Example #1
def intersect_sphere_line(center, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if sphere *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)

    # calculate the distance from the sphere center to the plane
    dist = -pdot(center, n) + pdot(edge.p1, n)
    if abs(dist) > radius - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # this gives us the intersection circle on the sphere

    # now take a plane through the edge and perpendicular to the direction (2)
    # find the center on the circle closest to this plane

    # which means the other component is perpendicular to this plane (2)
    n2 = pnormalized(pcross(n, d))

    # the contact point is on a big circle through the sphere...
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - dist * dist)

    # ... and it's on the plane (1)
    ccp = padd(center, padd(pmul(n, dist), pmul(n2, dist2)))

    # now intersect a line through this point with the plane (2)
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, n2)
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
Example #2
def intersect_sphere_line(center, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if sphere *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)

    # calculate the distance from the sphere center to the plane
    dist = - pdot(center, n) + pdot(edge.p1, n)
    if abs(dist) > radius - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # this gives us the intersection circle on the sphere

    # now take a plane through the edge and perpendicular to the direction (2)
    # find the center on the circle closest to this plane

    # which means the other component is perpendicular to this plane (2)
    n2 = pnormalized(pcross(n, d))

    # the contact point is on a big circle through the sphere...
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - dist * dist)

    # ... and it's on the plane (1)
    ccp = padd(center, padd(pmul(n, dist), pmul(n2, dist2)))

    # now intersect a line through this point with the plane (2)
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, n2)
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
Example #3
def get_lines_layer(lines,
    get_proj_point = lambda proj_point: (proj_point[0], proj_point[1], z)
    projected_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        if (last_z is not None) and (last_z < line.minz):
            # the line was processed before
        elif line.minz < z < line.maxz:
            # Split the line at the point at z level and do the calculation
            # for both point pairs.
            factor = (z - line.p1[2]) / (line.p2[2] - line.p1[2])
            plane_point = padd(line.p1, pmul(line.vector, factor))
            if line.p1[2] < z:
                p1 = get_proj_point(line.p1)
                p2 = line.p2
                p1 = line.p1
                p2 = get_proj_point(line.p2)
            projected_lines.append(Line(p1, plane_point))
            yield Line(plane_point, p2)
        elif line.minz < last_z < line.maxz:
            plane = Plane((0, 0, last_z), (0, 0, 1, 'v'))
            cp = plane.intersect_point(line.dir, line.p1)[0]
            # we can be sure that there is an intersection
            if line.p1[2] > last_z:
                p1, p2 = cp, line.p2
                p1, p2 = line.p1, cp
            projected_lines.append(Line(p1, p2))
            if line.maxz <= z:
                # the line is completely below z
                    Line(get_proj_point(line.p1), get_proj_point(line.p2)))
            elif line.minz >= z:
                    "Unexpected condition 'get_lines_layer': %s / %s / %s / %s",
                    line.p1, line.p2, z, last_z)
    # process all projected lines
    for line in projected_lines:
        points = []
        if step_width is None:
            if isiterable(step_width):
                steps = step_width
                steps = floatrange(0.0, line.len, inc=step_width)
            for step in steps:
                next_point = padd(line.p1, pmul(line.dir, step))
        yield points
Example #4
def intersect_circle_point(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, point):
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect with line gives ccp
    (ccp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, point)
    # check if inside circle
    if ccp and (pnormsq(psub(center, ccp)) < radiussq - epsilon):
        return (ccp, point, -l)
    return (None, None, INFINITE)
Example #5
def intersect_circle_point(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, point):
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect with line gives ccp
    (ccp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, point)
    # check if inside circle
    if ccp and (pnormsq(psub(center, ccp)) < radiussq - epsilon):
        return (ccp, point, -l)
    return (None, None, INFINITE)
Example #6
 def GenerateToolPathLinePush(self, pa, line, z, previous_z,
     if previous_z <= line.minz:
         # the line is completely above the previous level
     elif line.minz < z < line.maxz:
         # Split the line at the point at z level and do the calculation
         # for both point pairs.
         factor = (z - line.p1.z) / (line.p2.z - line.p1.z)
         plane_point = line.p1.add(line.vector.mul(factor))
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(line.p1, plane_point), z,
                 previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback)
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(plane_point, line.p2), z,
                 previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback)
     elif line.minz < previous_z < line.maxz:
         plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, previous_z), Vector(0, 0, 1))
         cp = plane.intersect_point(line.dir, line.p1)[0]
         # we can be sure that there is an intersection
         if line.p1.z > previous_z:
             p1, p2 = cp, line.p2
             p1, p2 = line.p1, cp
