def pybullet_path_checking(start, end): ''' :param start: starting coordinate in real world :return: True:no collision with object in path False: collide with object in path ''' pos = end dz = 2 dense_of_ray = 1 #describ how dense the ray for collision detection _, _, _, hit_position, _ = p.rayTest( start, [start[0], start[1], start[2] - dz])[0] height = start[2] - hit_position[2] start_pos_array = [[ start[0], start[1], hit_position[2] + i * height / dense_of_ray ] for i in range(1, dense_of_ray + 1)] _, _, _, end_hit_position, _ = p.rayTest(pos, [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] - dz])[0] end_height = pos[2] - end_hit_position[2] end_pos_array = [[ pos[0], pos[1], end_hit_position[2] + i * end_height / dense_of_ray ] for i in range(1, dense_of_ray + 1)] result = p.rayTestBatch(start_pos_array, end_pos_array) for r in result: if r[1] == -1: #no collision continue else: return False return True
def activateNailgun(nailGunID, object1ID, parentRefCOM, childRefCOM, childFrameOrn=[0, 0, 0]): #check to see if they're touching gunContact = p.getContactPoints(nailGunID, object1ID) if not len(gunContact): print('No Contact') return False #get rid of the nasty contact points-just use COM of nailgun + some z component to get pos, and just use straight up as orn #use ray tracing to determine locations of constrain gunPos, _ = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(nailGunID) rayPos = np.array(gunPos) + np.array([0, 0, 0.165]) rayOrn = np.array([0, 0, 1]) rayDist = 0.25 #rayOrn = np.array([0,0,1]) #Check and see if the ray intersects both objects rayTest = p.rayTest(rayPos, rayPos + rayDist * rayOrn)[0] hitID = rayTest[0] hitPos = np.array(rayTest[3]) #Add constrain constraintID = p.createConstraint(object1ID, -1, hitID, -1, p.JOINT_FIXED, hitPos, parentRefCOM, childRefCOM, childFrameOrientation=childFrameOrn) print("Finished") print(p.getConstraintInfo(constraintID)) return constraintID
def read_sensors(body_idx, directions=[], range=2, draw_rays=True): # measure the distance along rays cast into the directions specified in the array dirs from body with index # body_idx. The ray's length can be modified with the range argument. If directions is empty, six rays are cast # into the x-, x+, y-, y+, z-, z+ directions from the body's center of mass in local body coordinates if not directions: directions = [[-1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1]] sensor_data = [] pos, orn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(body_idx) for direction in directions: local_dir = p.rotateVector(orn, direction) ray_to = [ pos[0] + range * local_dir[0], pos[1] + range * local_dir[1], pos[2] + range * local_dir[2] ] ray_info = p.rayTest(pos, ray_to) sensor_data.append(ray_info[0][2] * range) if draw_rays: if ray_info[0][0] > 0: draw_to = ray_info[0][3] else: draw_to = ray_to p.addUserDebugLine(pos, draw_to, [0, 1, 0], 1, 0.1) return sensor_data
def get_hit(self, x, y): """ Shoot a ray through pixel location (x, y) and returns the position and normal that this ray hits :param x: image pixel x coordinate :param y: image pixel y coordinate """ camera_pose = np.array([self.px,, self.pz]) self.renderer.set_camera(camera_pose, camera_pose + self.view_direction, self.up) position_cam = np.array([ (x - self.renderer.width / 2) / float(self.renderer.width / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.horizontal_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -(y - self.renderer.height / 2) / float(self.renderer.height / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.vertical_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -1, 1 ]) position_cam[:3] *= 5 position_world = np.linalg.inv(self.renderer.V).dot(position_cam) position_eye = camera_pose res = p.rayTest(position_eye, position_world[:3]) hit_pos = None hit_normal = None if len(res) > 0 and res[0][0] != -1: object_id, link_id, _, hit_pos, hit_normal = res[0] return hit_pos, hit_normal
def on_mouse_button(self, window, button, action, mods): if mods == 0: x, y = glfw.get_cursor_pos(window) x, y = x / WIDTH, y / HEIGHT if action == glfw.PRESS: if button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: self.is_drag = True self.drag_prepos = vec2(x, y) elif button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: pass elif action == glfw.RELEASE: if button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: self.is_drag = False self.drag_prepos = vec2(x, y) elif button == glfw.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: ray_from = self.camera_pos camdir = (self.perspective * self.view * vec4(ray_from, 1.0)).xyz ray_to = self.camera_pos + camdir * 1000.0 ray = Ray(, ray_from, ray_to) self.debug_scene.append(ray) rayquery = pb.rayTest([*self.camera_pos], [*ray_to])[0] objid, linkid, fract, pos, norm = rayquery if objid > 0: print("OBJID FOUND", objid, linkid, fract, pos, norm)
def ray_collision(ray): # TODO: be careful to disable gravity and set static masses for everything step_simulation() # Needed for some reason start, end = ray result, = p.rayTest(start, end, physicsClientId=CLIENT) # TODO: assign hit_position to be the end? return RayResult(*result)
