Example #1
    def __init__(self, data, coinbase_output_address, testnet = False, coinbase_message = "",
                 extranonce1 = "00000000",
                 extranonce1_size = 4,
                 extranonce2_size = 4):
        self.testnet = testnet
        self.version = hexlify(data["version"].to_bytes(4, "big")).decode()
        self.previous_block_hash = hexlify(reverse_hash(s2rh(data["previousblockhash"]))).decode()
        self.time = hexlify(data["curtime"].to_bytes(4, "big")).decode()
        self.bits = data["bits"]
        self.height = data["height"]
        self.block_reward = 50 * 100000000 >> data["height"] // 210000
        self.coinbasevalue = self.block_reward
        self.extranonce1 = extranonce1
        self.extranonce1_size = extranonce1_size
        self.extranonce2 = "00000000"
        self.extranonce2_size = extranonce2_size
        self.coinbase_output_address = coinbase_output_address
        self.sigoplimit = data["sigoplimit"]
        self.weightlimit = data["weightlimit"]
        self.sigop= 0
        self.weight = 0
        if type(coinbase_message) == bytes:
            coinbase_message = hexlify(coinbase_message).decode()
        self.coinbase_message = coinbase_message

        self.transactions = list(data["transactions"])
        self.txid_list = list()
        self.coinbase_tx = self.create_coinbase_transaction()
        self.coinb1, self.coinb2 = self.split_coinbase()
        self.target = bits_to_target(self.bits)
        self.difficulty = target_to_difficulty(self.target)
        self.merkle_branches = [i for i in merkle_branches([self.coinbase_tx["txId"],] + self.txid_list)]
Example #2
def merkle_proof(merkle_tree, index, return_hex=True, receive_hex=False):
    if receive_hex == True:
        _merkle_tree = dict()
        for i in merkle_tree:
            _merkle_tree[i] = dict()
            for k in range(len(merkle_tree[i])):
                h = merkle_tree[i][k]
                _merkle_tree[i][k] = s2rh(h) if isinstance(h, str) else h
        merkle_tree = _merkle_tree
    mp = deque()
    mp_append = mp.append
    c = len(merkle_tree) - 1
    while c:
        if  index % 2:
            mp_append(merkle_tree[c][index - 1])
            if len(merkle_tree[c]) > index + 1:
                mp_append(merkle_tree[c][index + 1])
        c -= 1
        index = index//2

    if return_hex:
        return [rh2s(h) for h in mp]
        return mp
Example #3
def merkle_root(tx_hash_list, return_hex=True, receive_hex=True):
    Calculate merkle root from transaction hash list

    :param tx_hash_list: list of transaction hashes in bytes or HEX encoded string.
    :param return_hex:  (optional) If set to True return result in HEX format, by default is True.
    :param receive_hex:  (optional) If set to False no internal check or decode from hex to bytes, by default is True.
    :return: merkle root in bytes or HEX encoded string corresponding hex flag.
    if receive_hex:
        tx_hash_list = deque([h if isinstance(h, bytes) else s2rh(h) for h in tx_hash_list])
        tx_hash_list = deque(tx_hash_list)
    if len(tx_hash_list) == 1:
        return rh2s(tx_hash_list[0]) if return_hex else tx_hash_list[0]
    while True:
        new_hash_list = deque()
        append = new_hash_list.append
        while tx_hash_list:
            h1 = tx_hash_list.popleft()
                h2 = tx_hash_list.popleft()
                h2 = h1
            append(double_sha256(b"".join((h1, h2))))
        if len(new_hash_list) > 1:
            tx_hash_list = new_hash_list
            return new_hash_list[0] if not return_hex else rh2s(new_hash_list[0])
Example #4
def merkle_tree(tx_hash_list, return_hex=False, receive_hex=False):
    if receive_hex:
        tx_hash_deque = deque()
        tx_hash_deque_append = tx_hash_deque.append
        for h in tx_hash_list:
            tx_hash_deque_append(h if isinstance(h, bytes) else s2rh(h))
        tx_hash_deque = deque(tx_hash_list)
    c = merkle_tree_depth(len(tx_hash_deque))
    m = {c: deque(tx_hash_deque)}