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(p1, p2), z, previous_z,
         if line.maxz <= z:
             # the line is completely below z
             p1 = Point(line.p1.x, line.p1.y, z)
             p2 = Point(line.p2.x, line.p2.y, z)
         elif line.minz >= z:
             p1 = line.p1
             p2 = line.p2
             log.warn("Unexpected condition EC_GTPLP: %s / %s / %s / %s" % \
                     (line.p1, line.p2, z, previous_z))
         # no model -> no possible obstacles
         # model is completely below z (e.g. support bridges) -> no obstacles
         relevant_models = [m for m in self.models if m.maxz >= z]
         if not relevant_models:
             points = [p1, p2]
         elif self.physics:
             points = get_free_paths_ode(self.physics, p1, p2)
             points = get_free_paths_triangles(relevant_models, self.cutter,
                     p1, p2)
         if points:
             for point in points:
             if draw_callback:
                 draw_callback(tool_position=points[-1], toolpath=pa.paths)
 def GenerateToolPathLinePush(self, pa, line, z, previous_z,
     if previous_z <= line.minz:
         # the line is completely above the previous level
     elif line.minz < z < line.maxz:
         # Split the line at the point at z level and do the calculation
         # for both point pairs.
         factor = (z - line.p1.z) / (line.p2.z - line.p1.z)
         plane_point = line.p1.add(line.vector.mul(factor))
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(line.p1, plane_point), z,
                 previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback)
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(plane_point, line.p2), z,
                 previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback)
     elif line.minz < previous_z < line.maxz:
         plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, previous_z), Vector(0, 0, 1))
         cp = plane.intersect_point(line.dir, line.p1)[0]
         # we can be sure that there is an intersection
         if line.p1.z > previous_z:
             p1, p2 = cp, line.p2
             p1, p2 = line.p1, cp
         self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(p1, p2), z, previous_z,
         if line.maxz <= z:
             # the line is completely below z
             p1 = Point(line.p1.x, line.p1.y, z)
             p2 = Point(line.p2.x, line.p2.y, z)
         elif line.minz >= z:
             p1 = line.p1
             p2 = line.p2
             log.warn("Unexpected condition EC_GTPLP: %s / %s / %s / %s" % \
                     (line.p1, line.p2, z, previous_z))
         # no model -> no possible obstacles
         # model is completely below z (e.g. support bridges) -> no obstacles
         relevant_models = [m for m in self.models if m.maxz >= z]
         if not relevant_models:
             points = [p1, p2]
         elif self.physics:
             points = get_free_paths_ode(self.physics, p1, p2)
             points = get_free_paths_triangles(relevant_models, self.cutter,
                     p1, p2)
         if points:
             for point in points:
             if draw_callback:
                 draw_callback(tool_position=points[-1], toolpath=pa.paths)
Example #8
 def get_barycenter(self):
     area = self.get_area()
     if not area:
         return None
     # see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2355931/foo/2360507
     # first: calculate cx and y
     cxy, cxz, cyx, cyz, czx, czy = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
     for index in range(len(self._points)):
         p1 = self._points[index]
         p2 = self._points[(index + 1) % len(self._points)]
         cxy += (p1[0] + p2[0]) * (p1[0] * p2[1] - p1[1] * p2[0])
         cxz += (p1[0] + p2[0]) * (p1[0] * p2[2] - p1[2] * p2[0])
         cyx += (p1[1] + p2[1]) * (p1[0] * p2[1] - p1[1] * p2[0])
         cyz += (p1[1] + p2[1]) * (p1[1] * p2[2] - p1[2] * p2[1])
         czx += (p1[2] + p2[2]) * (p1[2] * p2[0] - p1[0] * p2[2])
         czy += (p1[2] + p2[2]) * (p1[1] * p2[2] - p1[2] * p2[1])
     if abs(self.maxz - self.minz) < epsilon:
         return (cxy / (6 * area), cyx / (6 * area), self.minz)
     elif abs(self.maxy - self.miny) < epsilon:
         return (cxz / (6 * area), self.miny, czx / (6 * area))
     elif abs(self.maxx - self.minx) < epsilon:
         return (self.minx, cyz / (6 * area), czy / (6 * area))
         # calculate area of xy projection
         poly_xy = self.get_plane_projection(Plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)))
         poly_xz = self.get_plane_projection(Plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)))
         poly_yz = self.get_plane_projection(Plane((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)))
         if (poly_xy is None) or (poly_xz is None) or (poly_yz is None):
             log.warn("Invalid polygon projection for barycenter: %s",
             return None
         area_xy = poly_xy.get_area()
         area_xz = poly_xz.get_area()
         area_yz = poly_yz.get_area()
         if 0 in (area_xy, area_xz, area_yz):
                 "Failed assumtion: zero-sized projected area - %s / %s / %s",
                 area_xy, area_xz, area_yz)
             return None
         if abs(cxy / area_xy - cxz / area_xz) > epsilon:
             log.info("Failed assumption: barycenter xy/xz - %s / %s",
                      cxy / area_xy, cxz / area_xz)
         if abs(cyx / area_xy - cyz / area_yz) > epsilon:
             log.info("Failed assumption: barycenter yx/yz - %s / %s",
                      cyx / area_xy, cyz / area_yz)
         if abs(czx / area_xz - czy / area_yz) > epsilon:
             log.info("Failed assumption: barycenter zx/zy - %s / %s",
                      czx / area_xz, cyz / area_yz)
         return (cxy / (6 * area_xy), cyx / (6 * area_xy),
                 czx / (6 * area_xz))
Example #9
    def GenerateToolPath(self, callback=None):
        triangles = self.model.triangles()
        equations = {}

