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    _, _, nyx2, nyxv2 = _ut.trapz_var(x, ndydx2, None, nvardydx2)
    #    _, _, nyx2, nyxv2 = _ut.trapz_var(x, nyx2, None, nyxv2)
    nyx2 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, nyx2, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    # 4th order
    _, _, yx4, yxv4 = _ut.trapz_var(x, dydx4, None, vardydx4)
    yx4 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, yx4, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    # Cylinrdical
    _, _, yx5, yxv5 = _ut.trapz_var(x, dydx5, None, vardydx5)
    yx5 += (y[0] - _ut.interp(x, yx5, ei=None, xo=x[0]))

    # ==== #


    ax1 = _plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    ax1.plot(x, y, "ko")

    # Integrals
    ax1.plot(x, yx0, 'r-', x, yx0 + _np.sqrt(yxv0), 'r--', x,
             yx0 - _np.sqrt(yxv0), 'r--')

    ax1.plot(x, nyx0, 'b-', x, nyx0 + _np.sqrt(nyxv0), 'b--', x,
             nyx0 - _np.sqrt(nyxv0), 'b--')

    ax1.plot(x, yx2, 'g-', x, yx2 + _np.sqrt(yxv2), 'g--', x,
             yx2 - _np.sqrt(yxv2), 'g--')

    ax1.plot(x, nyx2, 'm-', x, nyx2 + _np.sqrt(nyxv2), 'm--', x,
             nyx2 - _np.sqrt(nyxv2), 'm--')

    ax1.plot(x, yx4, 'y-', x, yx4 + _np.sqrt(yxv4), 'y--', x,
             yx4 - _np.sqrt(yxv4), 'y--')

    ax1.plot(x, yx5, 'g.-', x, yx5 + _np.sqrt(yxv5), 'g.-', x,
             yx5 - _np.sqrt(yxv5), 'g.-')

    # Derivatives
    ax2 = _plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    ax2.plot(x, dydx0, 'r-', x, dydx0 + _np.sqrt(vardydx0), 'r--', x,
             dydx0 - _np.sqrt(vardydx0), 'r--')

    ax2.plot(x, ndydx0, 'b-', x, ndydx0 + _np.sqrt(nvardydx0), 'b--', x,
             ndydx0 - _np.sqrt(nvardydx0), 'b--')

    ax2.plot(x, dydx2, 'g-', x, dydx2 + _np.sqrt(vardydx2), 'g--', x,
             dydx2 - _np.sqrt(vardydx2), 'g--')

    ax2.plot(x, ndydx2, 'm-', x, ndydx2 + _np.sqrt(nvardydx2), 'm--', x,
             ndydx2 - _np.sqrt(nvardydx2), 'm--')

    ax2.plot(x, dydx4, 'y-', x, dydx4 + _np.sqrt(vardydx4), 'y--', x,
             dydx4 - _np.sqrt(vardydx4), 'y--')

    ax2.plot(x, dydx5, 'g.-', x, dydx5 + _np.sqrt(vardydx5), 'g.-', x,
             dydx5 - _np.sqrt(vardydx5), 'g.-')
Example #5
def fit_profile(roa, ne, varne, rvec, loggradient=True, derivfunc=None):
    if derivfunc is None: derivfunc = findiffnp  # endif

    # ================= #
    # Preconditioning   #
    # ================= #

    xfit = _ut.cylsym_odd(roa)
    if loggradient:
        yfit = _ut.cylsym_even(_np.log(ne))
        vfit = _ut.cylsym_even(varne / (ne**2.0))
        yfit = _ut.cylsym_even(ne)
        vfit = _ut.cylsym_even(varne)
    # endif
    ne = _np.atleast_2d(ne)
    roa = _np.atleast_2d(roa)
    rvec = _np.atleast_2d(rvec)
    xfit = _np.atleast_2d(xfit)
    yfit = _np.atleast_2d(yfit)
    vfit = _np.atleast_2d(vfit)
    if _np.size(ne, axis=0) == 1: ne = ne.T  # endif
    if _np.size(roa, axis=0) == 1: roa = roa.T  # endif
    if _np.size(rvec, axis=0) == 1: rvec = rvec.T  # endif
    if _np.size(xfit, axis=0) == 1: xfit = xfit.T  # endif
    if _np.size(yfit, axis=0) == 1: yfit = yfit.T  # endif
    if _np.size(vfit, axis=0) == 1: vfit = vfit.T  # endif

    ysh = _np.shape(yfit)
    if _np.shape(yfit) != _np.shape(xfit):
        xfit = _np.tile(xfit, ysh[1])
    if _np.size(rvec, axis=1) != _np.size(yfit, axis=1):
        rvec = _np.tile(rvec, ysh[1])
    if _np.size(roa, axis=1) != _np.size(ne, axis=1):
        roa = _np.tile(roa, ysh[1])
    # endif