def apply_push_force(self, x, y, force): """ Apply pushing force to a 3D point. Given a pixel location (x, y), compute the 3D location of that point, and then apply a virtual force of a given magnitude towards the negative surface normal at that point :param x: image pixel x coordinate :param y: image pixel y coordinate :param force: force magnitude """ camera_pose = np.array([self.px,, self.pz]) self.renderer.set_camera(camera_pose, camera_pose + self.view_direction, self.up) position_cam = np.array([ (x - self.renderer.width / 2) / float(self.renderer.width / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.horizontal_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -(y - self.renderer.height / 2) / float(self.renderer.height / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.vertical_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -1, 1 ]) position_cam[:3] *= 5 position_world = np.linalg.inv(self.renderer.V).dot(position_cam) position_eye = camera_pose res = p.rayTest(position_eye, position_world[:3]) if len(res) > 0 and res[0][0] != -1: # there is hit object_id, link_id, _, hit_pos, hit_normal = res[0] p.changeDynamics(object_id, -1, activationState=p.ACTIVATION_STATE_WAKE_UP) p.applyExternalForce(object_id, link_id, -np.array(hit_normal) * force, hit_pos, p.WORLD_FRAME)
def single_test(urdf_file, isDIRECT=True): p.connect(p.DIRECT if isDIRECT else p.GUI) p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) p.loadURDF(urdf_file, [3, 3, 1]) numRays = 1024 rayLen = 13 info_lst = [] rayFrom_lst = [] rayTo_lst = [] for i in range(numRays): rayFrom = [0, 0, 1] rayTo = [ rayLen * math.sin(2. * math.pi * float(i) / numRays), rayLen * math.cos(2. * math.pi * float(i) / numRays), 1 ] info = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) info_lst.append(info[0]) p.addUserDebugLine(rayFrom, rayTo, [1, 0, 0]) rayFrom_lst.append(rayFrom) rayTo_lst.append(rayTo) info_lst_batch = p.rayTestBatch(rayFrom_lst, rayTo_lst) collide_predicate = lambda info: info[0] != -1 info_filtered = list(filter(collide_predicate, info_lst)) info_batch_filtered = list(filter(collide_predicate, info_lst_batch)) p.disconnect() return info_filtered, info_batch_filtered
def get_present_pos_with_robotheight(pos): ''' :param coord: (x,y,z) the coord in real world :return: the new adjusted pos ''' _, _, _, hit_position, _ = p.rayTest(pos, [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] - 2])[0] return (hit_position[0], hit_position[1], hit_position[2] + ROBOT_HEIGHT)
def rayTest(rayFromPosition: Vec3, rayToPosition: Vec3, object_id=-1) -> Tuple[float, Vec3, Vec3]: if object_id != -1: rayFromPosition = translation.vec3_local_to_world_id(object_id, rayFromPosition) rayToPosition = translation.vec3_local_to_world_id(object_id, rayToPosition) _, _, hit_fraction, hit_position, hit_normal = p.rayTest(rayFromPosition.as_nwu(), rayToPosition.as_nwu())[0] return hit_fraction, Vec3.from_nwu(hit_position), Vec3.from_nwu(hit_normal)
def check_proximity(self): ee_pos = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.robot, self.tool)[0]) tool_pos = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.body, 0)[0]) vec = (tool_pos - ee_pos) / np.linalg.norm((tool_pos - ee_pos)) ee_targ = ee_pos + vec ray_data = p.rayTest(ee_pos, ee_targ)[0] obj, link, ray_frac = ray_data[0], ray_data[1], ray_data[2] return obj, link, ray_frac
def get_object_uid(x, y): """(x,y)にあるオブジェクトのuidを返す """ rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(x, y) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) hit = rayInfo[0] object_uid = hit[0] return object_uid
def create_constraint(self, x, y, fixed=False): """ Create a constraint between the constraint marker and the object at pixel location (x, y). This is used for human users' mouse interaction with the objects in the scenes. :param x: image pixel x coordinate :param y: image pixel y coordinate :param fixed: whether to create a fixed joint. Otherwise, it's a point2point joint. """ camera_pose = np.array([self.px,, self.pz]) self.renderer.set_camera(camera_pose, camera_pose + self.view_direction, self.up) position_cam = np.array([ (x - self.renderer.width / 2) / float(self.renderer.width / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.horizontal_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -(y - self.renderer.height / 2) / float(self.renderer.height / 2) * np.tan(self.renderer.vertical_fov / 2.0 / 180.0 * np.pi), -1, 1 ]) position_cam[:3] *= 5 position_world = np.linalg.inv(self.renderer.V).dot(position_cam) position_eye = camera_pose res = p.rayTest(position_eye, position_world[:3]) if len(res) > 0 and res[0][0] != -1: object_id, link_id, _, hit_pos, hit_normal = res[0] p.changeDynamics(object_id, -1, activationState=p.ACTIVATION_STATE_WAKE_UP) link_pos, link_orn = None, None if link_id == -1: link_pos, link_orn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(object_id) else: link_state = p.getLinkState(object_id, link_id) link_pos, link_orn = link_state[:2] child_frame_pos, child_frame_orn = \ p.multiplyTransforms(*p.invertTransform(link_pos, link_orn), hit_pos, [0, 0, 0, 1]) self.constraint_marker.set_position(hit_pos) self.constraint_marker2.set_position(hit_pos) self.dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(hit_pos) - camera_pose) cid = p.createConstraint( parentBodyUniqueId=self.constraint_marker.body_id, parentLinkIndex=-1, childBodyUniqueId=object_id, childLinkIndex=link_id, jointType=[p.JOINT_POINT2POINT, p.JOINT_FIXED][fixed], jointAxis=(0, 0, 0), parentFramePosition=(0, 0, 0), childFramePosition=child_frame_pos, childFrameOrientation=child_frame_orn, ) p.changeConstraint(cid, maxForce=100) self.cid.append(cid) self.interaction_x, self.interaction_y = x, y
def ray_test(self, from_pos, to_pos): hit = p.rayTest(rayFromPosition=from_pos, rayToPosition=to_pos, physicsClientId=self._pid) intersection = Intersection._make(*hit) del hit # NOTE force garbage collection of pybullet objects if >= 0: # if intersection, replace bid with id intersection = intersection._replace( id=self._bid_to_body[].id) return intersection
def test_raycast(self, start_position, end_position): """ """ ray_start = start_position.to_array().flatten() ray_end = end_position.to_array().flatten() ray_dist = euclidean(ray_start, ray_end) result = p.rayTest(ray_start, ray_end) if result is not None: distance = ray_dist * result[0][2] sim_id = result[0][0] hit_object_id = self.reverse_entity_id_map[sim_id] hit_object = self.nodes_map[hit_object_id] return True, distance, hit_object return False, None, None
def raytest_scatter(x_start, b_min, b_max, N): w = (b_max - b_min) / N pts = [] mat = np.zeros((N, N)) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): y = b_min[0] + i * w[0] z = b_min[1] + j * w[1] pos = np.array([x_start, y, z]) direction = np.array([1., 0., -0.]) res = pybullet.rayTest(pos, pos + direction)[0] pts.append(np.array(res[3])) mat[i, j] = res[2] return np.array(pts), mat
def __fun(self, pos1, pos2, pos3, thetha): """Helper function to get distances""" r = 7 x = [0 for i in range(8)] t = [0 for i in range(8)] dist = np.zeros(8) for i in range(8): x[i] = p.rayTest([pos1, pos2, pos3], [ pos1 + r * math.cos(math.pi * i / 4 + thetha), pos2 + r * math.sin(math.pi * i / 4 + thetha), pos3 ]) #print(x[i]) x[i] = x[i][0] x[i] = list(x[i]) #print(x[i]) t[i] = list(x[i][3]) #print(t[i]) # p.addUserDebugLine([pos1+0.2*math.cos(thetha+math.pi/2),pos2,pos3],[pos1+r*math.cos(thetha+math.pi*i/4),pos2+r*math.sin(thetha+math.pi*i/4),pos3],[1,0,1]) if (x[i][0] == -1 or 0): #p.addUserDebugLine([pos1,pos2,pos3+0.7],[pos1+r*math.cos(0+math.pi*i/6+thetha),pos2+r*math.sin(0+math.pi*i/6+thetha),pos3],[1,0,1]) dist[i] = 7 #print(dist[i]) else: #p.addUserDebugLine([pos1,pos2,pos3+0.7],t[i],[1,0,0]) dist[i] = np.sqrt( pow(t[i][0] - pos1, 2) + pow(t[i][1] - pos2, 2) + pow(t[i][2] - pos3, 2)) dist[0] -= 0.16 dist[1] += 0.09 dist[7] += 0.09 dist[2] += 0.12 dist[6] += 0.13 dist[3] += 0.19 dist[5] += 0.19 dist[4] += 0.20 # dist[5]+=0.09 distance = [round(i, 3) for i in dist] return distance
def simulator_get_observation(self, robot_pos=False, robot_orn=False, width=720, height=720, far=100.0, near=0.01): if robot_pos == False or robot_orn == False: return -1 offset_pos = [0, 0, 0.035] offset_orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]) view_pos, view_orn = p.multiplyTransforms(robot_pos, robot_orn, offset_pos, offset_orn) target_pos, _ = p.multiplyTransforms(view_pos, view_orn, [0, 0, 5], offset_orn) # print(p.rayTest(view_pos, target_pos)) objectid, _, _, hitposition, _ = p.rayTest(view_pos, target_pos)[0] if objectid == -1: return INF else: return math.dist(view_pos, hitposition)
def get_mouse_events(self): events = p.getMouseEvents( for event in events: if event[4] == 3: _, x, y, _, _ = event camera_params = p.getDebugVisualizerCamera( width = camera_params[0] height = camera_params[1] aspect = width / height pos_view = torch.tensor([ 1.0, aspect * (1.0 - (x / width) * 2), 1.0 - (y / height) * 2 ]) camera_forward = torch.tensor(camera_params[5]) camera_left = -torch.tensor(camera_params[6]) camera_left /= camera_left.norm() camera_up = torch.tensor(camera_params[7]) camera_up /= camera_up.norm() R = torch.stack([camera_forward, camera_left, camera_up], dim=1) camera_target = torch.tensor(camera_params[-1]) target_dist = camera_params[-2] camera_pos_world = camera_target - target_dist * camera_forward pos_world = R @ pos_view + camera_pos_world vec = pos_world - camera_pos_world vec = vec / vec.norm() ray = p.rayTest(rayFromPosition=camera_pos_world.tolist(), rayToPosition=(100.0 * vec + camera_pos_world).tolist(), hit_pos = torch.tensor(ray[0][3]) results = {} results['camera_pos'] = camera_pos_world results['target_pos'] = torch.tensor(ray[0][3]) results['target_obj'] = self.object_dict.get(ray[0][0], None) results['target_normal'] = torch.tensor(ray[0][4]) return results