        # patching Point
        Point.__hash__ = lambda self: hash(' '.join(
            [str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.z)]))
        Point.__eq__ = lambda self, other : _is_near(self.x, other.x) \
                                        and _is_near(self.y, other.y) \
                                        and _is_near(self.z, other.z)

        #patching Line
        def equation2D(x1, y1, x2, y2):
            if abs(x1 - x2) < epsilon:  # care of floating-point imprecision
                return "x=%s" % x1
                a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
                return "y=%sx+%s" % (a, y2 - a * x2)
        Line.__hash__ = lambda self : hash(' '.join([
                equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y), \
                equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.z, self.p2.x, self.p2.z), \
                equation2D(self.p1.y, self.p1.z, self.p2.y, self.p2.z)]))
        Line.__eq__ = lambda self, other: hash(self) == hash(other)

        for height in self.grid.iterate_on_layers():
            planeInf = Plane(Point(0, 0, height), self.grid.up_vector)
            planeSup = Plane(Point(0, 0, INFINITE), self.grid.up_vector)
            lines = [ligne for triangle in triangles for ligne in \
                self.triangleBetweenTwoPlanes(triangle, planeInf, planeSup)]
            for line in lines:
                if line not in equations:
                    equations[line] = [line]
            to_project = []
            for equation in iter(equations):
                lines = equations[equation]
                uniques = self.mergeRiddanceLines(lines)
            for line in to_project:
                projection = planeInf.get_line_projection(line)
        del self.grid
        return self.pa.paths
Example #10
    def GenerateToolPath(self, callback=None) :
        triangles = self.model.triangles()
        equations = {}

        # patching Point
        Point.__hash__ = lambda self : hash(' '.join(
                                [str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.z)]))
        Point.__eq__ = lambda self, other : _is_near(self.x, other.x) \
                                        and _is_near(self.y, other.y) \
                                        and _is_near(self.z, other.z)

        #patching Line
        def equation2D(x1, y1, x2, y2):
            if abs(x1 - x2) < epsilon : # care of floating-point imprecision
                return "x=%s" % x1
                a = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
                return "y=%sx+%s" % (a, y2-a*x2)
        Line.__hash__ = lambda self : hash(' '.join([
                equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y), \
                equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.z, self.p2.x, self.p2.z), \
                equation2D(self.p1.y, self.p1.z, self.p2.y, self.p2.z)]))
        Line.__eq__ = lambda self, other : hash(self) == hash(other)

