Example #1
    def _preprocess_token(t) -> Token:
        # Examples from the CHILDES LeeWongLeung corpus, child mhz
        # e.g., mor is suk1&DIM=uncle, word is 叔叔
        # e.g., mor is ngo5-PL=I, word i 我

            jyutping_mor, _, eng = t.mor.partition("=")
        except AttributeError:
            return Token(t.word, t.pos, None, t.mor, t.gra)

        if "-" in jyutping_mor:
            jyutping, _, mor = jyutping_mor.partition("-")
        elif "&" in jyutping_mor:
            jyutping, _, mor = jyutping_mor.partition("&")
            jyutping = jyutping_mor
            mor = ""

        mor = f"{mor}={eng}" if eng else mor

        except ValueError:
            jyutping = None

        return Token(t.word, t.pos, jyutping or None, mor or None, t.gra)
Example #2
def _get_words_characters_to_jyutping():
    corpus = hkcancor()
    words_to_jyutping_counters = defaultdict(Counter)
    characters_to_jyutping_counters = defaultdict(Counter)

    for word, _, jyutping, _ in corpus.tagged_words():
        if not jyutping or not word:
            parsed_jp = parse_jyutping(jyutping)
        except ValueError:
        if len(word) != len(parsed_jp):
        words_to_jyutping_counters[word][jyutping] += 1
        for char, jp in zip(word, parsed_jp):
            characters_to_jyutping_counters[char]["".join(jp)] += 1

    words_to_jyutping = {}
    for word, jyutping_counter in words_to_jyutping_counters.items():
        jp = jyutping_counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
        words_to_jyutping[word] = jp
    characters_to_jyutping = {}
    for character, jyutping_counter in characters_to_jyutping_counters.items():
        jp = jyutping_counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
        characters_to_jyutping[character] = jp

    words_to_jyutping = {
        # The ordering of the following dicts matters. The rime-cantonese
        # data may contain what's been re-segmented by this repo, and may
        # contain jyutping pronunciations for particular characters that
        # are only used in those contexts. The data from HKCanCor should comes
        # last to act as the default to override such cases.
            k: v
            for k, v in LETTERED.items() if len(
                split_characters_with_alphanum(k)) > 1
        **{k: v
           for k, v in CHARS_TO_JYUTPING.items() if len(k) > 1},

    # TODO: Extract characters from CHARS_TO_JYUTPING and LETTERED
    #    and add them to characters_to_jyutping
    characters_to_jyutping = {
        # The ordering of the following dicts matters. The rime-cantonese
        # data may contain what's been re-segmented by this repo, and may
        # contain jyutping pronunciations for particular characters that
        # are only used in those contexts. The data from HKCanCor should comes
        # last to act as the default to override such cases.
        **{k: v
           for k, v in LETTERED.items() if len(k) == 1},
        **{k: v
           for k, v in CHARS_TO_JYUTPING.items() if len(k) == 1},

    return words_to_jyutping, characters_to_jyutping
Example #3
def _resegment_chars_jyutping_data(json_filename):
    json_path = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, json_filename)

    with open(json_path, encoding="utf8") as f:
        chars_to_jyutping = json.load(f)

    with open(os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, _RESEGMENTED_FILENAME),
              encoding="utf8") as f:
        resegmented = {}
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line or line.startswith("# ") or " " not in line:
            resegmented[line.replace(" ", "")] = line

    new_chars_to_jyutping = {}

    for chars, jp in chars_to_jyutping.items():
        if chars in resegmented:
            chars_split = split_characters_with_alphanum(chars)
            jp_split = parse_jyutping(jp)

            # Don't bother if we can't match each jyutping syllable
            # with each Cantonese character.
            if len(chars_split) != len(jp_split):
                new_chars_to_jyutping[chars] = jp

                new_words = resegmented[chars].split()
                i = 0
                for new_word in new_words:

                    # If this new word already exists in the original
                    # mapping, don't re-add it to the new map, or else
                    # we risk altering this word's jyutping representation
                    # (some Cantonese words/characters have multiple
                    # pronunciations, and we've already chosen the more
                    # frequent one according to the rime-cantonese source).
                    if new_word in chars_to_jyutping:
                        i += len(split_characters_with_alphanum(new_word))

                    new_jp_for_word = ""
                    for _ in range(
                        new_jp_for_word += "".join(jp_split[i])
                        i += 1
                    new_chars_to_jyutping[new_word] = new_jp_for_word
            new_chars_to_jyutping[chars] = jp

    with open(json_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
        json.dump(new_chars_to_jyutping, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
Example #4
def jyutping_to_tipa(jp_str):
    """Convert Jyutping romanization into LaTeX TIPA.