def get_reading(self): ''' Find distance to nearest object in line-of-sight between [min_range, max_range] of th sensor. Returns np.infty if none, otherwise returns distance in simulator units. ''' from_pos = np.array( p.multiplyTransforms(self.get_position(), self.get_orientation(), [self._min_range, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])[0]) to_pos = np.array( p.multiplyTransforms(self.get_position(), self.get_orientation(), [self._max_range, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])[0]) # rayTest returns ((obj_id, link_index, percentage along ray of first intersection, hit position, hit normal vector)) hit = p.rayTest(from_pos, to_pos)[0] if self._debug_mode is True: sensor_direction = np.array( p.multiplyTransforms(from_pos, self.get_orientation(), [0.01, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])[0]) ray_color = [0, 0, 1] if hit[0] == -1: ray_color = [0, 1, 0] p.addUserDebugLine(from_pos, to_pos, ray_color, lineWidth=3, lifeTime=0.1) self._sensor_debug_id = p.addUserDebugLine( from_pos, sensor_direction, [0, 0, 0], lineWidth=10, replaceItemUniqueId=self._sensor_debug_id) if hit[0] == -1: return np.infty return self._range * hit[ 2] + self._min_range # hit[2] is the % along the ray (from min to max range away from the sensor)
def compute_p_W_and_n_W(self, phi_B): """ Given a planar angle in the object frame B, perform ray cast from the origin of the B frame and find the corresponding surface normal and ray impact position in the world frame W. FIXME(wualbert): We don't care about z as we are in 2D. This may cause problems later. @param phi_B: The yaw of the contact point in the B frame. @return: (p_W, n_W). p_W is the 3D contact point on the object. n_W is the 3D outward-facing unit normal vector at the contact point. Both of these are in the world frame. """ # Get the pose of the object frame origin in world frame p_B_W, q_B_W = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.body_id) e_B_W = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(q_B_W) # In 2D, only the yaw should be nonzero np.testing.assert_allclose(e_B_W[:2], np.zeros(2), atol=1e-4) # add phi_B e_phi_W = e_B_W + np.asarray([0., 0., phi_B]) e_phi_W %= 2 * np.pi q_phi_W = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(e_phi_W) # Construct the unit ray vector # Compute the ray to cast ray_direction_W = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(q_phi_W)).reshape(3, 3), np.asarray([1., 0., 0.])) # FIXME(wualbert): the ray shouldn't be of arbitrary length ray_start_W = p_B_W + ray_direction_W * 10. ray_end_W = p_B_W - ray_direction_W * 10. ans = p.rayTest(ray_start_W, ray_end_W) for a in ans: if a[0] == self.body_id: # FIXME(wualbert): a cleaner way to do this # We only care about the normal of this particular object return a[3:] raise AssertionError
(-rangey / 2 + j) * meshScale[1] * 2, 1], useMaximalCoordinates=True) p.changeVisualShape(bodyUid, -1, textureUniqueId=texUid) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1) p.stopStateLogging(logId) p.setGravity(0, 0, -10) p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] currentColor = 0 while (1): p.getCameraImage(320, 200) mouseEvents = p.getMouseEvents() for e in mouseEvents: if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED)): mouseX = e[1] mouseY = e[2] rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(mouseX, mouseY) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) #p.addUserDebugLine(rayFrom,rayTo,[1,0,0],3) for l in range(len(rayInfo)): hit = rayInfo[l] objectUid = hit[0] if (objectUid >= 1): #p.removeBody(objectUid) p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, -1, rgbaColor=colors[currentColor]) currentColor += 1 if (currentColor >= len(colors)): currentColor = 0
def main(): p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) p.setGravity(0, 0, 0) # we don't use gravity yet # debug colors only for show colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]] currentColor = 0 try: print("open SpaceMouse") print(spacenavigator.list_devices()) success = body = p.getBodyUniqueId(mantis_robot) EndEffectorIndex = p.getNumJoints(body) - 1 print("") print("EndEffectorIndex %i" % EndEffectorIndex) # i = 0 # for i in range(0, p.getNumJoints(body)): # n = p.getJointInfo(body,i) # alpha robot orientierung # orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([math.pi/2,0,math.pi/2]) # p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(body, [0, 0, 2 ], orn) tx = 0 ty = 5 tz = 3 tj = 0 tp = 0 tr = math.pi / 2 orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([tj, tp, tr]) jointT = p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, EndEffectorIndex, [tx, ty, tz], orn, jointDamping=jd) p.setJointMotorControlArray(body, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=jointT) print("x:%f y:%f z:%f j:%f p:%f r:%f " % (tx, ty, tz, tj, tp, tr)) print(jointT) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(target, [tx, ty, tz], orn) loop = 0 hasPrevPose = 0 trailDuration = 15 distance = 5 yaw = 90 motorDir = [1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1] while (p.isConnected()): time.sleep(1. / 240.) # set to 40 fps p.stepSimulation() # targetVelocity = p.readUserDebugParameter(targetVelocitySlider) if success: state = # print(state) tx += state[1] * 0.01 ty += state[2] * 0.01 tz += state[3] * 0.01 # tj += state[4]*0.005 tp += state[5] * 0.005 tr += state[6] * -0.005 # print("x:%f y:%f z:%f j:%f p:%f r:%f " % (state[1],state[2],state[3],state[4],state[5],state[6])) # orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([tj,tp,tr]) orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([tj, tp, tr]) jointT = p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, EndEffectorIndex, [tx, ty, tz], orn) p.setJointMotorControlArray(body, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=jointT) # print("x:%f y:%f z:%f j:%f p:%f r:%f " % (tx,ty,tz,tj,tp,tr)) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(target, [tx, ty, tz], orn) targetPos, targetOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(target) # p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(distance, yaw, 20, targetPos) loop += 1 if loop > 10: loop = 0 data_string = "" for i in range(1, EndEffectorIndex): jt = p.getJointState(body, i) data_string += "motor%i:%i\r\n" % ( i, scale(motorDir[i - 1] * jt[0])) transfer_socket.sendto(bytes(data_string, "utf-8"), (transfer_ip, transfer_port)) ls = p.getLinkState(body, EndEffectorIndex) targetPos, targetOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(target) if (hasPrevPose): p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose, targetPos, [0, 0, 0.3], 1, trailDuration) p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose1, ls[4], [1, 0, 0], 1, trailDuration) prevPose = targetPos prevPose1 = ls[4] hasPrevPose = 1 # get mouse events mouseEvents = p.getMouseEvents() for e in mouseEvents: if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED)): mouseX = e[1] mouseY = e[2] rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(mouseX, mouseY) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) for l in range(len(rayInfo)): hit = rayInfo[l] objectUid = hit[0] jointUid = hit[1] if (objectUid >= 1): # this is for debug click on an object to get id # oject will change color this has no effect # changing color real time seems to slow print("obj %i joint %i" % (objectUid, jointUid)) # n = p.getJointInfo(objectUid,jointUid) n = p.getJointState(objectUid, jointUid) print(n) p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, jointUid, rgbaColor=colors[currentColor]) currentColor += 1 if (currentColor >= len(colors)): currentColor = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt has been caught.") finally: endProgramm()
def render_physics_gifs(main_urdf_file_and_offset): step_per_sec = 100 s = Simulator(mode='headless', image_width=512, image_height=512, physics_timestep=1 / float(step_per_sec)) root_dir = '/cvgl2/u/chengshu/ig_dataset_v5/objects' obj_count = 0 for i, obj_class_dir in enumerate(sorted(os.listdir(root_dir))): obj_class = obj_class_dir # if obj_class not in SELECTED_CLASSES: # continue obj_class_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, obj_class_dir) for obj_inst_dir in os.listdir(obj_class_dir): # if obj_inst_dir != '14402': # continue imgs = [] scene = EmptyScene() s.import_scene(scene, render_floor_plane=True) obj_inst_name = obj_inst_dir # urdf_path = obj_inst_name + '.urdf' obj_inst_dir = os.path.join(obj_class_dir, obj_inst_dir) urdf_path, offset = main_urdf_file_and_offset[obj_inst_dir] # urdf_path = os.path.join(obj_inst_dir, urdf_path) # print('urdf_path', urdf_path) obj = ArticulatedObject(urdf_path) s.import_object(obj) push_visual_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.1) s.import_object(push_visual_marker) push_visual_marker.set_position([100, 100, 0.0]) z = stable_z_on_aabb(obj.body_id, [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) # offset is translation from the bounding box center to the base link frame origin # need to add another offset that is the translation from the base link frame origin to the inertial frame origin # p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation() sets the inertial frame origin instead of the base link frame origin # Assuming the bounding box center is at (0, 0, z) where z is half of the extent in z-direction base_link_to_inertial = p.getDynamicsInfo(obj.body_id, -1)[3] obj.set_position([ offset[0] + base_link_to_inertial[0], offset[1] + base_link_to_inertial[1], z ]) center, extent = get_center_extent(obj.body_id) # the bounding box center should be at (0, 0) on the xy plane and the bottom of the bounding box should touch the ground if not (np.linalg.norm(center[:2]) < 1e-3 and np.abs(center[2] - extent[2] / 2.0) < 1e-3): print('-' * 50) print('WARNING:', urdf_path, 'xy error', np.linalg.norm(center[:2]), 'z error', np.abs(center[2] - extent[2] / 2.0)) height = extent[2] max_half_extent = max(extent[0], extent[1]) / 2.0 px = max_half_extent * 2 py = max_half_extent * 2 pz = extent[2] * 1.2 camera_pose = np.array([px, py, pz]) # camera_pose = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 3]) s.renderer.set_camera(camera_pose, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) # drop 1 second for _ in range(step_per_sec): s.step() frame = s.renderer.render(modes=('rgb')) imgs.append( Image.fromarray( (frame[0][:, :, :3] * 255).astype(np.uint8))) ray_start = [max_half_extent * 1.5, max_half_extent * 1.5, 0] ray_end = [-100.0, -100.0, 0] unit_force = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]) unit_force /= np.linalg.norm(unit_force) force_mag = 100.0 ray_zs = [height * 0.5] valid_ray_z = False for trial in range(5): for ray_z in ray_zs: ray_start[2] = ray_z ray_end[2] = ray_z res = p.rayTest(ray_start, ray_end) if res[0][0] == obj.body_id: valid_ray_z = True break if valid_ray_z: break increment = 1 / (2**(trial + 1)) ray_zs = np.arange(increment / 2.0, 1.0, increment) * height # push 4 seconds for i in range(step_per_sec * 4): res = p.rayTest(ray_start, ray_end) object_id, link_id, _, hit_pos, hit_normal = res[0] if object_id != obj.body_id: break push_visual_marker.set_position(hit_pos) p.applyExternalForce(object_id, link_id, unit_force * force_mag, hit_pos, p.WORLD_FRAME) s.step() # print(hit_pos) frame = s.renderer.render(modes=('rgb')) rgb = frame[0][:, :, :3] # add red border border_width = 10 border_color = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rgb[:border_width, :, :] = border_color rgb[-border_width:, :, :] = border_color rgb[:, :border_width, :] = border_color rgb[:, -border_width:, :] = border_color imgs.append(Image.fromarray((rgb * 255).astype(np.uint8))) gif_path = '{}/visualizations/{}_cm_physics_v3.gif'.format( obj_inst_dir, obj_inst_name) imgs = imgs[::4] imgs[0].save(gif_path, save_all=True, append_images=imgs[1:], optimize=True, duration=40, loop=0) obj_count += 1 # print(obj_count, gif_path, len(imgs), valid_ray_z, ray_z) print(obj_count, gif_path) s.reload()
events = p.getVREvents() for e in (events): if e[CONTROLLER_ID] == uiControllerId: p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(uiCube, e[POSITION], e[ORIENTATION]) pos = e[POSITION] orn = e[ORIENTATION] lineFrom = pos mat = p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orn) dir = [mat[0], mat[3], mat[6]] to = [ pos[0] + dir[0] * rayLen, pos[1] + dir[1] * rayLen, pos[2] + dir[2] * rayLen ] hit = p.rayTest(lineFrom, to) oldRay = pointRay color = [1, 1, 0] width = 3 #pointRay = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFrom,to,color,width,lifeTime=1) #if (oldRay>=0): # p.removeUserDebugItem(oldRay) if (hit): #if (hit[0][0]>=0): hitObjectUid = hit[0][0] linkIndex = hit[0][1] if (hitObjectUid >= 0): objectInfo = str(hitObjectUid) + " Link Index=" + str( linkIndex) + "\nBase Name:" + p.getBodyInfo( hitObjectUid)[0].decode(
#keep the gripper centered/symmetric b = p.getJointState(pr2_gripper, 2)[0] p.setJointMotorControl2(pr2_gripper, 0, p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=b, force=3) events = p.getVREvents() for e in (events): if e[CONTROLLER_ID] == uiControllerId: p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(uiCube, e[POSITION], e[ORIENTATION]) pos = e[POSITION] orn = e[ORIENTATION] lineFrom = pos mat = p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orn) dir = [mat[0], mat[3], mat[6]] to = [pos[0] + dir[0] * rayLen, pos[1] + dir[1] * rayLen, pos[2] + dir[2] * rayLen] hit = p.rayTest(lineFrom, to) oldRay = pointRay color = [1, 1, 0] width = 3 #pointRay = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFrom,to,color,width,lifeTime=1) #if (oldRay>=0): # p.removeUserDebugItem(oldRay) if (hit): #if (hit[0][0]>=0): hitObjectUid = hit[0][0] linkIndex = hit[0][1] if (hitObjectUid >= 0): objectInfo = str(hitObjectUid) + " Link Index=" + str( linkIndex) + "\nBase Name:" + p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[0].decode( ) + "\nBody Info:" + p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[1].decode()
def place(self, robot_id: int): # TODO(ycho): Consider exposing this parameter. EPS = 1e-3 robot_pose = pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(robot_id, physicsClientId=self.sim_id) old_pos = robot_pose[0] old_rot = robot_pose[1] old_z = old_pos[2] floor_aabb = np.asarray(pb.getAABB( self.env_ids_[0], -1, physicsClientId=self.sim_id), dtype=np.float32) robot_aabb = debug_get_full_aabb(self.sim_id, robot_id) robot_size = robot_aabb[1] - robot_aabb[0] # NOTE(ycho): Shrink the sampled space by the robot radius. pos_min = floor_aabb[0, :2] + 0.5 * robot_size[:2] pos_max = floor_aabb[1, :2] - 0.5 * robot_size[:2] for i in range(self.settings_.max_placement_iter): logging.debug('Placement {}/{}'.format(i, self.settings_.max_placement_iter)) # Sample X-Y position from floor AABB. x, y = np.random.uniform(pos_min, pos_max) # Cast ray from robot top -> floor. ray_src = [x, y, floor_aabb[1, 2] + robot_aabb[1, 2] - robot_aabb[0, 2]] ray_dst = [x, y, floor_aabb[0, 2] - EPS] ray_res = pb.rayTest(ray_src, ray_dst, physicsClientId=self.sim_id) # If