        for height in self.grid.iterate_on_layers() :
            planeInf = Plane(Point(0, 0, height), self.grid.up_vector)
            planeSup = Plane(Point(0, 0, INFINITE), self.grid.up_vector)
            lines = [ligne for triangle in triangles for ligne in \
                self.triangleBetweenTwoPlanes(triangle, planeInf, planeSup)]
            for line in lines :
                if line not in equations :
                    equations[line] = [line]
                else :
            to_project = []
            for equation in iter(equations) :
                lines = equations[equation]
                uniques = self.mergeRiddanceLines(lines)
            for line in to_project :
                projection = planeInf.get_line_projection(line)
        del self.grid
        return self.pa.paths
Example #11
def intersect_cylinder_point(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, point):
    # take a plane along direction and axis
    n = pnormalized(pcross(direction, axis))
    # distance of the point to this plane
    d = pdot(n, point) - pdot(n, center)
    if abs(d) > radius - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # ccl is on cylinder
    d2 = sqrt(radiussq-d*d)
    ccl = padd( padd(center, pmul(n, d)), pmul(direction, d2))
    # take plane through ccl and axis
    plane = Plane(ccl, direction)
    # intersect point with plane
    (ccp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, point)
    return (ccp, point, -l)
Example #12
def intersect_cylinder_point(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, point):
    # take a plane along direction and axis
    n = pnormalized(pcross(direction, axis))
    # distance of the point to this plane
    d = pdot(n, point) - pdot(n, center)
    if abs(d) > radius - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # ccl is on cylinder
    d2 = sqrt(radiussq - d * d)
    ccl = padd(padd(center, pmul(n, d)), pmul(direction, d2))
    # take plane through ccl and axis
    plane = Plane(ccl, direction)
    # intersect point with plane
    (ccp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, point)
    return (ccp, point, -l)
Example #13
 def reset_cache(self):
     self.minx = min(self.p1[0], self.p2[0], self.p3[0])
     self.miny = min(self.p1[1], self.p2[1], self.p3[1])
     self.minz = min(self.p1[2], self.p2[2], self.p3[2])
     self.maxx = max(self.p1[0], self.p2[0], self.p3[0])
     self.maxy = max(self.p1[1], self.p2[1], self.p3[1])
     self.maxz = max(self.p1[2], self.p2[2], self.p3[2])
     self.e1 = Line(self.p1, self.p2)
     self.e2 = Line(self.p2, self.p3)
     self.e3 = Line(self.p3, self.p1)
     # calculate normal, if p1-p2-pe are in clockwise order
     if self.normal is None:
         self.normal = pnormalized(
             pcross(psub(self.p3, self.p1), psub(self.p2, self.p1)))
     if not len(self.normal) > 3:
         self.normal = (self.normal[0], self.normal[1], self.normal[2], 'v')
     self.center = pdiv(padd(padd(self.p1, self.p2), self.p3), 3)
     self.plane = Plane(self.center, self.normal)
     # calculate circumcircle (resulting in radius and middle)
     denom = pnorm(pcross(psub(self.p2, self.p1), psub(self.p3, self.p2)))
     self.radius = (pdist(self.p2, self.p1) * pdist(self.p3, self.p2) *
                    pdist(self.p3, self.p1)) / (2 * denom)
     self.radiussq = self.radius**2
     denom2 = 2 * denom * denom
     alpha = pdist_sq(self.p3, self.p2) * pdot(psub(
         self.p1, self.p2), psub(self.p1, self.p3)) / denom2
     beta = pdist_sq(self.p1, self.p3) * pdot(psub(
         self.p2, self.p1), psub(self.p2, self.p3)) / denom2
     gamma = pdist_sq(self.p1, self.p2) * pdot(psub(
         self.p3, self.p1), psub(self.p3, self.p2)) / denom2
     self.middle = (self.p1[0] * alpha + self.p2[0] * beta +
                    self.p3[0] * gamma, self.p1[1] * alpha +
                    self.p2[1] * beta + self.p3[1] * gamma,
                    self.p1[2] * alpha + self.p2[2] * beta +
                    self.p3[2] * gamma)
Example #14
 def _projection(self, widget=None):
     models = self._get_projectable_models()
     if not models:
     progress = self.core.get("progress")
     progress.update(text="Calculating 2D projection")
     progress.set_multiple(len(models), "Model")
     for model_dict in models:
         model = model_dict.model
         for objname, z_level in (
             ("ProjectionModelTop", model.maxz),
             ("ProjectionModelMiddle", (model.minz + model.maxz) / 2.0),
             ("ProjectionModelBottom", model.minz),
             if self.gui.get_object(objname).get_active():
                 plane = Plane((0, 0, z_level), (0, 0, 1, 'v'))
                 self.log.info("Projecting 3D model at level z=%g" %
                 new_model = model.get_waterline_contour(
                     plane, callback=progress.update)
                 if new_model:
                         new_model, name_template="Projected model #%d")
                     self.log.warn("The 2D projection at z=%g is empty. Aborted." % \
Example #15
def get_shifted_waterline(up_vector, waterline, cutter_location):
    # Project the waterline and the cutter location down to the slice plane.
    # This is necessary for calculating the horizontal distance between the
    # cutter and the triangle waterline.
    plane = Plane(cutter_location, up_vector)
    wl_proj = plane.get_line_projection(waterline)
    if wl_proj.len < epsilon:
        return None
    offset = wl_proj.dist_to_point(cutter_location)
    if offset < epsilon:
        return wl_proj
    # shift both ends of the waterline towards the cutter location
    shift = cutter_location.sub(wl_proj.closest_point(cutter_location))
    # increase the shift width slightly to avoid "touch" collisions
    shift = shift.mul(1.0 + epsilon)
    shifted_waterline = Line(wl_proj.p1.add(shift), wl_proj.p2.add(shift))
    return shifted_waterline
Example #16
def get_support_distributed(model,
    if (average_distance == 0) or (length == 0) or (thickness == 0) or (height
                                                                        == 0):
    result = Model()
    if not hasattr(model, "get_polygons"):
        model = model.get_waterline_contour(
            Plane((0, 0, max(model.minz, z_plane)), (0, 0, 1, 'v')))
    if model:
        model = model.get_flat_projection(
            Plane((0, 0, z_plane), (0, 0, 1, 'v')))
    if model and bounds:
        model = model.get_cropped_model_by_bounds(bounds)
    if model:
        polygons = model.get_polygons()
        return None
    # minimum required distance between two bridge start points
    avoid_distance = 1.5 * (abs(length) + thickness)
    if start_at_corners:
        bridge_calculator = _get_corner_bridges
        bridge_calculator = _get_edge_bridges
    for polygon in polygons:
