Example #1
 def __init__(self, args, cfg_list, select_prefix=None):
     self.log = pb_logging.logger.getChild("ConfigManager.PrefixInfo")
     self.prefix_dir = None
     self.prefix_cfg_dir = None
     self.prefix_src = None
     self.alias = None
     self.src_dir = None
     self.cfg_file = None
     self.inv_file = None
     self.inventory = None
     self.recipe_dir = None
     self.target_dir = None
     self.env = os.environ.copy()
     self.is_virtualenv = False
     self._cfg_info = OrderedDict(self.default_config_info)
     if select_prefix is not None:
         args.prefix = select_prefix
     # 1) Load the config info
     for cfg_file in reversed(cfg_list):
         self._cfg_info = \
             self._merge_config_info_from_file(cfg_file, self._cfg_info)
     # 2) Find the prefix directory
     if self.prefix_dir is None:
         self.log.debug("Cannot establish a prefix directory. This may cause issues down the line.")
     assert self.prefix_dir is not None
     if self.alias is not None and self.alias in self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir']:
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir'][self.alias])
         self.log.debug("Choosing prefix config dir from alias: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
     elif self.prefix_dir in self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir']:
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir'][self.prefix_dir])
         self.log.debug("Choosing prefix config dir from path lookup in prefix_config_dir: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_dir, self.prefix_conf_dir))
         self.log.debug("Choosing default prefix config dir: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
     if not os.path.isdir(self.prefix_cfg_dir):
         self.log.debug("Config dir does not yet exist.")
     self.is_virtualenv = sysutils.is_virtualenv(self.prefix_dir)
     if self.is_virtualenv:
         self.log.info("Prefix is a Python virtualenv.")
     # 3) Find the config file
     self.cfg_file = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, ConfigManager.cfg_file_name))
     config_section = {}
     if not os.path.isfile(self.cfg_file):
         self.log.debug("Prefix configuration file not found: {0}, assuming empty.".format(self.cfg_file))
         config_section = PBConfigFile(self.cfg_file).get('config')
         self._cfg_info = self._merge_config_info_from_file(self.cfg_file, self._cfg_info)
     # 4) Find the src dir
     self.src_dir = npath(config_section.get('srcdir', os.path.join(self.prefix_dir, self.src_dir_name)))
     self.log.debug("Prefix source dir is: {0}".format(self.src_dir))
     if not os.path.isdir(self.src_dir):
         self.log.debug("Source dir does not exist.")
     # 5) Find the inventory file
     self.inv_file = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, self.inv_file_name))
     if not os.path.isfile(self.inv_file):
         self.log.debug("Prefix inventory file not found: {0}".format(self.inv_file))
     self.inventory = inventory.Inventory(inventory_file=self.inv_file)
     # 6) Prefix-specific recipes. There's two places for these:
     # - A 'recipes/' subdirectory
     # - Anything declared in the config.yml file inside the prefix
     self.recipe_dir = npath(config_section.get('recipes', os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, 'recipes')))
     if os.path.isdir(self.recipe_dir):
         self.log.debug("Prefix-local recipe dir is: {0}".format(self.recipe_dir))
         self.recipe_dir = None
     # 7) Load environment
     # If there's a setup_env option in the current config file, we use that
     if self.setup_env_key in config_section:
         self.log.debug('Loading environment from shell script: {0}'.format(config_section[self.setup_env_key]))
         self.env = self._load_environ_from_script(config_section[self.setup_env_key])
         self.env = self._load_default_env(self.env)
     # Set env vars that we always need
     self.env[self.env_prefix_var] = self.prefix_dir
     self.env[self.env_srcdir_var] = self.src_dir
     # env: sections are always respected:
     OLD_ENV = os.environ  # Bit of an ugly hack to allow use of
     os.environ = self.env # os.path.expandvars() on self.env
     for k, v in iteritems(self._cfg_info['env']):
         self.env[k.upper()] = os.path.expandvars(v.strip())
     os.environ = OLD_ENV
     # 8) Keep relevant config sections as attributes
Example #2
 def __init__(self, args, cfg_list, select_prefix=None):
     self.log = pb_logging.logger.getChild("ConfigManager.PrefixInfo")
     self.prefix_dir = None
     self.prefix_cfg_dir = None
     self.prefix_src = None
     self.alias = None
     self.src_dir = None
     self.cfg_file = None
     self.inv_file = None
     self.inventory = None
     self.recipe_dir = None
     self.target_dir = None
     self.env = os.environ.copy()
     self.is_virtualenv = False
     self._cfg_info = OrderedDict(self.default_config_info)
     if select_prefix is not None:
         args.prefix = select_prefix
     # 1) Load the config info
     for cfg_file in reversed(cfg_list):
         self._cfg_info = \
             self._merge_config_info_from_file(cfg_file, self._cfg_info)
     # 2) Find the prefix directory
     if self.prefix_dir is None:
         self.log.debug("Cannot establish a prefix directory. This may cause issues down the line.")