by some magic, multiple intersections happened, # ignore this case. if len(ray_res) != 1: continue ray_res = ray_res[0] # The ray must hit env + floor. if (ray_res[0] != self.env_ids_[0]) or (ray_res[1] != -1): continue # Complete the desired new position. # new_z = floor_aabb[1, 2] + (old_z - robot_aabb[0, 2]) new_z = floor_aabb[1, 2] + (old_z - robot_aabb[0, 2]) new_pos = np.asarray([x, y, new_z + EPS], dtype=np.float32) new_rot = old_rot # NOTE(ycho): Alternatively, sample from a random SE2 orientation: # new_rot = pb.getQuaternionFromEuler([0.0, 0.0, np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)]) # Reject the new position if it collides with existing objects. if self.settings_.use_fast_aabb_in_placement: # NOTE(ycho): This query is conservative, so the returned objects # may not actually overlap with the robot. However, # perhaps if the object is close enough to the robot that we should new_aabb = robot_aabb + new_pos - old_pos o = pb.getOverlappingObjects(new_aabb[0], new_aabb[1], physicsClientId=self.sim_id) if o is not None: continue pb.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(robot_id, new_pos, new_rot, physicsClientId=self.sim_id) break else: # Actually place the robot where it would go, # and then check if it results in a collision. # Try placing the robot here now ... # NOTE(ycho): Since pybullet uses a default collision margin (0.04 I think?), # even this may be a little bit more conservative than the actual collision. pb.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(robot_id, new_pos, new_rot, physicsClientId=self.sim_id) col = False for env_id in self.env_ids_: cpts = pb.getClosestPoints(env_id, robot_id, np.inf, physicsClientId=self.sim_id) for cpt in cpts: if cpt[8] < 0: col = True break # Early exit if collision found if col: break # Continue searching if collision found if col: continue # All is well! break. break
1], useMaximalCoordinates=True) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1) p.stopStateLogging(logId) p.setGravity(0, 0, -10) p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] currentColor = 0 while (1): mouseEvents = p.getMouseEvents() for e in mouseEvents: if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED)): mouseX = e[1] mouseY = e[2] rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(mouseX, mouseY) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) #p.addUserDebugLine(rayFrom,rayTo,[1,0,0],3) for l in range(len(rayInfo)): hit = rayInfo[l] objectUid = hit[0] if (objectUid >= 1): #p.removeBody(objectUid) p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, -1, rgbaColor=colors[currentColor]) currentColor += 1 if (currentColor >= len(colors)): currentColor = 0
CLIENT = p.connect(p.DIRECT) #or pybullet.DIRECT for non-graphical version p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) #used by loadURDF p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) #used by loadURDF p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_GUI, 0) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_SHADOWS, 0) model_urdf = rospack.get_path("eusurdf") oven = p.loadURDF(model_urdf + "/models/cup/model.urdf") #hoge = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") direction = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # umakuiku set_point(oven, [0, 0.0, 0.0]) pos = np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.02]) result1 = p.rayTest(pos, pos + direction * 0.5)[0] # umakuikanai girigiri set_point(oven, [0, 0.0, 0.0]) pos = np.array([-0.05, 0.0, 0.02]) result2 = p.rayTest(pos, pos + direction * 0.5)[0] col_pos1 = result1[3] col_pos2 = result2[3] def raytest_scatter(x_start, b_min, b_max, N): w = (b_max - b_min) / N pts = [] mat = np.zeros((N, N)) for i in range(N):
# init positions gemPos, gemOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(gemId) cubePos, cubeOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(boxId) step_forward = 0.01 for i in range(DURATION): p.stepSimulation() time.sleep(1. / 240.) gemPos, gemOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(gemId) cubePos, cubeOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(boxId) delta_pos = (step_forward * np.cos(i * 0.01), step_forward * np.sin(i * 0.01), 0) new_cube_pos = (cubePos[0] + delta_pos[0], cubePos[1] + delta_pos[1], cubePos[2] + delta_pos[2]) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(boxId, new_cube_pos, cubeOrn) oid, lk, frac, pos, norm = p.rayTest(cubePos, gemPos)[0] # rt = p.rayTest(cubePos, gemPos) # print("rayTest: %s" % rt[0][1]) print("rayTest: Norm: ") print(norm) p.applyExternalForce(objectUniqueId=boxId, linkIndex=-1, forceObj=pos, posObj=gemPos, flags=p.WORLD_FRAME) print(cubePos, cubeOrn) p.disconnect()
def main(): p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) p.setGravity(0, 0, 0) # we don't use gravity yet # debug colors only for show colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1] ] currentColor = 0 try: body = p.getBodyUniqueId(mantis_robot) EndEffectorIndex = p.getNumJoints(body) -1 print("EndEffectorIndex %i" % EndEffectorIndex) tx = 0 ty = 5 tz = 3 tj = 0 tp = 0 tr = math.pi / 2 orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([tj,tp,tr]) jointT = p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, EndEffectorIndex, [tx, ty,tz], orn, jointDamping=jd) p.setJointMotorControlArray(body,[1,2,3,4,5,6] , controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL , targetPositions=jointT ) print("x:%f y:%f z:%f j:%f p:%f r:%f " % (tx,ty,tz,tj,tp,tr)) print(jointT) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(target, [tx, ty, tz ], orn) loop = 0 hasPrevPose = 0 trailDuration = 15 targetSelected = False distance = 5 yaw = 90 motorDir = [1,-1,1,1,1,1] while (p.isConnected()): time.sleep(1. / 240.) # set to 240 fps p.stepSimulation() # get target positon targetPos, targetOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(target) # do Inverse Kinematics # jointT = p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, EndEffectorIndex, targetPos, targetOrn) jointT = p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, EndEffectorIndex, targetPos, orn) # set Robot Joints p.setJointMotorControlArray(body,[1,2,3,4,5,6] , controlMode=p.POSITION_CONTROL , targetPositions=jointT ) # reduce the output speed to 1/10 of the simulation speed # ~24 fps loop +=1 if loop > 10: loop = 0 # sends data to the robot over ethernet/UDP # just a simple string with the motor number and the angle positon in 12 bit range (0-4096) data_string = "" for i in range ( 1, EndEffectorIndex): jt = p.getJointState(body, i ) data_string += "motor%i:%i\r\n" % ( i, scale(motorDir[i-1] * jt[0])) transfer_socket.sendto(bytes(data_string, "utf-8"), (transfer_ip, transfer_port)) # generates the trail for debug only # optional ls = p.getLinkState(body, EndEffectorIndex) targetPos, targetOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(target) if (hasPrevPose): p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose, targetPos, [0, 0, 0.3], 1, trailDuration) p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose1, ls[4], [1, 0, 0], 1, trailDuration) prevPose = targetPos prevPose1 = ls[4] hasPrevPose = 1 # get mouse events # changes color of the object clickt on and prints some info mouseEvents = p.getMouseEvents() for e in mouseEvents: if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_RELEASED) and (targetSelected == True) ): # after mouse lost reset posion to prevent the target from floting around targetSelected = False targetPos, targetOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(target) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(target, targetPos, targetOrn) if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED)): mouseX = e[1] mouseY = e[2] rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(mouseX, mouseY) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) for l in range(len(rayInfo)): hit = rayInfo[l] objectUid = hit[0] jointUid = hit[1] if( objectUid == target): targetSelected = True if (objectUid >= 1): # this is for debug click on an object to get id # oject will change color this has no effect print("obj %i joint %i" % (objectUid , jointUid)) p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, jointUid, rgbaColor=colors[currentColor]) currentColor += 1 if (currentColor >= len(colors)): currentColor = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt has been caught.") finally: endProgramm()
def main(): p.setRealTimeSimulation(1) # p.setGravity(0, 0, -10) # we don't use gravity yet atexit.register(endThreads) for light in lights: print("universe %d" % light.universe) aOutput.startOut(p, lights) mInput.startInput(lights, colliders) wInput.startInput() # debug colors only for show colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] currentColor = 0 try: while (p.isConnected()): time.sleep(1. / 40.) # set to 40 fps # reset output timeout, hack for threads... aOutput.alive = 0 mInput.alive = 0 wInput.alive = 0 # update the wheel feedback hlWheel.setRotation(p, wInput.angle) # this is the main part of the sim p.stepSimulation() for col in colliders: col.simulate(p) if col.enabled: for light in lights: light.doCollisionFilter(p, col) # get mouse events mouseEvents = p.getMouseEvents() for e in mouseEvents: if ((e[0] == 2) and (e[3] == 0) and (e[4] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED)): mouseX = e[1] mouseY = e[2] rayFrom, rayTo = getRayFromTo(mouseX, mouseY) rayInfo = p.rayTest(rayFrom, rayTo) for l in range(len(rayInfo)): hit = rayInfo[l] objectUid = hit[0] jointUid = hit[1] if (objectUid >= 1): # this is for debug click on an object to get id # oject will change color this has no effect # changing color real time seems to slow print("obj %i joint %i" % (objectUid, jointUid)) p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, jointUid, rgbaColor=colors[currentColor]) currentColor += 1 if (currentColor >= len(colors)): currentColor = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt has been caught.") finally: endThreads()