        # no grid for _small_ inner polygons
        # TODO: calculate a reasonable factor (see below)
        if polygon.is_closed and (not polygon.is_outer()) \
                and (abs(polygon.get_area()) < 25000 * thickness ** 2):
        bridges = bridge_calculator(polygon, z_plane, min_bridges_per_polygon,
                                    average_distance, avoid_distance)
        for pos, direction in bridges:
            _add_cuboid_to_model(result, pos, pmul(direction, length), height,
    return result
Example #17
 def __init__(self, plane=None):
     import pycam.Exporters.SVGExporter
     super(ContourModel, self).__init__()
     self.name = "contourmodel%d" % self.id
     if plane is None:
         # the default plane points upwards along the z axis
         plane = Plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 'v'))
     self._plane = plane
     self._line_groups = []
     # there is always just one plane
     self._plane_groups = [self._plane]
     self._export_function = pycam.Exporters.SVGExporter.SVGExporterContourModel
Example #18
 def __init__(self, plane=None):
     super(ContourModel, self).__init__()
     self.name = "contourmodel%d" % self.id
     if plane is None:
         # the default plane points upwards along the z axis
         plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1))
     self._plane = plane
     self._line_groups = []
     # there is always just one plane
     self._plane_groups = [self._plane]
     self._cached_offset_models = {}
     self._export_function = \
Example #19
def intersect_cylinder_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    d = edge.dir
    # take a plane throught the line and along the cylinder axis (1)
    n = pcross(d, axis)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # the contact line between the cylinder and this plane (1)
    # is where the surface normal is perpendicular to the plane
    # so line := ccl + \lambda * axis
    if pdot(n, direction) < 0:
        ccl = psub(center, pmul(n, radius))
        ccl = padd(center, pmul(n, radius))
    # now extrude the contact line along the direction, this is a plane (2)
    n2 = pcross(direction, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    plane1 = Plane(ccl, n2)
    # intersect this plane with the line, this gives us the contact point
    (cp, l) = plane1.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not cp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # now take a plane through the contact line and perpendicular to the
    # direction (3)
    plane2 = Plane(ccl, direction)
    # the intersection of this plane (3) with the line through the contact point
    # gives us the cutter contact point
    (ccp, l) = plane2.intersect_point(direction, cp)
    cp = padd(ccp, pmul(direction, -l))
    return (ccp, cp, -l)
Example #20
 def __init__(self, plane=None):
     if plane is None:
         # the default plane points upwards along the z axis
         plane = Plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 'v'))
     self.plane = plane
     self._points = []
     self.is_closed = False
     self.maxx = None
     self.minx = None
     self.maxy = None
     self.miny = None
     self.maxz = None
     self.minz = None
     self._lines_cache = None
     self._area_cache = None
     self._cached_offset_polygons = {}
Example #21
 def get_cropped_line(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
     if self.is_completely_inside(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
         return self
     elif self.is_completely_outside(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz):
         return None
         # the line needs to be cropped
         # generate the six planes of the cube for possible intersections
         minp = (minx, miny, minz)
         maxp = (maxx, maxy, maxz)
         planes = [
             Plane(minp, (1, 0, 0)),
             Plane(minp, (0, 1, 0)),
             Plane(minp, (0, 0, 1)),
             Plane(maxp, (1, 0, 0)),
             Plane(maxp, (0, 1, 0)),
             Plane(maxp, (0, 0, 1))
         # calculate all intersections
         intersections = [
             plane.intersect_point(self.dir, self.p1) for plane in planes
         # remove all intersections outside the box and outside the line
         valid_intersections = [
             (cp, dist) for cp, dist in intersections
             if cp and (-epsilon <= dist <= self.len + epsilon)
             and cp.is_inside(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz)
         # sort the intersections according to their distance to self.p1
         valid_intersections.sort(key=lambda collision: collision[1])
         # Check if p1 is within the box - otherwise use the closest
         # intersection. The check for "valid_intersections" is necessary
         # to prevent an IndexError due to floating point inaccuracies.
         if self.p1.is_inside(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz) \
                 or not valid_intersections:
             new_p1 = self.p1
             new_p1 = valid_intersections[0][0]
         # Check if p2 is within the box - otherwise use the intersection
         # most distant from p1.
         if self.p2.is_inside(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz,
                              maxz) or not valid_intersections:
             new_p2 = self.p2
             new_p2 = valid_intersections[-1][0]
         if new_p1 == new_p2:
             # no real line
             return None
             return Line(new_p1, new_p2)
Example #22
 def _get_waterlines(self):
     models = [m.model for m in self.models_widget.get_value()]
     polygons = []
     # get all waterlines and polygons
     for model in models:
         if hasattr(model, "get_polygons"):
             for poly in model.get_polygons():
         elif hasattr(model, "get_waterline_contour"):
             z_slice = self.gui.get_object("ToolpathCropZSlice").get_value()
             plane = Plane((0, 0, z_slice))
             for poly in model.get_waterline_contour(plane).get_polygons():
     # add an offset if requested
     margin = self.gui.get_object("ToolpathCropMargin").get_value()
     if margin != 0:
         shifted = []
         for poly in polygons:
         polygons = shifted
     return polygons
Example #23
 def reset_cache(self):
     self.minx = min(self.p1.x, self.p2.x, self.p3.x)
     self.miny = min(self.p1.y, self.p2.y, self.p3.y)
     self.minz = min(self.p1.z, self.p2.z, self.p3.z)
     self.maxx = max(self.p1.x, self.p2.x, self.p3.x)
     self.maxy = max(self.p1.y, self.p2.y, self.p3.y)
     self.maxz = max(self.p1.z, self.p2.z, self.p3.z)
     self.e1 = Line(self.p1, self.p2)
     self.e2 = Line(self.p2, self.p3)
     self.e3 = Line(self.p3, self.p1)
     # calculate normal, if p1-p2-pe are in clockwise order
