def test_login(betamax_session: requests.Session): real_init = Geocaching.__init__ def fake_init(self_, unused_argument=None): real_init(self_, session=betamax_session) # patching with the fake init method above to insert our session into the Geocaching object for testing with patch.object(Geocaching, "__init__", new=fake_init): pycaching.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
def test_login(self): real_init = Geocaching.__init__ def fake_init(self_, unused_argument=None): real_init(self_, session=self.session) # patching with the fake init method above to insert our session into the Geocaching object for testing with patch.object(Geocaching, '__init__', new=fake_init): with self.recorder.use_cassette('geocaching_shortcut_login'): pycaching.login(_username, _password)
def main(): url = input("URL: ") cacheurl = url cachegccode = url.split("/")[4].split("_")[0] geocaching = pycaching.login("USERNAME", "PASSWORD") cache = geocaching.get_cache(cachegccode) cachecreator = lat = str( lon = str(cache.lon) cachename = str( cacheid = str( cachetype = str(str(cache.type).split(".")[1].title()) cachedifficulty = str(cache.difficulty) if cachedifficulty.split(".")[1] == "0": cachedifficulty = cachedifficulty.split(".")[0] cachecontainer = str(str(cache.size).split(".")[1].title()) cacheterrain = str(cache.terrain) if cacheterrain.split(".")[1] == "0": cacheterrain = cacheterrain.split(".")[0] country = str( state = str(cache.stateprovince) longdesc = str(cache.description) shortdesc = str(cache.summary) hints = str(cache.hint) createGPX(cachecreator, "", "", "", lat, lon, cachegccode, cachename, cacheid, cachetype, cachedifficulty, cachecontainer, cacheterrain, country, state, longdesc, shortdesc, hints, cacheurl) resp = input("Another? (Y/N): ") resp = resp.lower() if "y" in resp: main() else: exit(0)
def test_login(self): pycaching.login(_username, _password)
targetlogdata = 'logdata'+timestamp+'.csv' targetcachedata = 'cachedata'+timestamp+'.csv' # file name declarations cachelist_file = "gc_cachelist.txt" # "logdata.csv" if path.isfile("logdata.csv"): print("logdata.csv exists, creating copy", targetlogdata) os.rename('logdata.csv', targetlogdata) # cachedata.csv if path.isfile("cachedata.csv"): print("cachedata.csv exists, creating copy ", targetcachedata) os.rename('cachedata.csv', targetcachedata) try: geocaching = pycaching.login() except pycaching.errors.LoginFailedException as inst: print('Login Failed:',inst) sys.exit() except Exception as inst: print(inst) # __str__ allows args to be printed directly print('exit') sys.exit() except: sys.exit() # read file with Geocache codes if it exists if path.isfile(cachelist_file):