    .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
        This function replaces the deprecated equivalent ``jyutping2tipa``.

    jp_str : str
        Jyutping romanization for one or multiple characters


        If the Jyutping romanization is illegal (e.g., with unrecognized

    >>> jyutping_to_tipa("gwong2dung1waa2")  # 廣東話, Cantonese  # doctest: +SKIP
    ['k\\super w ON25', 'tUN55', 'wa25']
    """  # noqa: E501
    jp_parsed_list = parse_jyutping(jp_str)
    tipa_list = []

    for jp_parsed in jp_parsed_list:
        onset = jp_parsed[0]
        # TODO: Separate "final" as "nucleus" and "coda" instead?
        final = jp_parsed[1] + jp_parsed[2]
        tone = jp_parsed[3]
        tipa = ONSETS_TIPA[onset] + FINALS_TIPA[final]
        tipa = tipa.strip() + TONES_TIPA[tone]

    return tipa_list
Example #5
def jyutping_to_yale(jp_str, as_list=True):
    """Convert Jyutping romanization into Yale romanization.

    .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
        This function replaces the deprecated equivalent ``jyutping2yale``.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0
        ``as_list`` has its default value switched from ``False`` to ``True``,
        so that by default the function returns a list, which is in line with
        the other "jyutping_to_X" functions.

    jp_str : str
        Jyutping romanization for one or multiple characters
    as_list : bool, optional
        If False (default is True), the output is a string with a single quote
        ``'`` to disambiguate unclear syllable boundaries (e.g., a consonant
        or the low-tone marker "h" being ambiguous as an onset or as
        part of the previous syllable).

    list[str], or str if as_list is False

        If the Jyutping romanization is illegal (e.g., with unrecognized

    >>> jyutping_to_yale("gwong2dung1waa2")  # 廣東話, Cantonese
    ['gwóng', 'dūng', 'wá']
    >>> jyutping_to_yale("gwong2dung1waa2", as_list=False)
    >>> # 'heihauh' would be ambiguous between hei3hau6 and hei6au6.
    >>> jyutping_to_yale("hei3hau6", as_list=False)  # 氣候, climate
    jp_parsed_list = parse_jyutping(jp_str)
    yale_list = []

    for jp_parsed in jp_parsed_list:
        onset = ONSETS_YALE[jp_parsed.onset]
        nucleus = NUCLEI_YALE[jp_parsed.nucleus]
        coda = CODAS_YALE[jp_parsed.coda]
        tone = jp_parsed.tone  # still in parse_jyutping

        # jyutping2yale system uses "h" to mark the three low tones
        if tone in {"4", "5", "6"}:
            low_tone_h = "h"
            low_tone_h = ""

        # in jyutping2yale, long "aa" vowel with no coda is denoted by "a"
        if nucleus == "aa" and coda == "":
            nucleus = "a"

        # when nucleus is "yu"...
        # 1. disallow "yyu" (when onset is "y")
        # 2. change nucleus "yu" into "u" -- this is a hack for adding tone
        #       diacritic, since we don't want "y" to bear the diacritic
        if nucleus == "yu":
            if onset == "y":
                onset = ""
            nucleus = "u"

        # when nucleus is "ng"
        # the tone diacritic has to be on "g" but not "n"
        # now we pretend that the nucleus is "g", and will prepend the "n" back
        # at the end
        if nucleus == "ng":
            nucleus = "g"