     if self.normal is None:
         self.normal = self.p3.sub(self.p1).cross(self.p2.sub( \
     if not isinstance(self.normal, Vector):
         self.normal = self.normal.get_vector()
     # make sure that the normal has always a unit length
     self.normal = self.normal.normalized()
     self.center = self.p1.add(self.p2).add(self.p3).div(3)
     self.plane = Plane(self.center, self.normal)
     # calculate circumcircle (resulting in radius and middle)
     denom = self.p2.sub(self.p1).cross(self.p3.sub(self.p2)).norm
     self.radius = (self.p2.sub(self.p1).norm \
             * self.p3.sub(self.p2).norm * self.p3.sub(self.p1).norm) \
             / (2 * denom)
     self.radiussq = self.radius**2
     denom2 = 2 * denom * denom
     alpha = self.p3.sub(self.p2).normsq \
             * self.p1.sub(self.p2).dot(self.p1.sub(self.p3)) / denom2
     beta  = self.p1.sub(self.p3).normsq \
             * self.p2.sub(self.p1).dot(self.p2.sub(self.p3)) / denom2
     gamma = self.p1.sub(self.p2).normsq \
             * self.p3.sub(self.p1).dot(self.p3.sub(self.p2)) / denom2
     self.middle = Point(
         self.p1.x * alpha + self.p2.x * beta + self.p3.x * gamma,
         self.p1.y * alpha + self.p2.y * beta + self.p3.y * gamma,
         self.p1.z * alpha + self.p2.z * beta + self.p3.z * gamma)
Example #24
def intersect_cylinder_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    d = edge.dir
    # take a plane throught the line and along the cylinder axis (1)
    n = pcross(d, axis)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # the contact line between the cylinder and this plane (1)
    # is where the surface normal is perpendicular to the plane
    # so line := ccl + \lambda * axis
    if pdot(n, direction) < 0:
        ccl = psub(center, pmul(n, radius))
        ccl = padd(center, pmul(n, radius))
    # now extrude the contact line along the direction, this is a plane (2)
    n2 = pcross(direction, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if cylinder *always*
        # intersects line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    plane1 = Plane(ccl, n2)
    # intersect this plane with the line, this gives us the contact point
    (cp, l) = plane1.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not cp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # now take a plane through the contact line and perpendicular to the
    # direction (3)
    plane2 = Plane(ccl, direction)
    # the intersection of this plane (3) with the line through the contact point
    # gives us the cutter contact point
    (ccp, l) = plane2.intersect_point(direction, cp)
    cp = padd(ccp, pmul(direction, -l))
    return (ccp, cp, -l)
Example #25
def get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z):
    # TODO: there are problems with "material allowance > 0"
    plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, z), up_vector)
    if triangle.minz >= z:
        # no point of the triangle is below z
        # try all edges
        # Case (4)
        proj_points = []
        for p in triangle.get_points():
            proj_p = plane.get_point_projection(p)
            if not proj_p in proj_points:
        if len(proj_points) == 3:
            edges = []
            for index in range(3):
                edge = Line(proj_points[index - 1], proj_points[index])
                # the edge should be clockwise around the model
                if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                    edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
                edges.append((edge, proj_points[index - 2]))
            outer_edges = []
            for edge, other_point in edges:
                # pick only edges, where the other point is on the right side
                if other_point.sub(edge.p1).cross(edge.dir).dot(up_vector) > 0:
            if len(outer_edges) == 0:
                # the points seem to be an one line
                # pick the longest edge
                long_edge = edges[0][0]
                for edge, other_point in edges[1:]:
                    if edge.len > long_edge.len:
                        long_edge = edge
                outer_edges = [long_edge]
            edge = Line(proj_points[0], proj_points[1])
            if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
            outer_edges = [edge]
        # some parts of the triangle are above and some below the cutter level
        # Cases (2a), (2b), (3a) and (3b)
        points_above = [plane.get_point_projection(p)
                for p in triangle.get_points() if p.z > z]
        waterline = plane.intersect_triangle(triangle)
        if waterline is None:
            if len(points_above) == 0:
                # the highest point of the triangle is at z
                outer_edges = []
                if abs(triangle.minz - z) < epsilon:
                    # This is just an accuracy issue (see the
                    # "triangle.minz >= z" statement above).
                    outer_edges = []
                elif not [p for p in triangle.get_points()
                        if p.z > z + epsilon]:
                    # same as above: fix for inaccurate floating calculations
                    outer_edges = []
                    # this should not happen
                    raise ValueError(("Could not find a waterline, but " \
                            + "there are points above z level (%f): " \
                            + "%s / %s") % (z, triangle, points_above))
            # remove points that are not part of the waterline
            points_above = [p for p in points_above
                    if (p != waterline.p1) and (p != waterline.p2)]
            if len(points_above) == 0:
                # part of case (2a)
                outer_edges = [waterline]
            elif len(points_above) == 1:
                other_point = points_above[0]
                dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(
                if dot > 0:
                    # Case (2b)
                    outer_edges = [waterline]
                elif dot < 0:
                    # Case (3b)
                    edges = []
                    edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
                    edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
                    outer_edges = []
                    for edge in edges:
                        if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                            outer_edges.append(Line(edge.p2, edge.p1))
                    # the three points are on one line
                    # part of case (2a)
                    edges = []
                    edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
                    edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
