Example #1
from pybrain.auxiliary import GaussianProcess
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
from scipy import mgrid, sin, cos, array, ravel
from pylab import show, figure

ds = SupervisedDataSet(1, 1)
gp = GaussianProcess(indim=1, start=-3, stop=3, step=0.05)

x = mgrid[-3:3:0.2]
y = 0.1*x**2 + x + 1
z = sin(x) + 0.5*cos(y)

ds.addSample(-2.5, -1)
ds.addSample(-1.0, 3)
gp.mean = 0

# new feature "autonoise" adds uncertainty to data depending on
# it's distance to other points in the dataset. not tested much yet.
# gp.autonoise = True


# you can also test the gp on single points, but this deletes the
# original testing grid. it can be restored with a call to _buildGrid()

# --- example on how to use the GP in 2 dimensions
Example #2
from pybrain.auxiliary import GaussianProcess
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
from scipy import mgrid, sin, cos, array, ravel
from pylab import show, figure

ds = SupervisedDataSet(1, 1)
gp = GaussianProcess(indim=1, start=-3, stop=3, step=0.05)

x = mgrid[-3:3:0.2]
y = 0.1*x**2 + x + 1
z = sin(x) + 0.5*cos(y)

ds.addSample(-2.5, -1)
ds.addSample(-1.0, 3)
gp.mean = 0

# new feature "autonoise" adds uncertainty to data depending on
# it's distance to other points in the dataset. not tested much yet.
# gp.autonoise = True


# you can also test the gp on single points, but this deletes the
# original testing grid. it can be restored with a call to _buildGrid()

# --- example on how to use the GP in 2 dimensions