Example #1
class TestApplication(TestCase):
    """Run tests on the `Application` class."""
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup some default variables for test usage."""
        self.a = Application('application', 'data')

    def test_attrs_stick(self):
        """Ensure attributes stick."""
        self.assertEqual(self.a.application, 'application')
        self.assertEqual(self.a.data, 'data')

    def test_render_valid_application(self):
        """Ensure `render` works using a valid `application` attribute."""
        self.assertTrue('application' in ''.join(self.a.render()))

    def test_str_valid_data(self):
        """Ensure `render` works using a valid `data` attribute."""
        self.assertTrue('data' in ''.join(self.a.render()))
Example #2
class TestApplication(TestCase):
	"""Run tests on the `Application` class."""

	def setUp(self):
		"""Setup some default variables for test usage."""
		self.a = Application('application', 'data')

	def test_attrs_stick(self):
		"""Ensure attributes stick."""
		eq_(self.a.application, 'application')
		eq_(self.a.data, 'data')

	def test_render_valid_application(self):
		"""Ensure `render` works using a valid `application` attribute."""
		ok_('application' in ''.join(self.a.render()))

	def test_str_valid_data(self):
		"""Ensure `render` works using a valid `data` attribute."""
		ok_('data' in ''.join(self.a.render()))