                    edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
                    edge = edges[-1]
                    if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                        outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
                        outer_edges = [edge]
                # two points above
                other_point = points_above[0]
                dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(
                if dot > 0:
                    # Case (2b)
                    # the other two points are on the right side
                    outer_edges = [waterline]
                elif dot < 0:
                    # Case (3a)
                    edge = Line(points_above[0], points_above[1])
                    if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                        outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
                        outer_edges = [edge]
                    edges = []
                    # pick the longest combination of two of these points
                    # part of case (2a)
                    # TODO: maybe we should use the waterline instead?
                    # (otherweise the line could be too long and thus
                    # connections to the adjacent waterlines are not discovered?
                    # Test this with an appropriate test model.)
                    points = [waterline.p1, waterline.p2] + points_above
                    for p1 in points:
                        for p2 in points:
                            if not p1 is p2:
                                edges.append(Line(p1, p2))
                    edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
                    edge = edges[-1]
                    if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
                        outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
                        outer_edges = [edge]
    # calculate the maximum diagonal length within the model
    x_dim = abs(model.maxx - model.minx)
    y_dim = abs(model.maxy - model.miny)
    z_dim = abs(model.maxz - model.minz)
    max_length = sqrt(x_dim ** 2 + y_dim ** 2 + z_dim ** 2)
    result = []
    for edge in outer_edges:
        direction = up_vector.cross(edge.dir).normalized()
        if direction is None:
        direction = direction.mul(max_length)
        edge_dir = edge.p2.sub(edge.p1)
        # TODO: Adapt the number of potential starting positions to the length
        # of the line. Don't use 0.0 and 1.0 - this could result in ambiguous
        # collisions with triangles sharing these vertices.
        for factor in (0.5, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon, 0.25, 0.75):
            start = edge.p1.add(edge_dir.mul(factor))
            # We need to use the triangle collision algorithm here - because we
            # need the point of collision in the triangle.
            collisions = get_free_paths_triangles([model], cutter, start,
                    start.add(direction), return_triangles=True)
            for index, coll in enumerate(collisions):
                if (index % 2 == 0) and (not coll[1] is None) \
                        and (not coll[2] is None) \
                        and (coll[0].sub(start).dot(direction) > 0):
                    cl, hit_t, cp = coll
                log.debug("Failed to detect any collision: " \
                        + "%s / %s -> %s" % (edge, start, direction))
            proj_cp = plane.get_point_projection(cp)
            # e.g. the Spherical Cutter often does not collide exactly above
            # the potential collision line.
            # TODO: maybe an "is cp inside of the triangle" check would be good?
            if (triangle is hit_t) or (edge.is_point_inside(proj_cp)):
                result.append((cl, edge))
                # continue with the next outer_edge
    # Don't check triangles again that are completely above the z level and
    # did not return any collisions.
    if (len(result) == 0) and (triangle.minz > z):
        # None indicates that the triangle needs no further evaluation
        return None
    return result
Example #26
def intersect_circle_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    if d.dot(axis) == 0:
        if direction.dot(axis) == 0:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        plane = Plane(center, axis)
        (p1, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p1)
        (p2, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p2)
        pc = Line(p1, p2).closest_point(center)
        d_sq = pc.sub(center).normsq
        if d_sq >= radiussq:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        a = sqrt(radiussq - d_sq)
        d1 = p1.sub(pc).dot(d)
        d2 = p2.sub(pc).dot(d)
        ccp = None
        cp = None
        if abs(d1) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p1
            cp = p1.sub(direction.mul(l))
        elif abs(d2) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p2
            cp = p2.sub(direction.mul(l))
        elif ((d1 < -a + epsilon) and (d2 > a - epsilon)) \
                or ((d2 < -a + epsilon) and (d1 > a - epsilon)):
            ccp = pc
            cp = pc.sub(direction.mul(l))
        return (ccp, cp, -l)
    n = d.cross(direction)
    if n.norm == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if circle *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = n.normalized()
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect base with line
    (lp, l) = plane.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not lp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # intersection of 2 planes: lp + \lambda v
    v = axis.cross(n)
    if v.norm == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    v = v.normalized()
    # take plane through intersection line and parallel to axis
    n2 = v.cross(axis)
    if n2.norm == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = n2.normalized()
    # distance from center to this plane
    dist = n2.dot(center) - n2.dot(lp)
    distsq = dist * dist
    if distsq > radiussq - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # must be on circle
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - distsq)
    if d.dot(axis) < 0:
        dist2 = -dist2
    ccp = center.sub(n2.mul(dist)).sub(v.mul(dist2))
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, d.cross(direction).cross(d))
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
Example #27
def intersect_circle_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    if pdot(d, axis) == 0:
        if pdot(direction, axis) == 0:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        plane = Plane(center, axis)
        (p1, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p1)