        # add the jyutping2yale tone diacritic to the first nucleus letter
        # parse_jyutping tone 1      --> add macron
        # parse_jyutping tone 2 or 5 --> add acute
        # parse_jyutping tone 4      --> add grave
        # parse_jyutping tone 3 or 6 --> (no diacritic)
        # If the accented letter doesn't exist in unicode, use the combining
        # accent instead.

        letter = nucleus[0]  # nucleus 1st letter
        unicode_letter_name = unicodedata.name(letter)
        if tone == "1":
                letter_with_diacritic = unicodedata.lookup(
                    unicode_letter_name + " WITH MACRON")
            except KeyError:
                letter_with_diacritic = letter + "\u0304"
        elif tone in {"2", "5"}:
                letter_with_diacritic = unicodedata.lookup(
                    unicode_letter_name + " WITH ACUTE")
            except KeyError:
                letter_with_diacritic = letter + "\u0301"
        elif tone == "4":
                letter_with_diacritic = unicodedata.lookup(
                    unicode_letter_name + " WITH GRAVE")
            except KeyError:
                letter_with_diacritic = letter + "\u0300"
            # either tone 3 or tone 6
            letter_with_diacritic = letter
        nucleus = letter_with_diacritic + nucleus[1:]

        # add back "y" if the nucleus is "yu"
        # ("y" was taken away for convenience in adding tone diacritic)
        if jp_parsed.nucleus == "yu":
            nucleus = "y" + nucleus

        # add back "n" if the nucleus is "ng"
        # ('n' was taken away so that tone diacritic is on "g" but not "n")
        if jp_parsed.nucleus == "ng":
            nucleus = "n" + nucleus

        # parse_jyutping final "eu" should be jyutping2yale "ew" (not "eu")
        if coda == "u" and nucleus == "e":
            coda = "w"

        # save the resultant jyutping2yale
        if coda in {"i", "u", "w"} and tone in {"4", "5", "6"}:
            yale = onset + nucleus + coda + low_tone_h
            yale = onset + nucleus + low_tone_h + coda

    if as_list:
        return yale_list

    # Output yale_list as a string
    # Check if there's potential ambiguity when Yale strings are concatenated

    # Ambiguity case 1:
    #   1st syllable coda is one of the "ambiguous_consonants"
    #   and 2nd syllable starts with a vowel *letter*

    # Ambiguity case 2:
    #   1st syllable has no coda and 2nd syllable starts with one of the
    #   "ambiguous_consonants"
    #   e.g., hei3hau6 'climate' --> heihauh
    #   (middle "h" for tone in 1st syllable or being onset of 2nd syllable?)

    if len(yale_list) == 0:
        return ""
    elif len(yale_list) == 1:
        return yale_list[0]

    ambiguous_consonants = {"h", "p", "t", "k", "m", "n", "ng"}
    vowel_letters = {

    output_str = ""

    for i in range(len(yale_list) - 1):
        yale1 = yale_list[i]
        yale2 = yale_list[i + 1]

        ambiguous = False

        # test case 1:
        if _endswithoneof(yale1, ambiguous_consonants) and _startswithoneof(
                yale2, vowel_letters):
            ambiguous = True

        # test case 2:
        if (not ambiguous and not _endswithoneof(yale1, ambiguous_consonants)
                and _startswithoneof(yale2, ambiguous_consonants)):
            ambiguous = True

        output_str += yale1

        if ambiguous:
            output_str += "'"

    output_str += yale_list[-1]

    return output_str
Example #6
def perform_search(
    word_range=(0, 0),
    sent_range=(0, 0),
    overall strategy: deal with jp (and all jp-related elements) first, and
                      then the character

