Example #1
def get_nrsur_modes(**params):
    """Generates NRSurrogate waveform mode-by-mode.

    All waveform parameters should be provided as keyword arguments.
    Recognized parameters are listed below. Unrecognized arguments are ignored.

    template: object
        An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute
        for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table.
    approximant : str
        The approximant to generate. Must be one of the ``NRSur*`` models.

    dict :
        Dictionary of ``(l, m)`` -> ``(h_+, -h_x)`` ``TimeSeries``.
    laldict = _check_lal_pars(params)
    ret = lalsimulation.SimInspiralPrecessingNRSurModes(
        params['spin1x'], params['spin1y'], params['spin1z'],
        params['spin2x'], params['spin2y'], params['spin2z'],
        params['f_lower'], params['f_ref'],
        params['distance']*1e6*lal.PC_SI, laldict,
        getattr(lalsimulation, params['approximant'])
    hlms = {}
    while ret:
        hlm = TimeSeries(ret.mode.data.data, delta_t=ret.mode.deltaT,
        hlms[ret.l, ret.m] = (hlm.real(), hlm.imag())
        ret = ret.next
    return hlms
Example #2
def test_waveform(**args):
    flow = args['f_lower']  # Required parameter
    dt = args['delta_t']  # Required parameter
    fpeak = args['fpeak']  # A new parameter for my model

    t = numpy.arange(0, 10, dt)
    f = t / t.max() * (fpeak - flow) + flow
    a = t

    wf = numpy.exp(2.0j * numpy.pi * f * t) * a

    # Return product should be a pycbc time series in this case for
    # each GW polarization
    # Note that by convention, the time at 0 is a fiducial reference.
    # For CBC waveforms, this would be set to where the merger occurs
    offset = -len(t) * dt
    wf = TimeSeries(wf, delta_t=dt, epoch=offset)
    return wf.real(), wf.imag()