        (p2, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p2)
        pc = Line(p1, p2).closest_point(center)
        d_sq = pnormsq(psub(pc, center))
        if d_sq >= radiussq:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        a = sqrt(radiussq - d_sq)
        d1 = pdot(psub(p1, pc), d)
        d2 = pdot(psub(p2, pc), d)
        ccp = None
        cp = None
        if abs(d1) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p1
            cp = psub(p1, pmul(direction, l))
        elif abs(d2) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p2
            cp = psub(p2, pmul(direction, l))
        elif ((d1 < -a + epsilon) and (d2 > a - epsilon)) \
                or ((d2 < -a + epsilon) and (d1 > a - epsilon)):
            ccp = pc
            cp = psub(pc, pmul(direction, l))
        return (ccp, cp, -l)
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n) == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if circle *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect base with line
    (lp, l) = plane.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not lp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # intersection of 2 planes: lp + \lambda v
    v = pcross(axis, n)
    if pnorm(v) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    v = pnormalized(v)
    # take plane through intersection line and parallel to axis
    n2 = pcross(v, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    # distance from center to this plane
    dist = pdot(n2, center) - pdot(n2, lp)
    distsq = dist * dist
    if distsq > radiussq - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # must be on circle
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - distsq)
    if pdot(d, axis) < 0:
        dist2 = -dist2
    ccp = psub(center, psub(pmul(n2, dist), pmul(v, dist2)))
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, pcross(pcross(d, direction), d))
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
Example #28
def intersect_circle_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    if d.dot(axis) == 0:
        if direction.dot(axis) == 0:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        plane = Plane(center, axis)
        (p1, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p1)
        (p2, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p2)
        pc = Line(p1, p2).closest_point(center)
        d_sq = pc.sub(center).normsq
        if d_sq >= radiussq:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        a = sqrt(radiussq - d_sq)
        d1 = p1.sub(pc).dot(d)
        d2 = p2.sub(pc).dot(d)
        ccp = None
        cp = None
        if abs(d1) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p1
            cp = p1.sub(direction.mul(l))
        elif abs(d2) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p2
            cp = p2.sub(direction.mul(l))
        elif ((d1 < -a + epsilon) and (d2 > a - epsilon)) \
                or ((d2 < -a + epsilon) and (d1 > a - epsilon)):
            ccp = pc
            cp = pc.sub(direction.mul(l))
        return (ccp, cp, -l)
    n = d.cross(direction)
    if n.norm == 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if circle *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = n.normalized()
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect base with line
    (lp, l) = plane.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not lp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # intersection of 2 planes: lp + \lambda v
    v = axis.cross(n)
    if v.norm == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    v = v.normalized()
    # take plane through intersection line and parallel to axis
    n2 = v.cross(axis)
    if n2.norm == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = n2.normalized()
    # distance from center to this plane
    dist = n2.dot(center) - n2.dot(lp)
    distsq = dist * dist
    if distsq > radiussq - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # must be on circle
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - distsq)
    if d.dot(axis) < 0:
        dist2 = -dist2
    ccp = center.sub(n2.mul(dist)).sub(v.mul(dist2))
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, d.cross(direction).cross(d))
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)
Example #29
def intersect_circle_line(center, axis, radius, radiussq, direction, edge):
    # make a plane by sliding the line along the direction (1)
    d = edge.dir
    if pdot(d, axis) == 0:
        if pdot(direction, axis) == 0:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        plane = Plane(center, axis)
        (p1, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p1)
        (p2, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, edge.p2)
        pc = Line(p1, p2).closest_point(center)
        d_sq = pnormsq(psub(pc, center))
        if d_sq >= radiussq:
            return (None, None, INFINITE)
        a = sqrt(radiussq - d_sq)
        d1 = pdot(psub(p1, pc), d)
        d2 = pdot(psub(p2, pc), d)
        ccp = None
        cp = None
        if abs(d1) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p1
            cp = psub(p1, pmul(direction, l))
        elif abs(d2) < a - epsilon:
            ccp = p2
            cp = psub(p2, pmul(direction, l))
        elif ((d1 < -a + epsilon) and (d2 > a - epsilon)) \
                or ((d2 < -a + epsilon) and (d1 > a - epsilon)):
            ccp = pc
            cp = psub(pc, pmul(direction, l))
        return (ccp, cp, -l)
    n = pcross(d, direction)
    if pnorm(n)== 0:
        # no contact point, but should check here if circle *always* intersects
        # line...
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n = pnormalized(n)
    # take a plane through the base
    plane = Plane(center, axis)
    # intersect base with line
    (lp, l) = plane.intersect_point(d, edge.p1)
    if not lp:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # intersection of 2 planes: lp + \lambda v
    v = pcross(axis, n)
    if pnorm(v) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    v = pnormalized(v)
    # take plane through intersection line and parallel to axis
    n2 = pcross(v, axis)
    if pnorm(n2) == 0:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    n2 = pnormalized(n2)
    # distance from center to this plane
    dist = pdot(n2, center) - pdot(n2, lp)
    distsq = dist * dist
    if distsq > radiussq - epsilon:
        return (None, None, INFINITE)
    # must be on circle
    dist2 = sqrt(radiussq - distsq)
    if pdot(d, axis) < 0:
        dist2 = -dist2
    ccp = psub(center, psub(pmul(n2, dist), pmul(v, dist2)))
    plane = Plane(edge.p1, pcross(pcross(d, direction), d))
    (cp, l) = plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp)
    return (ccp, cp, l)