    while len(tx_hash_deque) > 1:
        new_deque = deque()
        new_deque_append = new_deque.append
        while tx_hash_deque:
            h1 = tx_hash_deque.popleft()
            try: h2 = tx_hash_deque.popleft()
            except: h2 = h1
            hs = double_sha256(b"".join((h1, h2)))
        tx_hash_deque = new_deque
        c -= 1
        m[c] = deque(tx_hash_deque)
    if return_hex:
        for i in m:
            for k in range(len(m[i])):
                m[i][k] = rh2s(m[i][k])
    return m
Example #5
def merkle_branches(tx_hash_list, hex=True):
    Calculate merkle branches for coinbase transacton
    :param tx_hash_list: list of transaction hashes in bytes or HEX encoded string.
    :param hex:  (optional) If set to True return result in HEX format, by default is True.
    :return: list of merkle branches in bytes or HEX encoded string corresponding hex flag.
    tx_hash_list = [h if isinstance(h, bytes) else s2rh(h) for h in tx_hash_list]
    branches = []
    if len(tx_hash_list) == 1:
        return []
    while True:
        new_hash_list = list()
        while tx_hash_list:
            h1 = tx_hash_list.pop(0)
                h2 = tx_hash_list.pop(0)
                h2 = h1
            new_hash_list.append(double_sha256(h1 + h2))
        if len(new_hash_list) > 1:
            tx_hash_list = new_hash_list
            if new_hash_list:
            return branches if not hex else [h.hex() for h in branches]
Example #6
 def calculate_commitment(self, witness_reserved_value):
     # print("calculate_commitment")
     wtxid_list = [b"\x00" * 32,]
     if self.transactions:
         for tx in self.transactions:
     # print("wtxid_list", wtxid_list)
     # print("wtxid_list", wtxid_list)
     # print("commitment ", double_sha256(merkle_root_double_sha256(wtxid_list, return_hex=0) + witness_reserved_value))
     return double_sha256(merkle_root_double_sha256(wtxid_list, return_hex=0) + witness_reserved_value)
Example #7
 def scan_tx_list(self):
     self.coinbasevalue = self.block_reward
     self.sigop = 0
     self.weight = 0
     self.txid_list = list()
     for tx in self.transactions:
         txid = s2rh(tx["txid"])
         self.coinbasevalue += tx["fee"]
         self.weight += tx["weight"]
         self.sigop += tx["sigops"]
Example #8
 def build_orphan(self, hash, ntime):
     self.previous_block_hash = hexlify(reverse_hash(s2rh(hash))).decode()
     self.time = hexlify(ntime.to_bytes(4, "big")).decode()
     self.height += 1
     self.transactions = list()
     self.txid_list = list()
     self.coinbase_tx = self.create_coinbase_transaction()
     self.coinb1, self.coinb2 = self.split_coinbase()
     self.target = bits_to_target(self.bits)
     self.difficulty = target_to_difficulty(self.target)
     self.merkle_branches = [i for i in merkle_branches([self.coinbase_tx["txId"], ] + self.txid_list)]
Example #9
def merkle_root_from_proof(merkle_proof, tx_id, index, return_hex=True, receive_hex=True):
    if isinstance(merkle_proof, str):
        merkle_proof = bytes_from_hex(merkle_proof)
    if isinstance(merkle_proof, bytes):
        merkle_proof = [merkle_proof[y - 32:y] for y in range(32, len(merkle_proof) + 32, 32)]

    if receive_hex:
        _merkle_proof = deque()
        _merkle_proof_append = _merkle_proof.append
        for h in merkle_proof:
            _merkle_proof_append(s2rh(h) if isinstance(h, str) else h)
        merkle_proof = _merkle_proof
        tx_id = s2rh(tx_id) if isinstance(tx_id, str) else tx_id

    root = tx_id
    for h in merkle_proof:
        root = double_sha256(b"".join((h, root) if index % 2 else (root, h)))
        index = index // 2

    if return_hex:
        return rh2s(root)
    return root
Example #10
 def submit_job(self, extra_nonce_1, extra_nonce_2, nonce, time):
     version = s2rh(self.version)
     prev_hash = s2rh_step4(self.previous_block_hash)
     cb = self.coinb1 + extra_nonce_1 + extra_nonce_2 + self.coinb2
     time = s2rh(time)
     bits = s2rh(self.bits)
     nonce = s2rh(nonce)
     c = Transaction(cb)
     cbh = s2rh(c["txId"])
     merkle_root = merkle_root_from_branches(self.merkle_branches, cbh)
     # print("version ", version.hex())
     # print("prev_hash ", self.previous_block_hash)
     # print("cbh ", cbh.hex())
     # print("cbh2 ", s2rh(c["txId"]))
     # print("merkle_root ", merkle_root.hex())
     # print("merkle_root ", s2rh(c["txId"]))
     # print("branches ", self.merkle_branches)
     header = version + prev_hash + merkle_root + time + bits + nonce
     block = hexlify(header).decode()
     block += hexlify(int_to_var_int(len (self.transactions) + 1)).decode()
     block += cb
     for t in self.transactions:
         block += t["data"]
     return double_sha256(header,1), block