    1. jp

    hierarchy of jp and associated search elements:
                 /     |    \
      onset/initial  final  tone
                     /   \
                nucleus  coda

    lower search elements cannot be used together with dominating higher
    # ensure tuple type: word_range and sent_range
    if not (type(word_range) == type(sent_range) == tuple):
        raise ValueError("word_range and sent_range must be tuples")

    words_left, words_right = word_range
    sents_left, sents_right = sent_range

    # ensure int type: words_left, words_right, sents_left, sents_right
    if not (
        == type(words_right)
        == type(sents_left)
        == type(sents_right)
        == int
        raise ValueError("int required for {words, sents}_{left, right}")

    if sents_left > 0 or sents_right > 0:
        sents = True

    # determine what kinds of search we are doing
    character_search = False
    jp_search = False
    pos_search = False

    if character:
        character_search = True
    if onset or nucleus or coda or tone or final or jyutping:
        jp_search = True
    if pos:
        pos_search = True
    if not (character_search or jp_search or pos_search):
        raise ValueError("no search elements")

    # check if jyutping search is valid
    jp_search_tuple = (None, None, None, None)

    if jp_search:

        # ensure compatible jyutping search elements
        if final and (nucleus or coda):
            raise ValueError(
                "final cannot be used together with " "either nucleus or coda (or both)"
        if jyutping and (onset or final or nucleus or coda or tone):
            raise ValueError(
                "jyutping cannot be used together with other " "Jyutping elements"
        if (onset != initial) and onset and initial:
            raise ValueError("onset conflicts with initial")

        # onset/initial
        if initial:
            onset = initial

        # determine jp_search_tuple
        if jyutping:
                jp_search_list = parse_jyutping(jyutping)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("invalid jyutping -- %s" % (repr(jyutping)))
            if len(jp_search_list) > 1:
                raise ValueError("only jyutping for one character is allowed")
                jp_search_tuple = jp_search_list[0]
            if final:
                nucleus, coda = parse_final(final)
            jp_search_tuple = (onset, nucleus, coda, tone)

    fn_to_results = {}

    for fn, tagged_sents in fn_to_tagged_sents.items():
        sent_word_index_pairs = []

        for i_sent, tagged_sent in enumerate(tagged_sents):

            for i_word, tagged_word in enumerate(tagged_sent):
                c_characters, c_pos, c_mor, _ = tagged_word  # c = current
                c_jyutping = get_jyutping_from_mor(c_mor)

                # determine character_search and pos_search
                if character_search:
                    character_match = character in c_characters
                    character_match = True

                # if 'V' in c_pos.upper():
                #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                if pos_search:
                    pos_match = bool(re.search(pos, c_pos))
                    pos_match = True

                if not (character_match and pos_match):

                # determine if jyutping matches c_jyutping
                jyutping_match = False

                if not jp_search:
                    jyutping_match = True
                elif not c_jyutping:
                        c_parsed_jyutpings = parse_jyutping(c_jyutping)
                    except ValueError:

                    for c_parsed_jyutping in c_parsed_jyutpings:

                        booleans = [
                            _jp_element_match(search_, current_)
                            for search_, current_ in zip(
                                jp_search_tuple, c_parsed_jyutping

                        if all(booleans):
                            jyutping_match = True

                if jyutping_match:
                    sent_word_index_pairs.append((i_sent, i_word))

        results_list = []

        for i_sent, i_word in sent_word_index_pairs:
            if not sents:
                tagged_sent = tagged_sents[i_sent]
                i_word_start = i_word - words_left
                i_word_end = i_word + words_right + 1

                if i_word_start < 0:
                    i_word_start = 0
                if i_word_end > len(tagged_sent):
                    i_word_end = len(tagged_sent)

                words_wanted = tagged_sent[i_word_start:i_word_end]

                if not tagged:
                    words_wanted = [x[0] for x in words_wanted]

                if len(words_wanted) == 1:
                    words_wanted = words_wanted[0]

                i_sent_start = i_sent - sents_left
                i_sent_end = i_sent + sents_right + 1

                if i_sent_start < 0:
                    i_sent_start = 0
                if i_sent_end > len(tagged_sents):
                    i_sent_end = len(tagged_sents)

                sents_wanted = tagged_sents[i_sent_start:i_sent_end]

                if not tagged:
                    for i, sent in enumerate(sents_wanted[:]):
                        sents_wanted[i] = [x[0] for x in sent]

                if len(sents_wanted) == 1:
                    sents_wanted = sents_wanted[0]


        fn_to_results[fn] = results_list

    return fn_to_results