    # =============== #
    dyfdr = _np.zeros((len(rvec), ysh[1]), dtype=_np.float64)
    vardyfdr = _np.zeros_like(dyfdr)
    yf = _np.zeros_like(dyfdr)
    varyf = _np.zeros_like(vardyfdr)
    for ii in range(_np.size(dyfdr, axis=1)):
        #        if ii == 1:
        #            print('what')
        #        # endif

        dydr, vardydr = derivfunc(xfit[:, ii], yfit[:, ii], vfit[:, ii])
        #        dydr, vardydr = deriv_bsgaussian(xfit[:,ii], yfit[:,ii], vfit[:,ii])

        dyfdr[:, ii], vardyfdr[:, ii] = _ut.interp(xfit[:, ii], dydr,
                                                   _np.sqrt(vardydr), rvec[:,

        _, _, yf[:, ii], varyf[:, ii] = _ut.trapz_var(rvec[:, ii],
                                                      dyfdr[:, ii],
                                                      vardyfdr[:, ii],

        yf[:, ii] += (ne[0, ii] -
                      _ut.interp(rvec[:, ii], yf[:, ii], None, roa[0, ii]))
    # endfor

    if _np.size(yf, axis=1) == 1:
        yf = yf.reshape(len(rvec), )
        dyfdr = dyfdr.reshape(len(rvec), )
        varyf = varyf.reshape(len(rvec), )
        vardyfdr = vardyfdr.reshape(len(rvec), )
    # end if

    return yf, dyfdr, varyf, vardyfdr
Example #6
def interp_profile(roa, ne, varne, rvec, loggradient=True, **kwargs):

    # ================= #
    # Preconditioning   #
    # ================= #

    roa = roa.copy()
    ne = ne.copy()
    varne = varne.copy()
    rvec = rvec.copy()
    if roa[0] == 0.0:
        xfit = _np.concatenate((-_np.flipud(roa), roa[1:]))
        yfit = _np.concatenate((_np.flipud(ne), ne[1:]))
        vfit = _np.concatenate((_np.flipud(varne), varne[1:]))
        xfit = _ut.cylsym_odd(roa)
        yfit = _ut.cylsym_even(ne)
        vfit = _ut.cylsym_even(varne)
    # end if

    if loggradient:
        yfit = _np.log(ne)
        vfit = varne / (ne**2.0)
    # endif
    ne = _np.atleast_2d(ne)
    roa = _np.atleast_2d(roa)
    rvec = _np.atleast_2d(rvec)
    xfit = _np.atleast_2d(xfit)
    yfit = _np.atleast_2d(yfit)
    vfit = _np.atleast_2d(vfit)
    if _np.size(ne, axis=0) == 1: ne = ne.T  # endif
    if _np.size(roa, axis=0) == 1: roa = roa.T  # endif
    if _np.size(rvec, axis=0) == 1: rvec = rvec.T  # endif
    if _np.size(xfit, axis=0) == 1: xfit = xfit.T  # endif
    if _np.size(yfit, axis=0) == 1: yfit = yfit.T  # endif
    if _np.size(vfit, axis=0) == 1: vfit = vfit.T  # endif

    ysh = _np.shape(yfit)
    if _np.shape(yfit) != _np.shape(xfit):
        xfit = _np.tile(xfit, ysh[1])
    if _np.size(rvec, axis=1) != _np.size(yfit, axis=1):
        rvec = _np.tile(rvec, ysh[1])
    if _np.size(roa, axis=1) != _np.size(ne, axis=1):
        roa = _np.tile(roa, ysh[1])
    # endif

    # =============== #
    dyfdr = _np.zeros((len(rvec), ysh[1]), dtype=_np.float64)
    vardyfdr = _np.zeros_like(dyfdr)
    yf = _np.zeros_like(dyfdr)
    varyf = _np.zeros_like(vardyfdr)
    for ii in range(_np.size(dyfdr, axis=1)):
        y, vy = deriv_bsgaussian(xfit[:, ii],
                                 yfit[:, ii],
                                 vfit[:, ii],
        dydr, vardydr = deriv_bsgaussian(xfit[:, ii],
                                         yfit[:, ii],
                                         vfit[:, ii],

        yf[:, ii], varyf[:, ii] = _ut.interp(xfit[:, ii], y, _np.sqrt(vy),
                                             rvec[:, ii])
        dyfdr[:, ii], vardyfdr[:, ii] = _ut.interp(xfit[:, ii], dydr,
                                                   _np.sqrt(vardydr), rvec[:,

#        _, _, yf[:,ii], varyf[:,ii] = _ut.trapz_var1d(rvec[:,ii], dyfdr[:,ii], None, vardyfdr[:,ii])
##        _, _, yf[:,ii], varyf[:,ii] = _ut.trapz_var(rvec[:,ii], dyfdr[:,ii], None, vardyfdr[:,ii], dim=0)
#        yf[:,ii] += (ne[0,ii]-_ut.interp(rvec[:,ii], yf[:,ii], None, roa[0,ii]))
# endfor

    if _np.size(yf, axis=1) == 1:
        yf = yf.reshape(len(rvec), )
        dyfdr = dyfdr.reshape(len(rvec), )
        varyf = varyf.reshape(len(rvec), )
        vardyfdr = vardyfdr.reshape(len(rvec), )
    # end if

    return yf, dyfdr, varyf, vardyfdr