     assert self.prefix_dir is not None
     if self.alias is not None and self.alias in self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir']:
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir'][self.alias])
         self.log.debug("Choosing prefix config dir from alias: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
     elif self.prefix_dir in self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir']:
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(self._cfg_info['prefix_config_dir'][self.prefix_dir])
         self.log.debug("Choosing prefix config dir from path lookup in prefix_config_dir: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
         self.prefix_cfg_dir = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_dir, self.prefix_conf_dir))
         self.log.debug("Choosing default prefix config dir: {0}".format(self.prefix_cfg_dir))
     if not os.path.isdir(self.prefix_cfg_dir):
         self.log.debug("Config dir does not yet exist.")
     self.is_virtualenv = sysutils.is_virtualenv(self.prefix_dir)
     if self.is_virtualenv:
         self.log.info("Prefix is a Python virtualenv.")
     # 3) Find the config file
     self.cfg_file = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, ConfigManager.cfg_file_name))
     config_section = {}
     if not os.path.isfile(self.cfg_file):
         self.log.debug("Prefix configuration file not found: {0}, assuming empty.".format(self.cfg_file))
         config_section = PBConfigFile(self.cfg_file).get('config')
         self._cfg_info = self._merge_config_info_from_file(self.cfg_file, self._cfg_info)
     # 4) Find the src dir
     self.src_dir = npath(config_section.get('srcdir', os.path.join(self.prefix_dir, self.src_dir_name)))
     self.log.debug("Prefix source dir is: {0}".format(self.src_dir))
     if not os.path.isdir(self.src_dir):
         self.log.debug("Source dir does not exist.")
     # 5) Find the inventory file
     self.inv_file = npath(os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, self.inv_file_name))
     if not os.path.isfile(self.inv_file):
         self.log.debug("Prefix inventory file not found: {0}".format(self.inv_file))
     self.inventory = inventory.Inventory(inventory_file=self.inv_file)
     # 6) Prefix-specific recipes. There's two places for these:
     # - A 'recipes/' subdirectory
     # - Anything declared in the config.yml file inside the prefix
     self.recipe_dir = npath(config_section.get('recipes', os.path.join(self.prefix_cfg_dir, 'recipes')))
     if os.path.isdir(self.recipe_dir):
         self.log.debug("Prefix-local recipe dir is: {0}".format(self.recipe_dir))
         self.recipe_dir = None
     # 7) Load environment
     # If there's a setup_env option in the current config file, we use that
     if self.setup_env_key in config_section:
         self.log.debug('Loading environment from shell script: {0}'.format(config_section[self.setup_env_key]))
         self.env = self._load_environ_from_script(config_section[self.setup_env_key])
         self.env = self._load_default_env(self.env)
     # Set env vars that we always need
     self.env[self.env_prefix_var] = self.prefix_dir
     self.env[self.env_srcdir_var] = self.src_dir
     # env: sections are always respected:
     OLD_ENV = os.environ  # Bit of an ugly hack to allow use of
     os.environ = self.env # os.path.expandvars() on self.env
     for k, v in iteritems(self._cfg_info['env']):
         self.env[k.upper()] = os.path.expandvars(v.strip())
     os.environ = OLD_ENV
     # 8) Keep relevant config sections as attributes